function! neoformat#Neoformat(bang, user_input, start_line, end_line) abort let search = @/ let view = winsaveview() let original_filetype = &filetype call s:neoformat(a:bang, a:user_input, a:start_line, a:end_line) let @/ = search call winrestview(view) let &filetype = original_filetype endfunction function! s:neoformat(bang, user_input, start_line, end_line) abort if !&modifiable return neoformat#utils#warn('buffer not modifiable') endif let using_visual_selection = a:start_line != 1 || a:end_line != line('$') let inputs = split(a:user_input) if a:bang let &filetype = len(inputs) > 1 ? inputs[0] : a:user_input endif let filetype = s:split_filetypes(&filetype) let using_user_passed_formatter = (!empty(a:user_input) && !a:bang) \ || (len(inputs) > 1 && a:bang) if using_user_passed_formatter let formatters = len(inputs) > 1 ? [inputs[1]] : [a:user_input] else let formatters = s:get_enabled_formatters(filetype) if formatters == [] call neoformat#utils#msg('formatter not defined for ' . filetype . ' filetype') return s:basic_format() endif endif let formatters_failed = [] let formatters_changed = [] for formatter in formatters if &formatprg != '' && split(&formatprg)[0] ==# formatter \ && neoformat#utils#var('neoformat_try_formatprg') call neoformat#utils#log('using formatprg') let fmt_prg_def = split(&formatprg) let definition = { \ 'exe': fmt_prg_def[0], \ 'args': fmt_prg_def[1:], \ 'stdin': 1, \ } elseif exists('b:neoformat_' . filetype . '_' . formatter) let definition = b:neoformat_{filetype}_{formatter} elseif exists('g:neoformat_' . filetype . '_' . formatter) let definition = g:neoformat_{filetype}_{formatter} elseif s:autoload_func_exists('neoformat#formatters#' . filetype . '#' . formatter) let definition = neoformat#formatters#{filetype}#{formatter}() else call neoformat#utils#log('definition not found for formatter: ' . formatter) if using_user_passed_formatter call neoformat#utils#msg('formatter definition for ' . a:user_input . ' not found') return s:basic_format() endif continue endif let cmd = s:generate_cmd(definition, filetype) if cmd == {} if using_user_passed_formatter return neoformat#utils#warn('formatter ' . a:user_input . ' failed') endif continue endif let stdin = getbufline(bufnr('%'), a:start_line, a:end_line) let original_buffer = getbufline(bufnr('%'), 1, '$') call neoformat#utils#log(stdin) call neoformat#utils#log(cmd.exe) if cmd.stdin call neoformat#utils#log('using stdin') let stdin_str = join(stdin, "\n") let stdout = split(system(cmd.exe, stdin_str), '\n') else call neoformat#utils#log('using tmp file') call writefile(stdin, cmd.tmp_file_path) let stdout = split(system(cmd.exe), '\n') endif " read from /tmp file if formatter replaces file on format " make sure cmd.tmp_file_path is readable if (cmd.replace || len(stdout) == 0) && filereadable(cmd.tmp_file_path) let stdout = readfile(cmd.tmp_file_path) endif call neoformat#utils#log(stdout) call neoformat#utils#log(cmd.valid_exit_codes) call neoformat#utils#log(v:shell_error) let process_ran_succesfully = index(cmd.valid_exit_codes, v:shell_error) != -1 if cmd.stderr_log != '' call neoformat#utils#log('stderr output redirected to file' . cmd.stderr_log) call neoformat#utils#log_file_content(cmd.stderr_log) endif if process_ran_succesfully " 1. append the lines that are before and after the formatterd content let lines_after = getbufline(bufnr('%'), a:end_line + 1, '$') let lines_before = getbufline(bufnr('%'), 1, a:start_line - 1) let new_buffer = lines_before + stdout + lines_after if new_buffer !=# original_buffer call s:deletelines(len(new_buffer), line('$')) call setline(1, new_buffer) call add(formatters_changed, let endmsg = . ' formatted buffer' else let endmsg = 'no change necessary with ' . endif if !neoformat#utils#var('neoformat_run_all_formatters') return neoformat#utils#msg(endmsg) endif call neoformat#utils#log('running next formatter') else call add(formatters_failed, call neoformat#utils#log(v:shell_error) call neoformat#utils#log('trying next formatter') endif endfor if len(formatters_failed) > 0 call neoformat#utils#msg('formatters ' . join(formatters_failed, ", ") . ' failed to run') endif if len(formatters_changed) > 0 call neoformat#utils#msg(join(formatters_changed, ", ") . ' formatted buffer') elseif len(formatters_failed) == 0 call neoformat#utils#msg('no change necessary') endif endfunction function! s:get_enabled_formatters(filetype) abort if &formatprg != '' && neoformat#utils#var('neoformat_try_formatprg') call neoformat#utils#log('adding formatprg to enabled formatters') let format_prg_exe = [split(&formatprg)[0]] else let format_prg_exe = [] endif " Note: we append format_prg_exe to ever return as it will either be " [], or it will be a formatter that we want to try first if exists('b:neoformat_enabled_' . a:filetype) return format_prg_exe + b:neoformat_enabled_{a:filetype} elseif exists('g:neoformat_enabled_' . a:filetype) return format_prg_exe + g:neoformat_enabled_{a:filetype} elseif s:autoload_func_exists('neoformat#formatters#' . a:filetype . '#enabled') return format_prg_exe + neoformat#formatters#{a:filetype}#enabled() endif return format_prg_exe endfunction function! s:deletelines(start, end) abort silent! execute a:start . ',' . a:end . 'delete _' endfunction function! neoformat#CompleteFormatters(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) abort if a:CmdLine =~ '!' " 1. user inputting formatter :Neoformat! css <here> if a:CmdLine =~# 'Neoformat! \S*\s' let filetype = split(a:CmdLine)[1] return filter(s:get_enabled_formatters(filetype), \ "v:val =~? '^" . a:ArgLead ."'") endif " 2. user inputting filetype :Neoformat! <here> " " 1. globpath (find) all filetype files in neoformat " 2. split at new lines " 3. map ~/.config/nvim/plugged/neoformat/autoload/neoformat/formatters/xml.vim --> xml " 4. sort & uniq to eliminate dupes " 5. filter for input return filter(uniq(sort(map(split(globpath(&runtimepath, \ 'plugged/neoformat/autoload/neoformat/formatters/*.vim'), '\n'), \ "fnamemodify(v:val, ':t:r')"))), \ "v:val =~? '^" . a:ArgLead . "'") endif if a:ArgLead =~ '[^A-Za-z0-9]' return [] endif let filetype = s:split_filetypes(&filetype) return filter(s:get_enabled_formatters(filetype), \ "v:val =~? '^" . a:ArgLead ."'") endfunction function! s:autoload_func_exists(func_name) abort try call eval(a:func_name . '()') catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E/ return 0 endtry return 1 endfunction function! s:split_filetypes(filetype) abort if a:filetype == '' return '' endif return split(a:filetype, '\.')[0] endfunction function! s:generate_cmd(definition, filetype) abort let executable = get(a:definition, 'exe', '') if executable == '' call neoformat#utils#log('no exe field in definition') return {} endif if !executable(executable) call neoformat#utils#log('executable: ' . executable . ' is not an executable') return {} endif let args = get(a:definition, 'args', []) let args_expanded = [] for a in args let args_expanded = add(args_expanded, s:expand_fully(a)) endfor let no_append = get(a:definition, 'no_append', 0) let using_stdin = get(a:definition, 'stdin', 0) let using_stderr = get(a:definition, 'stderr', 0) let stderr_log = '' let filename = expand('%:t') let tmp_dir = has('win32') ? expand('$TEMP/neoformat') : \ exists('$TMPDIR') ? expand('$TMPDIR/neoformat') : \ '/tmp/neoformat' if !isdirectory(tmp_dir) call mkdir(tmp_dir, 'p') endif if get(a:definition, 'replace', 0) let path = !using_stdin ? expand(tmp_dir . '/' . fnameescape(filename)) : '' else let path = !using_stdin ? tempname() : '' endif let inline_environment = get(a:definition, 'env', []) let _fullcmd = join(inline_environment, ' ') . ' ' . executable . ' ' . join(args_expanded) . ' ' . (no_append ? '' : path) " make sure there aren't any double spaces in the cmd let fullcmd = join(split(_fullcmd)) if !using_stderr if neoformat#utils#should_be_verbose() let stderr_log = expand(tmp_dir . '/stderr.log') let fullcmd = fullcmd . ' 2> ' . stderr_log else if (has('win32') || has('win64')) let stderr_log = '' let fullcmd = fullcmd . ' 2> ' . 'NUL' else let stderr_log = '' let fullcmd = fullcmd . ' 2> ' . '/dev/null' endif endif endif return { \ 'exe': fullcmd, \ 'stdin': using_stdin, \ 'stderr_log': stderr_log, \ 'name': a:definition.exe, \ 'replace': get(a:definition, 'replace', 0), \ 'tmp_file_path': path, \ 'valid_exit_codes': get(a:definition, 'valid_exit_codes', [0]), \ } endfunction function! s:expand_fully(string) abort return substitute(a:string, '%\(:[a-z]\)*', '\=expand(submatch(0))', 'g') endfunction function! s:basic_format() abort call neoformat#utils#log('running basic format') if !exists('g:neoformat_basic_format_align') let g:neoformat_basic_format_align = 0 endif if !exists('g:neoformat_basic_format_retab') let g:neoformat_basic_format_retab = 0 endif if !exists('g:neoformat_basic_format_trim') let g:neoformat_basic_format_trim = 0 endif if neoformat#utils#var('neoformat_basic_format_align') call neoformat#utils#log('aligning with basic formatter') let v = winsaveview() silent! execute 'normal gg=G' call winrestview(v) endif if neoformat#utils#var('neoformat_basic_format_retab') call neoformat#utils#log('converting tabs with basic formatter') retab endif if neoformat#utils#var('neoformat_basic_format_trim') call neoformat#utils#log('trimming whitespace with basic formatter') " let search = @/ let view = winsaveview() " vint: -ProhibitCommandRelyOnUser -ProhibitCommandWithUnintendedSideEffect silent! %s/\s\+$//e " vint: +ProhibitCommandRelyOnUser +ProhibitCommandWithUnintendedSideEffect let @/=search call winrestview(view) endif endfunction