--============================================================================= -- tabline.lua --- tabline plugin implemented in lua -- Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Wang Shidong & Contributors -- Author: Wang Shidong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > -- URL: https://spacevim.org -- License: GPLv3 --============================================================================= local M = {} -- https://github.com/ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols local separators = { arrow = { '', '' }, curve = { '', '' }, slant = { '', '' }, brace = { '', '' }, fire = { '', '' }, ['nil'] = { '', '' }, } local i_separators = { arrow = { '', '' }, curve = { '', '' }, slant = { '', '' }, bar = { '|', '|' }, ['nil'] = { '', '' }, } local isep local right_sep local left_sep local highlight = require('spacevim.api.vim.highlight') local file = require('spacevim.api.file') local messletters = require('spacevim.api.messletters') local shown_items = {} local right_hide_bufs = {} local visiable_bufs = {} local left_hide_bufs = {} local function check_len(bufs) local len = 0 for _, v in ipairs(bufs) do local name = vim.fn.bufname(v) name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(name, ':t') len = len + #name + 6 if len > vim.o.columns - 25 then return true end end return false end local function reverse_table(t) local tmp = {} for i = 1, #t do local key = #t + 1 - i tmp[i] = t[key] end return tmp end local function build_item(bufnr, n) local name = vim.fn.bufname(bufnr) local icon = '' local tablineat = '%' .. n .. '@SpaceVim#layers#core#tabline#jump@' if name == '' then name = 'No Name' else name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(name, ':t') icon = file.fticon(name) end local item_hilight if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'modified') then item_hilight = '%#SpaceVim_tabline_m# ' elseif bufnr == vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() then item_hilight = '%#SpaceVim_tabline_a# ' else item_hilight = '%#SpaceVim_tabline_b# ' end return { str = item_hilight .. tablineat .. messletters.bubble_num(n, 1) .. ' ' .. name .. ' ' .. icon .. ' ', bufnr = bufnr, len = #name + 4, pin = false, } end local function build_tab_item(tabid) local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_win(tabid)) local name = vim.fn.bufname(bufnr) local icon = '' local nr = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(tabid) local tablineat = '%' .. nr .. '@SpaceVim#layers#core#tabline#jump@' if name == '' then name = 'No Name' else name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(name, ':t') icon = file.fticon(name) end local item_hilight if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'modified') then item_hilight = '%#SpaceVim_tabline_m# ' elseif bufnr == vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() then item_hilight = '%#SpaceVim_tabline_a# ' else item_hilight = '%#SpaceVim_tabline_b# ' end return { str = item_hilight .. tablineat .. messletters.bubble_num(nr, 1) .. ' ' .. name .. ' ' .. icon .. ' ', bufnr = bufnr, len = #name + 4, pin = false, } end local function tabline_sep(a, b) local hi_a local hi_b if not a then hi_a = 'SpaceVim_tabline_b' elseif vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(a.bufnr, 'modified') then hi_a = 'SpaceVim_tabline_m' elseif a.bufnr == vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() then hi_a = 'SpaceVim_tabline_a' else hi_a = 'SpaceVim_tabline_b' end if not b then hi_b = 'SpaceVim_tabline_b' elseif vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(b.bufnr, 'modified') then hi_b = 'SpaceVim_tabline_m' elseif b.bufnr == vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() then hi_b = 'SpaceVim_tabline_a' else hi_b = 'SpaceVim_tabline_b' end if hi_a == hi_b then return isep end return '%#' .. hi_a .. '_' .. hi_b .. '#' .. right_sep end local function index(list, item) local n = 0 for _, v in ipairs(list) do if v == item then return n end n = n + 1 end return -1 end local function get_show_items() if vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') > 1 then shown_items = {} for _, i in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages()) do table.insert(shown_items, build_tab_item(i)) end return shown_items else shown_items = {} left_hide_bufs = vim.tbl_filter(function(val) return vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(val) and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(val, 'buflisted') end, left_hide_bufs) right_hide_bufs = vim.tbl_filter(function(val) return vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(val) and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(val, 'buflisted') end, right_hide_bufs) local origin_ct = #visiable_bufs visiable_bufs = vim.tbl_filter(function(val) return vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(val) and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(val, 'buflisted') end, visiable_bufs) if #visiable_bufs ~= origin_ct then local matchlen = false if #right_hide_bufs > 0 and not matchlen then while not matchlen and #right_hide_bufs > 0 do table.insert(visiable_bufs, table.remove(right_hide_bufs)) if check_len(visiable_bufs) then matchlen = true table.insert(right_hide_bufs, 1, table.remove(visiable_bufs, #visiable_bufs)) end end end if #left_hide_bufs > 0 and not matchlen then while not matchlen and #left_hide_bufs > 0 do table.insert(visiable_bufs, 1, table.remove(left_hide_bufs, #left_hide_bufs)) if check_len(visiable_bufs) then matchlen = true table.insert(left_hide_bufs, table.remove(visiable_bufs, 1)) end end end end local n = 1 for _, bufnr in ipairs(visiable_bufs) do table.insert(shown_items, build_item(bufnr, n)) n = n + 1 end return shown_items end end function M.add(bufnr) end function M.move_to_previous() local ntp = vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') if ntp > 1 then local ctpn = vim.fn.tabpagenr() local idx = ctpn - 2 if idx == -1 then idx = ntp end vim.cmd('tabmove ' .. idx) else local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local idx = index(visiable_bufs, bufnr) if idx > 0 then -- second item or others visiable_bufs[idx + 1] = visiable_bufs[idx] visiable_bufs[idx] = bufnr elseif idx == 0 and #left_hide_bufs > 0 then table.insert(visiable_bufs, 2, table.remove(left_hide_bufs, #left_hide_bufs)) while check_len(visiable_bufs) and #visiable_bufs > 1 do table.insert(right_hide_bufs, 1, table.remove(visiable_bufs, #visiable_bufs)) end end end vim.cmd('redrawtabline') end function M.move_to_next() local ntp = vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') if ntp > 1 then local ctpn = vim.fn.tabpagenr() local idx = ctpn + 1 if idx > ntp then idx = 0 end vim.cmd('tabmove ' .. idx) else local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local idx = index(visiable_bufs, bufnr) if idx > -1 and idx < #visiable_bufs - 1 then -- second item or others visiable_bufs[idx + 1] = visiable_bufs[idx + 2] visiable_bufs[idx + 2] = bufnr elseif idx == #visiable_bufs - 1 and #right_hide_bufs > 0 then table.insert(visiable_bufs, #visiable_bufs - 1, table.remove(right_hide_bufs, 1)) while check_len(visiable_bufs) and #visiable_bufs > 1 do table.insert(left_hide_bufs, table.remove(visiable_bufs, 1)) end end end vim.cmd('redrawtabline') end function M.close_current_buffer() local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local idx = index(visiable_bufs, bufnr) local f = '' if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, 'modified') then end if idx > 0 then vim.cmd('b' .. visiable_bufs[idx]) vim.cmd('bd ' .. bufnr) end end function M.enable() local seps = separators[vim.g.spacevim_statusline_separator] or separators.arrow local iseps = i_separators[vim.g.spacevim_statusline_iseparator] or i_separators.arrow isep = iseps[1] right_sep = seps[1] left_sep = seps[2] local tabline_augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('spacevim_tabline', { clear = true }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufNewFile', 'BufReadPost' }, { callback = vim.schedule_wrap(function(event) if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(event.buf) and index(right_hide_bufs, event.buf) == -1 and index(visiable_bufs, event.buf) == -1 and index(left_hide_bufs, event.buf) == -1 then table.insert(right_hide_bufs, event.buf) end end), group = tabline_augroup, }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufEnter', }, { callback = vim.schedule_wrap(function(event) if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(event.buf) and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(event.buf, 'buflisted') then if index(visiable_bufs, event.buf) == -1 then if index(left_hide_bufs, event.buf) > -1 then local all_bufs = {} for _, v in ipairs(left_hide_bufs) do table.insert(all_bufs, v) end for _, v in ipairs(visiable_bufs) do table.insert(all_bufs, v) end for _, v in ipairs(right_hide_bufs) do table.insert(all_bufs, v) end left_hide_bufs = {} visiable_bufs = {} right_hide_bufs = {} local find_current_buf = false local matchlen = false for _, v in ipairs(all_bufs) do if v == event.buf then find_current_buf = true end if not find_current_buf then table.insert(left_hide_bufs, v) elseif find_current_buf and not matchlen then table.insert(visiable_bufs, v) if check_len(visiable_bufs) then matchlen = true if #visiable_bufs > 1 then table.insert(right_hide_bufs, table.remove(visiable_bufs, #visiable_bufs)) end end else table.insert(right_hide_bufs, v) end end elseif index(right_hide_bufs, event.buf) > -1 then local all_bufs = {} for _, v in ipairs(left_hide_bufs) do table.insert(all_bufs, v) end for _, v in ipairs(visiable_bufs) do table.insert(all_bufs, v) end for _, v in ipairs(right_hide_bufs) do table.insert(all_bufs, v) end left_hide_bufs = {} visiable_bufs = {} right_hide_bufs = {} local find_current_buf = false local matchlen = false all_bufs = reverse_table(all_bufs) for _, v in ipairs(all_bufs) do if v == event.buf then find_current_buf = true end if not find_current_buf then table.insert(right_hide_bufs, 1, v) elseif find_current_buf and not matchlen then table.insert(visiable_bufs, 1, v) if check_len(visiable_bufs) then matchlen = true if #visiable_bufs > 1 then table.insert(left_hide_bufs, table.remove(visiable_bufs, 1)) end end else table.insert(left_hide_bufs, 1, v) end end end end end end), group = tabline_augroup, }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ 'BufWinEnter', 'BufWinLeave', 'BufWritePost', 'TabEnter', 'VimResized', 'WinEnter', 'WinLeave', }, { callback = vim.schedule_wrap(function(event) if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(event.buf) then vim.cmd('redrawtabline') end end), group = tabline_augroup, }) end function M.get() local tablinestr = '' shown_items = get_show_items() local preview_item if #left_hide_bufs > 0 and vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') == 1 then tablinestr = '%#SpaceVim_tabline_b# << ' .. #left_hide_bufs .. ' ' .. tabline_sep(preview_item, shown_items[1]) end for _, item in ipairs(shown_items) do if preview_item then -- 如果存在上一个buf,则增加分隔符 tablinestr = tablinestr .. tabline_sep(preview_item, item) end tablinestr = tablinestr .. item.str preview_item = item end if preview_item then -- 如果存在上一个buf,则增加分隔符 tablinestr = tablinestr .. tabline_sep(preview_item, nil) if #right_hide_bufs > 0 and vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') == 1 then tablinestr = tablinestr .. '%#SpaceVim_tabline_b# ' .. #right_hide_bufs .. ' >> ' end tablinestr = tablinestr .. '%#SpaceVim_tabline_b#%=%#SpaceVim_tabline_a_SpaceVim_tabline_b# ' .. left_sep if vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') > 1 then tablinestr = tablinestr .. '%#SpaceVim_tabline_a# Tabs ' else tablinestr = tablinestr .. '%#SpaceVim_tabline_a# Buffers ' end end return tablinestr end function M.def_colors() local name = vim.g.colors_name or 'gruvbox' local t if #vim.g.spacevim_custom_color_palette > 0 then t = vim.g.spacevim_custom_color_palette else local ok = pcall(function() t = vim.fn['SpaceVim#mapping#guide#theme#' .. name .. '#palette']() end) if not ok then t = vim.fn['Vim#mapping#guide#theme#gruvbox#palette']() end end vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SpaceVim_tabline_a', { fg = t[1][1], bg = t[1][2], ctermfg = t[1][4], ctermbg = t[1][3], }) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SpaceVim_tabline_b', { fg = t[2][1], bg = t[2][2], ctermfg = t[2][4], ctermbg = t[2][3], }) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SpaceVim_tabline_m', { fg = t[5][1], bg = t[5][2], ctermfg = t[5][3], ctermbg = t[5][4], }) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SpaceVim_tabline_m_i', { fg = t[5][2], bg = t[2][2], ctermfg = t[5][4], ctermbg = t[2][3], }) highlight.hi_separator('SpaceVim_tabline_a', 'SpaceVim_tabline_b') highlight.hi_separator('SpaceVim_tabline_m', 'SpaceVim_tabline_b') highlight.hi_separator('SpaceVim_tabline_m', 'SpaceVim_tabline_a') end function M.jump(id) if id == 'next' then if vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') > 1 then vim.cmd('tabnext') else local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local idx = index(visiable_bufs, bufnr) if idx > -1 and idx < #visiable_bufs - 1 then vim.cmd('b' .. visiable_bufs[idx + 2]) elseif idx > -1 and idx == #visiable_bufs - 1 then if #right_hide_bufs > 0 then vim.cmd('b' .. right_hide_bufs[1]) elseif #left_hide_bufs > 0 then vim.cmd('b' .. left_hide_bufs[1]) else vim.cmd('b' .. visiable_bufs[1]) end end end elseif id == 'prev' then if vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') > 1 then vim.cmd('tabprevious') else local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local idx = index(visiable_bufs, bufnr) if idx > 0 then vim.cmd('b' .. visiable_bufs[idx]) elseif idx == 0 and idx < #visiable_bufs - 1 then if #left_hide_bufs > 0 then vim.cmd('b' .. left_hide_bufs[#left_hide_bufs]) elseif #right_hide_bufs > 0 then vim.cmd('b' .. right_hide_bufs[#right_hide_bufs]) else vim.cmd('b' .. visiable_bufs[#visiable_bufs]) end end end elseif #shown_items >= id then if vim.fn.tabpagenr('$') > 1 then vim.cmd('tabnext' .. id) else vim.api.nvim_set_current_buf(shown_items[id].bufnr) end end end return M