local core = require('cmp.core') local source = require('cmp.source') local config = require('cmp.config') local feedkeys = require('cmp.utils.feedkeys') local autocmd = require('cmp.utils.autocmd') local keymap = require('cmp.utils.keymap') local misc = require('cmp.utils.misc') local async = require('cmp.utils.async') local cmp = {} cmp.core = core.new() ---Expose types for k, v in pairs(require('cmp.types.cmp')) do cmp[k] = v end cmp.lsp = require('cmp.types.lsp') cmp.vim = require('cmp.types.vim') ---Expose event cmp.event = cmp.core.event ---Export mapping for special case cmp.mapping = require('cmp.config.mapping') ---Export default config presets cmp.config = {} cmp.config.disable = misc.none cmp.config.compare = require('cmp.config.compare') cmp.config.sources = require('cmp.config.sources') cmp.config.mapping = require('cmp.config.mapping') cmp.config.window = require('cmp.config.window') ---Sync asynchronous process. cmp.sync = function(callback) return function(...) cmp.core.filter:sync(1000) if callback then return callback(...) end end end ---Suspend completion. cmp.suspend = function() return cmp.core:suspend() end ---Register completion sources ---@param name string ---@param s cmp.Source ---@return integer cmp.register_source = function(name, s) local src = source.new(name, s) cmp.core:register_source(src) return src.id end ---Unregister completion source ---@param id integer cmp.unregister_source = function(id) cmp.core:unregister_source(id) end ---Get current configuration. ---@return cmp.ConfigSchema cmp.get_config = function() return require('cmp.config').get() end ---Invoke completion manually ---@param option cmp.CompleteParams cmp.complete = cmp.sync(function(option) option = option or {} config.set_onetime(option.config) cmp.core:complete(cmp.core:get_context({ reason = option.reason or cmp.ContextReason.Manual })) return true end) ---Complete common string in current entries. cmp.complete_common_string = cmp.sync(function() return cmp.core:complete_common_string() end) ---Return view is visible or not. cmp.visible = cmp.sync(function() return cmp.core.view:visible() or vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 end) ---Get current selected entry or nil cmp.get_selected_entry = cmp.sync(function() return cmp.core.view:get_selected_entry() end) ---Get current active entry or nil cmp.get_active_entry = cmp.sync(function() return cmp.core.view:get_active_entry() end) ---Get current all entries cmp.get_entries = cmp.sync(function() return cmp.core.view:get_entries() end) ---Close current completion cmp.close = cmp.sync(function() if cmp.core.view:visible() then local release = cmp.core:suspend() cmp.core.view:close() vim.schedule(release) return true else return false end end) ---Abort current completion cmp.abort = cmp.sync(function() if cmp.core.view:visible() then local release = cmp.core:suspend() cmp.core.view:abort() vim.schedule(release) return true else return false end end) ---Select next item if possible cmp.select_next_item = cmp.sync(function(option) option = option or {} option.behavior = option.behavior or cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert option.count = option.count or 1 if cmp.core.view:visible() then local release = cmp.core:suspend() cmp.core.view:select_next_item(option) vim.schedule(release) return true elseif vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then if option.behavior == cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert then feedkeys.call(keymap.t(string.rep('<C-n>', option.count)), 'in') else feedkeys.call(keymap.t(string.rep('<Down>', option.count)), 'in') end return true end return false end) ---Select prev item if possible cmp.select_prev_item = cmp.sync(function(option) option = option or {} option.behavior = option.behavior or cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert option.count = option.count or 1 if cmp.core.view:visible() then local release = cmp.core:suspend() cmp.core.view:select_prev_item(option) vim.schedule(release) return true elseif vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then if option.behavior == cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert then feedkeys.call(keymap.t(string.rep('<C-p>', option.count)), 'in') else feedkeys.call(keymap.t(string.rep('<Up>', option.count)), 'in') end return true end return false end) ---Scrolling documentation window if possible cmp.scroll_docs = cmp.sync(function(delta) if cmp.core.view.docs_view:visible() then cmp.core.view:scroll_docs(delta) return true else return false end end) ---Confirm completion cmp.confirm = cmp.sync(function(option, callback) option = option or {} option.select = option.select or false option.behavior = option.behavior or cmp.get_config().confirmation.default_behavior or cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Insert callback = callback or function() end if cmp.core.view:visible() then local e = cmp.core.view:get_selected_entry() if not e and option.select then e = cmp.core.view:get_first_entry() end if e then cmp.core:confirm(e, { behavior = option.behavior, }, function() callback() cmp.core:complete(cmp.core:get_context({ reason = cmp.ContextReason.TriggerOnly })) end) return true end elseif vim.fn.pumvisible() == 1 then local index = vim.fn.complete_info({ 'selected' }).selected if index == -1 and option.select then index = 0 end if index ~= -1 then vim.api.nvim_select_popupmenu_item(index, true, true, {}) return true end end return false end) ---Show status cmp.status = function() local kinds = {} kinds.available = {} kinds.unavailable = {} kinds.installed = {} kinds.invalid = {} local names = {} for _, s in pairs(cmp.core.sources) do names[s.name] = true if config.get_source_config(s.name) then if s:is_available() then table.insert(kinds.available, s:get_debug_name()) else table.insert(kinds.unavailable, s:get_debug_name()) end else table.insert(kinds.installed, s:get_debug_name()) end end for _, s in ipairs(config.get().sources) do if not names[s.name] then table.insert(kinds.invalid, s.name) end end if #kinds.available > 0 then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '\n', 'Normal' } }, false, {}) vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '# ready source names\n', 'Special' } }, false, {}) for _, name in ipairs(kinds.available) do vim.api.nvim_echo({ { ('- %s\n'):format(name), 'Normal' } }, false, {}) end end if #kinds.unavailable > 0 then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '\n', 'Normal' } }, false, {}) vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '# unavailable source names\n', 'Comment' } }, false, {}) for _, name in ipairs(kinds.unavailable) do vim.api.nvim_echo({ { ('- %s\n'):format(name), 'Normal' } }, false, {}) end end if #kinds.installed > 0 then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '\n', 'Normal' } }, false, {}) vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '# unused source names\n', 'WarningMsg' } }, false, {}) for _, name in ipairs(kinds.installed) do vim.api.nvim_echo({ { ('- %s\n'):format(name), 'Normal' } }, false, {}) end end if #kinds.invalid > 0 then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '\n', 'Normal' } }, false, {}) vim.api.nvim_echo({ { '# unknown source names\n', 'ErrorMsg' } }, false, {}) for _, name in ipairs(kinds.invalid) do vim.api.nvim_echo({ { ('- %s\n'):format(name), 'Normal' } }, false, {}) end end end ---@type cmp.Setup cmp.setup = setmetatable({ global = function(c) config.set_global(c) end, filetype = function(filetype, c) config.set_filetype(c, filetype) end, buffer = function(c) config.set_buffer(c, vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()) end, cmdline = function(type, c) config.set_cmdline(c, type) end, }, { __call = function(self, c) self.global(c) end, }) -- In InsertEnter autocmd, vim will detects mode=normal unexpectedly. local on_insert_enter = function() if config.enabled() then cmp.config.compare.scopes:update() cmp.config.compare.locality:update() cmp.core:prepare() cmp.core:on_change('InsertEnter') end end autocmd.subscribe({ 'CmdlineEnter' }, async.debounce_next_tick(on_insert_enter)) autocmd.subscribe({ 'InsertEnter' }, async.debounce_next_tick_by_keymap(on_insert_enter)) -- async.throttle is needed for performance. The mapping `:<C-u>...<CR>` will fire `CmdlineChanged` for each character. local on_text_changed = function() if config.enabled() then cmp.core:on_change('TextChanged') end end autocmd.subscribe({ 'TextChangedI', 'TextChangedP' }, on_text_changed) autocmd.subscribe('CmdlineChanged', async.debounce_next_tick(on_text_changed)) autocmd.subscribe('CursorMovedI', function() if config.enabled() then cmp.core:on_moved() else cmp.core:reset() cmp.core.view:close() end end) -- If make this asynchronous, the completion menu will not close when the command output is displayed. autocmd.subscribe({ 'InsertLeave', 'CmdlineLeave' }, function() cmp.core:reset() cmp.core.view:close() end) cmp.event:on('complete_done', function(evt) if evt.entry then cmp.config.compare.recently_used:add_entry(evt.entry) end cmp.config.compare.scopes:update() cmp.config.compare.locality:update() end) cmp.event:on('confirm_done', function(evt) if evt.entry then cmp.config.compare.recently_used:add_entry(evt.entry) end end) return cmp