local strings = require "plenary.strings" local deprecated = require "telescope.deprecated" local sorters = require "telescope.sorters" local if_nil = vim.F.if_nil local os_sep = require("plenary.path").path.sep local has_win = vim.fn.has "win32" == 1 -- Keep the values around between reloads _TelescopeConfigurationValues = _TelescopeConfigurationValues or {} _TelescopeConfigurationPickers = _TelescopeConfigurationPickers or {} local function first_non_null(...) local n = select("#", ...) for i = 1, n do local value = select(i, ...) if value ~= nil then return value end end end -- A function that creates an amended copy of the `base` table, -- by replacing keys at "level 2" that match keys in "level 1" in `priority`, -- and then performs a deep_extend. -- May give unexpected results if used with tables of "depth" -- greater than 2. local smarter_depth_2_extend = function(priority, base) local result = {} for key, val in pairs(base) do if type(val) ~= "table" then result[key] = first_non_null(priority[key], val) else result[key] = {} for k, v in pairs(val) do result[key][k] = first_non_null(priority[k], v) end end end for key, val in pairs(priority) do if type(val) ~= "table" then result[key] = first_non_null(val, result[key]) else result[key] = vim.tbl_extend("keep", val, result[key] or {}) end end return result end local resolve_table_opts = function(priority, base) if priority == false or (priority == nil and base == false) then return false end if priority == nil and type(base) == "table" then return base end return smarter_depth_2_extend(priority, base) end -- TODO: Add other major configuration points here. -- selection_strategy local config = {} config.smarter_depth_2_extend = smarter_depth_2_extend config.resolve_table_opts = resolve_table_opts config.values = _TelescopeConfigurationValues config.descriptions = {} config.pickers = _TelescopeConfigurationPickers function config.set_pickers(pickers) pickers = if_nil(pickers, {}) for k, v in pairs(pickers) do config.pickers[k] = v end end local layout_config_defaults = { horizontal = { width = 0.8, height = 0.9, prompt_position = "bottom", preview_cutoff = 120, }, vertical = { width = 0.8, height = 0.9, prompt_position = "bottom", preview_cutoff = 40, }, center = { width = 0.5, height = 0.4, preview_cutoff = 40, prompt_position = "top", }, cursor = { width = 0.8, height = 0.9, preview_cutoff = 40, }, bottom_pane = { height = 25, prompt_position = "top", preview_cutoff = 120, }, } local layout_config_description = string.format( [[ Determines the default configuration values for layout strategies. See |telescope.layout| for details of the configurations options for each strategy. Allows setting defaults for all strategies as top level options and for overriding for specific options. For example, the default values below set the default width to 80%% of the screen width for all strategies except 'center', which has width of 50%% of the screen width. Default: %s ]], vim.inspect(layout_config_defaults, { newline = "\n ", indent = " " }) ) -- A table of all the usual defaults for telescope. -- Keys will be the name of the default, -- values will be a list where: -- - first entry is the value -- - second entry is the description of the option local telescope_defaults = {} config.descriptions_order = {} local append = function(name, val, doc) telescope_defaults[name] = { val, doc } table.insert(config.descriptions_order, name) end append( "sorting_strategy", "descending", [[ Determines the direction "better" results are sorted towards. Available options are: - "descending" (default) - "ascending"]] ) append( "tiebreak", function(current_entry, existing_entry, _) return #current_entry.ordinal < #existing_entry.ordinal end, [[ A function that determines how to break a tie when two entries have the same score. Having a function that always returns false would keep the entries in the order they are found, so existing_entry before current_entry. Vice versa always returning true would place the current_entry before the existing_entry. Signature: function(current_entry, existing_entry, prompt) -> boolean Default: function that breaks the tie based on the length of the entry's ordinal]] ) append( "selection_strategy", "reset", [[ Determines how the cursor acts after each sort iteration. Available options are: - "reset" (default) - "follow" - "row" - "closest"]] ) append( "scroll_strategy", "cycle", [[ Determines what happens if you try to scroll past the view of the picker. Available options are: - "cycle" (default) - "limit"]] ) append( "layout_strategy", "horizontal", [[ Determines the default layout of Telescope pickers. See |telescope.layout| for details of the available strategies. Default: 'horizontal']] ) append("layout_config", layout_config_defaults, layout_config_description) append( "cycle_layout_list", { "horizontal", "vertical" }, [[ Determines the layouts to cycle through when using `actions.cycle_layout_next` and `actions.cycle_layout_prev`. Should be a list of "layout setups". Each "layout setup" can take one of two forms: 1. string <br> This is interpreted as the name of a `layout_strategy` 2. table <br> A table with possible keys `layout_strategy`, `layout_config` and `previewer` Default: { "horizontal", "vertical" } ]] ) append( "winblend", 0, [[ Configure winblend for telescope floating windows. See |winblend| for more information. Default: 0]] ) append( "wrap_results", false, [[ Word wrap the search results Default: false]] ) append( "prompt_prefix", "> ", [[ The character(s) that will be shown in front of Telescope's prompt. Default: '> ']] ) append( "selection_caret", "> ", [[ The character(s) that will be shown in front of the current selection. Default: '> ']] ) append( "entry_prefix", " ", [[ Prefix in front of each result entry. Current selection not included. Default: ' ']] ) append( "multi_icon", "+", [[ Symbol to add in front of a multi-selected result entry. Replaces final character of |telescope.defaults.selection_caret| and |telescope.defaults.entry_prefix| as appropriate. To have no icon, set to the empty string. Default: '+']] ) append( "initial_mode", "insert", [[ Determines in which mode telescope starts. Valid Keys: `insert` and `normal`. Default: "insert"]] ) append( "border", true, [[ Boolean defining if borders are added to Telescope windows. Default: true]] ) append( "path_display", {}, [[ Determines how file paths are displayed path_display can be set to an array with a combination of: - "hidden" hide file names - "tail" only display the file name, and not the path - "absolute" display absolute paths - "smart" remove as much from the path as possible to only show the difference between the displayed paths. Warning: The nature of the algorithm might have a negative performance impact! - "shorten" only display the first character of each directory in the path - "truncate" truncates the start of the path when the whole path will not fit. To increase the the gap between the path and the edge. set truncate to number `truncate = 3` You can also specify the number of characters of each directory name to keep by setting `path_display.shorten = num`. e.g. for a path like `alpha/beta/gamma/delta.txt` setting `path_display.shorten = 1` will give a path like: `a/b/g/delta.txt` Similarly, `path_display.shorten = 2` will give a path like: `al/be/ga/delta.txt` You can also further customise the shortening behaviour by setting `path_display.shorten = { len = num, exclude = list }`, where `len` acts as above, and `exclude` is a list of positions that are not shortened. Negative numbers in the list are considered relative to the end of the path. e.g. for a path like `alpha/beta/gamma/delta.txt` setting `path_display.shorten = { len = 1, exclude = {1, -1} }` will give a path like: `alpha/b/g/delta.txt` setting `path_display.shorten = { len = 2, exclude = {2, -2} }` will give a path like: `al/beta/gamma/de` path_display can also be set to 'hidden' string to hide file names path_display can also be set to a function for custom formatting of the path display. Example: -- Format path as "file.txt (path\to\file\)" path_display = function(opts, path) local tail = require("telescope.utils").path_tail(path) return string.format("%s (%s)", tail, path) end, Default: {}]] ) append( "borderchars", { "─", "│", "─", "│", "╭", "╮", "╯", "╰" }, [[ Set the borderchars of telescope floating windows. It has to be a table of 8 string values. Default: { "─", "│", "─", "│", "╭", "╮", "╯", "╰" }]] ) append( "get_status_text", function(self) local ww = #(self:get_multi_selection()) local xx = (self.stats.processed or 0) - (self.stats.filtered or 0) local yy = self.stats.processed or 0 if xx == 0 and yy == 0 then return "" end -- local status_icon -- if opts.completed then -- status_icon = "✔️" -- else -- status_icon = "*" -- end if ww == 0 then return string.format("%s / %s", xx, yy) else return string.format("%s / %s / %s", ww, xx, yy) end end, [[ A function that determines what the virtual text looks like. Signature: function(picker) -> str Default: function that shows current count / all]] ) append( "hl_result_eol", true, [[ Changes if the highlight for the selected item in the results window is always the full width of the window Default: true]] ) append( "dynamic_preview_title", false, [[ Will change the title of the preview window dynamically, where it is supported. For example, the preview window's title could show up as the full filename. Default: false]] ) append( "results_title", "Results", [[ Defines the default title of the results window. A false value can be used to hide the title altogether. Default: "Results"]] ) append( "prompt_title", "Prompt", [[ Defines the default title of the prompt window. A false value can be used to hide the title altogether. Most of the times builtins define a prompt_title which will be prefered over this default. Default: "Prompt"]] ) append( "history", { path = vim.fn.stdpath "data" .. os_sep .. "telescope_history", limit = 100, handler = function(...) return require("telescope.actions.history").get_simple_history(...) end, }, [[ This field handles the configuration for prompt history. By default it is a table, with default values (more below). To disable history, set it to false. Currently mappings still need to be added, Example: mappings = { i = { ["<C-Down>"] = require('telescope.actions').cycle_history_next, ["<C-Up>"] = require('telescope.actions').cycle_history_prev, }, }, Fields: - path: The path to the telescope history as string. default: stdpath("data")/telescope_history - limit: The amount of entries that will be written in the history. Warning: If limit is set to nil it will grow unbound. default: 100 - handler: A lua function that implements the history. This is meant as a developer setting for extensions to override the history handling, e.g., https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope-smart-history.nvim, which allows context sensitive (cwd + picker) history. Default: require('telescope.actions.history').get_simple_history]] ) append( "cache_picker", { num_pickers = 1, limit_entries = 1000, }, [[ This field handles the configuration for picker caching. By default it is a table, with default values (more below). To disable caching, set it to false. Caching preserves all previous multi selections and results and therefore may result in slowdown or increased RAM occupation if too many pickers (`cache_picker.num_pickers`) or entries ('cache_picker.limit_entries`) are cached. Fields: - num_pickers: The number of pickers to be cached. Set to -1 to preserve all pickers of your session. If passed to a picker, the cached pickers with indices larger than `cache_picker.num_pickers` will be cleared. Default: 1 - limit_entries: The amount of entries that will be written in the Default: 1000 ]] ) append( "preview", { check_mime_type = not has_win, filesize_limit = 25, timeout = 250, treesitter = true, msg_bg_fillchar = "╱", hide_on_startup = false, }, [[ This field handles the global configuration for previewers. By default it is a table, with default values (more below). To disable previewing, set it to false. If you have disabled previewers globally, but want to opt in to previewing for single pickers, you will have to pass `preview = true` or `preview = {...}` (your config) to the `opts` of your picker. Fields: - check_mime_type: Use `file` if available to try to infer whether the file to preview is a binary if plenary's filetype detection fails. Windows users get `file` from: https://github.com/julian-r/file-windows Set to false to attempt to preview any mime type. Default: true for all OS excl. Windows - filesize_limit: The maximum file size in MB attempted to be previewed. Set to false to attempt to preview any file size. Default: 25 - timeout: Timeout the previewer if the preview did not complete within `timeout` milliseconds. Set to false to not timeout preview. Default: 250 - hook(s): Function(s) that takes `(filepath, bufnr, opts)`, where opts exposes winid and ft (filetype). Available hooks (in order of priority): {filetype, mime, filesize, timeout}_hook Important: the filetype_hook must return true or false to indicate whether to continue (true) previewing or not (false), respectively. Two examples: local putils = require("telescope.previewers.utils") ... -- preview is called in telescope.setup { ... } preview = { -- 1) Do not show previewer for certain files filetype_hook = function(filepath, bufnr, opts) -- you could analogously check opts.ft for filetypes local excluded = vim.tbl_filter(function(ending) return filepath:match(ending) end, { ".*%.csv", ".*%.toml", }) if not vim.tbl_isempty(excluded) then putils.set_preview_message( bufnr, opts.winid, string.format("I don't like %s files!", excluded[1]:sub(5, -1)) ) return false end return true end, -- 2) Truncate lines to preview window for too large files filesize_hook = function(filepath, bufnr, opts) local path = require("plenary.path"):new(filepath) -- opts exposes winid local height = vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(opts.winid) local lines = vim.split(path:head(height), "[\r]?\n") vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines) end, } The configuration recipes for relevant examples. Note: if plenary does not recognize your filetype yet -- 1) Please consider contributing to: $PLENARY_REPO/data/plenary/filetypes/builtin.lua 2) Register your filetype locally as per link https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim#plenaryfiletype Default: nil - treesitter: Determines whether the previewer performs treesitter highlighting, which falls back to regex-based highlighting. `true`: treesitter highlighting for all available filetypes `false`: regex-based highlighting for all filetypes `table`: table of filetypes for which to attach treesitter highlighting Default: true - msg_bg_fillchar: Character to fill background of unpreviewable buffers with Default: "╱" - hide_on_startup: Hide previewer when picker starts. Previewer can be toggled with actions.toggle_preview. Default: false ]] ) append( "vimgrep_arguments", { "rg", "--color=never", "--no-heading", "--with-filename", "--line-number", "--column", "--smart-case" }, [[ Defines the command that will be used for `live_grep` and `grep_string` pickers. Hint: Make sure that color is currently set to `never` because we do not yet interpret color codes Hint 2: Make sure that these options are in your changes arguments: "--no-heading", "--with-filename", "--line-number", "--column" because we need them so the ripgrep output is in the correct format. Default: { "rg", "--color=never", "--no-heading", "--with-filename", "--line-number", "--column", "--smart-case" }]] ) append( "use_less", true, [[ Boolean if less should be enabled in term_previewer (deprecated and currently no longer used in the builtin pickers). Default: true]] ) append( "set_env", nil, [[ Set an environment for term_previewer. A table of key values: Example: { COLORTERM = "truecolor", ... } Hint: Empty table is not allowed. Default: nil]] ) append( "color_devicons", true, [[ Boolean if devicons should be enabled or not. If set to false, the "TelescopeResultsFileIcon" highlight group is used. Hint: Coloring only works if |termguicolors| is enabled. Default: true]] ) append( "mappings", {}, [[ Your mappings to override telescope's default mappings. Format is: { mode = { ..keys } } where {mode} is the one character letter for a mode ('i' for insert, 'n' for normal). For example: mappings = { i = { ["<esc>"] = require('telescope.actions').close, }, } To disable a keymap, put [map] = false So, to not map "<C-n>", just put ..., ["<C-n>"] = false, ..., Into your config. otherwise, just set the mapping to the function that you want it to be. ..., ["<C-i>"] = require('telescope.actions').select_default, ..., If the function you want is part of `telescope.actions`, then you can simply give a string. For example, the previous option is equivalent to: ..., ["<C-i>"] = "select_default", ..., You can also add other mappings using tables with `type = "command"`. For example: ..., ["jj"] = { "<esc>", type = "command" }, ["kk"] = { "<cmd>echo \"Hello, World!\"<cr>", type = "command" },) ..., You can also add additional options for mappings of any type ("action" and "command"). For example: ..., ["<C-j>"] = { action = actions.move_selection_next, opts = { nowait = true, silent = true } }, ..., ]] ) append( "default_mappings", nil, [[ Not recommended to use except for advanced users. Will allow you to completely remove all of telescope's default maps and use your own. ]] ) append( "file_sorter", sorters.get_fzy_sorter, [[ A function pointer that specifies the file_sorter. This sorter will be used for find_files, git_files and similar. Hint: If you load a native sorter, you dont need to change this value, the native sorter will override it anyway. Default: require("telescope.sorters").get_fzy_sorter]] ) append( "generic_sorter", sorters.get_fzy_sorter, [[ A function pointer to the generic sorter. The sorter that should be used for everything that is not a file. Hint: If you load a native sorter, you dont need to change this value, the native sorter will override it anyway. Default: require("telescope.sorters").get_fzy_sorter]] ) --TODO(conni2461): Why is this even configurable??? append( "prefilter_sorter", sorters.prefilter, [[ This points to a wrapper sorter around the generic_sorter that is able to do prefiltering. Its usually used for lsp_*_symbols and lsp_*_diagnostics Default: require("telescope.sorters").prefilter]] ) append( "file_ignore_patterns", nil, [[ A table of lua regex that define the files that should be ignored. Example: { "^scratch/" } -- ignore all files in scratch directory Example: { "%.npz" } -- ignore all npz files See: https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#5.4.1 for more information about lua regex Default: nil]] ) append( "file_previewer", function(...) return require("telescope.previewers").vim_buffer_cat.new(...) end, [[ Function pointer to the default file_previewer. It is mostly used for find_files, git_files and similar. You can change this function pointer to either use your own previewer or use the command-line program bat as the previewer: require("telescope.previewers").cat.new Default: require("telescope.previewers").vim_buffer_cat.new]] ) append( "grep_previewer", function(...) return require("telescope.previewers").vim_buffer_vimgrep.new(...) end, [[ Function pointer to the default vim_grep previewer. It is mostly used for live_grep, grep_string and similar. You can change this function pointer to either use your own previewer or use the command-line program bat as the previewer: require("telescope.previewers").vimgrep.new Default: require("telescope.previewers").vim_buffer_vimgrep.new]] ) append( "qflist_previewer", function(...) return require("telescope.previewers").vim_buffer_qflist.new(...) end, [[ Function pointer to the default qflist previewer. It is mostly used for qflist, loclist and lsp. You can change this function pointer to either use your own previewer or use the command-line program bat as the previewer: require("telescope.previewers").qflist.new Default: require("telescope.previewers").vim_buffer_qflist.new]] ) append( "buffer_previewer_maker", function(...) return require("telescope.previewers").buffer_previewer_maker(...) end, [[ Developer option that defines the underlining functionality of the buffer previewer. For interesting configuration examples take a look at https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/wiki/Configuration-Recipes Default: require("telescope.previewers").buffer_previewer_maker]] ) -- @param user_defaults table: a table where keys are the names of options, -- and values are the ones the user wants -- @param tele_defaults table: (optional) a table containing all of the defaults -- for telescope [defaults to `telescope_defaults`] function config.set_defaults(user_defaults, tele_defaults) user_defaults = if_nil(user_defaults, {}) tele_defaults = if_nil(tele_defaults, telescope_defaults) -- Check if using layout keywords outside of `layout_config` deprecated.options(user_defaults) local function get(name, default_val) if name == "layout_config" then return smarter_depth_2_extend( if_nil(user_defaults[name], {}), vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", if_nil(config.values[name], {}), if_nil(default_val, {})) ) end if name == "history" or name == "cache_picker" or name == "preview" then if user_defaults[name] == false or config.values[name] == false then return false end return smarter_depth_2_extend( if_nil(user_defaults[name], {}), vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", if_nil(config.values[name], {}), if_nil(default_val, {})) ) end return first_non_null(user_defaults[name], config.values[name], default_val) end local function set(name, default_val, description) assert(description, "Config values must always have a description") config.values[name] = get(name, default_val) if description then config.descriptions[name] = strings.dedent(description) end end for key, info in pairs(tele_defaults) do set(key, info[1], info[2]) end local M = {} M.get = get return M end function config.clear_defaults() for k, _ in pairs(config.values) do config.values[k] = nil end end config.set_defaults() return config