" ___vital___ " NOTE: lines between '" ___vital___' is generated by :Vitalize. " Do not modify the code nor insert new lines before '" ___vital___' function! s:_SID() abort return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze__SID$') endfunction execute join(['function! vital#_openbrowser#Web#URI#import() abort', printf("return map({'decode': '', '_vital_depends': '', 'new_default_pattern_set': '', 'is_uri': '', 'new': '', 'clone_pattern_set': '', 'new_from_uri_like_string': '', 'new_from_seq_string': '', 'like_uri': '', 'encode': '', '_vital_loaded': ''}, \"vital#_openbrowser#function('<SNR>%s_' . v:key)\")", s:_SID()), 'endfunction'], "\n") delfunction s:_SID " ___vital___ let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! s:_vital_loaded(V) abort let s:V = a:V endfunction function! s:_vital_depends() abort return ['Web.URI.HTTP', 'Web.URI.HTTPS'] endfunction " NOTE: See s:DefaultPatternSet about the reason " why s:DefaultPatternSet is not deepcopy()ed here. function! s:new(uri, ...) abort let NothrowValue = get(a:000, 0, s:NONE) let pattern_set = get(a:000, 1, s:DefaultPatternSet) return s:_uri_new_sandbox( \ a:uri, 0, pattern_set, 0, NothrowValue) endfunction " NOTE: See s:DefaultPatternSet about the reason " why s:DefaultPatternSet is not deepcopy()ed here. function! s:new_from_uri_like_string(str, ...) abort let NothrowValue = get(a:000, 0, s:NONE) let pattern_set = get(a:000, 1, s:DefaultPatternSet) " Prepend http if no scheme. if a:str !~# '^' . pattern_set.get('scheme') . '://' let str = 'http://' . a:str else let str = a:str endif return s:_uri_new_sandbox( \ str, 0, pattern_set, 0, NothrowValue) endfunction " NOTE: See s:DefaultPatternSet about the reason " why s:DefaultPatternSet is not deepcopy()ed here. function! s:new_from_seq_string(uri, ...) abort let NothrowValue = get(a:000, 0, s:NONE) let pattern_set = get(a:000, 1, s:DefaultPatternSet) return s:_uri_new_sandbox( \ a:uri, 1, pattern_set, 1, NothrowValue) endfunction function! s:is_uri(str) abort let ERROR = [] return s:new(a:str, ERROR) isnot ERROR endfunction function! s:like_uri(str) abort let ERROR = [] return s:new_from_uri_like_string(a:str, ERROR) isnot ERROR endfunction function! s:encode(str, ...) abort let encoding = a:0 ? a:1 : 'utf-8' if encoding ==# '' let str = a:str else let str = iconv(a:str, &encoding, encoding) endif let result = '' for i in range(len(str)) if str[i] =~# '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.~-]$' let result .= str[i] else let result .= printf('%%%02X', char2nr(str[i])) endif endfor return result endfunction function! s:decode(str, ...) abort let result = substitute(a:str, '%\(\x\x\)', \ '\=printf("%c", str2nr(submatch(1), 16))', 'g') let encoding = a:0 ? a:1 : 'utf-8' if encoding ==# '' return result endif return iconv(result, encoding, &encoding) endfunction let s:NONE = [] function! s:_uri_new_sandbox(uri, ignore_rest, pattern_set, retall, NothrowValue) abort try let results = call('s:_uri_new', [a:uri, a:ignore_rest, a:pattern_set]) return a:retall ? results : results[0] catch if a:NothrowValue isnot s:NONE && s:_is_own_exception(v:exception) return a:NothrowValue else let ex = substitute(v:exception, '^Vim([^()]\+):', '', '') throw 'vital: Web.URI: ' . ex . ' @ ' . v:throwpoint \ . ' (original URI: ' . a:uri . ')' endif endtry endfunction function! s:_is_own_exception(str) abort return a:str =~# '^vital: Web.URI: uri parse error\%(([^)]\+)\)\?:' endfunction " ================ Parsing Functions ================ " @return instance of s:URI . " " TODO: Support punycode " " Quoted the outline of RFC3986 here. " RFC3986: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 " " URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] " authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] function! s:_parse_uri(str, ignore_rest, pattern_set) abort let rest = a:str " Ignore leading/trailing whitespaces. let rest = substitute(rest, '^\s\+', '', '') let rest = substitute(rest, '\s\+$', '', '') " scheme let [scheme, rest] = s:_eat_scheme(rest, a:pattern_set) " hier-part let [hier_part, rest] = s:_eat_hier_part(rest, a:pattern_set) " query if rest[0] ==# '?' let [query, rest] = s:_eat_query(rest[1:], a:pattern_set) else let query = '' endif " fragment if rest[0] ==# '#' let [fragment, rest] = s:_eat_fragment(rest[1:], a:pattern_set) else let fragment = '' endif if !a:ignore_rest && rest !=# '' throw 'vital: Web.URI: uri parse error: unnecessary string at the end.' endif let obj = deepcopy(s:URI) let obj.__scheme = scheme let obj.__userinfo = hier_part.userinfo let obj.__host = hier_part.host let obj.__port = hier_part.port let obj.__path = hier_part.path " NOTE: obj.__query must not have "?" as prefix. let obj.__query = substitute(query, '^?', '', '') " NOTE: obj.__fragment must not have "#" as prefix. let obj.__fragment = substitute(fragment, '^#', '', '') let obj.__pattern_set = a:pattern_set let obj.__handler = s:_get_handler_module(scheme, obj) return [obj, rest] endfunction function! s:_get_handler_module(scheme, uriobj) abort if a:scheme ==# '' return {} endif let name = 'Web.URI.' . toupper(a:scheme) if !s:V.exists(name) return {} endif return s:V.import(name) endfunction function! s:_eat_em(str, pat, ...) abort let pat = a:pat.'\C' let m = matchlist(a:str, pat) if empty(m) let prefix = printf('uri parse error%s: ', (a:0 ? '('.a:1.')' : '')) let msg = printf("can't parse '%s' with '%s'.", a:str, pat) throw 'vital: Web.URI: ' . prefix . msg endif let rest = strpart(a:str, strlen(m[0])) return [m[0], rest] endfunction " hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty " / path-absolute " / path-noscheme " / path-rootless " / path-empty function! s:_eat_hier_part(rest, pattern_set) abort let rest = a:rest if rest =~# '^://' " authority let rest = rest[3:] let [authority, rest] = s:_eat_authority(rest, a:pattern_set) let userinfo = authority.userinfo let host = authority.host let port = authority.port " path let [path, rest] = s:_eat_path_abempty(rest, a:pattern_set) elseif rest =~# '^:' let rest = rest[1:] let userinfo = '' let host = '' let port = '' " path if rest =~# '^/[^/]' " begins with '/' but not '//' let [path, rest] = s:_eat_path_absolute(rest, a:pattern_set) elseif rest =~# '^[^:]' " begins with a non-colon segment let [path, rest] = s:_eat_path_noscheme(rest, a:pattern_set) elseif rest =~# a:pattern_set.segment_nz() " begins with a segment let [path, rest] = s:_eat_path_rootless(rest, a:pattern_set) elseif rest ==# '' || rest =~# '^[?#]' " zero characters let path = '' else throw printf("vital: Web.URI: uri parse error(hier-part): can't parse '%s'.", rest) endif else throw printf("vital: Web.URI: uri parse error(hier-part): can't parse '%s'.", rest) endif return [{ \ 'userinfo': userinfo, \ 'host': host, \ 'port': port, \ 'path': path, \}, rest] endfunction function! s:_eat_authority(str, pattern_set) abort let rest = a:str " authority(userinfo) try let oldrest = rest let [userinfo, rest] = s:_eat_userinfo(rest, a:pattern_set) let rest = s:_eat_em(rest, '^@')[1] catch let rest = oldrest let userinfo = '' endtry " authority(host) let [host, rest] = s:_eat_host(rest, a:pattern_set) " authority(port) if rest[0] ==# ':' let [port, rest] = s:_eat_port(rest[1:], a:pattern_set) else let port = '' endif return [{ \ 'userinfo': userinfo, \ 'host': host, \ 'port': port, \}, rest] endfunction " NOTE: More s:_eat_*() functions are defined by s:_create_eat_functions(). " =============== Parsing Functions =============== " ===================== s:URI ===================== function! s:_uri_new(str, ignore_rest, pattern_set) abort let [obj, rest] = s:_parse_uri(a:str, a:ignore_rest, a:pattern_set) if a:ignore_rest let original_url = a:str[: len(a:str)-len(rest)-1] return [obj, original_url, rest] else return [obj, a:str, ''] endif endfunction function! s:_uri_scheme(...) dict abort if a:0 if self.is_scheme(a:1) let self.__scheme = a:1 return self else throw 'vital: Web.URI: scheme(): ' \ . 'invalid argument (' . string(a:1) . ')' endif endif return self.__scheme endfunction function! s:_uri_userinfo(...) dict abort if a:0 if self.is_userinfo(a:1) let self.__userinfo = a:1 return self else throw 'vital: Web.URI: userinfo(): ' \ . 'invalid argument (' . string(a:1) . ')' endif endif return self.__userinfo endfunction function! s:_uri_host(...) dict abort if a:0 if self.is_host(a:1) let self.__host = a:1 return self else throw 'vital: Web.URI: host(): ' \ . 'invalid argument (' . string(a:1) . ')' endif endif return self.__host endfunction function! s:_uri_port(...) dict abort if a:0 if type(a:1) ==# type(0) let self.__port = '' . a:1 return self elseif type(a:1) ==# type('') && self.is_port(a:1) let self.__port = a:1 return self else throw 'vital: Web.URI: port(): ' \ . 'invalid argument (' . string(a:1) . ')' endif endif return self.__port endfunction function! s:_uri_path(...) dict abort if a:0 if self.is_path(a:1) let self.__path = a:1 return self else throw 'vital: Web.URI: path(): ' \ . 'invalid argument (' . string(a:1) . ')' endif endif return self.__path endfunction function! s:_uri_authority(...) dict abort if a:0 " TODO throw 'vital: Web.URI: uri.authority(value) does not support yet.' endif return \ (self.__userinfo !=# '' ? self.__userinfo . '@' : '') \ . self.__host \ . (self.__port !=# '' ? ':' . self.__port : '') endfunction function! s:_uri_opaque(...) dict abort if a:0 " TODO throw 'vital: Web.URI: uri.opaque(value) does not support yet.' endif return printf('//%s%s', \ self.authority(), \ self.__path) endfunction function! s:_uri_query(...) dict abort if a:0 " NOTE: self.__query must not have "?" as prefix. let query = substitute(a:1, '^?', '', '') if self.is_query(query) let self.__query = query return self else throw 'vital: Web.URI: query(): ' \ . 'invalid argument (' . string(a:1) . ')' endif endif return self.__query endfunction function! s:_uri_fragment(...) dict abort if a:0 " NOTE: self.__fragment must not have "#" as prefix. let fragment = substitute(a:1, '^#', '', '') if self.is_fragment(fragment) let self.__fragment = fragment return self else throw 'vital: Web.URI: fragment(): ' \ . 'invalid argument (' . string(a:1) . ')' endif endif return self.__fragment endfunction function! s:_uri_canonicalize() dict abort call s:_call_handler_method(self, 'canonicalize', []) return self endfunction function! s:_uri_default_port() dict abort return s:_call_handler_method(self, 'default_port', []) endfunction function! s:_call_handler_method(this, name, args) abort if empty(a:this.__handler) throw 'vital: Web.URI: ' . a:name . '(): ' \ . "Handler was not found for scheme '" . a:this.__scheme . "'." endif return call(a:this.__handler[a:name], [a:this] + a:args) endfunction function! s:_uri_clone() dict abort return deepcopy(self) endfunction function! s:_uri_relative(relstr) dict abort call self.canonicalize() let relobj = s:_parse_relative_ref(a:relstr, self.__pattern_set) call s:_resolve_relative(self, relobj) return self endfunction " @seealso s:_parse_uri() " " URI-reference = URI / relative-ref " relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] function! s:_parse_relative_ref(relstr, pattern_set) abort " relative-part let [relpart, rest] = s:_parse_relative_part(a:relstr, a:pattern_set) " query if rest[0] ==# '?' let [query, rest] = s:_eat_query(rest[1:], a:pattern_set) else let query = '' endif " fragment if rest[0] ==# '#' let [fragment, rest] = s:_eat_fragment(rest[1:], a:pattern_set) else let fragment = '' endif " no trailing string allowed. if rest !=# '' throw 'vital: Web.URI: uri parse error(relative-ref): unnecessary string at the end.' endif let obj = deepcopy(s:URI) let obj.__pattern_set = s:clone_pattern_set(a:pattern_set) let obj.__scheme = '' let obj.__userinfo = relpart.userinfo let obj.__host = relpart.host let obj.__port = relpart.port let obj.__path = relpart.path " NOTE: obj.__query must not have "?" as prefix. let obj.__query = substitute(query, '^?', '', '') " NOTE: obj.__fragment must not have "#" as prefix. let obj.__fragment = substitute(fragment, '^#', '', '') return obj endfunction " @seealso s:_eat_hier_part() " " relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty " / path-absolute " / path-noscheme " / path-empty function! s:_parse_relative_part(rel_uri, pattern_set) abort let rest = a:rel_uri if rest =~# '^//' " authority let rest = rest[2:] let [authority, rest] = s:_eat_authority(rest, a:pattern_set) let userinfo = authority.userinfo let host = authority.host let port = authority.port " path let [path, rest] = s:_eat_path_abempty(rest, a:pattern_set) else let userinfo = '' let host = '' let port = '' " path if rest =~# '^/[^/]' " begins with '/' but not '//' let [path, rest] = s:_eat_path_absolute(rest, a:pattern_set) elseif rest =~# '^[^:]' " begins with a non-colon segment let [path, rest] = s:_eat_path_noscheme(rest, a:pattern_set) elseif rest ==# '' || rest =~# '^[?#]' " zero characters let path = '' else throw printf("vital: Web.URI: uri parse error(relative-part): can't parse '%s'.", rest) endif endif return [{ \ 'userinfo': userinfo, \ 'host': host, \ 'port': port, \ 'path': path, \}, rest] endfunction " https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.2 function! s:_resolve_relative(obj, relobj) abort if a:relobj.__scheme !=# '' let a:obj.__scheme = a:relobj.__scheme let a:obj.__userinfo = a:relobj.__userinfo let a:obj.__host = a:relobj.__host let a:obj.__port = a:relobj.__port let a:obj.__path = s:_remove_dot_segments(a:relobj.__path) let a:obj.__query = a:relobj.__query else if a:relobj.authority() !=# '' let a:obj.__userinfo = a:relobj.__userinfo let a:obj.__host = a:relobj.__host let a:obj.__port = a:relobj.__port let a:obj.__path = a:relobj.__path let a:obj.__query = a:relobj.__query else if a:relobj.__path ==# '' if a:relobj.__query !=# '' let a:obj.__query = a:relobj.__query endif else if a:relobj.__path[0] ==# '/' let a:obj.__path = s:_remove_dot_segments(a:relobj.__path) else let a:obj.__path = s:_merge_paths(a:obj, a:relobj) let a:obj.__path = s:_remove_dot_segments(a:obj.__path) endif let a:obj.__query = a:relobj.__query endif endif endif let a:obj.__fragment = a:relobj.__fragment endfunction " Merge base URI and relative URI. " " 5.2.3. Merge Paths " https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.3 function! s:_merge_paths(baseobj, relobj) abort if a:baseobj.authority() !=# '' && a:baseobj.__path ==# '' return a:relobj.__path else return substitute(a:baseobj.__path, '/\zs[^/]\+$', '', '') \ . a:relobj.__path endif endfunction " Remove '.' or '..' in a:path. " Trailing '.' or '..' leaves '/' at the end. " e.g.: " base: http://example.com/a/b/c " rel: d/. " result: http://example.com/a/b/d/ " " 5.2.4. Remove Dot Segments " https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.4 function! s:_remove_dot_segments(path) abort " Get rid of continuous '/'. " May exist empty string because of starting/trailing '/'. let paths = split(a:path, '/\+', 1) let i = 0 while i < len(paths) if paths[i] ==# '.' call remove(paths, i) if i >=# len(paths) call add(paths, '') endif elseif paths[i] ==# '..' call remove(paths, i) " except starting '/..' or '..' if !empty(paths) && i > 0 && paths[i-1] !=# '' call remove(paths, i-1) let i -= 1 endif if i >=# len(paths) call add(paths, '') endif else let i += 1 endif endwhile return join(paths, '/') endfunction function! s:_uri_to_iri(...) dict abort " Same as uri.to_string(), but do unescape for self.__path. return printf( \ '%s://%s%s%s%s', \ self.__scheme, \ self.authority(), \ call('s:decode', [self.__path] + (a:0 ? [a:1] : [])), \ (self.__query !=# '' ? '?' . self.__query : ''), \ (self.__fragment !=# '' ? '#' . self.__fragment : ''), \) endfunction function! s:_uri_to_string() dict abort return printf( \ '%s://%s%s%s%s', \ self.__scheme, \ self.authority(), \ self.__path, \ (self.__query !=# '' ? '?' . self.__query : ''), \ (self.__fragment !=# '' ? '#' . self.__fragment : ''), \) endfunction function! s:_eat_scheme(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('scheme'), 'scheme') endfunction function! s:_eat_userinfo(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('userinfo'), 'userinfo') endfunction function! s:_eat_host(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('host'), 'host') endfunction function! s:_eat_port(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('port'), 'port') endfunction function! s:_eat_path(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('path'), 'path') endfunction function! s:_eat_path_abempty(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('path_abempty'), 'path_abempty') endfunction function! s:_eat_path_absolute(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('path_absolute'), 'path_absolute') endfunction function! s:_eat_path_noscheme(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('path_noscheme'), 'path_noscheme') endfunction function! s:_eat_path_rootless(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('path_rootless'), 'path_rootless') endfunction function! s:_eat_query(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('query'), 'query') endfunction function! s:_eat_fragment(str, pattern_set) abort return s:_eat_em(a:str, '^' . a:pattern_set.get('fragment'), 'fragment') endfunction function! s:_has_error(func, args) abort try call call(a:func, a:args) return 0 catch return 1 endtry endfunction function! s:_uri_is_scheme(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_scheme', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_uri_is_userinfo(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_userinfo', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_uri_is_host(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_host', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_uri_is_port(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_port', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_uri_is_path(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_path', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_uri_is_path_abempty(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_path_abempty', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_uri_is_path_absolute(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_path_absolute', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_uri_is_path_noscheme(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_path_noscheme', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_uri_is_path_rootless(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_path_rootless', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_uri_is_query(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_query', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_uri_is_fragment(str) dict abort return !s:_has_error('s:_eat_fragment', [a:str, self.__pattern_set]) endfunction function! s:_local_func(name) abort let sid = matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze__local_func$') return function('<SNR>' . sid . '_' . a:name) endfunction let s:URI = { \ '__scheme': '', \ '__userinfo': '', \ '__host': '', \ '__port': '', \ '__path': '', \ '__query': '', \ '__fragment': '', \ \ '__pattern_set': {}, \ \ 'scheme': s:_local_func('_uri_scheme'), \ 'userinfo': s:_local_func('_uri_userinfo'), \ 'host': s:_local_func('_uri_host'), \ 'port': s:_local_func('_uri_port'), \ 'path': s:_local_func('_uri_path'), \ 'authority': s:_local_func('_uri_authority'), \ 'opaque': s:_local_func('_uri_opaque'), \ 'query': s:_local_func('_uri_query'), \ 'fragment': s:_local_func('_uri_fragment'), \ \ 'clone': s:_local_func('_uri_clone'), \ 'relative': s:_local_func('_uri_relative'), \ 'canonicalize': s:_local_func('_uri_canonicalize'), \ 'default_port': s:_local_func('_uri_default_port'), \ \ 'to_iri': s:_local_func('_uri_to_iri'), \ 'to_string': s:_local_func('_uri_to_string'), \ \ 'is_scheme': s:_local_func('_uri_is_scheme'), \ 'is_userinfo': s:_local_func('_uri_is_userinfo'), \ 'is_host': s:_local_func('_uri_is_host'), \ 'is_port': s:_local_func('_uri_is_port'), \ 'is_path': s:_local_func('_uri_is_path'), \ 'is_query': s:_local_func('_uri_is_query'), \ 'is_fragment': s:_local_func('_uri_is_fragment'), \} " ===================== s:URI ===================== " ================= s:DefaultPatternSet ================== " s:DefaultPatternSet: Default patterns for URI syntax " " @seealso http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 " s:new*() methods do not create new copy of s:DefaultPatternSet " Thus it shares this instance also cache. " But it is no problem because of the following reasons. " 1. Each component's return value doesn't change " unless it is overridden by a user. but... " 2. s:DefaultPatternSet can't be accessed by a user. let s:DefaultPatternSet = {'_cache': {}} function! s:new_default_pattern_set() abort return s:clone_pattern_set(s:DefaultPatternSet) endfunction function! s:clone_pattern_set(pattern_set) abort let pattern_set = deepcopy(a:pattern_set) let pattern_set._cache = {} return pattern_set endfunction " Memoize function! s:DefaultPatternSet.get(component, ...) abort if has_key(self._cache, a:component) return self._cache[a:component] endif let ret = call(self[a:component], a:000, self) let self._cache[a:component] = ret return ret endfunction " unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "." / "_" / "~" / "-" function! s:DefaultPatternSet.unreserved() abort return '[[:alpha:]0-9._~-]' endfunction " pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG function! s:DefaultPatternSet.pct_encoded() abort return '%\x\x' endfunction " sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")" " / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" function! s:DefaultPatternSet.sub_delims() abort return '[!$&''()*+,;=]' endfunction " dec-octet = DIGIT ; 0-9 " / %x31-39 DIGIT ; 10-99 " / "1" 2DIGIT ; 100-199 " / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT ; 200-249 " / "25" %x30-35 ; 250-255 function! s:DefaultPatternSet.dec_octet() abort return '\%(1[0-9][0-9]\|2[0-4][0-9]\|25[0-5]\|[1-9][0-9]\|[0-9]\)' endfunction " IPv4address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet function! s:DefaultPatternSet.ipv4address() abort return self.dec_octet() . '\.' . self.dec_octet() \ . '\.' . self.dec_octet() . '\.' . self.dec_octet() endfunction " IPv6address = 6( h16 ":" ) ls32 " / "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32 " / [ h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32 " / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32 " / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32 " / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 ":" ls32 " / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" ls32 " / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" h16 " / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" " " NOTE: Using repeat() in some parts because " can't use /\{ at most 10 in whole regexp. " https://github.com/vim/vim/blob/cde885473099296c4837de261833f48b24caf87c/src/regexp.c#L1884 function! s:DefaultPatternSet.ipv6address() abort return '\%(' . join([ \ (repeat('\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)', 6) . self.ls32()), \ ('::' . repeat('\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)', 5) . self.ls32()), \ ('\%(' . self.h16() . '\)\?::' \ . repeat('\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)', 4) . self.ls32()), \ ('\%(\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)\?' . self.h16() . '\)\?::' \ . repeat('\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)', 3) . self.ls32()), \ ('\%(\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)\{,2}' . self.h16() . '\)\?::' \ . repeat('\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)', 2) . self.ls32()), \ ('\%(\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)\{,3}' . self.h16() . '\)\?::' \ . self.h16() . ':' . self.ls32()), \ ('\%(\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)\{,4}' . self.h16() . '\)\?::' . self.ls32()), \ ('\%(\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)\{,5}' . self.h16() . '\)\?::' . self.h16()), \ ('\%(\%(' . self.h16() . ':\)\{,6}' . self.h16() . '\)\?::') \], '\|') . '\)' endfunction " h16 = 1*4HEXDIG " ; 16 bits of address represented in hexadecimal function! s:DefaultPatternSet.h16() abort return '\x\{1,4}' endfunction " ls32 = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address " ; least-significant 32 bits of address function! s:DefaultPatternSet.ls32() abort return '\%(' . self.h16() . ':' . self.h16() \ . '\|' . self.ipv4address() . '\)' endfunction " IPvFuture = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" ) function! s:DefaultPatternSet.ipv_future() abort return 'v\x\+\.' \ . '\%(' . join([self.unreserved(), \ self.sub_delims(), ':'], '\|') . '\)\+' endfunction " IP-Literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture ) "]" function! s:DefaultPatternSet.ip_literal() abort return '\[\%(' . self.ipv6address() . '\|' . self.ipv_future() . '\)\]' endfunction " reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) function! s:DefaultPatternSet.reg_name() abort return '\%(' . join([self.unreserved(), self.pct_encoded(), \ self.sub_delims()], '\|') . '\)*' endfunction " pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" function! s:DefaultPatternSet.pchar() abort return '\%(' . join([self.unreserved(), self.pct_encoded(), \ self.sub_delims(), ':', '@'], '\|') . '\)' endfunction " segment = *pchar function! s:DefaultPatternSet.segment() abort return self.pchar() . '*' endfunction " segment-nz = 1*pchar function! s:DefaultPatternSet.segment_nz() abort return self.pchar() . '\+' endfunction " segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" ) " ; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":" function! s:DefaultPatternSet.segment_nz_nc() abort return '\%(' . join([self.unreserved(), self.pct_encoded(), \ self.sub_delims(), '@'], '\|') . '\)\+' endfunction " path-abempty = *( "/" segment ) function! s:DefaultPatternSet.path_abempty() abort return '\%(/' . self.segment() . '\)*' endfunction " path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ] function! s:DefaultPatternSet.path_absolute() abort return '/\%(' . self.segment_nz() . '\%(/' . self.segment() . '\)*\)\?' endfunction " path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment ) function! s:DefaultPatternSet.path_noscheme() abort return self.segment_nz_nc() . '\%(/' . self.segment() . '\)*' endfunction " path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment ) function! s:DefaultPatternSet.path_rootless() abort return self.segment_nz() . '\%(/' . self.segment() . '\)*' endfunction " scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "." / "-" ) function! s:DefaultPatternSet.scheme() abort return '[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]0-9+.-]*' endfunction " userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" ) function! s:DefaultPatternSet.userinfo() abort return '\%(' . join([self.unreserved(), self.pct_encoded(), \ self.sub_delims(), ':'], '\|') . '\)*' endfunction " host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name function! s:DefaultPatternSet.host() abort return '\%(' . join([self.ip_literal(), self.ipv4address(), \ self.reg_name()], '\|') . '\)' endfunction " port = *DIGIT function! s:DefaultPatternSet.port() abort return '[0-9]*' endfunction " path = path-abempty ; begins with "/" or is empty " / path-absolute ; begins with "/" but not "//" " / path-noscheme ; begins with a non-colon segment " / path-rootless ; begins with a segment " / path-empty ; zero characters function! s:DefaultPatternSet.path() abort return '\%(' . join([self.path_abempty(), self.path_absolute(), \ self.path_noscheme(), self.path_rootless(), \ ''], '\|') . '\)' endfunction " query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) function! s:DefaultPatternSet.query() abort return '\%(' . join([self.pchar(), '/', '?'], '\|') . '\)*' endfunction " fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) function! s:DefaultPatternSet.fragment() abort return '\%(' . join([self.pchar(), '/', '?'], '\|') . '\)*' endfunction " ================= s:DefaultPatternSet ================== " vim:set et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 tw=0:fen: