title: "Install vim/neovim with python support"
description: "How to build vim or neovim from source with python enabled?"
comments: true
commentsID: "Install neovim or vim"

# [Quick start guide](../quick-start-guide/) >> Install Vim/Neovim with Python support

This artical will tell you how to install vim and neovim, and how to enable `+python3` support.

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- [Install Neovim](#install-neovim)
  - [Windows](#windows)
  - [Linux](#linux)
- [Enable python3 support](#enable-python3-support)

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## Install Neovim

### Windows

On Windows, the easiest way to install Neovim is to download
from neovim release page. and extract it into `C:\Neovim`. You can also add `C:\Neovim\bin` to your `PATH`.

You can also use [scoop](https://scoop.sh/) to install neovim.

scoop install neovim

### Linux

You can install neovim or vim with default package manager.


`sudo apt install neovim`

**Arch Linux**

`sudo pacman -S neovim`

## Enable python3 support

First of all, you need to install python3. and set the env `PYTHON3_HOST_PROG` to the path of python. for example:

Install `pynvim`, run `python -m pip install pynvim`.