--- popup.lua --- --- Wrapper to make the popup api from vim in neovim. --- Hope to get this part merged in at some point in the future. --- --- Please make sure to update "POPUP.md" with any changes and/or notes. local Border = require "plenary.window.border" local Window = require "plenary.window" local utils = require "plenary.popup.utils" local if_nil = vim.F.if_nil local popup = {} popup._pos_map = { topleft = "NW", topright = "NE", botleft = "SW", botright = "SE", } -- Keep track of hidden popups, so we can load them with popup.show() popup._hidden = {} -- Keep track of popup borders, so we don't have to pass them between functions popup._borders = {} local function dict_default(options, key, default) if options[key] == nil then return default[key] else return options[key] end end -- Callbacks to be called later by popup.execute_callback popup._callbacks = {} -- Convert the positional {vim_options} to compatible neovim options and add them to {win_opts} -- If an option is not given in {vim_options}, fall back to {default_opts} local function add_position_config(win_opts, vim_options, default_opts) default_opts = default_opts or {} local cursor_relative_pos = function(pos_str, dim) assert(string.find(pos_str, "^cursor"), "Invalid value for " .. dim) win_opts.relative = "cursor" local line = 0 if (pos_str):match "cursor%+(%d+)" then line = line + tonumber((pos_str):match "cursor%+(%d+)") elseif (pos_str):match "cursor%-(%d+)" then line = line - tonumber((pos_str):match "cursor%-(%d+)") end return line end -- Feels like maxheight, minheight, maxwidth, minwidth will all be related -- -- maxheight Maximum height of the contents, excluding border and padding. -- minheight Minimum height of the contents, excluding border and padding. -- maxwidth Maximum width of the contents, excluding border, padding and scrollbar. -- minwidth Minimum width of the contents, excluding border, padding and scrollbar. local width = if_nil(vim_options.width, default_opts.width) local height = if_nil(vim_options.height, default_opts.height) win_opts.width = utils.bounded(width, vim_options.minwidth, vim_options.maxwidth) win_opts.height = utils.bounded(height, vim_options.minheight, vim_options.maxheight) if vim_options.line and vim_options.line ~= 0 then if type(vim_options.line) == "string" then win_opts.row = cursor_relative_pos(vim_options.line, "row") else win_opts.row = vim_options.line - 1 end else win_opts.row = math.floor((vim.o.lines - win_opts.height) / 2) end if vim_options.col and vim_options.col ~= 0 then if type(vim_options.col) == "string" then win_opts.col = cursor_relative_pos(vim_options.col, "col") else win_opts.col = vim_options.col - 1 end else win_opts.col = math.floor((vim.o.columns - win_opts.width) / 2) end -- pos -- -- Using "topleft", "topright", "botleft", "botright" defines what corner of the popup "line" -- and "col" are used for. When not set "topleft" behaviour is used. -- Alternatively "center" can be used to position the popup in the center of the Neovim window, -- in which case "line" and "col" are ignored. if vim_options.pos then if vim_options.pos == "center" then vim_options.line = 0 vim_options.col = 0 win_opts.anchor = "NW" else win_opts.anchor = popup._pos_map[vim_options.pos] end else win_opts.anchor = "NW" -- This is the default, but makes `posinvert` easier to implement end -- , fixed When FALSE (the default), and: -- , - "pos" is "botleft" or "topleft", and -- , - "wrap" is off, and -- , - the popup would be truncated at the right edge of -- , the screen, then -- , the popup is moved to the left so as to fit the -- , contents on the screen. Set to TRUE to disable this. end function popup.create(what, vim_options) vim_options = vim.deepcopy(vim_options) local bufnr if type(what) == "number" then bufnr = what else bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) assert(bufnr, "Failed to create buffer") vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "bufhidden", "wipe") -- TODO: Handle list of lines if type(what) == "string" then what = { what } else assert(type(what) == "table", '"what" must be a table') end -- padding List with numbers, defining the padding -- above/right/below/left of the popup (similar to CSS). -- An empty list uses a padding of 1 all around. The -- padding goes around the text, inside any border. -- Padding uses the 'wincolor' highlight. -- Example: [1, 2, 1, 3] has 1 line of padding above, 2 -- columns on the right, 1 line below and 3 columns on -- the left. if vim_options.padding then local pad_top, pad_right, pad_below, pad_left if vim.tbl_isempty(vim_options.padding) then pad_top = 1 pad_right = 1 pad_below = 1 pad_left = 1 else local padding = vim_options.padding pad_top = padding[1] or 0 pad_right = padding[2] or 0 pad_below = padding[3] or 0 pad_left = padding[4] or 0 end local left_padding = string.rep(" ", pad_left) local right_padding = string.rep(" ", pad_right) for index = 1, #what do what[index] = string.format("%s%s%s", left_padding, what[index], right_padding) end for _ = 1, pad_top do table.insert(what, 1, "") end for _ = 1, pad_below do table.insert(what, "") end end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, true, what) end local option_defaults = { posinvert = true, zindex = 50, } vim_options.width = if_nil(vim_options.width, 1) if type(what) == "number" then vim_options.height = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(what) else for _, v in ipairs(what) do vim_options.width = math.max(vim_options.width, #v) end vim_options.height = #what end local win_opts = {} win_opts.relative = "editor" win_opts.style = "minimal" -- Add positional and sizing config to win_opts add_position_config(win_opts, vim_options, { width = 1, height = 1 }) -- posinvert, When FALSE the value of "pos" is always used. When -- , TRUE (the default) and the popup does not fit -- , vertically and there is more space on the other side -- , then the popup is placed on the other side of the -- , position indicated by "line". if dict_default(vim_options, "posinvert", option_defaults) then if win_opts.anchor == "NW" or win_opts.anchor == "NE" then if win_opts.row + win_opts.height > vim.o.lines and win_opts.row * 2 > vim.o.lines then -- Don't know why, but this is how vim adjusts it win_opts.row = win_opts.row - win_opts.height - 2 end elseif win_opts.anchor == "SW" or win_opts.anchor == "SE" then if win_opts.row - win_opts.height < 0 and win_opts.row * 2 < vim.o.lines then -- Don't know why, but this is how vim adjusts it win_opts.row = win_opts.row + win_opts.height + 2 end end end -- textprop, When present the popup is positioned next to a text -- , property with this name and will move when the text -- , property moves. Use an empty string to remove. See -- , |popup-textprop-pos|. -- related: -- textpropwin -- textpropid -- zindex, Priority for the popup, default 50. Minimum value is -- , 1, maximum value is 32000. local zindex = dict_default(vim_options, "zindex", option_defaults) win_opts.zindex = utils.bounded(zindex, 1, 32000) -- noautocmd, undocumented vim default per https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/5737 win_opts.noautocmd = if_nil(vim_options.noautocmd, true) -- focusable, -- vim popups are not focusable windows win_opts.focusable = if_nil(vim_options.focusable, false) local win_id if vim_options.hidden then assert(false, "I have not implemented this yet and don't know how") else win_id = vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, false, win_opts) end -- Moved, handled after since we need the window ID if vim_options.moved then if vim_options.moved == "any" then vim.lsp.util.close_preview_autocmd({ "CursorMoved", "CursorMovedI" }, win_id) elseif vim_options.moved == "word" then -- TODO: Handle word, WORD, expr, and the range functions... which seem hard? end else local silent = false vim.cmd( string.format( "autocmd BufDelete %s <buffer=%s> ++once ++nested :lua require('plenary.window').try_close(%s, true)", (silent and "<silent>") or "", bufnr, win_id ) ) end if vim_options.time then local timer = vim.loop.new_timer() timer:start( vim_options.time, 0, vim.schedule_wrap(function() Window.try_close(win_id, false) end) ) end -- Buffer Options if vim_options.cursorline then vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(win_id, "cursorline", true) end if vim_options.wrap ~= nil then -- set_option wrap should/will trigger autocmd, see https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/13247 if vim_options.noautocmd then vim.cmd(string.format("noautocmd lua vim.api.nvim_set_option(%s, wrap, %s)", win_id, vim_options.wrap)) else vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(win_id, "wrap", vim_options.wrap) end end -- ===== Not Implemented Options ===== -- flip: not implemented at the time of writing -- Mouse: -- mousemoved: no idea how to do the things with the mouse, so it's an exercise for the reader. -- drag: mouses are hard -- resize: mouses are hard -- close: mouses are hard -- -- scrollbar -- scrollbarhighlight -- thumbhighlight -- tabpage: seems useless -- Create border local should_show_border = nil local border_options = {} -- border List with numbers, defining the border thickness -- above/right/below/left of the popup (similar to CSS). -- Only values of zero and non-zero are recognized. -- An empty list uses a border all around. if vim_options.border then should_show_border = true if type(vim_options.border) == "boolean" or vim.tbl_isempty(vim_options.border) then border_options.border_thickness = Border._default_thickness elseif #vim_options.border == 4 then border_options.border_thickness = { top = utils.bounded(vim_options.border[1], 0, 1), right = utils.bounded(vim_options.border[2], 0, 1), bot = utils.bounded(vim_options.border[3], 0, 1), left = utils.bounded(vim_options.border[4], 0, 1), } else error(string.format("Invalid configuration for border: %s", vim.inspect(vim_options.border))) end elseif vim_options.border == false then should_show_border = false end if (should_show_border == nil or should_show_border) and vim_options.borderchars then should_show_border = true -- borderchars List with characters, defining the character to use -- for the top/right/bottom/left border. Optionally -- followed by the character to use for the -- topleft/topright/botright/botleft corner. -- Example: ['-', '|', '-', '|', '┌', '┐', '┘', '└'] -- When the list has one character it is used for all. -- When the list has two characters the first is used for -- the border lines, the second for the corners. -- By default a double line is used all around when -- 'encoding' is "utf-8" and 'ambiwidth' is "single", -- otherwise ASCII characters are used. local b_top, b_right, b_bot, b_left, b_topleft, b_topright, b_botright, b_botleft if vim_options.borderchars == nil then b_top, b_right, b_bot, b_left, b_topleft, b_topright, b_botright, b_botleft = "═", "║", "═", "║", "╔", "╗", "╝", "╚" elseif #vim_options.borderchars == 1 then local b_char = vim_options.borderchars[1] b_top, b_right, b_bot, b_left, b_topleft, b_topright, b_botright, b_botleft = b_char, b_char, b_char, b_char, b_char, b_char, b_char, b_char elseif #vim_options.borderchars == 2 then local b_char = vim_options.borderchars[1] local c_char = vim_options.borderchars[2] b_top, b_right, b_bot, b_left, b_topleft, b_topright, b_botright, b_botleft = b_char, b_char, b_char, b_char, c_char, c_char, c_char, c_char elseif #vim_options.borderchars == 8 then b_top, b_right, b_bot, b_left, b_topleft, b_topright, b_botright, b_botleft = unpack(vim_options.borderchars) else error(string.format 'Not enough arguments for "borderchars"') end border_options.top = b_top border_options.bot = b_bot border_options.right = b_right border_options.left = b_left border_options.topleft = b_topleft border_options.topright = b_topright border_options.botright = b_botright border_options.botleft = b_botleft end -- title if vim_options.title then -- TODO: Check out how title works with weird border combos. border_options.title = vim_options.title end local border = nil if should_show_border then border_options.focusable = vim_options.border_focusable border_options.highlight = vim_options.borderhighlight and string.format("Normal:%s", vim_options.borderhighlight) border_options.titlehighlight = vim_options.titlehighlight border = Border:new(bufnr, win_id, win_opts, border_options) popup._borders[win_id] = border end if vim_options.highlight then vim.api.nvim_win_set_option( win_id, "winhl", string.format("Normal:%s,EndOfBuffer:%s", vim_options.highlight, vim_options.highlight) ) end -- enter local should_enter = vim_options.enter if should_enter == nil then should_enter = true end if should_enter then -- set focus after border creation so that it's properly placed (especially -- in relative cursor layout) if vim_options.noautocmd then vim.cmd("noautocmd lua vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(" .. win_id .. ")") else vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(win_id) end end -- callback if vim_options.callback then popup._callbacks[bufnr] = function() -- (jbyuki): Giving win_id is pointless here because it's closed right afterwards -- but it might make more sense once hidden is implemented local row, _ = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(win_id)) vim_options.callback(win_id, what[row]) vim.api.nvim_win_close(win_id, true) end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap( bufnr, "n", "<CR>", '<cmd>lua require"popup".execute_callback(' .. bufnr .. ")<CR>", { noremap = true } ) end -- TODO: Perhaps there's a way to return an object that looks like a window id, -- but actually has some extra metadata about it. -- -- This would make `hidden` a lot easier to manage return win_id, { win_id = win_id, border = border, } end -- Move popup with window id {win_id} to the position specified with {vim_options}. -- {vim_options} may contain the following items that determine the popup position/size: -- - line -- - col -- - height -- - width -- - maxheight/minheight -- - maxwidth/minwidth -- - pos -- Unimplemented vim options here include: fixed function popup.move(win_id, vim_options) -- Create win_options local win_opts = {} win_opts.relative = "editor" local current_pos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_position(win_id) local default_opts = { width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(win_id), height = vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(win_id), row = current_pos[1], col = current_pos[2], } -- Add positional and sizing config to win_opts add_position_config(win_opts, vim_options, default_opts) -- Update content window vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(win_id, win_opts) -- Update border window (if present) local border = popup._borders[win_id] if border ~= nil then border:move(win_opts, border._border_win_options) end end function popup.execute_callback(bufnr) if popup._callbacks[bufnr] then local wrapper = popup._callbacks[bufnr] wrapper() popup._callbacks[bufnr] = nil end end return popup