" ___vital___ " NOTE: lines between '" ___vital___' is generated by :Vitalize. " Do not modify the code nor insert new lines before '" ___vital___' function! s:_SID() abort return matchstr(expand(''), '\zs\d\+\ze__SID$') endfunction execute join(['function! vital#_gina#System#File#import() abort', printf("return map({'copy_dir_vim': '', '_vital_depends': '', 'mkdir_nothrow': '', 'copy_exe': '', 'open': '', 'move_vim': '', 'copy': '', 'move': '', 'copy_dir_exe': '', 'copy_vim': '', 'move_exe': '', 'copy_dir': '', 'rmdir': '', '_vital_loaded': ''}, \"vital#_gina#function('%s_' . v:key)\")", s:_SID()), 'endfunction'], "\n") delfunction s:_SID " ___vital___ " Utilities for file copy/move/mkdir/etc. let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! s:_vital_loaded(V) abort let s:Filepath = a:V.import('System.Filepath') endfunction function! s:_vital_depends() abort return ['System.Filepath'] endfunction let s:is_unix = has('unix') let s:is_windows = has('win32') " This means any versions of windows https://github.com/vim-jp/vital.vim/wiki/Coding-Rule#how-to-check-if-the-runtime-os-is-windows let s:is_cygwin = has('win32unix') let s:is_mac = !s:is_windows && !s:is_cygwin \ && (has('mac') || has('macunix') || has('gui_macvim') || \ (!isdirectory('/proc') && executable('sw_vers'))) " Open a file. function! s:open(filename) abort let filename = fnamemodify(a:filename, ':p') " Detect desktop environment. if s:is_windows " For URI only. " Note: " # and % required to be escaped (:help cmdline-special) silent execute printf( \ '!start rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler %s', \ escape(filename, '#%'), \) elseif s:is_cygwin " Cygwin. call system(printf('%s %s', 'cygstart', \ shellescape(filename))) elseif executable('xdg-open') " Linux. call system(printf('%s %s &', 'xdg-open', \ shellescape(filename))) elseif exists('$KDE_FULL_SESSION') && $KDE_FULL_SESSION ==# 'true' " KDE. call system(printf('%s %s &', 'kioclient exec', \ shellescape(filename))) elseif exists('$GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID') " GNOME. call system(printf('%s %s &', 'gnome-open', \ shellescape(filename))) elseif executable('exo-open') " Xfce. call system(printf('%s %s &', 'exo-open', \ shellescape(filename))) elseif s:is_mac && executable('open') " Mac OS. call system(printf('%s %s &', 'open', \ shellescape(filename))) else " Give up. throw 'vital: System.File: open(): Not supported.' endif endfunction " Move a file. " Dispatch s:move_exe() or s:move_vim(). " FIXME: Currently s:move_vim() does not support " moving a directory. function! s:move(src, dest) abort if s:_has_move_exe() || isdirectory(a:src) return s:move_exe(a:src, a:dest) else return s:move_vim(a:src, a:dest) endif endfunction if s:is_unix function! s:_has_move_exe() abort return executable('mv') endfunction elseif s:is_windows function! s:_has_move_exe() abort return 1 endfunction else function! s:_has_move_exe() abort throw 'vital: System.File: _has_move_exe(): your platform is not supported' endfunction endif " Move a file. " Implemented by external program. if s:is_unix function! s:move_exe(src, dest) abort if !s:_has_move_exe() return 0 endif let [src, dest] = [a:src, a:dest] call system('mv ' . shellescape(src) . ' ' . shellescape(dest)) return !v:shell_error endfunction elseif s:is_windows function! s:move_exe(src, dest) abort if !s:_has_move_exe() return 0 endif let [src, dest] = [a:src, a:dest] " Normalize successive slashes to one slash. let src = substitute(src, '[/\\]\+', '\', 'g') let dest = substitute(dest, '[/\\]\+', '\', 'g') " src must not have trailing '\'. let src = substitute(src, '\\$', '', 'g') let cmd_exe = (&shell =~? 'cmd\.exe$' ? '' : 'cmd /c ') call system(cmd_exe . 'move /y "' . src . '" "' . dest . '"') return !v:shell_error endfunction else function! s:move_exe() abort throw 'vital: System.File: move_exe(): your platform is not supported' endfunction endif " Move a file. " Implemented by pure Vim script. function! s:move_vim(src, dest) abort return !rename(a:src, a:dest) endfunction function! s:copy_dir(src, dest) abort if s:_has_copy_dir_exe() return s:copy_dir_exe(a:src, a:dest) else return s:copy_dir_vim(a:src, a:dest) endif endfunction " Copy a directory. " Implemented by external program. if s:is_unix function! s:copy_dir_exe(src, dest) abort if !s:_has_copy_dir_exe() return 0 endif let [src, dest] = [a:src, a:dest] call system('cp -R ' . shellescape(src) . ' ' . shellescape(dest)) return !v:shell_error endfunction elseif s:is_windows function! s:copy_dir_exe(src, dest) abort if !s:_has_copy_dir_exe() return 0 endif let src = s:_shellescape_robocopy(a:src) let dest = s:_shellescape_robocopy(a:dest) call system('robocopy /e "' . src . '" "' . dest . '"') return v:shell_error <# 8 endfunction function! s:_shellescape_robocopy(path) abort let path = tr(a:path, '/', '\') let path = escape(path, '"') return '"' . path . '"' endfunction else function! s:copy_dir_exe() abort throw 'vital: System.File: copy_dir_exe(): your platform is not supported' endfunction endif " Copy a file. " Implemented by pure Vim script. function! s:copy_dir_vim(src, dest) abort if isdirectory(a:src) for src in glob(s:Filepath.join(a:src, '*'), 1, 1) let basename = s:Filepath.basename(src) let dest = s:Filepath.join(a:dest, basename) if !s:copy_dir_vim(src, dest) return 0 endif endfor return 1 elseif filereadable(a:src) return s:copy_vim(a:src, a:dest) else " XXX: ??? return 0 endif endfunction if s:is_unix function! s:_has_copy_dir_exe() abort return executable('cp') endfunction elseif s:is_windows function! s:_has_copy_dir_exe() abort return executable('robocopy') endfunction else function! s:_has_copy_dir_exe() abort throw 'vital: System.File: copy_dir_exe(): ' \ . 'your platform is not supported' endfunction endif " Copy a file. " Dispatch s:copy_exe() or s:copy_vim(). function! s:copy(src, dest) abort if s:_has_copy_exe() return s:copy_exe(a:src, a:dest) else return s:copy_vim(a:src, a:dest) endif endfunction if s:is_unix function! s:_has_copy_exe() abort return executable('cp') endfunction elseif s:is_windows function! s:_has_copy_exe() abort return 1 endfunction else function! s:_has_copy_exe() abort throw 'vital: System.File: _has_copy_exe(): your platform is not supported' endfunction endif " Copy a file. " Implemented by external program. if s:is_unix function! s:copy_exe(src, dest) abort if !s:_has_copy_exe() return 0 endif let [src, dest] = [a:src, a:dest] call system('cp ' . shellescape(src) . ' ' . shellescape(dest)) return !v:shell_error endfunction elseif s:is_windows function! s:copy_exe(src, dest) abort if !s:_has_copy_exe() return 0 endif let [src, dest] = [a:src, a:dest] let src = substitute(src, '/', '\', 'g') let dest = substitute(dest, '/', '\', 'g') let cmd_exe = (&shell =~? 'cmd\.exe$' ? '' : 'cmd /c ') call system(cmd_exe . 'copy /y "' . src . '" "' . dest . '"') return !v:shell_error endfunction else function! s:copy_exe() abort throw 'vital: System.File: copy_exe(): your platform is not supported' endfunction endif " Copy a file. " Implemented by pure Vim script. function! s:copy_vim(src, dest) abort let ret = writefile(readfile(a:src, 'b'), a:dest, 'b') if ret == -1 return 0 endif return 1 endfunction " mkdir() but does not throw an exception. " Returns true if success. " Returns false if failure. function! s:mkdir_nothrow(...) abort try return call('mkdir', a:000) catch return 0 endtry endfunction " Delete a file/directory. function! s:rmdir(path, ...) abort let flags = a:0 ? a:1 : '' let delete_flags = flags =~# 'r' ? 'rf' : 'd' let result = delete(a:path, delete_flags) if result == -1 throw 'vital: System.File: rmdir(): cannot delete "' . a:path . '"' endif endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim:set et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 tw=0: