local finders = require('telescope.finders') local previewers = require('telescope.previewers') local pickers = require('telescope.pickers') -- Create a new finder. -- This finder, rather than taking a Lua list, -- generates a shell command that should be run. -- -- Each line of the shell command is converted to an entry, -- and is possible to preview with builtin previews. -- -- In this example, we use ripgrep to search over your entire directory -- live as you type. local live_grepper = finders.new_job(function(prompt) if not prompt or prompt == "" then return nil end return { 'rg', "--vimgrep", prompt} end) -- Create and run the Picker. -- -- NOTE: No sorter is needed to be passed. -- Results will be returned in the order they are received. pickers.new({ prompt = 'Live Grep', finder = live_grepper, previewer = previewers.vimgrep, }):find()