import pathlib import pytest from python_imports import ( Error, ImportedName, Line, joined_lines, parse_line, parse_python_imports_cfg, strip_comments, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("line, expected", [ ('import a', [ImportedName('', 'a', 'a')]), ('import a, b', [ImportedName('', 'a', 'a'), ImportedName('', 'b', 'b')]), ('import a as c, b', [ ImportedName('', 'a', 'c'), ImportedName('', 'b', 'b') ]), ('from m import a', [ImportedName('m', 'a', 'a')]), ('from pkg.mod import a, b as c', [ ImportedName('pkg.mod', 'a', 'a'), ImportedName('pkg.mod', 'b', 'c'), ]), ('from pkg.mod import (a, b as c, )', [ ImportedName('pkg.mod', 'a', 'a'), ImportedName('pkg.mod', 'b', 'c'), ]), ]) def test_parse_line(line, expected): result = list(parse_line(line)) assert result == expected def test_parse_syntax_error(): line = Line('import not right').with_location('<stdin>', 1) with pytest.raises(Error): parse_line(line) def test_strip_comments(): lines = [ '# comment\n', ' \n' 'import a\n', ' import b \n', 'import c # \n', '\n', ] expected = [ 'import a', 'import b', 'import c', ] result = list(strip_comments(lines)) assert result == expected def test_joined_lines(): lines = [Line(s).with_location('<stdin>', n) for n, s in enumerate([ 'import a', 'from a import (b,', 'c,', ')', 'import b', 'from c import (', ], 1)] expected = [ 'import a', 'from a import (b, c, )', 'import b', 'from c import (', ] result = list(joined_lines(lines)) assert result == expected def test_parse_python_imports_cfg(vim, capsys): example_config = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[1] / 'python-imports.cfg' parse_python_imports_cfg(example_config, verbose=True) assert capsys.readouterr().out == "" assert capsys.readouterr().err == "" assert ( "let g:pythonImports['partial'] = 'functools'" in vim.executed_commands ) def test_parse_python_imports_cfg_very_verbose(vim, capsys): example_config = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[1] / 'python-imports.cfg' parse_python_imports_cfg(example_config, verbose=2) assert ('partial from functools' in capsys.readouterr().out) assert capsys.readouterr().err == "" def test_parse_python_imports_cfg_error_handling(tmp_path, capsys): example_config = tmp_path / 'python-imports.cfg' example_config.write_text('improt a\n') parse_python_imports_cfg(example_config, verbose=True) errors = capsys.readouterr().out.replace( str(example_config), 'python-imports.cfg') assert errors == ( "Failed to load python-imports.cfg: could not parse line 1: improt a\n" )