" org.vim - VimOrganizer plugin for Vim " ------------------------------------------------------------- " Version: 0.30 " Maintainer: Herbert Sitz " Last Change: 2011 Nov 02 " " Script: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3342 " Github page: http://github.com/hsitz/VimOrganizer " Copyright: (c) 2010, 2011 by Herbert Sitz " The VIM LICENSE applies to all files in the " VimOrganizer plugin. " (See the Vim copyright except read "VimOrganizer" " in places where that copyright refers to "Vim".) " http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/uganda.html#license " No warranty, express or implied. " *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk *** *** let mysid='' . g:org_sid . '_' nnoremap ag :call OrgAgendaDashboard() nnoremap et :call OrgTagsEdit() nnoremap ci :call OrgClockIn() nnoremap co :call OrgClockOut() nnoremap d :call OrgDateDashboard() nnoremap t :call OrgTodoDashboard() nnoremap a :call DoRefile(['_archive'],[line('.')]) "nnoremap :call {mysid}ToFromAgenda() nnoremap :call {mysid}ToFromAgenda() "nnoremap q :sign unplace * | quit nnoremap q :call OrgQuitAgenda() nmap :call {mysid}AgendaReplaceTodo() nmap :MyAgendaToBuf nmap :AgendaMoveToBuf nmap ,r :call OrgRunCustom({'redo_num': line('.'), 'type':'tags-todo', 'spec': g:org_search_spec}) nmap >> :call OrgAgendaDateInc('++1d') nmap << :call OrgAgendaDateInc('--1d') nmap t :call OrgTodoDashboard() nmap :silent call {mysid}AgendaReplaceTodo() nmap :silent call {mysid}AgendaReplaceTodo('todo-bkwd') nmap :call {mysid}ToggleHeadingMark(line('.')) nmap :call {mysid}DeleteHeadingMarks() nmap ,R :call OrgRefileDashboard() nmap :call {mysid}OrgAgendaTab() "if a:search_type ==? 'agenda_todo' " nmap r :call OrgRunSearch(g:org_search_spec,'agenda_todo') "endif " lines below are from date searches nmap v. :call OrgRunCustom({'redo_num': line('.'), 'type':'agenda', 'agenda_date': strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'agenda_duration':'d', 'spec': g:org_search_spec}) nmap vd :call OrgRunCustom({'redo_num': line('.'), 'type':'agenda', 'agenda_date': g:agenda_startdate, 'agenda_duration':'d', 'spec': g:org_search_spec}) nmap vw :call OrgRunCustom({'redo_num': line('.'), 'type':'agenda', 'agenda_date': g:agenda_startdate, 'agenda_duration':'w', 'spec': g:org_search_spec}) nmap vm :call OrgRunCustom({'redo_num': line('.'), 'type':'agenda', 'agenda_date': g:agenda_startdate, 'agenda_duration':'m', 'spec': g:org_search_spec}) nmap vy :call OrgRunCustom({'redo_num': line('.'), 'type':'agenda', 'agenda_date': g:agenda_startdate, 'agenda_duration':'y', 'spec': g:org_search_spec}) nmap f :call OrgAgendaMove('forward',v:count1) nmap b :call OrgAgendaMove('backward',v:count1) nmap :call {mysid}OrgAgendaTab() "nmap :call OrgAgendaGetText(1) nmap r :call OrgRefreshCalendarAgenda() function! OrgQuitAgenda() sign unplace * bw call clearmatches() let b:v.chosen_agenda_heading = 0 if bufnr('ColHeadBuffer') > -1 "main window has column headings window that "is now showing a blank buffer line, push back up . . . resize 100 endif "quit endfunction