if exists('g:bm_has_any') || !has('signs') || &cp finish endif scriptencoding utf-8 let g:bm_has_any = 0 let g:bm_sign_index = 9500 let g:bm_current_file = '' " Configuration {{{ function! s:set(var, default) if !exists(a:var) if type(a:default) execute 'let' a:var '=' string(a:default) else execute 'let' a:var '=' a:default endif endif endfunction call s:set('g:bookmark_highlight_lines', 0 ) call s:set('g:bookmark_sign', '⚑') call s:set('g:bookmark_annotation_sign', '☰') call s:set('g:bookmark_show_warning', 1 ) call s:set('g:bookmark_show_toggle_warning', 1 ) call s:set('g:bookmark_save_per_working_dir', 0 ) call s:set('g:bookmark_auto_save', 1 ) call s:set('g:bookmark_manage_per_buffer', 0 ) call s:set('g:bookmark_auto_save_file', $HOME .'/.vim-bookmarks') call s:set('g:bookmark_auto_close', 0 ) call s:set('g:bookmark_center', 0 ) call s:set('g:bookmark_location_list', 0 ) call s:set('g:bookmark_disable_ctrlp', 0 ) function! s:init(file) if g:bookmark_auto_save ==# 1 || g:bookmark_manage_per_buffer ==# 1 augroup bm_vim_enter autocmd! autocmd BufEnter * call s:set_up_auto_save(expand('<afile>:p')) augroup END endif if a:file !=# '' call s:set_up_auto_save(a:file) elseif g:bookmark_manage_per_buffer ==# 0 && g:bookmark_save_per_working_dir ==# 0 call BookmarkLoad(s:bookmark_save_file(''), 1, 1) endif endfunction " }}} " Commands {{{ function! BookmarkToggle() call s:refresh_line_numbers() let file = expand("%:p") if file ==# "" return endif let current_line = line('.') if bm#has_bookmark_at_line(file, current_line) if g:bookmark_show_toggle_warning ==# 1 && bm#is_bookmark_has_annotation_by_line(file, current_line) let delete = confirm("Delete Annotated bookmarks?", "&Yes\n&No", 2) if (delete !=# 1) echo "Ignore!" return endif endif call s:bookmark_remove(file, current_line) echo "Bookmark removed" else call s:bookmark_add(file, current_line) echo "Bookmark added" endif endfunction command! ToggleBookmark call CallDeprecatedCommand('BookmarkToggle', []) command! BookmarkToggle call BookmarkToggle() function! BookmarkAnnotate(...) call s:refresh_line_numbers() let file = expand("%:p") if file ==# "" return endif let current_line = line('.') let has_bm = bm#has_bookmark_at_line(file, current_line) let bm = has_bm ? bm#get_bookmark_by_line(file, current_line) : 0 let old_annotation = has_bm ? bm['annotation'] : "" let new_annotation = a:0 ># 0 ? a:1 : "" " Get annotation from user input if not passed in if new_annotation ==# "" let input_msg = old_annotation !=# "" ? "Edit" : "Enter" let new_annotation = input(input_msg ." annotation: ", old_annotation) execute ":redraw!" endif " Nothing changed, bail out if new_annotation ==# "" && old_annotation ==# new_annotation return " Update annotation elseif has_bm call bm#update_annotation(file, bm['sign_idx'], new_annotation) let result_msg = (new_annotation ==# "") \ ? "removed" \ : old_annotation !=# "" \ ? "updated: ". new_annotation \ : "added: ". new_annotation call bm_sign#update_at(file, bm['sign_idx'], bm['line_nr'], bm['annotation'] !=# "") echo "Annotation ". result_msg " Create bookmark with annotation elseif new_annotation !=# "" call s:bookmark_add(file, current_line, new_annotation) echo "Bookmark added with annotation: ". new_annotation endif endfunction command! -nargs=* Annotate call CallDeprecatedCommand('BookmarkAnnotate', [<q-args>, 0]) command! -nargs=* BookmarkAnnotate call BookmarkAnnotate(<q-args>, 0) function! BookmarkClear() call s:refresh_line_numbers() let file = expand("%:p") let lines = bm#all_lines(file) for line_nr in lines call s:bookmark_remove(file, line_nr) endfor echo "Bookmarks removed" endfunction command! ClearBookmarks call CallDeprecatedCommand('BookmarkClear', []) command! BookmarkClear call BookmarkClear() function! BookmarkClearAll(silent) call s:refresh_line_numbers() let files = bm#all_files() let file_count = len(files) let delete = 1 let in_multiple_files = file_count ># 1 let supports_confirm = has("dialog_con") || has("dialog_gui") if (in_multiple_files && g:bookmark_show_warning ==# 1 && supports_confirm && !a:silent) let delete = confirm("Delete ". bm#total_count() ." bookmarks in ". file_count . " buffers?", "&Yes\n&No") endif if (delete ==# 1) call s:remove_all_bookmarks() if (!a:silent) execute ":redraw!" echo "All bookmarks removed" endif endif endfunction command! ClearAllBookmarks call CallDeprecatedCommand('BookmarkClearAll', [0]) command! BookmarkClearAll call BookmarkClearAll(0) function! BookmarkNext() call s:refresh_line_numbers() call s:jump_to_bookmark('next') endfunction command! NextBookmark call CallDeprecatedCommand('BookmarkNext') command! BookmarkNext call BookmarkNext() function! BookmarkPrev() call s:refresh_line_numbers() call s:jump_to_bookmark('prev') endfunction command! PrevBookmark call CallDeprecatedCommand('BookmarkPrev') command! BookmarkPrev call BookmarkPrev() command! CtrlPBookmark call ctrlp#init(ctrlp#bookmarks#id()) function! BookmarkShowAll() if s:is_quickfix_win() q else call s:refresh_line_numbers() if exists(':Unite') exec ":Unite vim_bookmarks" elseif exists(':CtrlP') == 2 && g:bookmark_disable_ctrlp == 0 exec ":CtrlPBookmark" elseif exists(':Leaderf') exe ':Leaderf bookmarks' else let oldformat = &errorformat " backup original format let &errorformat = "%f:%l:%m" " custom format for bookmarks if g:bookmark_location_list lgetexpr bm#location_list() call setloclist(0, [], 'r', {'title': 'Bookmarks'}) belowright lopen else cgetexpr bm#location_list() call setqflist([], 'r', {'title': 'Bookmarks'}) belowright copen endif augroup BM_AutoCloseCommand autocmd! autocmd WinLeave * call s:auto_close() augroup END let &errorformat = oldformat " re-apply original format endif endif endfunction command! ShowAllBookmarks call CallDeprecatedCommand('BookmarkShowAll') command! BookmarkShowAll call BookmarkShowAll() function! BookmarkSave(target_file, silent) call s:refresh_line_numbers() if (bm#total_count() > 0 || (!g:bookmark_save_per_working_dir && !g:bookmark_manage_per_buffer)) let serialized_bookmarks = bm#serialize() call writefile(serialized_bookmarks, a:target_file) if (!a:silent) echo "All bookmarks saved" endif elseif (g:bookmark_save_per_working_dir || g:bookmark_manage_per_buffer) call delete(a:target_file) " remove file, if no bookmarks endif endfunction command! -nargs=1 SaveBookmarks call CallDeprecatedCommand('BookmarkSave', [<f-args>, 0]) command! -nargs=1 BookmarkSave call BookmarkSave(<f-args>, 0) function! BookmarkLoad(target_file, startup, silent) let supports_confirm = has("dialog_con") || has("dialog_gui") let has_bookmarks = bm#total_count() ># 0 let confirmed = 1 if (supports_confirm && has_bookmarks && !a:silent) let confirmed = confirm("Do you want to override your ". bm#total_count() ." bookmarks?", "&Yes\n&No") endif if (confirmed ==# 1) call s:remove_all_bookmarks() try let data = readfile(a:target_file) let new_entries = bm#deserialize(data) if !a:startup for entry in new_entries call bm_sign#add_at(entry['file'], entry['sign_idx'], entry['line_nr'], entry['annotation'] !=# "") endfor if (!a:silent) echo "Bookmarks loaded" endif return 1 endif catch if (!a:startup && !a:silent) echo "Failed to load/parse file" endif return 0 endtry endif endfunction command! -nargs=1 LoadBookmarks call CallDeprecatedCommand('BookmarkLoad', [<f-args>, 0, 0]) command! -nargs=1 BookmarkLoad call BookmarkLoad(<f-args>, 0, 0) function! CallDeprecatedCommand(fun, args) echo "Warning: Deprecated command, please use ':". a:fun ."' instead" let Fn = function(a:fun) return call(Fn, a:args) endfunction function! BookmarkModify(diff) let current_line = line('.') let new_line_nr = current_line + a:diff call BookmarkMoveToLine(new_line_nr) endfunction function! BookmarkMoveToLine(target) call s:refresh_line_numbers() let file = expand("%:p") if file ==# "" return endif let current_line = line('.') if a:target == current_line return endif if bm#has_bookmark_at_line(file, current_line) "ensure we're trying to move to a valid line nr let max_line_nr = line('$') if a:target <= 0 || a:target > max_line_nr echo "Can't move bookmark beyond file bounds" return endif if bm#has_bookmark_at_line(file, a:target) echo "Hit another bookmark" return endif let bookmark = bm#get_bookmark_by_line(file, current_line) call bm_sign#update_at(file, bookmark['sign_idx'], a:target, bookmark['annotation'] !=# "") let bufnr = bufnr(file) let line_content = getbufline(bufnr, a:target) let content = len(line_content) > 0 ? line_content[0] : ' ' call bm#update_bookmark_for_sign(file, bookmark['sign_idx'], a:target, content) call cursor(a:target, 1) normal! ^ else return endif endfunction command! -nargs=? BookmarkMoveUp call s:move_relative(<q-args>, -1) command! -nargs=? BookmarkMoveDown call s:move_relative(<q-args>, 1) command! -nargs=? BookmarkMoveToLine call s:move_absolute(<q-args>) " }}} " Private {{{ " arg is always a string " direction is {-1,1} function! s:move_relative(arg, direction) if !s:has_bookmark_at_cursor() echo 'No bookmark at current line' return endif " '' => direction " '0' => direction " '\d+' => number * direction " 'v:count' => v:count * direction " negative/abc arg naturally rejected if empty(a:arg) let delta = a:direction elseif a:arg =~# '\v^v:count1?$' let delta = eval(a:arg) * a:direction elseif a:arg =~# '\v^\d+$' let delta = str2nr(a:arg) * a:direction else echo 'Invalid line count' return endif let delta = (delta == 0) ? a:direction : delta " at this point we're guaranteed to have integer target != 0 call BookmarkModify(delta) endfunction " arg is always a string function! s:move_absolute(arg) if !s:has_bookmark_at_cursor() echo 'No bookmark at current line' return endif " '' => prompt " 'v:count' == 0 => prompt " 'v:count' => use " '\d+' => use " negative/abc arg naturally rejected if empty(a:arg) let target = 0 elseif a:arg =~# '\v^v:count1?$' let target = eval(a:arg) elseif a:arg =~# '\v^\d+$' let target = str2nr(a:arg) else echo 'Invalid line number' return endif if target == 0 let target = input("Enter target line number: ") " clear the line for subsequent messages echo "\r" " if 'abc<Esc>' or '<empty><Enter>' (indistinguishable), cancel with no error message if empty(target) return endif if target !~# '\v^\d+$' echo "Invalid line number" return endif let target = str2nr(target) endif " at this point we're guaranteed to have integer target > 0 call BookmarkMoveToLine(target) endfunction function! s:has_bookmark_at_cursor() let file = expand("%:p") let current_line = line('.') if file ==# "" return endif return bm#has_bookmark_at_line(file, current_line) endfunction function! s:lazy_init() if g:bm_has_any ==# 0 augroup bm_refresh autocmd! autocmd ColorScheme * call bm_sign#define_highlights() autocmd BufLeave * call s:refresh_line_numbers() augroup END let g:bm_has_any = 1 endif endfunction function! s:refresh_line_numbers() call s:lazy_init() let file = expand("%:p") if file ==# "" || !bm#has_bookmarks_in_file(file) return endif let bufnr = bufnr(file) let sign_line_map = bm_sign#lines_for_signs(file) for sign_idx in keys(sign_line_map) let line_nr = sign_line_map[sign_idx] let line_content = getbufline(bufnr, line_nr) let content = len(line_content) > 0 ? line_content[0] : ' ' call bm#update_bookmark_for_sign(file, sign_idx, line_nr, content) endfor endfunction function! s:bookmark_add(file, line_nr, ...) let annotation = (a:0 ==# 1) ? a:1 : "" let sign_idx = bm_sign#add(a:file, a:line_nr, annotation !=# "") call bm#add_bookmark(a:file, sign_idx, a:line_nr, getline(a:line_nr), annotation) endfunction function! s:bookmark_remove(file, line_nr) let bookmark = bm#get_bookmark_by_line(a:file, a:line_nr) call bm_sign#del(a:file, bookmark['sign_idx']) call bm#del_bookmark_at_line(a:file, a:line_nr) endfunction function! s:jump_to_bookmark(type) let file = expand("%:p") let line_nr = bm#{a:type}(file, line(".")) if line_nr ==# 0 echo "No bookmarks found" else call cursor(line_nr, 1) normal! ^ if g:bookmark_center ==# 1 normal! zz endif let bm = bm#get_bookmark_by_line(file, line_nr) let annotation = bm['annotation'] !=# "" ? " (". bm['annotation'] . ")" : "" execute ":redraw!" echo "Jumped to bookmark". annotation endif endfunction function! s:remove_all_bookmarks() let files = bm#all_files() for file in files let lines = bm#all_lines(file) for line_nr in lines call s:bookmark_remove(file, line_nr) endfor endfor endfunction function! s:startup_load_bookmarks(file) call BookmarkLoad(s:bookmark_save_file(a:file), 1, 1) call s:add_missing_signs(a:file) endfunction function! s:bookmark_save_file(file) " Managing bookmarks per buffer implies saving them to a location based on the " open file (working dir doesn't make much sense unless auto changing the " working directory based on current file location is turned on - but this is " a serious dependency to try and require), so the function used to customize " the bookmarks file location must be based on the current file. " For backwards compatibility reasons, a new function is used. if (g:bookmark_manage_per_buffer ==# 1) return exists("*g:BMBufferFileLocation") ? g:BMBufferFileLocation(a:file) : s:default_file_location() elseif (g:bookmark_save_per_working_dir) return exists("*g:BMWorkDirFileLocation") ? g:BMWorkDirFileLocation() : s:default_file_location() else return g:bookmark_auto_save_file endif endfunction function! s:default_file_location() return getcwd(). '/.vim-bookmarks' endfunction " should only be called from autocmd! function! s:add_missing_signs(file) let bookmarks = values(bm#all_bookmarks_by_line(a:file)) for bookmark in bookmarks call bm_sign#add_at(a:file, bookmark['sign_idx'], bookmark['line_nr'], bookmark['annotation'] !=# "") endfor endfunction function! s:is_quickfix_win() return getbufvar(winbufnr('.'), '&buftype') == 'quickfix' endfunction function! s:auto_close() if s:is_quickfix_win() if (g:bookmark_auto_close) " Setting 'splitbelow' before closing the quickfix window will ensure " that its space is given back to the window above rather than to the " window below. let l:sb = &sb set splitbelow q let &sb = l:sb endif call s:remove_auto_close() endif endfunction function! s:remove_auto_close() augroup BM_AutoCloseCommand autocmd! augroup END endfunction function! s:auto_save() if g:bm_current_file !=# '' call BookmarkSave(s:bookmark_save_file(g:bm_current_file), 1) endif augroup bm_auto_save autocmd! augroup END endfunction function! s:set_up_auto_save(file) if g:bookmark_auto_save ==# 1 || g:bookmark_manage_per_buffer ==# 1 call s:startup_load_bookmarks(a:file) let g:bm_current_file = a:file augroup bm_auto_save autocmd! autocmd BufWinEnter * call s:add_missing_signs(expand('<afile>:p')) autocmd BufLeave,VimLeave,BufReadPre * call s:auto_save() augroup END endif endfunction " }}} " Maps {{{ function! s:register_mapping(command, shortcut, has_count) if a:has_count execute "nnoremap <silent> <Plug>". a:command ." :<C-u>". a:command ." v:count<CR>" else execute "nnoremap <silent> <Plug>". a:command ." :". a:command ."<CR>" endif if !hasmapto("<Plug>". a:command) \ && !get(g:, 'bookmark_no_default_key_mappings', 0) \ && maparg(a:shortcut, 'n') ==# '' execute "nmap ". a:shortcut ." <Plug>". a:command endif endfunction call s:register_mapping('BookmarkShowAll', 'ma', 0) call s:register_mapping('BookmarkToggle', 'mm', 0) call s:register_mapping('BookmarkAnnotate', 'mi', 0) call s:register_mapping('BookmarkNext', 'mn', 0) call s:register_mapping('BookmarkPrev', 'mp', 0) call s:register_mapping('BookmarkClear', 'mc', 0) call s:register_mapping('BookmarkClearAll', 'mx', 0) call s:register_mapping('BookmarkMoveUp', 'mkk', 1) call s:register_mapping('BookmarkMoveDown', 'mjj', 1) call s:register_mapping('BookmarkMoveToLine', 'mg', 1) " }}} " Init {{{ if has('vim_starting') autocmd VimEnter * call s:init(expand('<afile>:p')) else call s:init(expand('%:p')) endif