*necosyntax.txt*	Syntax source for neocomplete/deoplete/ncm.

Version: 0.1
Author: Shougo <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com>
License: MIT license

CONTENTS					*necosyntax-contents*

Introduction		|necosyntax-introduction|
Install			|necosyntax-install|
Interface		|necosyntax-interface|
  Commands		  |necosyntax-commands|
  Variables		  |necosyntax-variables|
FAQ			|necosyntax-faq|

INTRODUCTION					*necosyntax-introduction*

*neco-syntax* is the syntax source for neocomplete/deoplete/ncm.

This source analyzes a syntax file like autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim offered by
default, and to add to candidate completion.  The plugin can recognize
candidates a lot more than autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim.

Note: neco-syntax does not support Vim syntax.  Because, neco-vim is better.


INSTALL						*necosyntax-install*

INTERFACE					*necosyntax-interface*

COMMANDS 					*necosyntax-commands*

VARIABLES 					*necosyntax-variables*

		In syntax files, this variable controls length of keyword
		becoming the object of the completion at the minimum.

		Default value is 4.

		Disable neco-syntax if |:syn-list| lines are than it.

		Default value is 300.

FAQ						*necosyntax-faq*
