""" Test all things related to the ``jedi.cache`` module. """ import os import pytest import time from pathlib import Path from parso.cache import (_CACHED_FILE_MAXIMUM_SURVIVAL, _VERSION_TAG, _get_cache_clear_lock_path, _get_hashed_path, _load_from_file_system, _NodeCacheItem, _remove_cache_and_update_lock, _save_to_file_system, load_module, parser_cache, try_to_save_module) from parso._compatibility import is_pypy from parso import load_grammar from parso import cache from parso import file_io from parso import parse skip_pypy = pytest.mark.skipif( is_pypy, reason="pickling in pypy is slow, since we don't pickle," "we never go into path of auto-collecting garbage" ) @pytest.fixture() def isolated_parso_cache(monkeypatch, tmpdir): """Set `parso.cache._default_cache_path` to a temporary directory during the test. """ cache_path = Path(str(tmpdir), "__parso_cache") monkeypatch.setattr(cache, '_default_cache_path', cache_path) return cache_path def test_modulepickling_change_cache_dir(tmpdir): """ ParserPickling should not save old cache when cache_directory is changed. See: `#168 <https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi/pull/168>`_ """ dir_1 = Path(str(tmpdir.mkdir('first'))) dir_2 = Path(str(tmpdir.mkdir('second'))) item_1 = _NodeCacheItem('bla', []) item_2 = _NodeCacheItem('bla', []) path_1 = Path('fake path 1') path_2 = Path('fake path 2') hashed_grammar = load_grammar()._hashed _save_to_file_system(hashed_grammar, path_1, item_1, cache_path=dir_1) parser_cache.clear() cached = load_stored_item(hashed_grammar, path_1, item_1, cache_path=dir_1) assert cached == item_1.node _save_to_file_system(hashed_grammar, path_2, item_2, cache_path=dir_2) cached = load_stored_item(hashed_grammar, path_1, item_1, cache_path=dir_2) assert cached is None def load_stored_item(hashed_grammar, path, item, cache_path): """Load `item` stored at `path` in `cache`.""" item = _load_from_file_system(hashed_grammar, path, item.change_time - 1, cache_path) return item @pytest.mark.usefixtures("isolated_parso_cache") def test_modulepickling_simulate_deleted_cache(tmpdir): """ Tests loading from a cache file after it is deleted. According to macOS `dev docs`__, Note that the system may delete the Caches/ directory to free up disk space, so your app must be able to re-create or download these files as needed. It is possible that other supported platforms treat cache files the same way. __ https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/FileSystemProgrammingGuide/FileSystemOverview/FileSystemOverview.html """ # noqa grammar = load_grammar() module = 'fake parser' # Create the file path = Path(str(tmpdir.dirname), 'some_path') with open(path, 'w'): pass io = file_io.FileIO(path) try_to_save_module(grammar._hashed, io, module, lines=[]) assert load_module(grammar._hashed, io) == module os.unlink(_get_hashed_path(grammar._hashed, path)) parser_cache.clear() cached2 = load_module(grammar._hashed, io) assert cached2 is None def test_cache_limit(): def cache_size(): return sum(len(v) for v in parser_cache.values()) try: parser_cache.clear() future_node_cache_item = _NodeCacheItem('bla', [], change_time=time.time() + 10e6) old_node_cache_item = _NodeCacheItem('bla', [], change_time=time.time() - 10e4) parser_cache['some_hash_old'] = { '/path/%s' % i: old_node_cache_item for i in range(300) } parser_cache['some_hash_new'] = { '/path/%s' % i: future_node_cache_item for i in range(300) } assert cache_size() == 600 parse('somecode', cache=True, path='/path/somepath') assert cache_size() == 301 finally: parser_cache.clear() class _FixedTimeFileIO(file_io.KnownContentFileIO): def __init__(self, path, content, last_modified): super().__init__(path, content) self._last_modified = last_modified def get_last_modified(self): return self._last_modified @pytest.mark.parametrize('diff_cache', [False, True]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_file_io', [False, True]) def test_cache_last_used_update(diff_cache, use_file_io): p = Path('/path/last-used') parser_cache.clear() # Clear, because then it's easier to find stuff. parse('somecode', cache=True, path=p) node_cache_item = next(iter(parser_cache.values()))[p] now = time.time() assert node_cache_item.last_used <= now if use_file_io: f = _FixedTimeFileIO(p, 'code', node_cache_item.last_used - 10) parse(file_io=f, cache=True, diff_cache=diff_cache) else: parse('somecode2', cache=True, path=p, diff_cache=diff_cache) node_cache_item = next(iter(parser_cache.values()))[p] assert now <= node_cache_item.last_used <= time.time() @skip_pypy def test_inactive_cache(tmpdir, isolated_parso_cache): parser_cache.clear() test_subjects = "abcdef" for path in test_subjects: parse('somecode', cache=True, path=os.path.join(str(tmpdir), path)) raw_cache_path = isolated_parso_cache.joinpath(_VERSION_TAG) assert raw_cache_path.exists() dir_names = os.listdir(raw_cache_path) a_while_ago = time.time() - _CACHED_FILE_MAXIMUM_SURVIVAL old_paths = set() for dir_name in dir_names[:len(test_subjects) // 2]: # make certain number of paths old os.utime(raw_cache_path.joinpath(dir_name), (a_while_ago, a_while_ago)) old_paths.add(dir_name) # nothing should be cleared while the lock is on assert _get_cache_clear_lock_path().exists() _remove_cache_and_update_lock() # it shouldn't clear anything assert len(os.listdir(raw_cache_path)) == len(test_subjects) assert old_paths.issubset(os.listdir(raw_cache_path)) os.utime(_get_cache_clear_lock_path(), (a_while_ago, a_while_ago)) _remove_cache_and_update_lock() assert len(os.listdir(raw_cache_path)) == len(test_subjects) // 2 assert not old_paths.intersection(os.listdir(raw_cache_path)) @skip_pypy def test_permission_error(monkeypatch): def save(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal was_called was_called = True raise PermissionError was_called = False monkeypatch.setattr(cache, '_save_to_file_system', save) try: with pytest.warns(Warning): parse(path=__file__, cache=True, diff_cache=True) assert was_called finally: parser_cache.clear()