title: "SpaceVim lang#c layer"
description: "C/C++/Object-C language support for SpaceVim, including code completion, jump to definition, and quick runner."

# [Available Layers](../../) >> lang#c

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- [Description](#description)
- [Install](#install)
- [Features](#features)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Key bindings](#key-bindings)

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## Description

`lang#c` layer provides c/c++/object-c language support for SpaceVim.

## Install

To use this configuration layer, update the custom configuration file with:

  name = "lang#c"

## Features

- code completion
- syntax checking
- formatting
- syntax highlighting: Objective-C(`.m`), C(`.c`), CPP(`.cpp`)

## Configuration

- `enable_clang_syntax_highlight` (boolean)

Enable/Disable clang based syntax highlighting.

- `clang_executable` (string)

Set the path to the clang executable

- `libclang_path` (string)

The libclang shared object (dynamic library) file path. By default it is empty.

- `clang_std` (dict)

A dict containing the standards you want to use. The default is:

    "c": "c11",
    "cpp": "c++1z",
    "objc": "c11",
    "objcpp": "c++1z",

- `clang_flag` (list)

You should be able to just paste most of your compile flags in there.
You can also use a list ['-Iwhatever', ...] when loading this layer.

Here is an example how to use above options:

  name = "lang#c"
  clang_executable = "/usr/bin/clang"
  clang_flag = ['-I/user/include']
    c = "c11"
    cpp = "c++1z"
    objc = "c11"
    objcpp = "c++1z"

Instead of using `clang_flag` options, You can also create a `.clang` file
in the root directory of your project. SpaceVim will load the options
defined in `.clang` file. For example:


Note: If `.clang` file contains std configuration, it will override
`clang_std` layer option.

`format_on_save`: Enable/disable file formatting when saving current file. By default,
it is disabled, to enable it:
    name = 'lang#c'
    format_on_save = true

## Key bindings

| key bindings | Descriptions                     |
| ------------ | -------------------------------- |
| `SPC l d`    | show documentation               |
| `SPC l e`    | rename symbol                    |
| `SPC l f`    | references                       |
| `SPC l r`    | compile and run the current file |
| `g d`        | defintion preview                |