" ============================================================================ " File: autoload/git_status/util.vim " Description: utils " Maintainer: Xuyuan Pang <xuyuanp at gmail dot com> " License: This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, " to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute " it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You " Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. " See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. " ============================================================================ if exists('g:loaded_nerdtree_git_status_util') finish endif let g:loaded_nerdtree_git_status_util = 1 " FUNCTION: gitstatus#utilFormatPath " This function is used to format nerdtree.Path. " For Windows, returns in format 'C:/path/to/file' " " ARGS: " path: nerdtree.Path " " RETURNS: " absolute path if gitstatus#isWin() if exists('+shellslash') function! gitstatus#util#FormatPath(path) abort let l:sslbak = &shellslash try set shellslash return a:path.str() finally let &shellslash = l:sslbak endtry endfunction else function! gitstatus#util#FormatPath(path) abort let l:pathStr = a:path.str() let l:pathStr = a:path.WinToUnixPath(l:pathStr) let l:pathStr = a:path.drive . l:pathStr return l:pathStr endfunction endif else function! gitstatus#util#FormatPath(path) abort return a:path.str() endfunction endif function! gitstatus#util#BuildGitWorkdirCommand(root, opts) abort return [ \ get(a:opts, 'NERDTreeGitStatusGitBinPath', 'git'), \ '-C', a:root, \ 'rev-parse', \ '--show-toplevel', \ ] endfunction function! gitstatus#util#BuildGitStatusCommand(root, opts) abort let l:cmd = [ \ get(a:opts, 'NERDTreeGitStatusGitBinPath', 'git'), \ '-C', a:root, \ 'status', \ '--porcelain' . (get(a:opts, 'NERDTreeGitStatusPorcelainVersion', 2) ==# 2 ? '=v2' : ''), \ '-z' \ ] if has_key(a:opts, 'NERDTreeGitStatusUntrackedFilesMode') let l:cmd += ['--untracked-files=' . a:opts['NERDTreeGitStatusUntrackedFilesMode']] endif if get(a:opts, 'NERDTreeGitStatusShowIgnored', 0) let l:cmd += ['--ignored=traditional'] endif if has_key(a:opts, 'NERDTreeGitStatusIgnoreSubmodules') let l:cmd += ['--ignore-submodules=' . a:opts['NERDTreeGitStatusIgnoreSubmodules']] endif if has_key(a:opts, 'NERDTreeGitStatusCwdOnly') let l:cmd += ['.'] endif return l:cmd endfunction function! gitstatus#util#ParseGitStatusLines(root, statusLines, opts) abort let l:result = {} let l:is_rename = 0 for l:line in a:statusLines if l:is_rename call gitstatus#util#UpdateParentDirsStatus(l:result, a:root, a:root . '/' . l:line, 'Dirty', a:opts) let l:is_rename = 0 continue endif let [l:pathStr, l:statusKey] = gitstatus#util#ParseGitStatusLine(l:line, a:opts) let l:pathStr = a:root . '/' . l:pathStr if l:pathStr[-1:-1] is# '/' let l:pathStr = l:pathStr[:-2] endif let l:is_rename = l:statusKey is# 'Renamed' let l:result[l:pathStr] = l:statusKey call gitstatus#util#UpdateParentDirsStatus(l:result, a:root, l:pathStr, l:statusKey, a:opts) endfor return l:result endfunction let s:unmerged_status = { \ 'DD': 1, \ 'AU': 1, \ 'UD': 1, \ 'UA': 1, \ 'DU': 1, \ 'AA': 1, \ 'UU': 1, \ } " Function: s:getStatusKey() function {{{2 " This function is used to get git status key " " Args: " x: index tree " y: work tree " "Returns: " status key " " man git-status " X Y Meaning " ------------------------------------------------- " [MD] not updated " M [ MD] updated in index " A [ MD] added to index " D [ M] deleted from index " R [ MD] renamed in index " C [ MD] copied in index " [MARC] index and work tree matches " [ MARC] M work tree changed since index " [ MARC] D deleted in work tree " ------------------------------------------------- " D D unmerged, both deleted " A U unmerged, added by us " U D unmerged, deleted by them " U A unmerged, added by them " D U unmerged, deleted by us " A A unmerged, both added " U U unmerged, both modified " ------------------------------------------------- " ? ? untracked " ! ! ignored " ------------------------------------------------- function! s:getStatusKey(x, y) abort let l:xy = a:x . a:y if get(s:unmerged_status, l:xy, 0) return 'Unmerged' elseif l:xy ==# '??' return 'Untracked' elseif l:xy ==# '!!' return 'Ignored' elseif a:y ==# 'M' return 'Modified' elseif a:y ==# 'D' return 'Deleted' elseif a:y =~# '[RC]' return 'Renamed' elseif a:x ==# 'D' return 'Deleted' elseif a:x =~# '[MA]' return 'Staged' elseif a:x =~# '[RC]' return 'Renamed' else return 'Unknown' endif endfunction function! gitstatus#util#ParseGitStatusLine(statusLine, opts) abort if get(a:opts, 'NERDTreeGitStatusPorcelainVersion', 2) ==# 2 if a:statusLine[0] ==# '1' let l:statusKey = s:getStatusKey(a:statusLine[2], a:statusLine[3]) let l:pathStr = a:statusLine[113:] elseif a:statusLine[0] ==# '2' let l:statusKey = 'Renamed' let l:pathStr = a:statusLine[113:] let l:pathStr = l:pathStr[stridx(l:pathStr, ' ')+1:] elseif a:statusLine[0] ==# 'u' let l:statusKey = 'Unmerged' let l:pathStr = a:statusLine[161:] elseif a:statusLine[0] ==# '?' let l:statusKey = 'Untracked' let l:pathStr = a:statusLine[2:] elseif a:statusLine[0] ==# '!' let l:statusKey = 'Ignored' let l:pathStr = a:statusLine[2:] else throw '[nerdtree_git_status] unknown status: ' . a:statusLine endif return [l:pathStr, l:statusKey] else let l:pathStr = a:statusLine[3:] let l:statusKey = s:getStatusKey(a:statusLine[0], a:statusLine[1]) return [l:pathStr, l:statusKey] endif endfunction function! gitstatus#util#UpdateParentDirsStatus(cache, root, pathStr, statusKey, opts) abort if get(a:cache, a:pathStr, '') ==# 'Ignored' return endif let l:dirtyPath = fnamemodify(a:pathStr, ':h') let l:dir_dirty_only = get(a:opts, 'NERDTreeGitStatusDirDirtyOnly', 1) while l:dirtyPath !=# a:root let l:key = get(a:cache, l:dirtyPath, '') if l:dir_dirty_only if l:key ==# '' let a:cache[l:dirtyPath] = 'Dirty' else return endif else if l:key ==# '' let a:cache[l:dirtyPath] = a:statusKey elseif l:key ==# 'Dirty' || l:key ==# a:statusKey return else let a:cache[l:dirtyPath] = 'Dirty' endif endif let l:dirtyPath = fnamemodify(l:dirtyPath, ':h') endwhile endfunction