# Hi There ~ <!-- vim-markdown-toc Marked --> * [Chapter One Basics ~](#chapter-one-basics-~) * [Section 1.1 Introduction](#section-1.1-introduction) * [Chapter Two Test More](#chapter-two-test-more) * [Section 2.1 Don't Do This!](#section-2.1-don't-do-this!) * [Section 2.2 If you meet problem please contact bardongong@163.com](#section-2.2-if-you-meet-problem-please-contact-bardongong@163.com) * [Section 2.3 Do you know `Vim`?](#section-2.3-do-you-know-`vim`?) * [Section 2.4 Carefully Use 'Symbol $' & "Symbol %"](#section-2.4-carefully-use-'symbol-$'-&-"symbol-%") * [Section 2.5 When you write < means small, > means big](#section-2.5-when-you-write-<-means-small,->-means-big) * [Chapter Three End of Tests](#chapter-three-end-of-tests) * [Section 3.1 Can I use /? || \?](#section-3.1-can-i-use-/?-||-\?) * [Section 3.2 Test @ and -](#section-3.2-test-@-and--) * [Section 3.3 Done. Cheer Up~](#section-3.3-done.-cheer-up~) <!-- vim-markdown-toc --> > Actually, Marked.js replace all none "\w" characters to "-", however, > iamcco/markdown-preview.vim replace only "\s" characters "-", make it > clear, the rule here is for the later one. Let's fill some lines here ~~~ Let's fill some lines here ~~~ Let's fill some lines here ~~~ Let's fill some lines here ~~~ Let's fill some lines here ~~~ Let's fill some lines here ~~~ Let's fill some lines here ~~~ Let's fill some lines here ~~~ Let's fill some lines here ~~~ Let's fill some lines here ~~~ Let's fill some lines here ~~~ ## Chapter One Basics ~ Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ ### Section 1.1 Introduction Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for Basics ~~~ ## Chapter Two Test More Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ ### Section 2.1 Don't Do This! Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ ### Section 2.2 If you meet problem please contact bardongong@163.com Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ ### Section 2.3 Do you know `Vim`? Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ ### Section 2.4 Carefully Use 'Symbol $' & "Symbol %" Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ ### Section 2.5 When you write < means small, > means big Let's fill some lines here for more tests ~~~ ## Chapter Three End of Tests Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ ### Section 3.1 Can I use /? || \? Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ Let's fill some lines here for end of tests ~~~ ### Section 3.2 Test @ and - That's all thx. That's all thx. That's all thx. That's all thx. That's all thx. That's all thx. That's all thx. That's all thx. That's all thx. That's all thx. That's all thx. ### Section 3.3 Done. Cheer Up~ YES! YOU CAN DO ALL OF ThOSE THINGS!