" Vim completion script " Language: PHP " Maintainer: Mikolaj Machowski ( mikmach AT wp DOT pl ) " Maintainer: Shawn Biddle ( shawn AT shawnbiddle DOT com ) " Maintainer: Szabó Dávid ( complex857 AT gmail DOT com ) " " OPTIONS: " " let g:phpcomplete_relax_static_constraint = 1/0 [default 0] " Enables completion for non-static methods when completing for static context (::). " This generates E_STRICT level warning, but php calls these methods nontheless. " " let g:phpcomplete_complete_for_unknown_classes = 1/0 [default 0] " Enables completion of variables and functions in "everything under the sun" fashion " when completing for an instance or static class context but the code can't tell the class " or locate the file that it lives in. " The completion list generated this way is only filtered by the completion base " and generally not much more accurate then simple keyword completion. " " let g:phpcomplete_search_tags_for_variables = 1/0 [default 0] " Enables use of tags when the plugin tries to find variables. " When enabled the plugin will search for the variables in the tag files with kind 'v', " lines like $some_var = new Foo; but these usually yield highly inaccurate results and " can be fairly slow. " " let g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion = n [default 1] " This option controls the number of characters the user needs to type before " the tags will be searched for namespaces and classes in typed out namespaces in " "use ..." context. Setting this to 0 is not recommended because that means the code " have to scan every tag, and vim's taglist() function runs extremly slow with a " "match everything" pattern. " " let g:phpcomplete_parse_docblock_comments = 1/0 [default 0] " When enabled the preview window's content will include information " extracted from docblock comments of the completions. " Enabling this option will add return types to the completion menu for functions too. " " let g:phpcomplete_cache_taglists = 1/0 [default 1] " When enabled the taglist() lookups will be cached and subsequent searches " for the same pattern will not check the tagfiles any more, thus making the " lookups faster. Cache expiration is based on the mtimes of the tag files. " " let g:phpcomplete_add_function_extensions = [...] " let g:phpcomplete_add_class_extensions = [...] " let g:phpcomplete_add_interface_extensions = [...] " let g:phpcomplete_add_constant_extensions = [...] " let g:phpcomplete_remove_function_extensions = [...] " let g:phpcomplete_remove_class_extensions = [...] " let g:phpcomplete_remove_interface_extensions = [...] " let g:phpcomplete_remove_constant_extensions = [...] " Built-in functions, classes, interfaces and constatns are grouped together by the extension. " Only the enabled extensions will be loaded for the plugin, the defaultly enabled ones can be " found in. " " g:phpcomplete_active_function_extensions " g:phpcomplete_active_class_extensions " g:phpcomplete_active_interface_extensions " g:phpcomplete_active_constant_extensions " " If you want to enable an extension that is disabled you can add it to the enabled lists " in your vimrc. Let's say you want to have the mongo extension's classes and functions " to be completed by the plugin, you can add it like this (in your `.vimrc`): " " let g:phpcomplete_add_class_extensions = ['mongo'] " let g:phpcomplete_add_function_extensions = ['mongo'] " " If you want to disable an otherwise enabled one, use the ..._remove_... version of these options: " " let g:phpcomplete_remove_function_extensions = ['xslt_php_4'] " let g:phpcomplete_remove_constant_extensions = ['xslt_php_4'] " " For the available extension files, check the directories under `misc/` " " " TODO: " - Switching to HTML (XML?) completion (SQL) inside of phpStrings " - allow also for XML completion <- better do html_flavor for HTML " completion " - outside of <?php?> getting parent tag may cause problems. Heh, even in " perfect conditions GetLastOpenTag doesn't cooperate... Inside of " phpStrings this can be even a bonus but outside of <?php?> it is not the " best situation if !exists('g:phpcomplete_relax_static_constraint') let g:phpcomplete_relax_static_constraint = 0 endif if !exists('g:phpcomplete_complete_for_unknown_classes') let g:phpcomplete_complete_for_unknown_classes = 0 endif if !exists('g:phpcomplete_search_tags_for_variables') let g:phpcomplete_search_tags_for_variables = 0 endif if !exists('g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion') let g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion = 1 endif if !exists('g:phpcomplete_parse_docblock_comments') let g:phpcomplete_parse_docblock_comments = 0 endif if !exists('g:phpcomplete_cache_taglists') let g:phpcomplete_cache_taglists = 1 endif if !exists('s:cache_classstructures') let s:cache_classstructures = {} endif if !exists('s:cache_tags') let s:cache_tags = {} endif if !exists('s:cache_tags_checksum') let s:cache_tags_checksum = '' endif let g:phpcomplete_active_function_extensions = [ \'apache', 'apc', 'apd', 'arrays', 'bc_math', 'bzip2', 'calendar', 'classes_objects', 'ctype', 'curl', 'date_time', 'dba', 'dbase', \'directories', 'dom', 'enchant', 'error_handling', 'exif', 'fastcgi_process_manager', 'fileinfo', 'filesystem', 'filter', 'ftp', \'function_handling', 'gd', 'geoip', 'gettext', 'gmp', 'hash', 'iconv', 'iis', 'json', 'ldap', 'libxml', 'mail', 'math', 'mcrypt', \'memcache', 'mhash', 'misc', 'mongo', 'msql', 'mssql', 'multibyte_string', 'mysql', 'mysqli', 'network', 'nsapi', 'oci8', 'odbc', \'openssl', 'output_control', 'parsekit', 'password_hashing', 'pcntl', 'pcre', 'php_options_info', 'posix', 'posix_regex', 'postgresql', \'program_execution', 'ps', 'pspell', 'readline', 'recode', 'runkit', 'sessions', 'shared_memory', 'simplexml', 'snmp', 'soap', 'sockets', \'solr', 'spl', 'sqlite', 'sqlsrv', 'streams', 'strings', 'tidy', 'tokenizer', 'urls', 'variable_handling', 'wddx', 'xml_parser', \'xmlwriter', 'zip', 'zlib'] let g:phpcomplete_active_class_extensions = [ \'apc', 'curl', 'date_time', 'directories', 'dom', 'fileinfo', 'imagemagick', 'libxml', 'memcache', 'memcached', 'mongo', 'mysqli', 'pdo', 'phar', \'predefined_exceptions', 'predefined_interfaces_and_classes', 'reflection', 'sessions', 'simplexml', 'snmp', 'soap', 'solr', 'sphinx', \'spl', 'sqlite3', 'streams', 'tidy', 'varnish', 'xmlreader', 'xmlwriter', 'xsl', 'zip'] let g:phpcomplete_active_interface_extensions = [ \'json', 'predefined_interfaces_and_classes', 'spl', 'date_time', 'reflection'] let g:phpcomplete_active_constant_extensions = [ \'apc', 'apd', 'arrays', 'calendar', 'classkit', 'command_line_usage', 'common', 'curl', 'date_time', 'directories', 'dom', 'error_handling', 'exif', \'fileinfo', 'filesystem', 'filter', 'ftp', 'gd', 'geoip', 'gmp', 'handling_file_uploads', 'hash', 'iconv', 'iis', 'imagemagick', 'imap', \'json', 'ldap', 'libxml', 'list_of_parser_tokens', 'list_of_reserved_words', 'math', 'mcrypt', 'memcache', 'mhash', 'misc', 'ms_sql_server_pdo', \'msql', 'mssql', 'multibyte_string', 'mysql', 'mysql_pdo', 'mysqli', 'network', 'odbc', 'openssl', 'output_control', 'parsekit', 'password_hashing', \'pcntl', 'pcre', 'pdo', 'php_options_info', 'phpini_directives', 'posix', 'posix_regex', 'postgresql', 'program_execution', 'pspell', 'runkit', \'sessions', 'snmp', 'soap', 'sockets', 'solr', 'sphinx', 'spl', 'sqlite', 'sqlite3', 'sqlsrv', 'streams', 'strings', 'tidy', 'types', 'urls', \'variable_handling', 'varnish', 'xml_parser', 'xsl', 'zlib'] if exists('g:phpcomplete_add_function_extensions') let g:phpcomplete_active_function_extensions += g:phpcomplete_add_function_extensions endif if exists('g:phpcomplete_remove_function_extensions') call filter(g:phpcomplete_active_function_extensions, 'index(g:phpcomplete_remove_function_extensions, v:val) == -1') endif if exists('g:phpcomplete_add_class_extensions') let g:phpcomplete_active_class_extensions += g:phpcomplete_add_class_extensions endif if exists('g:phpcomplete_remove_class_extensions') call filter(g:phpcomplete_active_class_extensions, 'index(g:phpcomplete_remove_class_extensions, v:val) == -1') endif if exists('g:phpcomplete_add_interface_extensions') let g:phpcomplete_active_interface_extensions += g:phpcomplete_add_interface_extensions endif if exists('g:phpcomplete_remove_interface_extensions') call filter(g:phpcomplete_active_interface_extensions, 'index(g:phpcomplete_remove_interface_extensions, v:val) == -1') endif if exists('g:phpcomplete_add_constant_extensions') let g:phpcomplete_active_constant_extensions += g:phpcomplete_add_constant_extensions endif if exists('g:phpcomplete_remove_constant_extensions') call filter(g:phpcomplete_active_constant_extensions, 'index(g:phpcomplete_remove_constant_extensions, v:val) == -1') endif let s:script_path = fnamemodify(resolve(expand('<sfile>:p')), ':h') function! phpcomplete#CompletePHP(findstart, base) " {{{ if a:findstart unlet! b:php_menu " Check if we are inside of PHP markup let pos = getpos('.') let phpbegin = searchpairpos('<?', '', '?>', 'bWn', \ 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"') let phpend = searchpairpos('<?', '', '?>', 'Wn', \ 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"') if phpbegin == [0,0] && phpend == [0,0] " We are outside of any PHP markup. Complete HTML let htmlbegin = htmlcomplete#CompleteTags(1, '') let cursor_col = pos[2] let base = getline('.')[htmlbegin : cursor_col] let b:php_menu = htmlcomplete#CompleteTags(0, base) return htmlbegin else " locate the start of the word let line = getline('.') let start = col('.') - 1 let compl_begin = col('.') - 2 while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '[\\a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff$]' let start -= 1 endwhile let b:phpbegin = phpbegin let b:compl_context = phpcomplete#GetCurrentInstruction(line('.'), max([0, col('.') - 2]), phpbegin) return start " We can be also inside of phpString with HTML tags. Deal with " it later (time, not lines). endif endif " If exists b:php_menu it means completion was already constructed we " don't need to do anything more if exists("b:php_menu") return b:php_menu endif if !exists('g:php_builtin_functions') call phpcomplete#LoadData() endif " a:base is very short - we need context if exists("b:compl_context") let context = b:compl_context unlet! b:compl_context " chop of the "base" from the end of the current instruction if a:base != "" let context = substitute(context, '\s*[$a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*$', '', '') end else let context = '' end try let eventignore = &eventignore let &eventignore = 'all' let winheight = winheight(0) let winnr = winnr() let [current_namespace, imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(getline(0, line('.'))) if context =~? '^use\s' || context ==? 'use' return phpcomplete#CompleteUse(a:base) endif if context =~ '\(->\|::\)$' " {{{ " Get name of the class let classname = phpcomplete#GetClassName(line('.'), context, current_namespace, imports) " Get location of class definition, we have to iterate through all if classname != '' if classname =~ '\' " split the last \ segment as a classname, everything else is the namespace let classname_parts = split(classname, '\') let namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\') let classname = classname_parts[-1] else let namespace = '\' endif let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(classname, namespace) else let classlocation = '' endif if classlocation != '' if classlocation == 'VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT' && has_key(g:php_builtin_classes, tolower(classname)) return phpcomplete#CompleteBuiltInClass(context, classname, a:base) endif if filereadable(classlocation) let classfile = readfile(classlocation) let classcontent = '' let classcontent .= "\n".phpcomplete#GetClassContents(classlocation, classname) let sccontent = split(classcontent, "\n") let visibility = expand('%:p') == fnamemodify(classlocation, ':p') ? 'private' : 'public' return phpcomplete#CompleteUserClass(context, a:base, sccontent, visibility) endif endif return phpcomplete#CompleteUnknownClass(a:base, context) " }}} elseif context =~? 'implements' return phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(a:base, ['i'], current_namespace, imports) elseif context =~? 'instanceof' return phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(a:base, ['c', 'n'], current_namespace, imports) elseif context =~? 'extends\s\+.\+$' && a:base == '' return ['implements'] elseif context =~? 'extends' let kinds = context =~? 'class\s' ? ['c'] : ['i'] return phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(a:base, kinds, current_namespace, imports) elseif context =~? 'class [a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*' " special case when you've typed the class keyword and the name too, only extends and implements allowed there return filter(['extends', 'implements'], 'stridx(v:val, a:base) == 0') elseif context =~? 'new' return phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(a:base, ['c'], current_namespace, imports) endif if a:base =~ '^\$' return phpcomplete#CompleteVariable(a:base) else return phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral(a:base, current_namespace, imports) endif finally silent! exec winnr.'resize '.winheight let &eventignore = eventignore endtry endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#CompleteUse(base) " {{{ " completes builtin class names regadless of g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion " completes namespaces from tags " * requires patched ctags " completes classnames from tags within the already typed out namespace using the "namespace" field of tags " * requires patched ctags let res = [] " class and namespace names are always considered absoltute in use ... expressions, leading slash is not recommended " by the php manual, so we gonna get rid of that if a:base =~? '^\' let base = substitute(a:base, '^\', '', '') else let base = a:base endif let namespace_match_pattern = substitute(base, '\\', '\\\\', 'g') let classname_match_pattern = matchstr(base, '[^\\]\+$') let namespace_for_class = substitute(substitute(namespace_match_pattern, '\\\\', '\\', 'g'), '\\*'.classname_match_pattern.'$', '', '') if len(namespace_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion if len(classname_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^\('.namespace_match_pattern.'\|'.classname_match_pattern.'\)') else let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.namespace_match_pattern) endif let patched_ctags_detected = 0 let namespaced_matches = [] let no_namespace_matches = [] for tag in tags if has_key(tag, 'namespace') let patched_ctags_detected = 1 endif if tag.kind ==? 'n' && tag.name =~? '^'.namespace_match_pattern let patched_ctags_detected = 1 call add(namespaced_matches, {'word': tag.name, 'kind': 'n', 'menu': tag.filename, 'info': tag.filename }) elseif has_key(tag, 'namespace') && (tag.kind ==? 'c' || tag.kind ==? 'i' || tag.kind ==? 't') && tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_class call add(namespaced_matches, {'word': namespace_for_class.'\'.tag.name, 'kind': tag.kind, 'menu': tag.filename, 'info': tag.filename }) elseif (tag.kind ==? 'c' || tag.kind ==? 'i' || tag.kind ==? 't') call add(no_namespace_matches, {'word': namespace_for_class.'\'.tag.name, 'kind': tag.kind, 'menu': tag.filename, 'info': tag.filename }) endif endfor " if it seems that the tags file have namespace informations we can safely throw " away namespaceless tag matches since we can be sure they are invalid if patched_ctags_detected no_namespace_matches = [] endif let res += namespaced_matches + no_namespace_matches endif if base !~ '\' let builtin_classnames = filter(keys(copy(g:php_builtin_classnames)), 'v:val =~? "^'.classname_match_pattern.'"') for classname in builtin_classnames call add(res, {'word': g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(classname)].name, 'kind': 'c'}) endfor let builtin_interfacenames = filter(keys(copy(g:php_builtin_interfacenames)), 'v:val =~? "^'.classname_match_pattern.'"') for interfacename in builtin_interfacenames call add(res, {'word': g:php_builtin_interfaces[tolower(interfacename)].name, 'kind': 'i'}) endfor endif for comp in res let comp.word = substitute(comp.word, '^\\', '', '') endfor return res endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#CompleteGeneral(base, current_namespace, imports) " {{{ " Complete everything " + functions, DONE " + keywords of language DONE " + defines (constant definitions), DONE " + extend keywords for predefined constants, DONE " + classes (after new), DONE " + limit choice after -> and :: to funcs and vars DONE " Internal solution for finding functions in current file. if a:base =~? '^\' let leading_slash = '\' else let leading_slash = '' endif let file = getline(1, '$') call filter(file, \ 'v:val =~ "function\\s\\+&\\?[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*("') let jfile = join(file, ' ') let int_values = split(jfile, 'function\s\+') let int_functions = {} for i in int_values let f_name = matchstr(i, \ '^&\?\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze') if f_name =~? '^'.substitute(a:base, '\\', '\\\\', 'g') let f_args = matchstr(i, \ '^&\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)\_s*\(;\|{\|$\)') let int_functions[f_name.'('] = f_args.')' endif endfor " Internal solution for finding constants in current file let file = getline(1, '$') call filter(file, 'v:val =~ "define\\s*("') let jfile = join(file, ' ') let int_values = split(jfile, 'define\s*(\s*') let int_constants = {} for i in int_values let c_name = matchstr(i, '\(["'']\)\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze\1') if c_name != '' && c_name =~# '^'.substitute(a:base, '\\', '\\\\', 'g') let int_constants[leading_slash.c_name] = '' endif endfor " Prepare list of functions from tags file let ext_functions = {} let ext_constants = {} let ext_classes = {} let ext_traits = {} let ext_interfaces = {} let ext_namespaces = {} let base = substitute(a:base, '^\\', '', '') let [tag_match_pattern, namespace_for_tag] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(a:base, a:current_namespace, a:imports) let namespace_match_pattern = substitute((namespace_for_tag == '' ? '' : namespace_for_tag.'\').tag_match_pattern, '\\', '\\\\', 'g') let tags = [] if len(namespace_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion && len(tag_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion && tag_match_pattern != namespace_match_pattern let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('\c^\('.tag_match_pattern.'\|'.namespace_match_pattern.'\)') elseif len(namespace_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('\c^'.namespace_match_pattern) elseif len(tag_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('\c^'.tag_match_pattern) endif for tag in tags if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') || tag.namespace ==? a:current_namespace || tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_tag if has_key(tag, 'namespace') let full_name = tag.namespace.'\'.tag.name " absolute namespaced name (without leading '\') let base_parts = split(a:base, '\') if len(base_parts) > 1 let namespace_part = join(base_parts[0:-2], '\') else let namespace_part = '' endif let relative_name = (namespace_part == '' ? '' : namespace_part.'\').tag.name endif if tag.kind ==? 'n' && tag.name =~? '^'.namespace_match_pattern let info = tag.name.' - '.tag.filename " patched ctag provides absolute namespace names as tag name, namespace tags dont have namespace fields let full_name = tag.name let base_parts = split(a:base, '\') let full_name_parts = split(full_name, '\') if len(base_parts) > 1 " the first segment could be a renamed import, take the first segment from the user provided input " so if it's a sub namespace of a renamed namespace, just use the typed in segments in place of the absolute path " for example: " you have a namespace NS1\SUBNS as SUB " you have a sub-sub-namespace NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB " typed in SUB\SU " the tags will return NS1\SUBNS\SUBSUB " the completion should be: SUB\SUBSUB by replacing the NS1\SUBSN to SUB as in the import if has_key(a:imports, base_parts[0]) && a:imports[base_parts[0]].kind == 'n' let import = a:imports[base_parts[0]] let relative_name = substitute(full_name, '^'.substitute(import.name, '\\', '\\\\', 'g'), base_parts[0], '') else let relative_name = strpart(full_name, stridx(full_name, a:base)) endif else let relative_name = strpart(full_name, stridx(full_name, a:base)) endif if leading_slash == '' let ext_namespaces[relative_name.'\'] = info else let ext_namespaces['\'.full_name.'\'] = info endif elseif tag.kind ==? 'f' && !has_key(tag, 'class') " class related functions (methods) completed elsewhere, only works with patched ctags if has_key(tag, 'signature') let prototype = tag.signature[1:-2] " drop the ()s around the string else let prototype = matchstr(tag.cmd, \ 'function\s\+&\?[^[:space:]]\+\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)\s*{\?') endif let info = prototype.') - '.tag.filename if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') let ext_functions[tag.name.'('] = info else if tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_tag if leading_slash == '' let ext_functions[relative_name.'('] = info else let ext_functions['\'.full_name.'('] = info endif endif endif elseif tag.kind ==? 'd' let info = ' - '.tag.filename if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') let ext_constants[tag.name] = info else if tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_tag if leading_slash == '' let ext_constants[relative_name] = info else let ext_constants['\'.full_name] = info endif endif endif elseif tag.kind ==? 'c' || tag.kind ==? 'i' || tag.kind ==? 't' let info = ' - '.tag.filename let key = '' if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') let key = tag.name else if tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_tag if leading_slash == '' let key = relative_name else let key = '\'.full_name endif endif endif if key != '' if tag.kind ==? 'c' let ext_classes[key] = info elseif tag.kind ==? 'i' let ext_interfaces[key] = info elseif tag.kind ==? 't' let ext_traits[key] = info endif endif endif endif endfor let builtin_constants = {} let builtin_classnames = {} let builtin_interfaces = {} let builtin_functions = {} let builtin_keywords = {} let base = substitute(a:base, '^\', '', '') if a:current_namespace == '\' || (a:base =~ '^\\' && a:base =~ '^\\[^\\]*$') " Add builtin class names for [classname, info] in items(g:php_builtin_classnames) if classname =~? '^'.base let builtin_classnames[leading_slash.g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(classname)].name] = info endif endfor for [interfacename, info] in items(g:php_builtin_interfacenames) if interfacename =~? '^'.base let builtin_interfaces[leading_slash.g:php_builtin_interfaces[tolower(interfacename)].name] = info endif endfor endif " Prepare list of constants from built-in constants for [constant, info] in items(g:php_constants) if constant =~# '^'.base let builtin_constants[leading_slash.constant] = info endif endfor if leading_slash == '' " keywords should not be completed when base starts with '\' " Treat keywords as constants for [constant, info] in items(g:php_keywords) if constant =~? '^'.a:base let builtin_keywords[constant] = info endif endfor endif for [function_name, info] in items(g:php_builtin_functions) if function_name =~? '^'.base let builtin_functions[leading_slash.function_name] = info endif endfor " All constants call extend(int_constants, ext_constants) " All functions call extend(int_functions, ext_functions) call extend(int_functions, builtin_functions) for [imported_name, import] in items(a:imports) if imported_name =~? '^'.base if import.kind ==? 'c' if import.builtin let builtin_classnames[imported_name] = ' '.import.name else let ext_classes[imported_name] = ' '.import.name.' - '.import.filename endif elseif import.kind ==? 'i' if import.builtin let builtin_interfaces[imported_name] = ' '.import.name else let ext_interfaces[imported_name] = ' '.import.name.' - '.import.filename endif elseif import.kind ==? 't' let ext_traits[imported_name] = ' '.import.name.' - '.import.filename endif " no builtin interfaces if import.kind == 'n' let ext_namespaces[imported_name.'\'] = ' '.import.name.' - '.import.filename endif end endfor let all_values = {} " Add functions found in this file call extend(all_values, int_functions) " Add namespaces from tags call extend(all_values, ext_namespaces) " Add constants from the current file call extend(all_values, int_constants) " Add built-in constants call extend(all_values, builtin_constants) " Add external classes call extend(all_values, ext_classes) " Add external interfaces call extend(all_values, ext_interfaces) " Add external traits call extend(all_values, ext_traits) " Add built-in classes call extend(all_values, builtin_classnames) " Add built-in interfaces call extend(all_values, builtin_interfaces) " Add php keywords call extend(all_values, builtin_keywords) let final_list = [] let int_list = sort(keys(all_values)) for i in int_list if has_key(ext_namespaces, i) let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind':'n', 'menu': ext_namespaces[i], 'info': ext_namespaces[i]}] elseif has_key(int_functions, i) let final_list += \ [{'word':i, \ 'info':i.int_functions[i], \ 'menu':int_functions[i], \ 'kind':'f'}] elseif has_key(ext_classes, i) || has_key(builtin_classnames, i) let info = has_key(ext_classes, i) ? ext_classes[i] : builtin_classnames[i].' - builtin' let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 'c', 'menu': info, 'info': i.info}] elseif has_key(ext_interfaces, i) || has_key(builtin_interfaces, i) let info = has_key(ext_interfaces, i) ? ext_interfaces[i] : builtin_interfaces[i].' - builtin' let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 'i', 'menu': info, 'info': i.info}] elseif has_key(ext_traits, i) let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 't', 'menu': ext_traits[i], 'info': ext_traits[i]}] elseif has_key(int_constants, i) || has_key(builtin_constants, i) let info = has_key(int_constants, i) ? int_constants[i] : ' - builtin' let final_list += [{'word':i, 'kind': 'd', 'menu': info, 'info': i.info}] else let final_list += [{'word':i}] endif endfor return final_list endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#CompleteUnknownClass(base, context) " {{{ let res = [] if g:phpcomplete_complete_for_unknown_classes != 1 return [] endif if a:base =~ '^\$' let adddollar = '$' else let adddollar = '' endif let file = getline(1, '$') " Internal solution for finding object properties in current file. if a:context =~ '::' let variables = filter(deepcopy(file), \ 'v:val =~ "^\\s*\\(static\\|static\\s\\+\\(public\\|var\\)\\|\\(public\\|var\\)\\s\\+static\\)\\s\\+\\$"') elseif a:context =~ '->' let variables = filter(deepcopy(file), \ 'v:val =~ "^\\s*\\(public\\|var\\)\\s\\+\\$"') endif let jvars = join(variables, ' ') let svars = split(jvars, '\$') let int_vars = {} for i in svars let c_var = matchstr(i, \ '^\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze') if c_var != '' let int_vars[adddollar.c_var] = '' endif endfor " Internal solution for finding functions in current file. call filter(deepcopy(file), \ 'v:val =~ "function\\s\\+&\\?[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*("') let jfile = join(file, ' ') let int_values = split(jfile, 'function\s\+') let int_functions = {} for i in int_values let f_name = matchstr(i, \ '^&\?\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze') let f_args = matchstr(i, \ '^&\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)\_s*\(;\|{\|$\)') let int_functions[f_name.'('] = f_args.')' endfor " collect external functions from tags let ext_functions = {} let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.substitute(a:base, '^\$', '', '')) for tag in tags if tag.kind ==? 'f' let item = tag.name if has_key(tag, 'signature') let prototype = tag.signature[1:-2] else let prototype = matchstr(tag.cmd, \ 'function\s\+&\?[^[:space:]]\+\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*)\s*{\?') endif let ext_functions[item.'('] = prototype.') - '.tag['filename'] endif endfor " All functions to one hash for later reference when deciding kind call extend(int_functions, ext_functions) let all_values = {} call extend(all_values, int_functions) call extend(all_values, int_vars) " external variables are already in call extend(all_values, g:php_builtin_object_functions) for m in sort(keys(all_values)) if m =~ '\(^\|::\)'.a:base call add(res, m) endif endfor let start_list = res let final_list = [] for i in start_list if has_key(int_vars, i) let class = ' ' if all_values[i] != '' let class = i.' class ' endif let final_list += [{'word':i, 'info':class.all_values[i], 'kind':'v'}] else let final_list += \ [{'word':substitute(i, '.*::', '', ''), \ 'info':i.all_values[i], \ 'menu':all_values[i], \ 'kind':'f'}] endif endfor return final_list endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#CompleteVariable(base) " {{{ let res = [] " Internal solution for current file. let file = getline(1, '$') let jfile = join(file, ' ') let int_vals = split(jfile, '\ze\$') let int_vars = {} for i in int_vals if i =~? '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*=\s*new' let val = matchstr(i, \ '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*') else let val = matchstr(i, \ '^\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*') endif if val != '' let int_vars[val] = '' endif endfor call extend(int_vars, g:php_builtin_vars) " ctags has support for PHP, use tags file for external variables if g:phpcomplete_search_tags_for_variables let ext_vars = {} let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('\C^'.substitute(a:base, '^\$', '', '')) for tag in tags if tag.kind ==? 'v' let item = tag.name let m_menu = '' if tag.cmd =~? tag['name'].'\s*=\s*new\s\+' let m_menu = matchstr(tag.cmd, \ '\c=\s*new\s\+\zs[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+\ze') endif let ext_vars['$'.item] = m_menu endif endfor call extend(int_vars, ext_vars) endif for m in sort(keys(int_vars)) if m =~# '^\'.a:base call add(res, m) endif endfor let int_list = res let int_dict = [] for i in int_list if int_vars[i] != '' let class = ' ' if int_vars[i] != '' let class = i.' class ' endif let int_dict += [{'word':i, 'info':class.int_vars[i], 'menu':int_vars[i], 'kind':'v'}] else let int_dict += [{'word':i, 'kind':'v'}] endif endfor return int_dict endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#CompleteClassName(base, kinds, current_namespace, imports) " {{{ let kinds = sort(a:kinds) " Complete class name let res = [] if a:base =~? '^\' let leading_slash = '\' let base = substitute(a:base, '^\', '', '') else let leading_slash = '' let base = a:base endif " Internal solution for finding classes in current file. let file = getline(1, '$') let filterstr = '' if kinds == ['c', 'i'] let filterstr = 'v:val =~? "\\(class\\|interface\\)\\s\\+[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*"' elseif kinds == ['c', 'n'] let filterstr = 'v:val =~? "\\(class\\|namespace\\)\\s\\+[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*"' elseif kinds == ['c'] let filterstr = 'v:val =~? "class\\s\\+[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*"' elseif kinds == ['i'] let filterstr = 'v:val =~? "interface\\s\\+[a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\\x7f-\\xff]*\\s*"' endif call filter(file, filterstr) for line in file let c_name = matchstr(line, '\c\(class\|interface\)\s*\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*') let kind = (line =~? '^\s*class' ? 'c' : 'i') if c_name != '' && c_name =~? '^'.base call add(res, {'word': c_name, 'kind': kind}) endif endfor " resolve the typed in part with namespaces (if theres a \ in it) let [tag_match_pattern, namespace_for_class] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(a:base, a:current_namespace, a:imports) let tags = [] if len(tag_match_pattern) >= g:phpcomplete_min_num_of_chars_for_namespace_completion let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^\c'.tag_match_pattern) endif if len(tags) let base_parts = split(a:base, '\') if len(base_parts) > 1 let namespace_part = join(base_parts[0:-2], '\').'\' else let namespace_part = '' endif let no_namespace_matches = [] let namespaced_matches = [] let seen_namespaced_tag = 0 for tag in tags if has_key(tag, 'namespace') let seen_namespaced_tag = 1 endif let relative_name = namespace_part.tag.name " match base without the namespace part for namespaced base but not namespaced tags, for tagfiles with old ctags if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') && index(kinds, tag.kind) != -1 && stridx(tolower(tag.name), tolower(base[len(namespace_part):])) == 0 call add(no_namespace_matches, {'word': leading_slash.relative_name, 'kind': tag.kind, 'menu': tag.filename, 'info': tag.filename }) endif if has_key(tag, 'namespace') && index(kinds, tag.kind) != -1 && tag.namespace ==? namespace_for_class let full_name = tag.namespace.'\'.tag.name " absolute namespaced name (without leading '\') call add(namespaced_matches, {'word': leading_slash == '\' ? leading_slash.full_name : relative_name, 'kind': tag.kind, 'menu': tag.filename, 'info': tag.filename }) endif endfor " if there was a tag with namespace field, assume tag files with namespace support, so the matches " without a namespace field are in the global namespace so if there were namespace in the base " we should not add them to the matches if seen_namespaced_tag && namespace_part != '' let no_namespace_matches = [] endif let res += no_namespace_matches + namespaced_matches endif " look for built in classnames and interfaces let base_parts = split(base, '\') if a:current_namespace == '\' || (leading_slash == '\' && len(base_parts) < 2) if index(kinds, 'c') != -1 let builtin_classnames = filter(keys(copy(g:php_builtin_classnames)), 'v:val =~? "^'.substitute(a:base, '\\', '', 'g').'"') for classname in builtin_classnames let menu = '' " if we have a constructor for this class, add parameters as to the info if has_key(g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(classname)].methods, '__construct') let menu = g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(classname)]['methods']['__construct']['signature'] endif call add(res, {'word': leading_slash.g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(classname)].name, 'kind': 'c', 'menu': menu}) endfor endif if index(kinds, 'i') != -1 let builtin_interfaces = filter(keys(copy(g:php_builtin_interfaces)), 'v:val =~? "^'.substitute(a:base, '\\', '', 'g').'"') for interfacename in builtin_interfaces call add(res, {'word': leading_slash.g:php_builtin_interfaces[interfacename]['name'], 'kind': 'i', 'menu': ''}) endfor endif endif " add matching imported things for [imported_name, import] in items(a:imports) if imported_name =~? '^'.base && index(kinds, import.kind) != -1 let menu = import.name.(import.builtin ? ' - builtin' : '') call add(res, {'word': imported_name, 'kind': import.kind, 'menu': menu}) endif endfor let res = sort(res, 'phpcomplete#CompareCompletionRow') return res endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#CompareCompletionRow(i1, i2) " {{{ return a:i1.word == a:i2.word ? 0 : a:i1.word > a:i2.word ? 1 : -1 endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#JumpToDefinition(mode) " {{{ if !exists('g:php_builtin_functions') call phpcomplete#LoadData() endif let keys = "" if a:mode == 'normal' let notfound_commands = 'tag ' elseif a:mode == 'split' let notfound_commands = 'split | tag ' elseif a:mode == 'vsplit' let notfound_commands = 'vsplit | tag ' elseif a:mode == 'tabnew' let notfound_commands = 'tabnew | tag ' endif let [symbol, symbol_context, symbol_namespace, current_imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentSymbolWithContext() if symbol == '' silent! exec notfound_commands.expand('<cword>') return endif let [symbol_file, symbol_line, symbol_col] = phpcomplete#LocateSymbol(symbol, symbol_context, symbol_namespace, current_imports) if symbol_file == '' silent! exec notfound_commands.symbol return endif let symbol_file_lines = readfile(symbol_file) let tag_line = get(symbol_file_lines, symbol_line - 1, -1) if tag_line == -1 silent! exec notfound_commands.symbol return endif let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist(symbol) let symbol_file = fnamemodify(symbol_file, ':p') let tag_position = -1 let i = 1 for tag in tags if fnamemodify(tag.filename, ":p") == symbol_file && tag_line =~ tag.cmd[1:-2] let tag_position = i break endif let i += 1 endfor if tag_position == -1 silent! exec notfound_commands.symbol else let oldcscopetag = &cscopetag set nocscopetag if a:mode == 'split' silent! exec 'split | '.tag_position.'tag '.symbol elseif a:mode == 'tabnew' silent! exec 'tabnew | '.tag_position.'tag '.symbol elseif a:mode == 'vsplit' silent! exec 'vsplit | '.tag_position.'tag '.symbol elseif a:mode == 'normal' silent! exec tag_position.'tag '.symbol endif let &cscopetag = oldcscopetag unlet oldcscopetag endif endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetCurrentSymbolWithContext() " {{{ " Check if we are inside of PHP markup let pos = getpos('.') let phpbegin = searchpairpos('<?', '', '?>', 'bWn', \ 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"') let phpend = searchpairpos('<?', '', '?>', 'Wn', \ 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"') if (phpbegin == [0, 0] && phpend == [0, 0]) return ['', '', '', ''] endif " locate the start of the word let b:phpbegin = phpbegin let line = getline('.') let start = col('.') - 1 let end = start if start < 0 let start = 0 endif if end < 0 let end = 0 endif while start >= 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '[\\a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff$]' let start -= 1 endwhile while end + 1 <= len(line) && line[end + 1] =~ '[\\a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff$]' let end += 1 endwhile let word = line[start : end] " trim extra non-word chars from the end line "(" that can come from a " function call let word = substitute(word, '\v\c[^\\a-zA-Z_0-9$]*$', '', '') let current_instruction = phpcomplete#GetCurrentInstruction(line('.'), max([0, col('.') - 2]), phpbegin) let context = substitute(current_instruction, '\s*[$a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*$', '', '') let [current_namespace, current_imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(getline(0, line('.'))) " imports by definition always absolute so they don't need expanding with " current namespace but with \ as if we are in the global namespace if context =~? '^use\s\+' let [symbol, symbol_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(word, '\', current_imports) else let [symbol, symbol_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(word, current_namespace, current_imports) endif return [symbol, context, symbol_namespace, current_imports] endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#LocateSymbol(symbol, symbol_context, symbol_namespace, current_imports) " {{{ let unknow_location = ['', '', ''] if a:symbol =~ '\\' let symbol_parts = split(a:symbol, '\') let search_symbol = symbol_parts[-1] else let search_symbol = a:symbol endif " are we looking for a method? if a:symbol_context =~ '\(->\|::\)$' " Get name of the class let classname = phpcomplete#GetClassName(line('.'), a:symbol_context, a:symbol_namespace, a:current_imports) " Get location of class definition, we have to iterate through all if classname != '' if classname =~ '\' " split the last \ segment as a classname, everything else is the namespace let classname_parts = split(classname, '\') let namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\') let classname = classname_parts[-1] else let namespace = '\' endif let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(classname, namespace) if classlocation != '' && filereadable(classlocation) let classcontents = phpcomplete#GetCachedClassContents(classlocation, classname) for classcontent in classcontents if classcontent.content =~? 'function\_s\+&\=\<'.search_symbol.'\(\>\|$\)' && filereadable(classcontent.file) " Method found in classlocation call s:readfileToTmpbuffer(classcontent.file) call search('\cclass\_s\+\<'.classcontent.class.'\(\>\|$\)', 'wc') call search('\cfunction\_s\+&\=\zs\<'.search_symbol.'\(\>\|$\)', 'wc') let line = line('.') let col = col('.') silent! exe 'bw! %' return [classcontent.file, line, col] endif endfor endif endif else " it could be a function let function_file = phpcomplete#GetFunctionLocation(a:symbol, a:symbol_namespace) if function_file != '' && filereadable(function_file) " Function found in function_file call s:readfileToTmpbuffer(function_file) call search('\cfunction\_s\+&\=\zs\<'.search_symbol.'\(\>\|$\)', 'wc') let line = line('.') let col = col('.') silent! exe 'bw! %' return [function_file, line, col] endif let class_file = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(a:symbol, a:symbol_namespace) if class_file != '' && filereadable(class_file) " Class or interface found in class_file call s:readfileToTmpbuffer(class_file) call search('\c\(interface\|class\)\_s\+\zs\<'.search_symbol.'\(\>\|$\)', 'wc') let line = line('.') let col = col('.') silent! exe 'bw! %' return [class_file, line, col] endif endif return unknow_location endfunction " }}} function! s:readfileToTmpbuffer(file) " {{{ let cfile = join(readfile(a:file), "\n") silent! below 1new silent! 0put =cfile silent! exec "set ft=phpcompletetempbuffer" return [bufnr('$'), bufname('%')] endfunction " }}} function! s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, current_pos) " {{{ let line_no = a:current_pos[0] let col_no = a:current_pos[1] let last_line = a:filelines[len(a:filelines) - 1] let end_pos = [len(a:filelines) - 1, strlen(last_line) - 1] if line_no > end_pos[0] || line_no == end_pos[0] && col_no > end_pos[1] return ['EOF', 'EOF'] endif " we've not reached the end of the current line break if col_no + 1 < strlen(a:filelines[line_no]) let col_no += 1 else " we've reached the end of the current line, jump to the next " non-blank line (blank lines have no position where we can read from, " not even a whitespace. The newline char does not positionable by vim let line_no += 1 while strlen(a:filelines[line_no]) == 0 let line_no += 1 endwhile let col_no = 0 endif " return 'EOF' string to signal end of file, normal results only one char " in length if line_no == end_pos[0] && col_no > end_pos[1] return ['EOF', 'EOF'] endif return [[line_no, col_no], a:filelines[line_no][col_no]] endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#EvaluateModifiers(modifiers, required_modifiers, prohibited_modifiers) " {{{ " if theres no modifier, and no modifier is allowed and no modifier is required if len(a:modifiers) == 0 && len(a:required_modifiers) == 0 return 1 else " check if every requred modifier is present for required_modifier in a:required_modifiers if index(a:modifiers, required_modifier) == -1 return 0 endif endfor for modifier in a:modifiers " if the modifier is prohibited it's a no match if index(a:prohibited_modifiers, modifier) != -1 return 0 endif endfor " anything that is not explicitly required or prohibited is allowed return 1 endif endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#CompleteUserClass(context, base, sccontent, visibility) " {{{ let final_list = [] let res = [] let required_modifiers = [] let prohibited_modifiers = [] if a:visibility == 'public' let prohibited_modifiers += ['private', 'protected'] endif " limit based on context to static or normal methods let static_con = '' if a:context =~ '::$' && a:context !~? 'parent::$' if g:phpcomplete_relax_static_constraint != 1 let required_modifiers += ['static'] endif elseif a:context =~ '->$' let prohibited_modifiers += ['static'] endif let all_function = filter(deepcopy(a:sccontent), \ 'v:val =~ "^\\s*\\(public\\s\\+\\|protected\\s\\+\\|private\\s\\+\\|final\\s\\+\\|abstract\\s\\+\\|static\\s\\+\\)*function"') let functions = [] for i in all_function let modifiers = split(matchstr(tolower(i), '\zs.\+\zefunction'), '\s\+') if phpcomplete#EvaluateModifiers(modifiers, required_modifiers, prohibited_modifiers) == 1 call add(functions, i) endif endfor let c_functions = {} let c_doc = {} for i in functions let f_name = matchstr(i, \ 'function\s*&\?\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze') let f_args = matchstr(i, \ 'function\s*&\?[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)\_s*\(;\|{\|\_$\)') if f_name != '' && stridx(f_name, '__') != 0 let c_functions[f_name.'('] = f_args if g:phpcomplete_parse_docblock_comments let c_doc[f_name.'('] = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(a:sccontent, 'function\s*&\?\<'.f_name.'\>') endif endif endfor " limit based on context to static or normal attributes if a:context =~ '::$' && a:context !~? 'parent::$' " variables must have static to be accessed as static unlike functions let required_modifiers += ['static'] endif let all_variable = filter(deepcopy(a:sccontent), \ 'v:val =~ "\\(^\\s*\\(var\\s\\+\\|public\\s\\+\\|protected\\s\\+\\|private\\s\\+\\|final\\s\\+\\|abstract\\s\\+\\|static\\s\\+\\)\\+\\$\\|^\\s*\\(\\/\\|\\*\\)*\\s*@property\\s\\+\\S\\+\\s\\S\\{-}\\s*$\\)"') let variables = [] for i in all_variable let modifiers = split(matchstr(tolower(i), '\zs.\+\ze\$'), '\s\+') if phpcomplete#EvaluateModifiers(modifiers, required_modifiers, prohibited_modifiers) == 1 call add(variables, i) endif endfor let static_vars = split(join(variables, ' '), '\$') let c_variables = {} let var_index = 0 for i in static_vars let c_var = matchstr(i, \ '^\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze') if c_var != '' if a:context =~ '::$' let c_var = '$'.c_var endif let c_variables[c_var] = '' if g:phpcomplete_parse_docblock_comments && len(get(variables, var_index, '')) > 0 let c_doc[c_var] = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(a:sccontent, variables[var_index]) endif let var_index += 1 endif endfor let constants = filter(deepcopy(a:sccontent), \ 'v:val =~ "^\\s*const\\s\\+"') let jcons = join(constants, ' ') let scons = split(jcons, 'const') let c_constants = {} let const_index = 0 for i in scons let c_con = matchstr(i, \ '^\s*\zs[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*\ze') if c_con != '' let c_constants[c_con] = '' if g:phpcomplete_parse_docblock_comments && len(get(constants, const_index)) > 0 let c_doc[c_con] = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(a:sccontent, constants[const_index]) endif let const_index += 1 endif endfor let all_values = {} call extend(all_values, c_functions) call extend(all_values, c_variables) call extend(all_values, c_constants) for m in sort(keys(all_values)) if stridx(m, a:base) == 0 call add(res, m) endif endfor let start_list = res let final_list = [] for i in start_list let docblock = phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(get(c_doc, i, '')) if has_key(c_variables, i) let final_list += \ [{'word': i, \ 'info':phpcomplete#FormatDocBlock(docblock), \ 'menu':get(docblock.var, 'type', ''), \ 'kind':'v'}] elseif has_key(c_constants, i) let info = phpcomplete#FormatDocBlock(docblock) if info != '' let info = "\n".info endif let final_list += \ [{'word':i, \ 'info':i.info, \ 'menu':all_values[i], \ 'kind':'d'}] else let return_type = get(docblock.return, 'type', '') if return_type != '' let return_type = ' | '.return_type endif let info = phpcomplete#FormatDocBlock(docblock) if info != '' let info = "\n".info endif let final_list += \ [{'word':substitute(i, '.*::', '', ''), \ 'info':i.all_values[i].')'.info, \ 'menu':all_values[i].')'.return_type, \ 'kind':'f'}] endif endfor return final_list endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#CompleteBuiltInClass(context, classname, base) " {{{ let class_info = g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(a:classname)] let res = [] if a:context =~ '->$' " complete for everything instance related " methods for [method_name, method_info] in items(class_info.methods) if stridx(method_name, '__') != 0 && (a:base == '' || method_name =~? '^'.a:base) call add(res, {'word':method_name.'(', 'kind': 'f', 'menu': method_info.signature, 'info': method_info.signature }) endif endfor " properties for [property_name, property_info] in items(class_info.properties) if a:base == '' || property_name =~? '^'.a:base call add(res, {'word':property_name, 'kind': 'v', 'menu': property_info.type, 'info': property_info.type }) endif endfor elseif a:context =~ '::$' " complete for everything static " methods for [method_name, method_info] in items(class_info.static_methods) if a:base == '' || method_name =~? '^'.a:base call add(res, {'word':method_name.'(', 'kind': 'f', 'menu': method_info.signature, 'info': method_info.signature }) endif endfor " properties for [property_name, property_info] in items(class_info.static_properties) if a:base == '' || property_name =~? '^'.a:base call add(res, {'word':property_name, 'kind': 'v', 'menu': property_info.type, 'info': property_info.type }) endif endfor " constants for [constant_name, constant_info] in items(class_info.constants) if a:base == '' || constant_name =~? '^'.a:base call add(res, {'word':constant_name, 'kind': 'd', 'menu': constant_info, 'info': constant_info}) endif endfor endif return res endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetTaglist(pattern) " {{{ let cache_checksum = '' if g:phpcomplete_cache_taglists == 1 " build a string with format of "<tagfile>:<mtime>$<tagfile2>:<mtime2>..." " to validate that the tags are not changed since the time we saved the results in cache for tagfile in sort(tagfiles()) let cache_checksum .= fnamemodify(tagfile, ':p').':'.getftime(tagfile).'$' endfor if s:cache_tags_checksum != cache_checksum " tag file(s) changed " since we don't know where individual tags coming from when calling taglist() we zap the whole cache " no way to clear only the entries originating from the changed tag file let s:cache_tags = {} endif if has_key(s:cache_tags, a:pattern) return s:cache_tags[a:pattern] endif endif let tags = taglist(a:pattern) for tag in tags for prop in keys(tag) if prop == 'cmd' || prop == 'static' || prop == 'kind' || prop == 'builtin' continue endif let tag[prop] = substitute(tag[prop], '\\\\', '\\', 'g') endfor endfor let s:cache_tags[a:pattern] = tags let has_key = has_key(s:cache_tags, a:pattern) let s:cache_tags_checksum = cache_checksum return tags endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetCurrentInstruction(line_number, col_number, phpbegin) " {{{ " locate the current instruction (up until the previous non comment or string ";" or php region start (<?php or <?) without newlines let col_number = a:col_number let line_number = a:line_number let line = getline(a:line_number) let current_char = -1 let instruction = '' let parent_depth = 0 let bracket_depth = 0 let stop_chars = [ \ '!', '@', '%', '^', '&', \ '*', '/', '-', '+', '=', \ ':', '>', '<', '.', '?', \ ';', '(', '|', '[' \ ] let phpbegin_length = len(matchstr(getline(a:phpbegin[0]), '\zs<?\(php\)\?\ze')) let phpbegin_end = [a:phpbegin[0], a:phpbegin[1] - 1 + phpbegin_length] " will hold the first place where a coma could have ended the match let first_coma_break_pos = -1 let next_char = len(line) < col_number ? line[col_number + 1] : '' while !(line_number == 1 && col_number == 1) if current_char != -1 let next_char = current_char endif let current_char = line[col_number] let synIDName = synIDattr(synID(line_number, col_number + 1, 0), 'name') if col_number - 1 == -1 let prev_line_number = line_number - 1 let prev_line = getline(line_number - 1) let prev_col_number = strlen(prev_line) else let prev_line_number = line_number let prev_col_number = col_number - 1 let prev_line = line endif let prev_char = prev_line[prev_col_number] " skip comments if synIDName =~? 'comment\|phpDocTags' let current_char = '' endif " break on the last char of the "and" and "or" operators if synIDName == 'phpOperator' && (current_char == 'r' || current_char == 'd') break endif " break on statements as "return" or "throws" if synIDName == 'phpStatement' || synIDName == 'phpException' break endif " if the current char should be considered if current_char != '' && parent_depth >= 0 && bracket_depth >= 0 && synIDName !~? 'comment\|string' " break if we are on a "naked" stop_char (operators, colon, openparent...) if index(stop_chars, current_char) != -1 let do_break = 1 " dont break if it does look like a "->" if (prev_char == '-' && current_char == '>') || (current_char == '-' && next_char == '>') let do_break = 0 endif " dont break if it does look like a "::" if (prev_char == ':' && current_char == ':') || (current_char == ':' && next_char == ':') let do_break = 0 endif if do_break break endif endif " save the coma position for later use if theres a "naked" , possibly separating a parameter and it is not in a parented part if first_coma_break_pos == -1 && current_char == ',' let first_coma_break_pos = len(instruction) endif endif " count nested darenthesis and brackets so we can tell if we need to break on a ';' or not (think of for (;;) loops) if synIDName =~? 'phpBraceFunc\|phpParent\|Delimiter' if current_char == '(' let parent_depth += 1 elseif current_char == ')' let parent_depth -= 1 elseif current_char == '[' let bracket_depth += 1 elseif current_char == ']' let bracket_depth -= 1 endif endif " stop collecting chars if we see a function start { (think of first line in a function) if (current_char == '{' || current_char == '}') && synIDName =~? 'phpBraceFunc\|phpParent\|Delimiter' break endif " break if we are reached the php block start (<?php or <?) if [line_number, col_number] == phpbegin_end break endif let instruction = current_char.instruction " step a char or a line back if we are on the first column of the line already let col_number -= 1 if col_number == -1 let line_number -= 1 let line = getline(line_number) let col_number = strlen(line) endif endwhile " strip leading whitespace let instruction = substitute(instruction, '^\s\+', '', '') " there were a "naked" coma in the instruction if first_coma_break_pos != -1 if instruction !~? '^use' && instruction !~? '^class' " use ... statements and class delcarations should not be broken up by comas let pos = (-1 * first_coma_break_pos) + 1 let instruction = instruction[pos :] endif endif " HACK to remove one line conditionals from code like "if ($foo) echo 'bar'" " what the plugin really need is a proper php tokenizer if instruction =~? '\c^\(if\|while\|foreach\|for\)\s*(' " clear everything up until the first ( let instruction = substitute(instruction, '^\(if\|while\|foreach\|for\)\s*(\s*', '', '') " lets iterate trough the instruction until we can find the pair for the opening ( let i = 0 let depth = 1 while i < len(instruction) if instruction[i] == '(' let depth += 1 endif if instruction[i] == ')' let depth -= 1 endif if depth == 0 break end let i += 1 endwhile let instruction = instruction[i + 1 : len(instruction)] endif " trim whitespace from the ends let instruction = substitute(instruction, '\v^(^\s+)|(\s+)$', '', 'g') return instruction endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, imports, methodstack) " {{{ " Tries to get the classname and namespace for a chained method call like: " $this->foo()->bar()->baz()-> let classname_candidate = a:classname_candidate let class_candidate_namespace = a:class_candidate_namespace let methodstack = a:methodstack let unknown_result = ['', ''] let prev_method_is_array = (methodstack[0] =~ '\v^[^([]+\[' ? 1 : 0) let classname_candidate_is_array = (classname_candidate =~ '\[\]$' ? 1 : 0) if prev_method_is_array if classname_candidate_is_array let classname_candidate = substitute(classname_candidate, '\[\]$', '', '') else return unknown_result endif endif if (len(methodstack) == 1) let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, a:imports) return [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] else call remove(methodstack, 0) let method_is_array = (methodstack[0] =~ '\v^[^[]+\[' ? 1 : 0) let method = matchstr(methodstack[0], '\v^\$*\zs[^[(]+\ze') let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace) if classlocation == 'VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT' && has_key(g:php_builtin_classes, tolower(classname_candidate)) let class_info = g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(classname_candidate)] if has_key(class_info['methods'], method) return phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(class_info['methods'][method].return_type, '\', a:imports, methodstack) endif if has_key(class_info['properties'], method) return phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(class_info['properties'][method].type, '\', a:imports, methodstack) endif if has_key(class_info['static_methods'], method) return phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(class_info['static_methods'][method].return_type, '\', a:imports, methodstack) endif if has_key(class_info['static_properties'], method) return phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(class_info['static_properties'][method].type, '\', a:imports, methodstack) endif return unknown_result elseif classlocation != '' && filereadable(classlocation) " Read the next method from the stack and extract only the name let classcontents = phpcomplete#GetCachedClassContents(classlocation, classname_candidate) " Get Structured information of all classes and subclasses including namespace and includes " try to find the method's return type in docblock comment for classstructure in classcontents let docblock_target_pattern = 'function\s\+&\?'.method.'\>\|\(public\|private\|protected\|var\).\+\$'.method.'\>\|@property.\+\$'.method.'\>' let doc_str = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(split(classstructure.content, '\n'), docblock_target_pattern) let return_type_hint = phpcomplete#GetFunctionReturnTypeHint(split(classstructure.content, '\n'), 'function\s\+&\?'.method.'\>') if doc_str != '' || return_type_hint != '' break endif endfor if doc_str != '' || return_type_hint != '' let docblock = phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(doc_str) if has_key(docblock.return, 'type') || has_key(docblock.var, 'type') || len(docblock.properties) > 0 || return_type_hint != '' if return_type_hint == '' let type = has_key(docblock.return, 'type') ? docblock.return.type : has_key(docblock.var, 'type') ? docblock.var.type : '' if type == '' for property in docblock.properties if property.description =~? method let type = property.type break endif endfor endif else let type = return_type_hint end " there's a namespace in the type, threat the type as FQCN if type =~ '\\' let parts = split(substitute(type, '^\\', '', ''), '\') let class_candidate_namespace = join(parts[0:-2], '\') let classname_candidate = parts[-1] " check for renamed namepsace in imports if has_key(classstructure.imports, class_candidate_namespace) let class_candidate_namespace = classstructure.imports[class_candidate_namespace].name endif else " no namespace in the type, threat it as a relative classname let returnclass = type if has_key(classstructure.imports, returnclass) if has_key(classstructure.imports[returnclass], 'namespace') let fullnamespace = classstructure.imports[returnclass].namespace else let fullnamespace = class_candidate_namespace endif else let fullnamespace = class_candidate_namespace endif " make @return self, static, $this the same way " (not exactly what php means by these) if returnclass == 'self' || returnclass == 'static' || returnclass == '$this' || returnclass == 'self[]' || returnclass == 'static[]' || returnclass == '$this[]' if returnclass =~ '\[\]$' let classname_candidate = a:classname_candidate.'[]' else let classname_candidate = a:classname_candidate endif let class_candidate_namespace = a:class_candidate_namespace else let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(returnclass, fullnamespace, a:imports) endif endif return phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, a:imports, methodstack) endif endif return unknown_result else return unknown_result endif endif endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetMethodStack(line) " {{{ let methodstack = [] let i = 0 let end = len(a:line) let current_part = '' let parent_depth = 0 let in_string = 0 let string_start = '' let next_char = '' while i < end let current_char = a:line[i] let next_char = i + 1 < end ? a:line[i + 1] : '' let prev_char = i >= 1 ? a:line[i - 1] : '' let prev_prev_char = i >= 2 ? a:line[i - 2] : '' if in_string == 0 && parent_depth == 0 && ((current_char == '-' && next_char == '>') || (current_char == ':' && next_char == ':')) call add(methodstack, current_part) let current_part = '' let i += 2 continue endif " if it looks like a string if current_char == "'" || current_char == '"' " and it is not escaped if prev_char != '\' || (prev_char == '\' && prev_prev_char == '\') " and we are in a string already if in_string " and that string started with this char too if current_char == string_start " clear the string mark let in_string = 0 endif else " ... and we are not in a string " set the string mark let in_string = 1 let string_start = current_char endif endif endif if !in_string && a:line[i] == '(' let parent_depth += 1 endif if !in_string && a:line[i] == ')' let parent_depth -= 1 endif let current_part .= current_char let i += 1 endwhile " add the last remaining part, this can be an empty string and this is expected " the empty string represents the completion base (which happen to be an empty string) if current_part != '' call add(methodstack, current_part) endif return methodstack endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetClassName(start_line, context, current_namespace, imports) " {{{ " Get class name " Class name can be detected in few ways: " @var $myVar class " @var class $myVar " in the same line (php 5.4 (new Class)-> syntax) " line above " or line in tags file let class_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*' let function_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]*' let function_invocation_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*(' let variable_name_pattern = '\$[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*' let classname_candidate = '' let class_candidate_namespace = a:current_namespace let class_candidate_imports = a:imports let methodstack = phpcomplete#GetMethodStack(a:context) if a:context =~? '\$this->' || a:context =~? '\(self\|static\)::' || a:context =~? 'parent::' let i = 1 while i < a:start_line let line = getline(a:start_line - i) " Don't complete self:: or $this if outside of a class " (assumes correct indenting) if line =~ '^}' return '' endif if line =~? '\v^\s*(abstract\s+|final\s+)*\s*class\s' let class_name = matchstr(line, '\cclass\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze') let extended_class = matchstr(line, '\cclass\s\+'.class_name_pattern.'\s\+extends\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze') let classname_candidate = a:context =~? 'parent::' ? extended_class : class_name if classname_candidate != '' let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, class_candidate_imports, methodstack) " return absolute classname, without leading \ return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate endif endif let i += 1 endwhile elseif a:context =~? '(\s*new\s\+'.class_name_pattern.'\s*)->' let classname_candidate = matchstr(a:context, '\cnew\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze') let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, class_candidate_imports, methodstack) " return absolute classname, without leading \ return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate elseif get(methodstack, 0) =~# function_invocation_pattern let function_name = matchstr(methodstack[0], '^\s*\zs'.function_name_pattern) let function_file = phpcomplete#GetFunctionLocation(function_name, a:current_namespace) if function_file == '' let function_file = phpcomplete#GetFunctionLocation(function_name, '\') endif if function_file == 'VIMPHP_BUILTINFUNCTION' " built in function, grab the return type from the info string let return_type = matchstr(g:php_builtin_functions[function_name.'('], '\v\|\s+\zs.+$') let classname_candidate = return_type let class_candidate_namespace = '\' elseif function_file != '' && filereadable(function_file) let file_lines = readfile(function_file) let docblock_str = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(file_lines, 'function\s*&\?\<'.function_name.'\>') let return_type_hint = phpcomplete#GetFunctionReturnTypeHint(file_lines, 'function\s*&\?'.function_name.'\>') let docblock = phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(docblock_str) let type = has_key(docblock.return, 'type') ? docblock.return.type : return_type_hint if type != '' let classname_candidate = type let [class_candidate_namespace, function_imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(file_lines) " try to expand the classname of the returned type with the context got from the function's source file let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, function_imports) endif endif if classname_candidate != '' let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, class_candidate_imports, methodstack) " return absolute classname, without leading \ return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate endif else " extract the variable name from the context let object = methodstack[0] let object_is_array = (object =~ '\v^[^[]+\[' ? 1 : 0) let object = matchstr(object, variable_name_pattern) let function_boundary = phpcomplete#GetCurrentFunctionBoundaries() let search_end_line = max([1, function_boundary[0][0]]) " -1 makes us ignore the current line (where the completion was invoked let lines = reverse(getline(search_end_line, a:start_line - 1)) " check Constant lookup let constant_object = matchstr(a:context, '\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze::') if constant_object != '' let classname_candidate = constant_object endif if classname_candidate == '' " scan the file backwards from current line for explicit type declaration (@var $variable Classname) for line in lines " in file lookup for /* @var $foo Class */ if line =~# '@var\s\+'.object.'\s\+'.class_name_pattern let classname_candidate = matchstr(line, '@var\s\+'.object.'\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\(\[\]\)\?') let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports) break endif " in file lookup for /* @var Class $foo */ if line =~# '@var\s\+'.class_name_pattern.'\s\+'.object let classname_candidate = matchstr(line, '@var\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\(\[\]\)\?\ze'.'\s\+'.object) let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports) break endif endfor endif if classname_candidate != '' let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, class_candidate_imports, methodstack) " return absolute classname, without leading \ return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate endif " scan the file backwards from the current line let i = 1 for line in lines " {{{ " do in-file lookup of $var = new Class if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=\s*new\s\+'.class_name_pattern && !object_is_array let classname_candidate = matchstr(line, object.'\c\s*=\s*new\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze') let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports) break endif " in-file lookup for Class::getInstance() if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*'.class_name_pattern.'\s*::\s*getInstance' && !object_is_array let classname_candidate = matchstr(line, object.'\s*=&\?\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s*::\s*getInstance') let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports) break endif " do in-file lookup for static method invocation of a built-in class, like: $d = DateTime::createFromFormat() if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*'.class_name_pattern.'\s*::\s*$\?[a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]\+' let classname = matchstr(line, '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s*::') if has_key(a:imports, classname) && a:imports[classname].kind == 'c' let classname = a:imports[classname].name endif if has_key(g:php_builtin_classes, tolower(classname)) let sub_methodstack = phpcomplete#GetMethodStack(matchstr(line, '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*\s\+\zs.*')) let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname, '\', {}, sub_methodstack) return classname_candidate else " try to get the class name from the static method's docblock let [classname, namespace_for_class] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname, a:current_namespace, a:imports) let sub_methodstack = phpcomplete#GetMethodStack(matchstr(line, '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*\s\+\zs.*')) let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType( \ classname, \ namespace_for_class, \ a:imports, \ sub_methodstack) return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate endif endif " function declaration line if line =~? 'function\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*(' let function_lines = join(reverse(copy(lines)), " ") " search for type hinted arguments if function_lines =~? 'function\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*(.\{-}'.class_name_pattern.'\s\+'.object && !object_is_array let f_args = matchstr(function_lines, '\cfunction\(\s\+'.function_name_pattern.'\)\?\s*(\zs.\{-}\ze)') let args = split(f_args, '\s*\zs,\ze\s*') for arg in args if arg =~# object.'\(,\|$\)' let classname_candidate = matchstr(arg, '\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s\+'.object) let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports) break endif endfor if classname_candidate != '' break endif endif " search for docblock for the function let match_line = substitute(line, '\\', '\\\\', 'g') let sccontent = getline(0, a:start_line - i) let doc_str = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(sccontent, match_line) if doc_str != '' let docblock = phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(doc_str) for param in docblock.params if param.name =~? object let classname_candidate = matchstr(param.type, class_name_pattern.'\(\[\]\)\?') let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, a:current_namespace, a:imports) break endif endfor if classname_candidate != '' break endif endif endif " assignment for the variable in question with a variable on the right hand side if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s\+\(clone\)\?\s*'.variable_name_pattern " try to find the next non-comment or string ";" char let start_col = match(line, '^\s*'.object.'\C\s*=\zs&\?\s\+\(clone\)\?\s*'.variable_name_pattern) let filelines = reverse(copy(lines)) let [pos, char] = s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, [len(filelines) - i, start_col]) let chars_read = 1 let last_pos = pos " function_boundary == 0 if we are not in a function let real_lines_offset = len(function_boundary) == 1 ? 1 : function_boundary[0][0] " read while end of the file while char != 'EOF' && chars_read < 1000 let last_pos = pos let [pos, char] = s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, pos) let chars_read += 1 " we got a candidate if char == ';' " pos values is relative to the function's lines, " line 0 need to be offsetted with the line number " where te function was started to get the line number " in real buffer terms let synIDName = synIDattr(synID(real_lines_offset + pos[0], pos[1] + 1, 0), 'name') " it's not a comment or string, end search if synIDName !~? 'comment\|string' break endif endif endwhile let prev_context = phpcomplete#GetCurrentInstruction(real_lines_offset + last_pos[0], last_pos[1], b:phpbegin) if prev_context == '' " cannot get previous context give up return endif let prev_class = phpcomplete#GetClassName(a:start_line - i, prev_context, a:current_namespace, a:imports) if stridx(prev_class, '\') != -1 let classname_parts = split(prev_class, '\\\+') let classname_candidate = classname_parts[-1] let class_candidate_namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\') else let classname_candidate = prev_class let class_candidate_namespace = '\' endif break endif " assignment for the variable in question with a function on the right hand side if line =~# '^\s*'.object.'\s*=&\?\s*'.function_invocation_pattern " try to find the next non-comment or string ";" char let start_col = match(line, '\C^\s*'.object.'\s*=\zs&\?\s*'.function_invocation_pattern) let filelines = reverse(copy(lines)) let [pos, char] = s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, [len(filelines) - i, start_col]) let chars_read = 1 let last_pos = pos " function_boundary == 0 if we are not in a function let real_lines_offset = len(function_boundary) == 1 ? 1 : function_boundary[0][0] " read while end of the file while char != 'EOF' && chars_read < 1000 let last_pos = pos let [pos, char] = s:getNextCharWithPos(filelines, pos) let chars_read += 1 " we got a candidate if char == ';' " pos values is relative to the function's lines, " line 0 need to be offsetted with the line number " where te function was started to get the line number " in real buffer terms let synIDName = synIDattr(synID(real_lines_offset + pos[0], pos[1] + 1, 0), 'name') " it's not a comment or string, end search if synIDName !~? 'comment\|string' break endif endif endwhile let prev_context = phpcomplete#GetCurrentInstruction(real_lines_offset + last_pos[0], last_pos[1], b:phpbegin) if prev_context == '' " cannot get previous context give up return endif let function_name = matchstr(prev_context, '^'.function_invocation_pattern.'\ze') let function_name = matchstr(function_name, '^\zs.\+\ze\s*($') " strip the trailing ( let [function_name, function_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(function_name, a:current_namespace, a:imports) let function_file = phpcomplete#GetFunctionLocation(function_name, function_namespace) if function_file == '' let function_file = phpcomplete#GetFunctionLocation(function_name, '\') endif if function_file == 'VIMPHP_BUILTINFUNCTION' " built in function, grab the return type from the info string let return_type = matchstr(g:php_builtin_functions[function_name.'('], '\v\|\s+\zs.+$') let classname_candidate = return_type let class_candidate_namespace = '\' break elseif function_file != '' && filereadable(function_file) let file_lines = readfile(function_file) let docblock_str = phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(file_lines, 'function\s*&\?\<'.function_name.'\>') let return_type_hint = phpcomplete#GetFunctionReturnTypeHint(file_lines, 'function\s*&\?'.function_name.'\>') let docblock = phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(docblock_str) let type = has_key(docblock.return, 'type') ? docblock.return.type : return_type_hint if type != '' let classname_candidate = type let [class_candidate_namespace, function_imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(file_lines) " try to expand the classname of the returned type with the context got from the function's source file let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, function_imports) break endif endif endif " foreach with the variable in question if line =~? 'foreach\s*(.\{-}\s\+'.object.'\s*)' let sub_context = matchstr(line, 'foreach\s*(\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s\+as') let prev_class = phpcomplete#GetClassName(a:start_line - i, sub_context, a:current_namespace, a:imports) " the iterated expression should return an array type if prev_class =~ '\[\]$' let prev_class = matchstr(prev_class, '\v^[^[]+') else return endif if stridx(prev_class, '\') != -1 let classname_parts = split(prev_class, '\\\+') let classname_candidate = classname_parts[-1] let class_candidate_namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\') else let classname_candidate = prev_class let class_candidate_namespace = '\' endif break endif " catch clause with the variable in question if line =~? 'catch\s*(\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s\+'.object let classname = matchstr(line, 'catch\s*(\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s\+'.object) if stridx(classname, '\') != -1 let classname_parts = split(classname, '\\\+') let classname_candidate = classname_parts[-1] let class_candidate_namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\') else let classname_candidate = classname let class_candidate_namespace = '\' endif break endif let i += 1 endfor " }}} if classname_candidate != '' let [classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace] = phpcomplete#GetCallChainReturnType(classname_candidate, class_candidate_namespace, class_candidate_imports, methodstack) " return absolute classname, without leading \ return (class_candidate_namespace == '\' || class_candidate_namespace == '') ? classname_candidate : class_candidate_namespace.'\'.classname_candidate endif " OK, first way failed, now check tags file(s) " This method is useless when local variables are not indexed by ctags and " pretty inaccurate even if it is if g:phpcomplete_search_tags_for_variables let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.substitute(object, '^\$', '', '')) if len(tags) == 0 return else for tag in tags if tag.kind ==? 'v' && tag.cmd =~? '=\s*new\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze' let classname = matchstr(tag.cmd, '=\s*new\s\+\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze') " unescape the classname, it would have "\" doubled since it is an ex command let classname = substitute(classname, '\\\(\_.\)', '\1', 'g') return classname endif endfor endif endif endif endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(classname, namespace) " {{{ " Check classname may be name of built in object if has_key(g:php_builtin_classes, tolower(a:classname)) && (a:namespace == '' || a:namespace == '\') return 'VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT' endif if has_key(g:php_builtin_interfaces, tolower(a:classname)) && (a:namespace == '' || a:namespace == '\') return 'VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT' endif if a:namespace == '' || a:namespace == '\' let search_namespace = '\' else let search_namespace = tolower(a:namespace) endif let [current_namespace, imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(getline(0, line('.'))) " do in-file lookup for class definition let i = 1 while i < line('.') let line = getline(line('.')-i) if line =~? '^\s*\(abstract\s\+\|final\s\+\)*\s*\(class\|interface\|trait\)\s*'.a:classname.'\(\s\+\|$\|{\)' && tolower(current_namespace) == search_namespace return expand('%:p') else let i += 1 continue endif endwhile " Get class location from tags let no_namespace_candidate = '' let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.a:classname.'$') for tag in tags " We'll allow interfaces and traits to be handled classes since you " can't have colliding names with different kinds anyway if tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i' || tag.kind == 't' if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') let no_namespace_candidate = tag.filename else if search_namespace == tolower(tag.namespace) return tag.filename endif endif endif endfor if no_namespace_candidate != '' return no_namespace_candidate endif return '' endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetFunctionLocation(function_name, namespace) " {{{ " builtin functions doesn't need explicit \ in front of them even in namespaces, " aliased built-in function names are not handled if has_key(g:php_builtin_functions, a:function_name.'(') return 'VIMPHP_BUILTINFUNCTION' endif " do in-file lookup for function definition let i = 1 let buffer_lines = getline(1, line('$')) for line in buffer_lines if line =~? '^\s*function\s\+&\?'.a:function_name.'\s*(' return expand('%:p') endif endfor if a:namespace == '' || a:namespace == '\' let search_namespace = '\' else let search_namespace = tolower(a:namespace) endif let no_namespace_candidate = '' let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('\c^'.a:function_name.'$') for tag in tags if tag.kind == 'f' if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') let no_namespace_candidate = tag.filename else if search_namespace == tolower(tag.namespace) return tag.filename endif endif endif endfor if no_namespace_candidate != '' return no_namespace_candidate endif return '' endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetCachedClassContents(classlocation, class_name) " {{{ let full_file_path = fnamemodify(a:classlocation, ':p') let cache_key = full_file_path.'#'.a:class_name.'#'.getftime(full_file_path) " try to read from the cache first if has_key(s:cache_classstructures, cache_key) let classcontents = s:cache_classstructures[cache_key] " cached class contents can contain content from multiple files (superclasses) so we have to " validate cached result's validness by the filemtimes used to create the cached value let valid = 1 for classstructure in classcontents if getftime(classstructure.file) != classstructure.mtime let valid = 0 " we could break here, but the time required for checking probably worth " the the memory we can free by checking every file in the cached hirearchy call phpcomplete#ClearCachedClassContents(classstructure.file) endif endfor if valid " cache hit, we found an entry for this file + class pair and every " file in the response is also valid return classcontents else " clear the outdated cached value from the cache store call remove(s:cache_classstructures, cache_key) call phpcomplete#ClearCachedClassContents(full_file_path) " fall trough for the read from files path endif else call phpcomplete#ClearCachedClassContents(full_file_path) endif " cache miss, fetch the content from the files itself let classfile = readfile(a:classlocation) let classcontents = phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(full_file_path, classfile, a:class_name) let s:cache_classstructures[cache_key] = classcontents return classcontents endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#ClearCachedClassContents(full_file_path) " {{{ for [cache_key, cached_value] in items(s:cache_classstructures) if stridx(cache_key, a:full_file_path.'#') == 0 call remove(s:cache_classstructures, cache_key) endif endfor endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(file_path, file_lines, class_name) " {{{ " returns dictionary containing content, namespace and imports for the class and all parent classes. " Example: " [ " { " class: 'foo', " content: '... class foo extends bar ... ', " namespace: 'NS\Foo', " imports : { ... }, " file: '/foo.php', " mtime: 42, " }, " { " class: 'bar', " content: '... class bar extends baz ... ', " namespace: 'NS\Bar', " imports : { ... } " file: '/bar.php', " mtime: 42, " }, " ... " ] " let full_file_path = fnamemodify(a:file_path, ':p') let class_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*' let cfile = join(a:file_lines, "\n") let result = [] " We use new buffer and (later) normal! because " this is the most efficient way. The other way " is to go through the looong string looking for " matching {} " remember the window we started at let phpcomplete_original_window = winnr() silent! below 1new silent! 0put =cfile silent! exec "setlocal ft=phpcompletetempbuffer" call search('\c\(class\|interface\|trait\)\_s\+'.a:class_name.'\(\>\|$\)') let cfline = line('.') call search('{') let endline = line('.') let content = join(getline(cfline, endline), "\n") " Catch extends if content =~? 'extends' let extends_string = matchstr(content, '\(class\|interface\)\_s\+'.a:class_name.'\_.\+extends\_s\+\zs\('.class_name_pattern.'\(,\|\_s\)*\)\+\ze\(extends\|{\)') let extended_classes = map(split(extends_string, '\(,\|\_s\)\+'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\_s\\+", "", "g")') else let extended_classes = '' endif " Catch implements if content =~? 'implements' let implements_string = matchstr(content, 'class\_s\+'.a:class_name.'\_.\+implements\_s\+\zs\('.class_name_pattern.'\(,\|\_s\)*\)\+\ze') let implemented_interfaces = map(split(implements_string, '\(,\|\_s\)\+'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\_s\\+", "", "g")') else let implemented_interfaces = [] endif call searchpair('{', '', '}', 'W', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"') let class_closing_bracket_line = line('.') " Include class docblock let doc_line = cfline - 1 if getline(doc_line) =~? '^\s*\*/' while doc_line != 0 if getline(doc_line) =~? '^\s*/\*\*' let cfline = doc_line break endif let doc_line -= 1 endwhile endif let classcontent = join(getline(cfline, class_closing_bracket_line), "\n") let used_traits = [] " move back to the line next to the class's definition call cursor(endline + 1, 1) let keep_searching = 1 while keep_searching != 0 " try to grab "use..." keywords let [lnum, col] = searchpos('\c^\s\+use\s\+'.class_name_pattern, 'cW', class_closing_bracket_line) let syn_name = synIDattr(synID(lnum, col, 0), "name") if syn_name =~? 'string\|comment' call cursor(lnum + 1, 1) continue endif let trait_line = getline(lnum) if trait_line !~? ';' " try to find the next line containing ';' let l = lnum let search_line = trait_line " add lines from the file until theres no ';' in them while search_line !~? ';' && l > 0 " file lines are reversed so we need to go backwards let l += 1 let search_line = getline(l) let trait_line .= ' '.substitute(search_line, '\(^\s\+\|\s\+$\)', '', 'g') endwhile endif let use_expression = matchstr(trait_line, '^\s*use\s\+\zs.\{-}\ze;') let use_parts = map(split(use_expression, '\s*,\s*'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\s+", " ", "g")') let used_traits += map(use_parts, 'substitute(v:val, "\\s", "", "g")') call cursor(lnum + 1, 1) if [lnum, col] == [0, 0] let keep_searching = 0 endif endwhile silent! bw! % let [current_namespace, imports] = phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(a:file_lines[0:cfline]) " go back to original window exe phpcomplete_original_window.'wincmd w' call add(result, { \ 'class': a:class_name, \ 'content': classcontent, \ 'namespace': current_namespace, \ 'imports': imports, \ 'file': full_file_path, \ 'mtime': getftime(full_file_path), \ }) let all_extends = used_traits if len(extended_classes) > 0 call extend(all_extends, extended_classes) endif if len(implemented_interfaces) > 0 call extend(all_extends, implemented_interfaces) endif if len(all_extends) > 0 for class in all_extends let [class, namespace] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(class, current_namespace, imports) if namespace == '' let namespace = '\' endif let classlocation = phpcomplete#GetClassLocation(class, namespace) if classlocation == "VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT" if has_key(g:php_builtin_classes, tolower(class)) let result += [phpcomplete#GenerateBuiltinClassStub('class', g:php_builtin_classes[tolower(class)])] endif if has_key(g:php_builtin_interfaces, tolower(class)) let result += [phpcomplete#GenerateBuiltinClassStub('interface', g:php_builtin_interfaces[tolower(class)])] endif elseif classlocation != '' && filereadable(classlocation) let full_file_path = fnamemodify(classlocation, ':p') let result += phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(full_file_path, readfile(full_file_path), class) elseif tolower(current_namespace) == tolower(namespace) && match(join(a:file_lines, "\n"), '\c\(class\|interface\|trait\)\_s\+'.class.'\(\>\|$\)') != -1 " try to find the declaration in the same file. let result += phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(full_file_path, a:file_lines, class) endif endfor endif return result endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetClassContents(classlocation, class_name) " {{{ let classcontents = phpcomplete#GetCachedClassContents(a:classlocation, a:class_name) let result = [] for classstructure in classcontents call add(result, classstructure.content) endfor return join(result, "\n") endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GenerateBuiltinClassStub(type, class_info) " {{{ let re = a:type.' '.a:class_info['name']." {" if has_key(a:class_info, 'constants') for [name, initializer] in items(a:class_info.constants) let re .= "\n\tconst ".name." = ".initializer.";" endfor endif if has_key(a:class_info, 'properties') for [name, info] in items(a:class_info.properties) let re .= "\n\t// @var $".name." ".info.type let re .= "\n\tpublic $".name.";" endfor endif if has_key(a:class_info, 'static_properties') for [name, info] in items(a:class_info.static_properties) let re .= "\n\t// @var ".name." ".info.type let re .= "\n\tpublic static ".name." = ".info.initializer.";" endfor endif if has_key(a:class_info, 'methods') for [name, info] in items(a:class_info.methods) if name =~ '^__' continue endif let re .= "\n\t/**" let re .= "\n\t * ".name let re .= "\n\t *" let re .= "\n\t * @return ".info.return_type let re .= "\n\t */" let re .= "\n\tpublic function ".name."(".info.signature."){" let re .= "\n\t}" endfor endif if has_key(a:class_info, 'static_methods') for [name, info] in items(a:class_info.static_methods) let re .= "\n\t/**" let re .= "\n\t * ".name let re .= "\n\t *" let re .= "\n\t * @return ".info.return_type let re .= "\n\t */" let re .= "\n\tpublic static function ".name."(".info.signature."){" let re .= "\n\t}" endfor endif let re .= "\n}" return { a:type : a:class_info['name'], \ 'content': re, \ 'namespace': '', \ 'imports': {}, \ 'file': 'VIMPHP_BUILTINOBJECT', \ 'mtime': 0, \ } endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetDocBlock(sccontent, search) " {{{ let i = 0 let l = 0 let comment_start = -1 let comment_end = -1 let sccontent_len = len(a:sccontent) while (i < sccontent_len) let line = a:sccontent[i] " search for a function declaration if line =~? a:search if line =~? '@property' let doc_line = i while doc_line != sccontent_len - 1 if a:sccontent[doc_line] =~? '^\s*\*/' let l = doc_line break endif let doc_line += 1 endwhile else let l = i - 1 endif " start backward search for the comment block while l != 0 let line = a:sccontent[l] " if it's a one line docblock like comment and we can just return it right away if line =~? '^\s*\/\*\*.\+\*\/\s*$' return substitute(line, '\v^\s*(\/\*\*\s*)|(\s*\*\/)\s*$', '', 'g') "... or if comment end found save line position and end search elseif line =~? '^\s*\*/' let comment_end = l break " ... or the line doesn't blank (only whitespace or nothing) end search elseif line !~? '^\s*$' break endif let l -= 1 endwhile " no comment found if comment_end == -1 return '' end while l >= 0 let line = a:sccontent[l] if line =~? '^\s*/\*\*' let comment_start = l break endif let l -= 1 endwhile " no docblock comment start found if comment_start == -1 return '' end let comment_start += 1 " we dont need the /** let comment_end -= 1 " we dont need the */ " remove leading whitespace and '*'s let docblock = join(map(copy(a:sccontent[comment_start :comment_end]), 'substitute(v:val, "^\\s*\\*\\s*", "", "")'), "\n") return docblock endif let i += 1 endwhile return '' endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#ParseDocBlock(docblock) " {{{ let res = { \ 'description': '', \ 'params': [], \ 'return': {}, \ 'throws': [], \ 'var': {}, \ 'properties': [], \ } let res.description = substitute(matchstr(a:docblock, '\zs\_.\{-}\ze\(@type\|@var\|@param\|@return\|$\)'), '\(^\_s*\|\_s*$\)', '', 'g') let docblock_lines = split(a:docblock, "\n") let param_lines = filter(copy(docblock_lines), 'v:val =~? "^@param"') for param_line in param_lines let parts = matchlist(param_line, '@param\s\+\(\S\+\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)') if len(parts) > 0 call add(res.params, { \ 'line': parts[0], \ 'type': phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(get(parts, 1, '')), \ 'name': get(parts, 2, ''), \ 'description': get(parts, 3, '')}) endif endfor let return_line = filter(copy(docblock_lines), 'v:val =~? "^@return"') if len(return_line) > 0 let return_parts = matchlist(return_line[0], '@return\s\+\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)') let res['return'] = { \ 'line': return_parts[0], \ 'type': phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(get(return_parts, 1, '')), \ 'description': get(return_parts, 2, '')} endif let exception_lines = filter(copy(docblock_lines), 'v:val =~? "^\\(@throws\\|@exception\\)"') for exception_line in exception_lines let parts = matchlist(exception_line, '^\(@throws\|@exception\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)') if len(parts) > 0 call add(res.throws, { \ 'line': parts[0], \ 'type': phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(get(parts, 2, '')), \ 'description': get(parts, 3, '')}) endif endfor let var_line = filter(copy(docblock_lines), 'v:val =~? "^\\(@var\\|@type\\)"') if len(var_line) > 0 let var_parts = matchlist(var_line[0], '\(@var\|@type\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)') let res['var'] = { \ 'line': var_parts[0], \ 'type': phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(get(var_parts, 2, '')), \ 'description': get(var_parts, 3, '')} endif let property_lines = filter(copy(docblock_lines), 'v:val =~? "^@property"') for property_line in property_lines let parts = matchlist(property_line, '\(@property\)\s\+\(\S\+\)\s*\(.*\)') if len(parts) > 0 call add(res.properties, { \ 'line': parts[0], \ 'type': phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(get(parts, 2, '')), \ 'description': get(parts, 3, '')}) endif endfor return res endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetFunctionReturnTypeHint(sccontent, search) let i = 0 let l = 0 let function_line_start = -1 let function_line_end = -1 let sccontent_len = len(a:sccontent) let return_type = '' while (i < sccontent_len) let line = a:sccontent[i] " search for a function declaration if line =~? a:search let l = i let function_line_start = i " now search for the first { where the function body starts while l < sccontent_len let line = a:sccontent[l] if line =~? '\V{' let function_line_end = l break endif let l += 1 endwhile break endif let i += 1 endwhile " now grab the lines that holds the function declaration line if function_line_start != -1 && function_line_end != -1 let function_line = join(a:sccontent[function_line_start :function_line_end], " ") let class_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*' let return_type = matchstr(function_line, '\c\s*:\s*\zs'.class_name_pattern.'\ze\s*{') endif return return_type endfunction function! phpcomplete#GetTypeFromDocBlockParam(docblock_type) " {{{ if a:docblock_type !~ '|' return a:docblock_type endif let primitive_types = [ \ 'string', 'float', 'double', 'int', \ 'scalar', 'array', 'bool', 'void', 'mixed', \ 'null', 'callable', 'resource', 'object'] " add array of primitives to the list too, like string[] let primitive_types += map(copy(primitive_types), 'v:val."[]"') let types = split(a:docblock_type, '|') for type in types if index(primitive_types, type) == -1 return type endif endfor " only primitive types found, return the first one return types[0] endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#FormatDocBlock(info) " {{{ let res = '' if len(a:info.description) let res .= "Description:\n".join(map(split(a:info['description'], "\n"), '"\t".v:val'), "\n")."\n" endif if len(a:info.params) let res .= "\nArguments:\n" for arginfo in a:info.params let res .= "\t".arginfo['name'].' '.arginfo['type'] if len(arginfo.description) > 0 let res .= ': '.arginfo['description'] endif let res .= "\n" endfor endif if has_key(a:info.return, 'type') let res .= "\nReturn:\n\t".a:info['return']['type'] if len(a:info.return.description) > 0 let res .= ": ".a:info['return']['description'] endif let res .= "\n" endif if len(a:info.throws) let res .= "\nThrows:\n" for excinfo in a:info.throws let res .= "\t".excinfo['type'] if len(excinfo['description']) > 0 let res .= ": ".excinfo['description'] endif let res .= "\n" endfor endif if has_key(a:info.var, 'type') let res .= "Type:\n\t".a:info['var']['type']."\n" if len(a:info['var']['description']) > 0 let res .= ': '.a:info['var']['description'] endif endif return res endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetCurrentNameSpace(file_lines) " {{{ let original_window = winnr() silent! below 1new silent! 0put =a:file_lines silent! exec "setlocal ft=phpcompletetempbuffer" normal! G " clear out classes, functions and other blocks while 1 let block_start_pos = searchpos('\c\(class\|trait\|function\|interface\)\s\+\_.\{-}\zs{', 'Web') if block_start_pos == [0, 0] break endif let block_end_pos = searchpairpos('{', '', '}\|\%$', 'W', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"') if block_end_pos != [0, 0] " end of the block found, just delete it silent! exec block_start_pos[0].','.block_end_pos[0].'d _' else " block pair not found, use block start as beginning and the end " of the buffer instead silent! exec block_start_pos[0].',$d _' endif endwhile normal! G " grab the remains let file_lines = reverse(getline(1, line('.') - 1)) silent! bw! % exe original_window.'wincmd w' let namespace_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff\\][a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff\\]*' let i = 0 let file_length = len(file_lines) let imports = {} let current_namespace = '\' while i < file_length let line = file_lines[i] if line =~? '^\(<?php\)\?\s*namespace\s*'.namespace_name_pattern let current_namespace = matchstr(line, '\c^\(<?php\)\?\s*namespace\s*\zs'.namespace_name_pattern.'\ze') break endif if line =~? '^\s*use\>' if line =~? ';' let use_line = line else " try to find the next line containing ';' let l = i let search_line = line let use_line = line " add lines from the file until theres no ';' in them while search_line !~? ';' && l > 0 " file lines are reversed so we need to go backwards let l -= 1 let search_line = file_lines[l] let use_line .= ' '.substitute(search_line, '\(^\s\+\|\s\+$\)', '', 'g') endwhile endif let use_expression = matchstr(use_line, '^\c\s*use\s\+\zs.\{-}\ze;') let use_parts = map(split(use_expression, '\s*,\s*'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\s+", " ", "g")') for part in use_parts if part =~? '\s\+as\s\+' let [object, name] = split(part, '\s\+as\s\+\c') let object = substitute(object, '^\\', '', '') let name = substitute(name, '^\\', '', '') else let object = part let name = part let object = substitute(object, '^\\', '', '') let name = substitute(name, '^\\', '', '') if name =~? '\\' let name = matchstr(name, '\\\zs[^\\]\+\ze$') endif endif " leading slash is not required use imports are always absolute let imports[name] = {'name': object, 'kind': ''} endfor " find kind flags from tags or built in methods for the objects we extracted " they can be either classes, interfaces or namespaces, no other thing is importable in php for [key, import] in items(imports) " if theres a \ in the name we have it's definitely not a built in thing, look for tags if import.name =~ '\\' let patched_ctags_detected = 0 let [classname, namespace_for_classes] = phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(import.name, '\', {}) let namespace_name_candidate = substitute(import.name, '\\', '\\\\', 'g') " can be a namespace name as is, or can be a tagname at the end with a namespace let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^\('.namespace_name_candidate.'\|'.classname.'\)$') if len(tags) > 0 for tag in tags " if there's a namespace with the name of the import if tag.kind == 'n' && tag.name == import.name call extend(import, tag) let import['builtin'] = 0 let patched_ctags_detected = 1 break endif " if the name matches with the extracted classname and namespace if (tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i' || tag.kind == 't') && tag.name == classname if has_key(tag, 'namespace') let patched_ctags_detected = 1 if tag.namespace == namespace_for_classes call extend(import, tag) let import['builtin'] = 0 break endif elseif !exists('no_namespace_candidate') " save the first namespacless match to be used if no better " candidate found later on let tag.namespace = namespace_for_classes let no_namespace_candidate = tag endif endif endfor " there were a namespacless class name match, if we think that the " tags are not generated with patched ctags we will take it as a match if exists('no_namespace_candidate') && !patched_ctags_detected call extend(import, no_namespace_candidate) let import['builtin'] = 0 endif else " if no tags are found, extract the namespace from the name let ns = matchstr(import.name, '\c\zs[a-zA-Z0-9\\]\+\ze\\' . name) if len(ns) > 0 let import['name'] = name let import['namespace'] = ns let import['builtin'] = 0 endif endif else " if no \ in the name, it can be a built in class if has_key(g:php_builtin_classnames, tolower(import.name)) let import['kind'] = 'c' let import['builtin'] = 1 elseif has_key(g:php_builtin_interfacenames, tolower(import.name)) let import['kind'] = 'i' let import['builtin'] = 1 else " or can be a tag with exactly matchign name let tags = phpcomplete#GetTaglist('^'.import['name'].'$') for tag in tags " search for the first matchin namespace, class, interface with no namespace if !has_key(tag, 'namespace') && (tag.kind == 'n' || tag.kind == 'c' || tag.kind == 'i' || tag.kind == 't') call extend(import, tag) let import['builtin'] = 0 break endif endfor endif endif if exists('no_namespace_candidate') unlet no_namespace_candidate endif endfor endif let i += 1 endwhile let sorted_imports = {} for name in sort(keys(imports)) let sorted_imports[name] = imports[name] endfor return [current_namespace, sorted_imports] endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#GetCurrentFunctionBoundaries() " {{{ let old_cursor_pos = [line('.'), col('.')] let current_line_no = old_cursor_pos[0] let function_pattern = '\c\(.*\%#\)\@!\_^\s*\zs\(abstract\s\+\|final\s\+\|private\s\+\|protected\s\+\|public\s\+\|static\s\+\)*function\_.\{-}(\_.\{-})\_.\{-}{' let func_start_pos = searchpos(function_pattern, 'Wbc') if func_start_pos == [0, 0] call cursor(old_cursor_pos[0], old_cursor_pos[1]) return 0 endif " get the line where the function declaration actually started call search('\cfunction\_.\{-}(\_.\{-})\_.\{-}{', 'Wce') " get the position of the function block's closing "}" let func_end_pos = searchpairpos('{', '', '}', 'W', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment"') if func_end_pos == [0, 0] " there is a function start but no end found, assume that we are in a " function but the user did not typed the closing "}" yet and the " function runs to the end of the file let func_end_pos = [line('$'), len(getline(line('$')))] endif " Decho func_start_pos[0].' <= '.current_line_no.' && '.current_line_no.' <= '.func_end_pos[0] if func_start_pos[0] <= current_line_no && current_line_no <= func_end_pos[0] call cursor(old_cursor_pos[0], old_cursor_pos[1]) return [func_start_pos, func_end_pos] endif call cursor(old_cursor_pos[0], old_cursor_pos[1]) return 0 endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#ExpandClassName(classname, current_namespace, imports) " {{{ " if there's an imported class, just use that class's information if has_key(a:imports, a:classname) && (a:imports[a:classname].kind == 'c' || a:imports[a:classname].kind == 'i' || a:imports[a:classname].kind == 't') let namespace = has_key(a:imports[a:classname], 'namespace') ? a:imports[a:classname].namespace : '' return [a:imports[a:classname].name, namespace] endif " try to find relative namespace in imports, imported names takes precedence over " current namespace when resolving relative namespaced class names if a:classname !~ '^\' && a:classname =~ '\\' let classname_parts = split(a:classname, '\\\+') if has_key(a:imports, classname_parts[0]) && a:imports[classname_parts[0]].kind == 'n' let classname_parts[0] = a:imports[classname_parts[0]].name let namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\') let classname = classname_parts[-1] return [classname, namespace] endif endif " no imported class or namespace matched, expand with the current namespace let namespace = '' let classname = a:classname " if the classname have namespaces in in or we are in a namespace if a:classname =~ '\\' || (a:current_namespace != '\' && a:current_namespace != '') " add current namespace to the a:classname if a:classname !~ '^\' let classname = a:current_namespace.'\'.substitute(a:classname, '^\\', '', '') else " remove leading \, tag files doesn't have those let classname = substitute(a:classname, '^\\', '', '') endif " split classname to classname and namespace let classname_parts = split(classname, '\\\+') if len(classname_parts) > 1 let namespace = join(classname_parts[0:-2], '\') let classname = classname_parts[-1] endif endif return [classname, namespace] endfunction " }}} function! phpcomplete#LoadData() " {{{ " Keywords/reserved words, all other special things " Later it is possible to add some help to values, or type of defined variable runtime! misc/php_keywords.vim " One giant hash of all built-in function, class, interface and constant grouped by extension runtime! misc/builtin.vim " Extra builtin information that is not auto generated, for things that that is not automated runtime! misc/builtin_manual.vim " Built in functions let g:php_builtin_functions = {} for ext in g:phpcomplete_active_function_extensions if has_key(g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions'], ext) call extend(g:php_builtin_functions, g:phpcomplete_builtin['functions'][ext]) endif endfor " Built in classs let g:php_builtin_classes = {} for ext in g:phpcomplete_active_class_extensions if has_key(g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes'], ext) call extend(g:php_builtin_classes, g:phpcomplete_builtin['classes'][ext]) endif endfor " Built in interfaces let g:php_builtin_interfaces = {} for ext in g:phpcomplete_active_interface_extensions if has_key(g:phpcomplete_builtin['interfaces'], ext) call extend(g:php_builtin_interfaces, g:phpcomplete_builtin['interfaces'][ext]) endif endfor " Built in constants let g:php_constants = {} for ext in g:phpcomplete_active_constant_extensions if has_key(g:phpcomplete_builtin['constants'], ext) call extend(g:php_constants, g:phpcomplete_builtin['constants'][ext]) endif endfor " When the classname not found or found but the tags dosen't contain that " class we will try to complate any method of any builtin class. To speed up " that lookup we compile a 'ClassName::MethodName':'info' dictionary from the " builtin class informations let g:php_builtin_object_functions = {} " When completing for 'everyting imaginable' (no class context, not a " variable) we need a list of built-in classes in a format of {'classname':''} " for performance reasons we precompile this too let g:php_builtin_classnames = {} " In order to reduce file size, empty keys are omitted from class structures. " To make the structure of in-memory hashes normalized we will add them in runtime let required_class_hash_keys = ['constants', 'properties', 'static_properties', 'methods', 'static_methods'] for [classname, class_info] in items(g:php_builtin_classes) for property_name in required_class_hash_keys if !has_key(class_info, property_name) let class_info[property_name] = {} endif endfor let g:php_builtin_classnames[classname] = '' for [method_name, method_info] in items(class_info.methods) let g:php_builtin_object_functions[classname.'::'.method_name.'('] = method_info.signature endfor for [method_name, method_info] in items(class_info.static_methods) let g:php_builtin_object_functions[classname.'::'.method_name.'('] = method_info.signature endfor endfor let g:php_builtin_interfacenames = {} for [interfacename, info] in items(g:php_builtin_interfaces) for property_name in required_class_hash_keys if !has_key(class_info, property_name) let class_info[property_name] = {} endif endfor let g:php_builtin_interfacenames[interfacename] = '' for [method_name, method_info] in items(class_info.methods) let g:php_builtin_object_functions[interfacename.'::'.method_name.'('] = method_info.signature endfor for [method_name, method_info] in items(class_info.static_methods) let g:php_builtin_object_functions[interfacename.'::'.method_name.'('] = method_info.signature endfor endfor " Add control structures (they are outside regular pattern of PHP functions) let php_control = { \ 'include(': 'string filename | resource', \ 'include_once(': 'string filename | resource', \ 'require(': 'string filename | resource', \ 'require_once(': 'string filename | resource', \ } call extend(g:php_builtin_functions, php_control) " Built-in variables " {{{ let g:php_builtin_vars ={ \ '$GLOBALS':'', \ '$_SERVER':'', \ '$_GET':'', \ '$_POST':'', \ '$_COOKIE':'', \ '$_FILES':'', \ '$_ENV':'', \ '$_REQUEST':'', \ '$_SESSION':'', \ '$HTTP_SERVER_VARS':'', \ '$HTTP_ENV_VARS':'', \ '$HTTP_COOKIE_VARS':'', \ '$HTTP_GET_VARS':'', \ '$HTTP_POST_VARS':'', \ '$HTTP_POST_FILES':'', \ '$HTTP_SESSION_VARS':'', \ '$php_errormsg':'', \ '$this':'', \ } " }}} endfunction " }}} " vim: foldmethod=marker:noexpandtab:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4