scriptencoding utf-8 " Enable nocompatible if has('vim_starting') if &compatible set nocompatible endif endif " Fsep && Psep if has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64') let s:Psep = ';' let s:Fsep = '\' else let s:Psep = ':' let s:Fsep = '/' endif "Use English for anything in vim if WINDOWS() silent exec 'lan mes en_US.UTF-8' elseif OSX() silent exec 'language en_US' else let s:uname = system('uname -s') if s:uname ==# "Darwin\n" " in mac-terminal silent exec 'language en_US' else " in linux-terminal silent exec 'language en_US.utf8' endif endif " try to set encoding to utf-8 if WINDOWS() " Be nice and check for multi_byte even if the config requires " multi_byte support most of the time if has('multi_byte') " Windows cmd.exe still uses cp850. If Windows ever moved to " Powershell as the primary terminal, this would be utf-8 set termencoding=cp850 " Let Vim use utf-8 internally, because many scripts require this set encoding=utf-8 setglobal fileencoding=utf-8 " Windows has traditionally used cp1252, so it's probably wise to " fallback into cp1252 instead of eg. iso-8859-15. " Newer Windows files might contain utf-8 or utf-16 LE so we might " want to try them first. set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,utf-16le,cp1252,iso-8859-15 endif else " set default encoding to utf-8 set encoding=utf-8 set termencoding=utf-8 endif " Enable 256 colors if $COLORTERM ==# 'gnome-terminal' set t_Co=256 endif "Vim settings let g:settings = get(g:, 'settings', {}) let g:settings.default_indent = 2 let g:settings.max_column = 120 let g:settings.enable_googlesuggest = 0 let g:settings.auto_download_neobundle = 0 let g:settings.neobundle_installed = 0 let g:settings.dein_installed = 0 let g:settings.vim_plug_installed = 0 let g:settings.plugin_bundle_dir = $HOME. join(['', '.cache', 'vimfiles', ''],s:Fsep) let g:settings.autocomplete_method = '' let g:settings.enable_cursorcolumn = 0 let g:settings.enable_neomake = 1 let g:settings.enable_ycm = 0 let g:settings.enable_neocomplcache = 0 let g:settings.enable_cursorline = 0 let g:settings.error_symbol = '✖' let g:settings.warning_symbol = '⚠' let g:settings.use_colorscheme = 1 let g:settings.vim_help_language = 'en' let g:settings.colorscheme = 'gruvbox' let g:settings.colorscheme_default = 'desert' let g:settings.filemanager = 'vimfiler' let g:settings.plugin_manager = 'dein' " neobundle or dein or vim-plug let g:settings.checkinstall = 0 let g:settings.hiddenfileinfo = 1 let g:settings.plugin_groups_exclude = [] let g:settings.smartcloseignorewin = ['__Tagbar__' , 'vimfiler:default'] let g:settings.smartcloseignoreft = ['help'] let g:settings.altmoveignoreft = ['Tagbar' , 'vimfiler'] let g:settings.enable_javacomplete2_py = 0 let g:settings.src_root = 'E:\sources\' let g:settings.hosts_url = '' let g:settings.wildignore = '*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*.class,tags,*.jpg, \*.ttf,*.TTF,*.png,*/target/*, \.git,.svn,.hg,.DS_Store' "core vimrc let g:settings.plugin_groups = [] call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'web') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'javascript') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'ruby') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'python') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'scala') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'go') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'scm') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'editing') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'indents') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'navigation') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'misc') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'core') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'unite') if has('python3') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'denite') endif call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'ctrlp') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'autocomplete') if ! has('nvim') call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'vim') else call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'nvim') endif if g:settings.vim_help_language ==# 'cn' call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'chinese') endif if g:settings.use_colorscheme==1 call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'colorscheme') endif if OSX() call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'osx') endif if WINDOWS() call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'windows') endif if LINUX() call add(g:settings.plugin_groups, 'linux') endif if has('nvim') let g:settings.autocomplete_method = 'deoplete' elseif has('lua') let g:settings.autocomplete_method = 'neocomplete' else let g:settings.autocomplete_method = 'neocomplcache' endif if g:settings.enable_ycm let g:settings.autocomplete_method = 'ycm' endif if g:settings.enable_neocomplcache let g:settings.autocomplete_method = 'neocomplcache' endif for s:group in g:settings.plugin_groups_exclude let s:i = index(g:settings.plugin_groups, s:group) if s:i != -1 call remove(g:settings.plugin_groups, s:i) endif endfor " python host for neovim let g:python_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python2' let g:python3_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python3' if WINDOWS() let g:python_host_prog = 'D:\Python27\python.exe' let g:python3_host_prog = 'C:\Users\wsdjeg\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\python.exe' endif