"============================================================================= " FILE: parser.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com> " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= " Saving 'cpoptions' {{{ let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " }}} " For vimshell parser. function! vimproc#parser#parse_pipe(statement) abort "{{{ let commands = [] for cmdline in vimproc#parser#split_pipe(a:statement) " Split args. let cmdline = s:parse_cmdline(cmdline) " Parse redirection. if cmdline =~ '[<>]' let [fd, cmdline] = s:parse_redirection(cmdline) else let fd = { 'stdin' : '', 'stdout' : '', 'stderr' : '' } endif for key in ['stdout', 'stderr'] if fd[key] == '' || fd[key] =~ '^>' continue endif if fd[key] ==# '/dev/clip' " Clear. let @+ = '' elseif fd[key] ==# '/dev/quickfix' " Clear quickfix. call setqflist([]) endif endfor call add(commands, { \ 'args' : vimproc#parser#split_args(cmdline), \ 'fd' : fd \}) endfor return commands endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_cmdline(cmdline) abort "{{{ let cmdline = a:cmdline " Expand block. if cmdline =~ '{' let cmdline = s:parse_block(cmdline) endif " Expand tilde. if cmdline =~ '\~' let cmdline = s:parse_tilde(cmdline) endif " Expand filename. if cmdline =~ ' =' let cmdline = s:parse_equal(cmdline) endif " Expand variables. if cmdline =~ '\$' let cmdline = s:parse_variables(cmdline) endif " Expand wildcard. if cmdline =~ '[[*?]\|\\[()|]' let cmdline = s:parse_wildcard(cmdline) endif return s:parse_tilde(cmdline) endfunction"}}} function! vimproc#parser#parse_statements(script) abort "{{{ if type(a:script) == type('') && a:script =~ '^\s*:' return [ { \ 'statement' : a:script, \ 'condition' : 'always', \ 'cwd' : getcwd(), \ } ] endif let script = type(a:script) == type([]) ? \ a:script : split(a:script, '\zs') let max = len(script) let statements = [] let statement = '' let i = 0 while i < max if script[i] == ';' if statement != '' call add(statements, \ { \ 'statement' : statement, \ 'condition' : 'always', \ 'cwd' : getcwd(), \}) endif let statement = '' let i += 1 elseif script[i] == '&' if i+1 < max && script[i+1] == '&' if statement != '' call add(statements, \ { \ 'statement' : statement, \ 'condition' : 'true', \ 'cwd' : getcwd(), \}) endif let statement = '' let i += 2 else let statement .= script[i] let i += 1 endif elseif script[i] == '|' if i+1 < max && script[i+1] == '|' if statement != '' call add(statements, \ { \ 'statement' : statement, \ 'condition' : 'false', \ 'cwd' : getcwd(), \}) endif let statement = '' let i += 2 else let statement .= script[i] let i += 1 endif elseif script[i] == "'" " Single quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_single_quote(script, i) let statement .= string elseif script[i] == '"' " Double quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_double_quote(script, i) let statement .= string elseif script[i] == '`' " Back quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_back_quote(script, i) let statement .= string elseif script[i] == '\' " Escape. let i += 1 if i >= max throw 'Exception: Join to next line (\).' endif let statement .= '\' . script[i] let i += 1 elseif script[i] == '#' && statement == '' " Comment. break else let statement .= script[i] let i += 1 endif endwhile if statement !~ '^\s*$' call add(statements, \ { \ 'statement' : statement, \ 'condition' : 'always', \ 'cwd' : getcwd(), \}) endif return statements endfunction"}}} function! vimproc#parser#split_statements(script) abort "{{{ return map(vimproc#parser#parse_statements(a:script), \ 'v:val.statement') endfunction"}}} function! vimproc#parser#split_args(script) abort "{{{ let script = type(a:script) == type([]) ? \ a:script : split(a:script, '\zs') let max = len(script) let args = [] let arg = '' let i = 0 while i < max if script[i] == "'" " Single quote. let [arg_quote, i] = s:parse_single_quote(script, i) let arg .= arg_quote if arg == '' call add(args, '') endif elseif script[i] == '"' " Double quote. let [arg_quote, i] = s:parse_double_quote(script, i) let arg .= arg_quote if arg == '' call add(args, '') endif elseif script[i] == '`' " Back quote. let head = i > 0 ? script[: i-1] : [] let [arg_quote, i] = s:parse_back_quote(script, i) " Re-parse script. return vimproc#parser#split_args( \ head + split(arg_quote, '\zs') + script[i :]) elseif script[i] == '\' " Escape. let i += 1 if i >= max throw 'Exception: Join to next line (\).' endif let arg .= script[i] let i += 1 elseif script[i] == '#' && arg == '' " Comment. break elseif script[i] != ' ' let arg .= script[i] let i += 1 else " Space. if arg != '' call add(args, arg) endif let arg = '' let i += 1 endif endwhile if arg != '' call add(args, arg) endif return args endfunction"}}} function! vimproc#parser#split_args_through(script) abort "{{{ let script = type(a:script) == type([]) ? \ a:script : split(a:script, '\zs') let max = len(script) let args = [] let arg = '' let i = 0 while i < max if script[i] == "'" " Single quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_single_quote(script, i) let arg .= string if arg == '' call add(args, '') endif elseif script[i] == '"' " Double quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_double_quote(script, i) let arg .= string if arg == '' call add(args, '') endif elseif script[i] == '`' " Back quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_back_quote(script, i) let arg .= string if arg == '' call add(args, '') endif elseif script[i] == '\' " Escape. let i += 1 if i >= max throw 'Exception: Join to next line (\).' endif let arg .= '\'.script[i] let i += 1 elseif script[i] != ' ' let arg .= script[i] let i += 1 else " Space. if arg != '' call add(args, arg) endif let arg = '' let i += 1 endif endwhile if arg != '' call add(args, arg) endif return args endfunction"}}} function! vimproc#parser#split_pipe(script) abort "{{{ let script = type(a:script) == type([]) ? \ a:script : split(a:script, '\zs') let max = len(script) let command = '' let i = 0 let commands = [] while i < max if script[i] == '|' " Pipe. call add(commands, command) " Search next command. let command = '' let i += 1 elseif script[i] == "'" " Single quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_single_quote(script, i) let command .= string elseif script[i] == '"' " Double quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_double_quote(script, i) let command .= string elseif script[i] == '`' " Back quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_back_quote(script, i) let command .= string elseif script[i] == '\' && i + 1 < max " Escape. let command .= '\' . script[i+1] let i += 2 else let command .= script[i] let i += 1 endif endwhile call add(commands, command) return commands endfunction"}}} function! vimproc#parser#split_commands(script) abort "{{{ let script = type(a:script) == type([]) ? \ a:script : split(a:script, '\zs') let max = len(script) let commands = [] let command = '' let i = 0 while i < max if script[i] == '\' " Escape. let command .= script[i] let i += 1 if i >= max throw 'Exception: Join to next line (\).' endif let command .= script[i] let i += 1 elseif script[i] == '|' if command != '' call add(commands, command) endif let command = '' let i += 1 else let command .= script[i] let i += 1 endif endwhile if command != '' call add(commands, command) endif return commands endfunction"}}} function! vimproc#parser#expand_wildcard(wildcard) abort "{{{ " Check wildcard. let i = 0 let max = len(a:wildcard) let script = '' let found = 0 while i < max if a:wildcard[i] == '*' || a:wildcard[i] == '?' || a:wildcard[i] == '[' let found = 1 break else let [script, i] = s:skip_else(script, a:wildcard, i) endif endwhile if !found return [ a:wildcard ] endif let wildcard = a:wildcard " Exclude wildcard. let exclude = matchstr(wildcard, '\\\@<!\~\zs.\+$') let exclude_wilde = [] if exclude != '' " Truncate wildcard. let wildcard = wildcard[: len(wildcard)-len(exclude)-2] let exclude_wilde = vimproc#parser#expand_wildcard(exclude) endif " Modifier. let modifier = matchstr(wildcard, '\\\@<!(\zs.\+\ze)$') if modifier != '' " Truncate wildcard. let wildcard = wildcard[: len(wildcard)-len(modifier)-3] endif " Expand wildcard. let expanded = split(escape(substitute( \ glob(wildcard, 1), '\\', '/', 'g'), ' '), '\n') if empty(expanded) " Use original string. return [ a:wildcard ] else " Check exclude wildcard. let candidates = expanded let expanded = [] for candidate in candidates let found = 0 for ex in exclude_wilde if candidate ==# ex let found = 1 break endif endfor if !found call add(expanded, candidate) endif endfor endif if modifier != '' " Check file modifier. let i = 0 let max = len(modifier) while i < max if modifier[i] ==# '/' " Directory. let expr = 'getftype(v:val) ==# "dir"' elseif modifier[i] ==# '.' " Normal. let expr = 'getftype(v:val) ==# "file"' elseif modifier[i] ==# '@' " Link. let expr = 'getftype(v:val) ==# "link"' elseif modifier[i] ==# '=' " Socket. let expr = 'getftype(v:val) ==# "socket"' elseif modifier[i] ==# 'p' " FIFO Pipe. let expr = 'getftype(v:val) ==# "pipe"' elseif modifier[i] ==# '*' " Executable. let expr = 'getftype(v:val) ==# "pipe"' elseif modifier[i] ==# '%' " Device. if modifier[i :] =~# '^%[bc]' if modifier[i] ==# 'b' " Block device. let expr = 'getftype(v:val) ==# "bdev"' else " Character device. let expr = 'getftype(v:val) ==# "cdev"' endif let i += 1 else let expr = 'getftype(v:val) ==# "bdev" || getftype(v:val) ==# "cdev"' endif else " Unknown. return [] endif call filter(expanded, expr) let i += 1 endwhile endif return filter(expanded, 'v:val != "." && v:val != ".."') endfunction"}}} " Parse helper. function! s:parse_block(script) abort "{{{ let script = '' let i = 0 let max = len(a:script) while i < max if a:script[i] == '{' " Block. let block = matchstr(a:script, '^{\zs.\{-}\ze}', i) let rest = a:script[matchend(a:script, '^{.\{-}}', i) :] if block == '' let [script, i] = s:skip_else(script, a:script, i) continue endif let head = matchstr(a:script[: i-1], '[^[:blank:]]*$') " Truncate script. let script = script[: -len(head)-1] let rest = (rest =~ '^\s\+' ? ' ' : '') . \ join(vimproc#parser#split_args(s:parse_cmdline(rest))) let foot = matchstr(rest, '^\S\+') let rest = rest[len(foot):] if block == '' throw 'Exception: Block is not found.' elseif block =~ '^\d\+\.\.\d\+$' " Range block. let start = matchstr(block, '^\d\+') let end = matchstr(block, '\d\+$') let zero = len(matchstr(block, '^0\+'))+1 let pattern = '%0' . zero . 'd' for b in range(start, end) " Concat. let script .= head . printf(pattern, b) . foot . ' ' endfor else " Normal block. let blocks = (stridx(block, ',') < 0) ? \ split(block, '\zs') : \ split(block, ',', 1) for b in vimproc#util#uniq(blocks) " Concat. let script .= head . escape(b, ' ') . foot . ' ' endfor endif let script .= rest return script else let [script, i] = s:skip_else(script, a:script, i) endif endwhile return script endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_tilde(script) abort "{{{ let script = '' let i = 0 let max = len(a:script) while i < max if a:script[i] == ' ' && a:script[i+1] == '~' " Tilde. " Expand home directory. let script .= ' ' . escape(substitute($HOME, '\\', '/', 'g'), '\ ') let i += 2 elseif i == 0 && a:script[i] == '~' " Tilde. " Expand home directory. let script .= escape(substitute($HOME, '\\', '/', 'g'), '\ ') let i += 1 else let [script, i] = s:skip_else(script, a:script, i) endif endwhile return script endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_equal(script) abort "{{{ let script = '' let i = 0 let max = len(a:script) while i < max if a:script[i] == ' ' && a:script[i+1] == '=' " Expand filename. let prog = matchstr(a:script, '^=\zs[^[:blank:]]*', i+1) if prog == '' let [script, i] = s:skip_else(script, a:script, i) else let filename = vimproc#get_command_name(prog) if filename == '' throw printf('Error: File "%s" is not found.', prog) else let script .= filename endif " Consume `a:script` until an end of `prog`. " e.g. " 'echo =ls hoge' -> 'echo =ls hoge' " ^ ^ let i += strlen(a:script[i] . a:script[i+1] . prog) endif else let [script, i] = s:skip_else(script, a:script, i) endif endwhile return script endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_variables(script) abort "{{{ let script = '' let i = 0 let max = len(a:script) try while i < max if a:script[i] == '$' && a:script[i :] =~ '^$$\?\h' " Eval variables. let variable_name = matchstr(a:script, '^$$\?\zs\h\w*', i) if exists('b:vimshell') " For vimshell. let script_head = a:script[i :] if script_head =~ '^$\l' && \ has_key(b:vimshell.variables, variable_name) let script .= b:vimshell.variables[variable_name] elseif script_head =~ '^\$\$' && \ has_key(b:vimshell.system_variables, variable_name) let script .= b:vimshell.system_variables[variable_name] elseif script_head =~ '^$\h' let script .= vimproc#util#substitute_path_separator( \ eval('$' . variable_name)) endif else let script .= vimproc#util#substitute_path_separator( \ eval(matchstr(a:script, '^$\h\w*', i))) endif let i = matchend(a:script, '^$$\?\h\w*', i) else let [script, i] = s:skip_else(script, a:script, i) endif endwhile catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E15/ " Parse error. return a:script endtry return script endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_wildcard(script) abort "{{{ let script = '' for arg in vimproc#parser#split_args_through(a:script) let script .= join(vimproc#parser#expand_wildcard(arg)) . ' ' endfor return script endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_redirection(script) abort "{{{ let script = '' let fd = { 'stdin' : '', 'stdout' : '', 'stderr' : '' } let i = 0 let max = len(a:script) while i < max if a:script[i] == '<' " Input redirection. let i += 1 let fd.stdin = get(vimproc#parser#split_args( \ matchstr(a:script, '^\s*\S\+', i)), 0, '') let i = matchend(a:script, '^\s*\S\+', i) elseif a:script[i] =~ '^[12]' && a:script[i :] =~ '^[12]>' " Output redirection. let i += 2 if a:script[i-2] == 1 let fd.stdout = get(vimproc#parser#split_args( \ matchstr(a:script, '^\s*\S\+', i)), 0, '') else let fd.stderr = get(vimproc#parser#split_args( \ matchstr(a:script, '^\s*\zs\(\S\+\|&\d\+\)', i)), 0, '') if fd.stderr ==# '&1' " Redirection to stdout. let fd.stderr = '/dev/stdout' endif endif let i = matchend(a:script, '^\s*\zs\(\S\+\|&\d\+\)', i) elseif a:script[i] == '&' && a:script[i :] =~ '^&>' " Output stderr. let i += 2 let fd.stderr = get(vimproc#parser#split_args( \ matchstr(a:script, '^\s*\S\+', i)), 0, '') let i = matchend(a:script, '^\s*\S\+', i) elseif a:script[i] == '>' " Output redirection. if a:script[i :] =~ '^>&' " Output stderr. let i += 2 let fd.stderr = get(vimproc#parser#split_args( \ matchstr(a:script, '^\s*\S\+', i)), 0, '') elseif a:script[i :] =~ '^>>' " Append stdout. let i += 2 let fd.stdout = '>' . get(vimproc#parser#split_args( \ matchstr(a:script, '^\s*\S\+', i)), 0, '') else " Output stdout. let i += 1 let fd.stdout = get(vimproc#parser#split_args( \ matchstr(a:script, '^\s*\S\+', i)), 0, '') endif let i = matchend(a:script, '^\s*\zs\S*', i) else let [script, i] = s:skip_else(script, a:script, i) endif endwhile return [fd, script] endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_single_quote(script, i) abort "{{{ if a:script[a:i] != "'" return ['', a:i] endif let arg = '' let i = a:i + 1 let max = len(a:script) while i < max if a:script[i] == "'" if i+1 < max && a:script[i+1] == "'" " Escape quote. let arg .= "'" let i += 2 else " Quote end. return [arg, i+1] endif else let arg .= a:script[i] let i += 1 endif endwhile throw 'Exception: Quote ('') is not found.' endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_double_quote(script, i) abort "{{{ if a:script[a:i] != '"' return ['', a:i] endif let escape_sequences = { \ 'a' : "\<C-g>", 'b' : "\<BS>", \ 't' : "\<Tab>", 'r' : "\<CR>", \ 'n' : "\<LF>", 'e' : "\<Esc>", \ '\' : '\', '?' : '?', \ '"' : '"', "'" : "'", \ '`' : '`', '$' : '$', \} let arg = '' let i = a:i + 1 let script = type(a:script) == type([]) ? \ a:script : split(a:script, '\zs') let max = len(script) while i < max if script[i] == '"' " Quote end. return [arg, i+1] elseif script[i] == '$' " Eval variables. let var = matchstr(join(script[i :], ''), '^$\h\w*') if var != '' let arg .= s:parse_variables(var) let i += len(var) else let arg .= '$' let i += 1 endif elseif script[i] == '`' " Backquote. let [arg_quote, i] = s:parse_back_quote(script, i) let arg .= arg_quote elseif script[i] == '\' " Escape. let i += 1 if i >= max throw 'Exception: Join to next line (\).' endif if script[i] == 'x' let num = matchstr(join(script[i+1 :], ''), '^\x\+') let arg .= nr2char(str2nr(num, 16)) let i += len(num) elseif has_key(escape_sequences, script[i]) let arg .= escape_sequences[script[i]] else let arg .= '\' . script[i] endif let i += 1 else let arg .= script[i] let i += 1 endif endwhile throw 'Exception: Quote (") is not found.' endfunction"}}} function! s:parse_back_quote(script, i) abort "{{{ if a:script[a:i] != '`' return ['', a:i] endif let arg = '' let max = len(a:script) if a:i + 1 < max && a:script[a:i + 1] == '=' " Vim eval quote. let i = a:i + 2 while i < max if a:script[i] == '\' " Escape. let i += 1 if i >= max throw 'Exception: Join to next line (\).' endif let arg .= '\' . a:script[i] let i += 1 elseif a:script[i] == '`' " Quote end. return [eval(arg), i+1] else let arg .= a:script[i] let i += 1 endif endwhile else " Eval quote. let i = a:i + 1 while i < max if a:script[i] == '`' " Quote end. return [substitute(vimproc#system(arg), '\n$', '', ''), i+1] else let arg .= a:script[i] let i += 1 endif endwhile endif throw 'Exception: Quote (`) is not found.' endfunction"}}} " Skip helper. function! s:skip_single_quote(script, i) abort "{{{ let max = len(a:script) let string = '' let i = a:i " a:script[i] is always "'" when this function is called if i >= max || a:script[i] != '''' throw 'Exception: Quote ('') is not found.' endif let string .= a:script[i] let i += 1 let ss = [] while i < max if a:script[i] == '''' if i+1 < max && a:script[i+1] == '''' " Escape quote. let ss += [a:script[i]] let i += 1 else break endif endif let ss += [a:script[i]] let i += 1 endwhile let string .= join(ss, '') if i < max " must end with "'" if a:script[i] != '''' throw 'Exception: Quote ('') is not found.' endif let string .= a:script[i] let i += 1 endif return [string, i] endfunction"}}} function! s:skip_double_quote(script, i) abort "{{{ let max = len(a:script) let string = '' let i = a:i " a:script[i] is always '"' when this function is called if i >= max || a:script[i] != '"' throw 'Exception: Quote (") is not found.' endif let string .= a:script[i] let i += 1 let ss = [] while i < max if a:script[i] == '\' && i+1 < max " Escape quote. let ss += [a:script[i]] let i += 1 elseif a:script[i] == '"' break endif let ss += [a:script[i]] let i += 1 endwhile let string .= join(ss, '') if i < max " must end with '"' if a:script[i] != '"' throw 'Exception: Quote (") is not found.' endif let string .= a:script[i] let i += 1 endif return [string, i] endfunction"}}} function! s:skip_back_quote(script, i) abort "{{{ let max = len(a:script) let string = '' let i = a:i " a:script[i] is always '`' when this function is called if a:script[i] != '`' throw 'Exception: Quote (`) is not found.' endif let string .= a:script[i] let i += 1 while i < max && a:script[i] != '`' let string .= a:script[i] let i += 1 endwhile if i < max " must end with "`" if a:script[i] != '`' throw 'Exception: Quote (`) is not found.' endif let string .= a:script[i] let i += 1 endif return [string, i] endfunction"}}} function! s:skip_else(args, script, i) abort "{{{ if a:script[a:i] == "'" " Single quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_single_quote(a:script, a:i) let script = a:args . string elseif a:script[a:i] == '"' " Double quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_double_quote(a:script, a:i) let script = a:args . string elseif a:script[a:i] == '`' " Back quote. let [string, i] = s:skip_back_quote(a:script, a:i) let script = a:args . string elseif a:script[a:i] == '\' " Escape. let script = a:args . '\' . a:script[a:i+1] let i = a:i + 2 else let script = a:args . a:script[a:i] let i = a:i + 1 endif return [script, i] endfunction"}}} " Restore 'cpoptions' {{{ let &cpo = s:save_cpo " }}} " vim:foldmethod=marker:fen:sw=2:sts=2