" Vim library for short description " Maintainer: Barry Arthur <barry.arthur@gmail.com> " Israel Chauca F. <israelchauca@gmail.com> " Version: 0.1 " Description: Long description. " Last Change: 2013-02-03 " License: Vim License (see :help license) " Location: autoload/extended_regex.vim " Website: https://github.com/Raimondi/extended_regex " " See extended_regex.txt for help. This can be accessed by doing: " " :helptags ~/.vim/doc " :help extended_regex " Vimscript Setup: {{{1 " Allow use of line continuation. let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " load guard " uncomment after plugin development " Remove the conditions you do not need, they are there just as an example. "if exists("g:loaded_lib_extended_regex") " \ || v:version < 700 " \ || v:version == 703 && !has('patch338') " \ || &compatible " let &cpo = s:save_cpo " finish "endif "let g:loaded_lib_extended_regex = 1 " Private Functions: {{{1 " Library Interface: {{{1 function! extended_regex#ExtendedRegex(...) let erex = {} let erex.lookup_function = '' let erex.lookup_dict = {} func erex.default_lookup(name) dict return eval(a:name) endfunc "TODO: revisit this with eval() solution func erex.lookup(name) dict if empty(self.lookup_function) return call(self.default_lookup, [a:name], self) else "TODO: this 'self' dict arg needs to be the object's self... return call(self.lookup_function, [a:name], self.lookup_dict) endif endfunc func erex.expand_composition_atom(ext_reg) dict let ext_reg = a:ext_reg let composition_atom = '\\%{\s*\([^,} \t]\+\)\%(\s*,\s*\(\d\+\)\%(\s*,\s*\(.\{-}\)\)\?\)\?\s*}' let remaining = match(ext_reg, composition_atom) while remaining != -1 let [_, name, cnt, sep ;__] = matchlist(ext_reg, composition_atom) let cnt = cnt ? cnt : 1 let sep = escape(escape(sep, '.*[]$^'), '\\') let pattern = escape(self.lookup(name), '\\' ) let ext_reg = substitute(ext_reg, composition_atom, join(repeat([pattern], cnt), sep), '') let remaining = match(ext_reg, composition_atom) endwhile return ext_reg endfunc func erex.expand(ext_reg) dict return self.expand_composition_atom(a:ext_reg) endfunc func erex.parse_multiline_regex(ext_reg) dict return substitute(substitute(substitute(a:ext_reg, '#\s\+\S\+', '', 'g'), '\\\@<! ', '', 'g'), '\(\\\\\)\@<=\zs\s\+', '', 'g') endfunc " common public API func erex.register_lookup(callback) dict let self.lookup_function = a:callback endfunc func erex.register_lookup_dict(dict) dict let self.lookup_dict = a:dict endfunc func erex.parse(ext_reg) dict return self.expand(self.parse_multiline_regex(a:ext_reg)) endfunc if a:0 call erex.register_lookup(a:1) if a:0 > 1 call erex.register_lookup_dict(a:2) endif endif return erex endfunction " Teardown:{{{1 "reset &cpo back to users setting let &cpo = s:save_cpo " vim: set sw=2 sts=2 et fdm=marker: