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SpaceVim 将从 ~/.local.vim 和当前目录的 .local.vim 载入用户配置,(该方式将被舍弃). 2. SpaceVim 将从 ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim 和当前目录的 ./SpaceVim.d/init.vim 载入配置,并且更新 rtp,用户可以在 ~/.SpaceVim.d/ 和 .SpaceVim.d/ 这两个文件夹下编辑自己的脚本,和 SpaceVim 的配置文件。 示例: ```viml " here are some basic customizations, please refer to the top of the vimrc file for all possible options let g:spacevim_default_indent = 3 let g:spacevim_max_column = 80 let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'my_awesome_colorscheme' let g:spacevim_plugin_manager = 'dein' " neobundle or dein or vim-plug " change the default directory where all miscellaneous persistent files go let g:spacevim_cache_dir = "/some/place/else" " by default, language specific plugins are not loaded. this can be changed with the following: let g:spacevim_plugin_groups_exclude = ['ruby', 'python'] " if there are groups you want always loaded, you can use this: let g:spacevim_plugin_groups_include = ['go'] " alternatively, you can set this variable to load exactly what you want let g:spacevim_plugin_groups = ['core', 'web'] " recommend to use layer function, all the layers's name can be find in `:h SpaceVim-layers` call SpaceVim#layers#load('layer_name') " if there is a particular plugin you don't like, you can define this variable to disable them entirely let g:spacevim_disabled_plugins=['vim-foo', 'vim-bar'] " if you want to add some custom plugins, use this options. let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [ \ ['plasticboy/vim-markdown', 'on_ft' : 'markdown'], \ ['wsdjeg/GitHub.vim'], \ ] " anything defined here are simply overrides set backgroud=light set nu " but some options need to use spacevim's option, such as: let g:spacevim_guifont = 'DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11' ``` #### Unite 为主的工作流 1. 列出所有插件,并且可以根据输入的字符模糊匹配,回车将打开对应插件的github网站, 这非常便于临时去github上面找文档,默认的启动快捷键是 : `<leader>lp` [layer name] [plugin name] [load type] [plugin options]  2. 列出所有按键映射以及描述,可以通过输入模糊搜索对应的快捷键,回车即可执行,默认启动该功能的快捷键是: `f<space>`  3. 通过 Unite 列出自己在 github 上面所有的 star 的仓库名称以及描述,模糊搜索,回车通过浏览器打开相应的网站,默认的快捷键是 :`<leader>ls`  #### 友好的交互界面 1. 语法树 + 文件管理 + 语法检查  #### 已支持的开发语言 - java - viml - rust - php - c/c++ - js - python - php - lua - javascript