local M = {} local job = require('spacevim.api.job') local nt = require('spacevim.api.notify') local log = require('git.log') local str = require('spacevim.api.data.string') local branch_ui = require('git.ui.branch') local branch = '' local branch_info = {} local job_pwds = {} local function on_stdout_show_branch(id, data) local b = str.trim(table.concat(data, '')) if #b > 0 then local pwd = job_pwds['jobid' .. id] or '' if #pwd > 0 then branch_info[pwd] = { name = b } end end end local function on_exit_show_branch(id, code, single) local pwd = job_pwds['jobid' .. id] or '' if branch_info[pwd] == nil and #pwd > 0 then branch_info[pwd] = {} end if #pwd > 0 then branch_info[pwd]['last_update_done'] = vim.fn.localtime() end if pwd == vim.fn.getcwd() then vim.cmd('redrawstatus') end end local function update_branch_name(pwd, ...) local force = select(1, ...) local cmd = { 'git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD' } if force or vim.fn.get(vim.fn.get(branch_info, pwd, {}), 'last_update_done', 0) >= vim.fn.localtime() - 1 then local jobid = job.start(cmd, { on_stdout = on_stdout_show_branch, on_exit = on_exit_show_branch, cwd = pwd, }) if jobid > 0 then job_pwds['jobid' .. jobid] = pwd end end end function M.current(...) local pwd = vim.fn.getcwd() local b = branch_info[pwd] or {} if vim.fn.empty(b) == 1 then update_branch_name(pwd) end local bname = b['name'] or '' local prefix = select(1, ...) or '' if #bname > 0 then return ' ' .. prefix .. ' ' .. bname .. ' ' else return '' end end function M.detect() update_branch_name(vim.fn.getcwd(), true) end local branch_jobid = -1 local stderr_data = {} local function on_stdout(id, data) if id ~= branch_jobid then return end for _, line in pairs(data) do nt.notify_max_width = vim.fn.max({ vim.fn.strwidth(line) + 5, nt.notify_max_width }) nt.notify(line) end end local function on_stderr(id, data) if id ~= branch_jobid then return end for _, line in pairs(data) do table.insert(stderr_data, line) end end local function on_exit(id, code, single) M.detect() branch_ui.update() log.debug('branch exit code:' .. code .. ' single:' .. single) if id ~= branch_jobid then return end if code == 0 and single == 0 then for _, line in ipairs(stderr_data) do nt.notify(line) end else for _, line in ipairs(stderr_data) do nt.notify(line, 'WarningMsg') end end branch_jobid = -1 end function M.run(argv) if branch_jobid ~= -1 then nt.notify('previous branch command is not finished') end nt.notify_max_width = vim.fn.float2nr(vim.o.columns * 0.3) stderr_data = {} local cmd = { 'git', 'branch' } if #argv == 0 then require('git.ui.branch').open() return end if argv then for _, v in ipairs(argv) do table.insert(cmd, v) end end log.debug(vim.inspect(cmd)) branch_jobid = job.start(cmd, { on_stdout = on_stdout, on_stderr = on_stderr, on_exit = on_exit, }) if branch_jobid == -1 then nt.notify('`git` is not executable', 'WarningMsg') end end function M.complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) if vim.startswith(arglead, '-') then return table.concat({'-d', '-D'}, '\n') end return table.concat(vim.fn.map(vim.fn.systemlist('git branch --no-merged'), 'trim(v:val)'), '\n') end return M