scriptencoding utf-8 "" " @section Introduction, intro " SpaceVim is a modular configuration for vim/neovim plugins. "" " @section Configuration, config " @plugin(name) is configured by these options. "" " The default_indent of SpaceVim. let g:spacevim_default_indent = 2 "" " The max column of SpaceVim let g:spacevim_max_column = 120 let g:spacevim_enable_googlesuggest = 0 let g:spacevim_auto_download_neobundle = 0 let g:spacevim_neobundle_installed = 0 let g:spacevim_dein_installed = 0 let g:spacevim_vim_plug_installed = 0 let g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir = $HOME. join(['', '.cache', 'vimfiles', ''], '/') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = '' let g:spacevim_enable_cursorcolumn = 0 let g:spacevim_enable_neomake = 1 "" " set the guifont of Spacevim, default is empty. let g:spacevim_guifont = '' "" " Enable ycm or not, but default it is 0. let g:spacevim_enable_ycm = 0 let g:spacevim_enable_neocomplcache = 0 let g:spacevim_enable_cursorline = 0 "" " The error symbol used by maker. let g:spacevim_error_symbol = '✖' let g:spacevim_warning_symbol = '⚠' let g:spacevim_use_colorscheme = 1 let g:spacevim_vim_help_language = 'en' "" " The colorscheme of SpaceVim, if colorscheme groups are installed. let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'gruvbox' "" " The default colorscheme of SpaceVim. let g:spacevim_colorscheme_default = 'desert' "" " The default file manager of SpaceVim. let g:spacevim_filemanager = 'vimfiler' "" " The default plugin manager of SpaceVim, dein, neobundle or vim-plug. by " default it is dein. let g:spacevim_plugin_manager = 'dein' " neobundle or dein or vim-plug let g:spacevim_checkinstall = 0 let g:spacevim_hiddenfileinfo = 1 let g:spacevim_plugin_groups_exclude = [] "" " groups of plugins should be loaded. " " example: > " let g:spacevim_plugin_groups = ['core', 'lang'] " < " now Space Vim support these groups: let g:spacevim_plugin_groups = [] "" " enable/disable SpaceVim with powerline symbols. let g:spacevim_enable_powerline_fonts = 1 let g:spacevim_smartcloseignorewin = ['__Tagbar__' , 'vimfiler:default'] let g:spacevim_smartcloseignoreft = ['help'] let g:spacevim_altmoveignoreft = ['Tagbar' , 'vimfiler'] let g:spacevim_enable_javacomplete2_py = 0 let g:spacevim_src_root = 'E:\sources\' "" " The host file url. this option is for chinese users who can not use " google and twitter. let g:spacevim_hosts_url = '' let g:spacevim_wildignore = '*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*.class,tags,*.jpg, \*.ttf,*.TTF,*.png,*/target/*, \.git,.svn,.hg,.DS_Store' function! SpaceVim#loadCustomConfig() abort let custom_confs = SpaceVim#util#globpath(getcwd(), '.local.vim') let custom_glob_conf = expand('~/.local.vim') if filereadable(custom_glob_conf) exe 'source ' . custom_glob_conf endif if !empty(custom_confs) exe 'source ' . custom_confs[0] endif endfunction "" " @public " Load the {layer} you want, with the {opt}. function! SpaceVim#Layer(layer, opt) abort endfunction function! SpaceVim#end() abort for s:group in g:spacevim_plugin_groups_exclude let s:i = index(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, s:group) if s:i != -1 call remove(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, s:i) endif endfor if g:spacevim_vim_help_language ==# 'cn' call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'chinese') endif if g:spacevim_use_colorscheme==1 call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'colorscheme') endif if has('nvim') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'deoplete' elseif has('lua') let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'neocomplete' else let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'neocomplcache' endif if g:spacevim_enable_ycm let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'ycm' endif if g:spacevim_enable_neocomplcache let g:spacevim_autocomplete_method = 'neocomplcache' endif endfunction function! SpaceVim#default() abort call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'web') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'lang') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'chat') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'javascript') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'ruby') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'python') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'scala') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'go') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'scm') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'editing') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'indents') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'navigation') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'misc') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'core') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'unite') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'github') if has('python3') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'denite') endif call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'ctrlp') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'autocomplete') if ! has('nvim') call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'vim') else call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'nvim') endif if OSX() call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'osx') endif if WINDOWS() call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'windows') endif if LINUX() call add(g:spacevim_plugin_groups, 'linux') endif endfunction function! SpaceVim#defindFuncs() abort endfunction function! SpaceVim#loadPlugins() abort endfunction