*cmp-dictionary.txt*		 Dictionary completion source for nvim-cmp

Contents					*cmp-dictionary-contents*

Introduction					|cmp-dictionary-introduction|
Commands					|cmp-dictionary-commands|
Setting						|cmp-dictionary-setting|
Option						|cmp-dictionary-option|
Find dictionaries				|cmp-dictionary-find-dictionaries|
Create dictionaries				|cmp-dictionary-create-dictionaries|
Lazy loading					|cmp-dictionary-lazy-loading|

Introduction					*cmp-dictionary-introduction*

cmp-dictionary ~

A dictionary completion source for nvim-cmp.

This plugins refers to the value of |'dictionary'| to load dictionaries and
provide words in them as a completion candidates to nvim-cmp. The
|'dictionary'| has global and buffer local values, but this plugin uses both.
It is recommended to register basic dictionaries that you always want to use
globally, and do dictionaries that are only used in special cases locally.
See also |cmp-dictionary-switcher|.

- neovim >= 0.7
- nvim-cmp
  - https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp
- plenary.nvim (only document feature)
  - https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim

Commands					*cmp-dictionary-commands*

:CmpDictionaryUpdate ~
	In lua, `require("cmp_dictionary").update()`

	Updates the dictionary. It is basically not necessary for the user to
	use it directly, as it is executed automatically by hooking into the
	updating of the |'dictionary'|.

Setting							*cmp-dictionary-setting*

Example setting.
If you use the default settings, this plugin will work without calling setup.

	  -- other settings
	  sources = {
	  -- other sources
	      name = "dictionary",
	      keyword_length = 2,
	  -- Default settings
	  exact = 2,
	  first_case_insensitive = false,
	  document = false,
	  document_command = "wn %s -over",
	  async = false, 
	  sqlite = false,
	  max_items = 1000,
	  capacity = 5,
	  debug = false,

Option							*cmp-dictionary-option*

iskeyword ~

	This plugin looks at |iskeyword| in vim. If you use a dictionary that
	contains special characters, please configure it appropriately. For
	example, if you want to complete the word `\word`, you would need to
	add `set iskeyword+=\` to your configuration file.

exact ~
	integer (default: 2)

	It decides how many characters at the beginning are used as the exact
	match. If -1, only candidates with an exact prefix match will be
	Candidate refinement by this source is only prefix match using this
	value (Fuzzy matching is left to the nvim-cmp body).

first_case_insensitive ~
	boolean (default: false)

	If true, it will ignore the case of the first character. For example,
	if you have "Example" and "excuse" in your dictionary, typing "Ex"
	will bring up "Example" and "Excuse" as candidates, while typing "ex"
	will bring up "example" and "excuse".

document ~
	boolean (default: false)

	plenary.nvim (https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim) is required.
	If true, activate document using external command. See

document_command ~
	string or list-like table (default: 'wn %s -over')

	This command is used above document feature. The '%s' will contain the
	candidate word. The default `wn` command is wordnet.

	If a string, the arguments are recognized by separating it with a
	space character. If you don’t want that, use a table.

	If a table, the first element is the command and the second and
	subsequent are the arguments. For example, the default setting would
	be '{"wn", "%s", "-over"}'.

sqlite ~
	boolean (default: false)

	If true, use sqlite3 database to manage items. Basically, false is
	faster. If you have a huge dictionary and it takes a long time to
	initialize, you may want to try it. You will need the following.

	- kkharji/sqlite.lua (https://github.com/kkharji/sqlite.lua)
	- sqlite (https://sqlite.org/index.html)

	The database path is `stdpath('data') . '/cmp-dictionary.sqlite3'`

max_items ~
	integer (default: -1)

	This is the maximum number of candidates that this source will return
	to the nvim-cmp body. -1 means no limit. Using a very large dictionary
	and returning tens of thousands of candidates, completion becomes very
	laggy. This is an option to avoid that.
	If you experience lag, setting this option and `exact` appropriately
	may help.

capacity ~
	integer (default: 5)

	Determines the maximum number of dictionaries to be cached. This will
	prevent duplicate reads when you switch dictionaries with the settings
	described above.

debug ~
	boolean (default: false)

	If true, debug messages are output.

Utilities					*cmp-dictionary-utilities*

switcher({opts}) ~
	{opts}: table<string, table<string, string>>
	Automatically set locally a option |'dictionary'|, and loads
	- The `filetype` of {opts} has keys are compared to |'filetype'|.
	- The `filepath` of {opts} has keys of Lua patterns, which are
	  compared to `expand("%:p")`.
	- The `spelllang` of {opts} has keys are compared to |'spelllang'|.

	Usage example:
	local dict = require("cmp_dictionary")
	  filetype = {
	    lua = "/path/to/lua.dict",
	    javascript = { "/path/to/js.dict", "/path/to/js2.dict" },
	  filepath = {
	    [".*xmake.lua"] = { "/path/to/xmake.dict", "/path/to/lua.dict" },
	    ["%.tmux.*%.conf"] = { "/path/to/js.dict", "/path/to/js2.dict" },
	  spelllang = {
	    en = "/path/to/english.dict",

Find dictionaries			*cmp-dictionary-find-dictionaries*

You can download dic from aspell.net or installing by package manager, xbps
extract to

	$ ls /usr/share/dict/
	american-english	british-english	words

After installing aspell and dictionary you want, run following command to get
dic for this plugin (plain text).

	aspell -d <lang> dump master | aspell -l <lang> expand > my.dict

Create dictionaries			*cmp-dictionary-create-dictionaries*

The dictionary is recognized as a list delimited by '%s'. '%s' is a space,
','',', or '. For example, if you use the following file as a dictionary, the
source to be added is'{"hello", "world", "!"}’.

	world !

Lazy loading					*cmp-dictionary-lazy-loading*

By default, reading dictionaries are fired by `BufEnter`. So if this plugin
loading is set to `InsertEnter` or something, the dictionary will not load and
no candidates will appear. The workaround is to fire this update yourself when
the plugin is loaded (after setup).

For example, if you use packer.nvim, you can use

	  event = "InsertEnter",
	  -- other setting
	  after = "nvim-cmp",
	  config = function()
	    require("cmp_dictionary").update() -- THIS
	    -- OR
	    -- vim.cmd("CmpDictionaryUpdate")
