local cr = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<CR>", true, false, true) local esc = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<Esc>", true, false, true) local get_curpos = function() local curpos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) return { curpos[1], curpos[2] + 1 } end local set_curpos = function(pos) vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { pos[1], pos[2] - 1 }) end local set_lines = function(lines) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, lines) end local check_lines = function(lines) assert.are.same(lines, vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, 0, -1, false)) end describe("configuration", function() before_each(function() local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, true) vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, bufnr) end) it("can define own add mappings", function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ surrounds = { ["1"] = { add = { "1", "1" } }, ["2"] = { add = { "2", { "2" } } }, ["3"] = { add = { { "3" }, "3" } }, ["f"] = { add = { { "int main() {", " " }, { "", "}" } } }, }, }) set_lines({ "hello world", "more text", "another line", "interesting stuff", }) set_curpos({ 1, 1 }) vim.cmd("normal yss1") set_curpos({ 2, 1 }) vim.cmd("normal yss2") set_curpos({ 3, 1 }) vim.cmd("normal yss3") set_curpos({ 4, 1 }) vim.cmd("normal yssf") check_lines({ "1hello world1", "2more text2", "3another line3", "int main() {", " interesting stuff", "}", }) end) it("can define and use multi-byte mappings", function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ surrounds = { -- multi-byte quote ["’"] = { add = { "’", "’" }, delete = "^(’)().-(’)()$", }, }, }) set_lines({ "hey! hello world" }) set_curpos({ 1, 7 }) vim.cmd("normal ysiw’") check_lines({ "hey! ’hello’ world" }) vim.cmd("normal ds’") check_lines({ "hey! hello world" }) end) it("can define and use 'interpreted' multi-byte mappings", function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ surrounds = { -- interpreted multi-byte ["<M-]>"] = { add = { "[[", "]]" }, find = "%[%b[]%]", delete = "^(%[%[)().-(%]%])()$", }, }, }) local meta_close_bracket = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<M-]>", true, false, true) set_lines({ "hey! hello world" }) set_curpos({ 1, 7 }) vim.cmd("normal ysiw" .. meta_close_bracket) check_lines({ "hey! [[hello]] world" }) vim.cmd("normal ds" .. meta_close_bracket) check_lines({ "hey! hello world" }) end) it("default deletes using invalid_key_behavior for an 'interpreted' multi-byte mapping", function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ surrounds = { -- interpreted multi-byte ["<C-q>"] = { add = { "‘", "’" }, find = "‘.-’", }, }, }) local ctrl_q = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<C-q>", true, false, true) set_lines({ "hey! hello world" }) set_curpos({ 1, 7 }) vim.cmd("normal ysiw" .. ctrl_q) check_lines({ "hey! ‘hello’ world" }) vim.cmd("normal ds" .. ctrl_q) check_lines({ "hey! hello world" }) end) it("can disable surrounds", function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ surrounds = { ["("] = false, }, }) set_lines({ "hello world", }) vim.cmd("normal yss(") check_lines({ "(hello world(", }) end) it("can change invalid_key_behavior", function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ surrounds = { invalid_key_behavior = { add = function(char) return { { "begin" .. char }, { char .. "end" } } end, }, }, }) set_lines({ "hello world", }) vim.cmd("normal yss|") check_lines({ "begin|hello world|end", }) end) it("can disable indent_lines", function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ indent_lines = false, }) vim.bo.filetype = "html" set_lines({ "some text" }) vim.cmd("normal ySStdiv" .. cr) check_lines({ "<div>", "some text", "</div>", }) vim.bo.filetype = nil end) it("can disable invalid_key_behavior", function() require("nvim-surround").setup({ surrounds = { invalid_key_behavior = false, }, }) set_lines({ "hello world", }) vim.cmd("normal yssx") check_lines({ "hello world", }) end) it("can disable cursor movement for actions", function() require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup({ move_cursor = false }) set_lines({ [[And jump "forwards" and `backwards` to 'the' "nearest" surround.]], }) set_curpos({ 1, 27 }) vim.cmd("normal dsq") assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 27 }) check_lines({ [[And jump "forwards" and backwards to 'the' "nearest" surround.]], }) vim.cmd("normal ysa'\"") check_lines({ [[And jump "forwards" and backwards to "'the'" "nearest" surround.]], }) vim.cmd("normal dsq") assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 27 }) vim.cmd("normal! ..") assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 27 }) check_lines({ [[And jump forwards and backwards to the "nearest" surround.]], }) vim.cmd("normal csqb") assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 27 }) check_lines({ [[And jump forwards and backwards to the (nearest) surround.]], }) set_curpos({ 1, 5 }) vim.cmd("normal v") set_curpos({ 1, 31 }) vim.cmd('normal S"') assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 31 }) check_lines({ [[And "jump forwards and backwards" to the (nearest) surround.]], }) vim.cmd("normal yss)") assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 31 }) check_lines({ [[(And "jump forwards and backwards" to the (nearest) surround.)]], }) end) it("can move the cursor to the beginning of an action", function() set_lines({ [[And jump "forwards" and `backwards` to 'the' "nearest" surround.]], }) set_curpos({ 1, 27 }) vim.cmd("normal dsq") assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 25 }) check_lines({ [[And jump "forwards" and backwards to 'the' "nearest" surround.]], }) vim.cmd("normal ysa'\"") assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 38 }) check_lines({ [[And jump "forwards" and backwards to "'the'" "nearest" surround.]], }) vim.cmd("normal dsq") assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 38 }) vim.cmd("normal! ..") assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 19 }) check_lines({ [[And jump "forwards and backwards to the nearest" surround.]], }) vim.cmd("normal csqb") assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 10 }) check_lines({ [[And jump (forwards and backwards to the nearest) surround.]], }) set_curpos({ 1, 11 }) vim.cmd("normal v") set_curpos({ 1, 32 }) vim.cmd('normal S"') assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 11 }) check_lines({ [[And jump ("forwards and backwards" to the nearest) surround.]], }) end) it("can partially define surrounds", function() require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup({ surrounds = { ["t"] = { delete = "^()().-()()$", }, }, }) assert.are_not.same(require("nvim-surround.config").get_opts().surrounds.t.add, false) assert.are_not.same(require("nvim-surround.config").get_opts().surrounds.t.find, false) assert.are_not.same(require("nvim-surround.config").get_opts().surrounds.t.change, false) end) it("can disable keymaps", function() require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup({ keymaps = { normal = false, }, }) set_lines({ "Hello, world!" }) vim.cmd("normal ysiwb") check_lines({ "wbHello, world!" }) end) it("can cancel surrounds, without moving the cursor", function() require("nvim-surround").buffer_setup({ move_cursor = false, }) set_lines({ "(some 'text')" }) set_curpos({ 1, 5 }) vim.cmd("normal ysiw" .. esc) vim.cmd("normal ds" .. esc) vim.cmd("normal cs'" .. esc) vim.cmd("normal csb" .. esc) assert.are.same(get_curpos(), { 1, 5 }) check_lines({ "(some 'text')" }) end) end)