--============================================================================= -- notify.lua --- notift api for spacevim -- Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Wang Shidong & Contributors -- Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > -- URL: https://spacevim.org -- License: GPLv3 --============================================================================= local M = {} M.__password = require('spacevim.api').import('password') local empty = function(expr) return vim.fn.empty(expr) == 1 end local extend = function(t1, t2) -- {{{ for _, v in ipairs(t2) do table.insert(t1, v) end end local notifications = {} M.message = {} M.notification_width = 1 M.notify_max_width = 0 M.winid = -1 M.bufnr = -1 M.border = {} M.border.winid = -1 M.border.bufnr = -1 -- M.borderchars = { '─', '│', '─', '│', '┌', '┐', '┘', '└' } M.borderchars = { '─', '│', '─', '│', '╭', '╮', '╯', '╰' } M.title = '' M.winblend = 0 M.timeout = 3000 M.hashkey = '' M.config = {} M.notification_color = 'Normal' ---@param msg string|table<string> notification messages ---@param opts table notify options --- - title: string, the notify title function M.notify(msg, ...) -- {{{ local opts = select(1, ...) or {} if M.is_list_of_string(msg) then extend(M.message, msg) elseif type(msg) == 'string' then table.insert(M.message, msg) end if M.notify_max_width == 0 then M.notify_max_width = vim.o.columns * 0.35 end if type(opts) == 'string' then M.notification_color = opts elseif type(opts) == 'table' then M.notification_color = opts.color or 'Normal' end if empty(M.hashkey) then M.hashkey = M.__password.generate_simple(10) end M.redraw_windows() vim.fn.setbufvar(M.bufnr, '&number', 0) vim.fn.setbufvar(M.bufnr, '&relativenumber', 0) vim.fn.setbufvar(M.bufnr, '&cursorline', 0) vim.fn.setbufvar(M.bufnr, '&bufhidden', 'wipe') vim.fn.setbufvar(M.border.bufnr, '&number', 0) vim.fn.setbufvar(M.border.bufnr, '&relativenumber', 0) vim.fn.setbufvar(M.border.bufnr, '&cursorline', 0) vim.fn.setbufvar(M.border.bufnr, '&bufhidden', 'wipe') extend(notifications, { [M.hashkey] = M }) M.increase_window() if type(msg) == 'table' then vim.fn.timer_start(M.timeout, M.close, { ['repeat'] = #msg }) else vim.fn.timer_start(M.timeout, M.close, { ['repeat'] = 1 }) end end ---@param msg table<string> # a string message list ---@return number local function msg_real_len(msg) local l = 0 for _, m in pairs(msg) do l = l + #vim.split(m, '\n') end return l end function M.close_all() -- {{{ M.message = {} if M.win_is_open then vim.api.nvim_win_close(M.border.winid, true) vim.api.nvim_win_close(M.winid, true) end if notifications[M.hashkey] then notifications[M.hashkey] = nil end M.notification_width = 1 end -- }}} function M.win_is_open() if M.winid > 0 then return vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(M.winid) else return false end end -- }}} function M.is_list_of_string(t) -- {{{ if type(t) == 'table' then for _, v in pairs(t) do if type(v) ~= 'string' then return false end end return true end return false end -- }}} local function message_body(m) -- {{{ local b = {} for _, v in pairs(m) do extend(b, vim.split(v, '\n')) end return b end -- }}} function M.redraw_windows() if empty(M.message) then return end M.begin_row = 2 for _, hashkey in ipairs(notifications) do if hashkey ~= M.hashkey then M.begin_row = M.begin_row + msg_real_len(notifications[hashkey].message) + 2 else break end end if M.win_is_open() then vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(M.winid, { relative = 'editor', width = M.notification_width, height = msg_real_len(M.message), row = M.begin_row + 1, focusable = false, col = vim.o.columns - M.notification_width - 1, }) vim.api.nvim_win_set_config(M.border.winid, { relative = 'editor', width = M.notification_width + 2, height = msg_real_len(M.message) + 2, row = M.begin_row, col = vim.o.columns - M.notification_width - 2, focusable = false, }) else if vim.fn.bufexists(M.border.bufnr) ~= 1 then M.border.bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) end if vim.fn.bufexists(M.bufnr) ~= 1 then M.bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) end M.winid = vim.api.nvim_open_win(M.bufnr, false, { relative = 'editor', width = M.notification_width, height = msg_real_len(M.message), row = M.begin_row + 1, col = vim.o.columns - M.notification_width - 1, focusable = false, noautocmd = true, }) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(M.winid, 'winhighlight', 'Normal:' .. M.notification_color) M.border.winid = vim.api.nvim_open_win(M.border.bufnr, false, { relative = 'editor', width = M.notification_width + 2, height = msg_real_len(M.message) + 2, row = M.begin_row, col = vim.o.columns - M.notification_width - 2, focusable = false, noautocmd = true, }) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(M.border.winid, 'winhighlight', 'Normal:VertSplit') if M.winblend > 0 and vim.fn.exists('&winblend') == 1 and vim.fn.exists('*nvim_win_set_option') == 1 then vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(M.winid, 'winblend', M.winblend) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(M.border.winid, 'winblend', M.winblend) end end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines( M.border.bufnr, 0, -1, false, M.draw_border(M.title, M.notification_width, msg_real_len(M.message)) ) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(M.bufnr, 0, -1, false, message_body(M.message)) end function M.increase_window() if M.notification_width <= M.notify_max_width and M.win_is_open() then M.notification_width = M.notification_width + vim.fn.min({ vim.fn.float2nr((M.notify_max_width - M.notification_width) * 1 / 20), vim.fn.float2nr(M.notify_max_width), }) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines( M.border.bufnr, 0, -1, false, M.draw_border(M.title, M.notification_width, msg_real_len(M.message)) ) M.redraw_windows() vim.fn.timer_start(10, M.increase_window, { ['repeat'] = 1 }) end end function M.draw_border(title, width, height) -- {{{ local top = M.borderchars[5] .. vim.fn['repeat'](M.borderchars[1], width) .. M.borderchars[6] local mid = M.borderchars[4] .. vim.fn['repeat'](' ', width) .. M.borderchars[2] local bot = M.borderchars[8] .. vim.fn['repeat'](M.borderchars[3], width) .. M.borderchars[7] -- local top = M.string_compose(top, 1, title) local lines = { top } extend(lines, vim.fn['repeat']({ mid }, height)) extend(lines, { bot }) return lines end -- }}} function M.close(...) -- {{{ if not empty(M.message) then table.remove(M.message, 1) end if #M.message == 0 then if M.win_is_open() then local ei = vim.o.eventignore vim.o.eventignore = 'all' vim.api.nvim_win_close(M.border.winid, true) vim.api.nvim_win_close(M.winid, true) vim.o.eventignore = ei end if notifications[M.hashkey] then notifications[M.hashkey] = nil end M.notification_width = 1 end for hashkey, _ in pairs(notifications) do notifications[hashkey].redraw_windows() end end -- }}} return M