;; A highlight query can override the highlights queries before it. ;; So the order is important. ;; We should highlight general rules, then highlight special forms. (number) @number (character) @character (boolean) @boolean (string) @string [(comment) (block_comment)] @comment @spell ;; highlight for datum comment ;; copied from ../clojure/highlights.scm ([(comment) (directive)] @comment (#set! "priority" 105)) (escape_sequence) @string.escape ["(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}"] @punctuation.bracket ;; variables (symbol) @variable ((symbol) @variable.builtin (#any-of? @variable.builtin "..." ".")) ;; procedure (list . (symbol) @function) ;; special forms (list "[" (symbol)+ @variable "]") (list . (symbol) @_f . (list (symbol) @variable) (#any-of? @_f "lambda" "λ")) (list . (symbol) @_f . (list (list (symbol) @variable)) (#any-of? @_f "let" "let*" "let-syntax" "let-values" "let*-values" "letrec" "letrec*" "letrec-syntax")) ;; operators ((symbol) @operator (#any-of? @operator "+" "-" "*" "/" "=" "<=" ">=" "<" ">")) ;; keyword ((symbol) @keyword (#any-of? @keyword "define" "lambda" "λ" "begin" "do" "define-syntax" "and" "or" "if" "cond" "case" "when" "unless" "else" "=>" "let" "let*" "let-syntax" "let-values" "let*-values" "letrec" "letrec*" "letrec-syntax" "set!" "syntax-rules" "identifier-syntax" "quote" "unquote" "quote-splicing" "quasiquote" "unquote-splicing" "delay" "assert" "library" "export" "import" "rename" "only" "except" "prefix")) ((symbol) @conditional (#any-of? @conditional "if" "cond" "case" "when" "unless")) ;; quote (quote "'" (symbol)) @symbol (list . (symbol) @_f (#eq? @_f "quote")) @symbol ;; library (list . (symbol) @_lib . (symbol) @namespace (#eq? @_lib "library")) ;; builtin procedures ;; procedures in R5RS and R6RS but not in R6RS-lib ((symbol) @function.builtin (#any-of? @function.builtin ;; eq "eqv?" "eq?" "equal?" ;; number "number?" "complex?" "real?" "rational?" "integer?" "exact?" "inexact?" "zero?" "positive?" "negative?" "odd?" "even?" "finite?" "infinite?" "nan?" "max" "min" "abs" "quotient" "remainder" "modulo" "div" "div0" "mod" "mod0" "div-and-mod" "div0-and-mod0" "gcd" "lcm" "numerator" "denominator" "floor" "ceiling" "truncate" "round" "rationalize" "exp" "log" "sin" "cos" "tan" "asin" "acos" "atan" "sqrt" "expt" "exact-integer-sqrt" "make-rectangular" "make-polar" "real-part" "imag-part" "magnitude" "angle" "real-valued" "rational-valued?" "integer-valued?" "exact" "inexact" "exact->inexact" "inexact->exact" "number->string" "string->number" ;; boolean "boolean?" "not" "boolean=?" ;; pair "pair?" "cons" "car" "cdr" "caar" "cadr" "cdar" "cddr" "caaar" "caadr" "cadar" "caddr" "cdaar" "cdadr" "cddar" "cdddr" "caaaar" "caaadr" "caadar" "caaddr" "cadaar" "cadadr" "caddar" "cadddr" "cdaaar" "cdaadr" "cdadar" "cdaddr" "cddaar" "cddadr" "cdddar" "cddddr" "set-car!" "set-cdr!" ;; list "null?" "list?" "list" "length" "append" "reverse" "list-tail" "list-ref" "map" "for-each" "memq" "memv" "member" "assq" "assv" "assoc" ;; symbol "symbol?" "symbol->string" "string->symbol" "symbol=?" ;; char "char?" "char=?" "char<?" "char>?" "char<=?" "char>=?" "char-ci=?" "char-ci<?" "char-ci>?" "char-ci<=?" "char-ci>=?" "char-alphabetic?" "char-numeric?" "char-whitespace?" "char-upper-case?" "char-lower-case?" "char->integer" "integer->char" "char-upcase" "char-downcase" ;; string "string?" "make-string" "string" "string-length" "string-ref" "string-set!" "string=?" "string-ci=?" "string<?" "string>?" "string<=?" "string>=?" "string-ci<?" "string-ci>?" "string-ci<=?" "string-ci>=?" "substring" "string-append" "string->list" "list->string" "string-for-each" "string-copy" "string-fill!" "string-upcase" "string-downcase" ;; vector "vector?" "make-vector" "vector" "vector-length" "vector-ref" "vector-set!" "vector->list" "list->vector" "vector-fill!" "vector-map" "vector-for-each" ;; bytevector "bytevector?" "native-endianness" "make-bytevector" "bytevector-length" "bytevector=?" "bytevector-fill!" "bytevector-copy!" "bytevector-copy" ;; error "error" "assertion-violation" ;; control "procedure?" "apply" "force" "call-with-current-continuation" "call/cc" "values" "call-with-values" "dynamic-wind" "eval" "scheme-report-environment" "null-environment" "interaction-environment" ;; IO "call-with-input-file" "call-with-output-file" "input-port?" "output-port?" "current-input-port" "current-output-port" "with-input-from-file" "with-output-to-file" "open-input-file" "open-output-file" "close-input-port" "close-output-port" ;; input "read" "read-char" "peek-char" "eof-object?" "char-ready?" ;; output "write" "display" "newline" "write-char" ;; system "load" "transcript-on" "transcript-off"))