title: "vim#message API"
description: "vim#message API provides some basic functions to generate colored messages."

# [Available APIs](../../) >> vim#message

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- [Intro](#intro)
- [Functions](#functions)

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## Intro

vim#message API provides some basic functions to generate colored messages.

let s:MSG = SpaceVim#api#import('vim#message)
call s:MSG.echom('String', 'hello world!')

## Functions

here is a list of functions implement in this api.

| function name    | description                             |
| ---------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| `echo(hl, msg)`  | print message with `hl` highlight group |
| `echom(hl, msg)` | run `echom` with `hl` highlight group   |
| `echon(hl, msg)` | run `echon` with `hl` highlight group   |