set encoding=utf-8 set termencoding=utf-8 set fileencoding=utf-8 scriptencoding utf-8 function! AddLine(str) put! =a:str endfunction function! CursorPos() return [line('.'), col('.'), getline('.')[col('.')-1]] endfunction function! Highlights() abort return filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFChar"') endfunction function! WaitUntil(ms, pred) abort let remaining = a:ms while remaining > 0 sleep 10m let remaining -= 10 if a:pred() return 1 endif endwhile return 0 endfunction Describe default config It should load plugin Assert g:loaded_clever_f End It should override original mappings by default for m in ['f', 'F', 't', 'T'] let mapped = mapcheck(m, 'nxo') Assert True(stridx(mapped, 'clever-f') >= 0, m . ' -> ' . mapped) endfor End It should provide variables to customize behavior call clever_f#reset() Assert Equals(g:clever_f_across_no_line, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_ignore_case, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_use_migemo, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_fix_key_direction, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_show_prompt, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_smart_case, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs, '') Assert Equals(g:clever_f_mark_cursor, 1) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_hide_cursor_on_cmdline, 1) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_timeout_ms, 0) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_mark_char, 1) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_repeat_last_char_inputs, ["\<CR>"]) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_clean_labels_eagerly, 1) Assert Equals(g:clever_f_mark_direct, 0) End End Describe f, F, t and T mappings Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After close! End It should provide improved forward search like builtin f normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal! e Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,17,'o']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,19,'o']) End It should provide improved backward search like builtin F normal! $ let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,19,'o']) normal Fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,17,'o']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal! h normal Fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) End It should provide t mapping like builtin t normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal th Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,5,' ']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,10,' ']) normal! e Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal to Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,16,'p']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,18,'y']) call AddLine('ab hbge huga') normal! gg0 normal tb Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'a']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,4,'h']) End It should provide T mapping like builtin T normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal th Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,5,' ']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,10,' ']) normal! e Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal to Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,16,'p']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,18,'y']) call AddLine('ab hbge huga') normal! gg0 normal tb Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'a']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,4,'h']) End It should provide improved forward search like builtin f in visual mode normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal! v normal fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal! e Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,17,'o']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,19,'o']) End It should provide improved backward search like builtin F normal! $v let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,19,'o']) normal Fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,17,'o']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal! h normal Fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) End It should provide t mapping like builtin t normal! 0v let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal th Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,5,' ']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,10,' ']) normal! e Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) normal to Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,16,'p']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,18,'y']) call AddLine('ab hbge huga') normal! gg0 normal tb Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'a']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,4,'h']) End It should provide T mapping like builtin T normal! $v let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,19,'o']) normal To Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,18,'y']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,15,' ']) normal! h normal Th Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,12,'i']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,7,'u']) call AddLine('ab hbge huga') normal! gg$ normal Tg Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,12,'a']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,7,'e']) End It should work with Vim 8.1.0648 normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal dth Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'h']) End It should have different context in normal mode and visual mode let l = line('.') Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 1, 'p']) normal fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 2, 'o']) normal vfh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 6, 'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 11, 'h']) normal! d Assert Equals(getline('.'), "piyo poyo") Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 2, 'i']) normal dfp Assert Equals(getline('.'), "poyo") Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 2, 'o']) End It should open folding automatically let l = getline(1) call setline(1, ['{{{', l, '}}}']) setl foldmethod=marker " Move to closed folding normal! ggjzM normal fh Assert Equals(foldclosed('.'), -1) Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [2,6,'h']) End It does not reproduce #54 normal! 0 let l = line('.') normal fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) " Back to the position after reset normal! 0 " XXX: Hack! While running test, InsertEnter is not fired " automatically. To test the event, we need to cause it manually. doautocmd CursorMoved normal! 5l Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) normal fo Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,14,'o']) End It should work while running in macro for _ in range(10) call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') endfor normal! gg0 " Macro to change the line from 'poge huga hiyo poyo' to 'poge' let @a = 'thDj' normal 10@a for l in range(2, 10) Assert Equals(getline(l), 'poge') endfor End It should not repeat previous character while running in macro (#59) call AddLine('1a 2a 3a 4a 5a') normal! gg0 let @a = 'fax' normal 5@a Assert Equals(getline('.'), '1 2 3 4 5') End It should share its state among mappings normal! 0 let l = line('.') let left = [l, 6, 'h'] let right = [l, 11, 'h'] normal fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), left) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), right) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), left) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), right) normal T Assert Equals(CursorPos(), left) End End Describe clever_f#reset() Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After close! End It should reset current target character normal! 0 let l = line('.') normal fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) call clever_f#reset() normal to Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,13,'y']) End It should be called on <Plug>(clever-f-reset) normal! 0 let l = line('.') normal fh Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,6,'h']) execute 'normal' "\<Plug>(clever-f-reset)" normal to Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,13,'y']) End It should remove target highlights normal! 0 normal fhff Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) call clever_f#reset() Assert Equals(Highlights(), []) End End Describe g:clever_f_across_no_line Before new let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 close! End It should not move cursor to next line normal! gg0 let l = line('.') normal fhf Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,11,'h']) normal! gg0 normal tht Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,10,' ']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,10,' ']) End It should not move cursor to previous line normal! ggj$ let l = line('.') normal Fpf Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,1,'p']) normal! ggj$ normal Tpt Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,2,'o']) normal t Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l,2,'o']) End End Describe a non-existent char Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After close! End It should do nothing normal! 0 let origin = CursorPos() normal fd Assert Equals(CursorPos(), origin) normal f1 Assert Equals(CursorPos(), origin) normal f) Assert Equals(CursorPos(), origin) normal f^ Assert Equals(CursorPos(), origin) normal fm Assert Equals(CursorPos(), origin) End End Context target is in other line Before new call AddLine('foo bar baz') call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') call clever_f#reset() normal! gg End After close! End It should move cursor forward across lines normal! 0 let l = line('.') Assert Equals(col('.'), 1) normal fa Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 9, 'a']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l+1, 6, 'a']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l+1, 10, 'a']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l+1, 6, 'a']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 9, 'a']) End It should move cursor backward across lines normal! Gk$ let l = line('.') Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal Fa Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 10, 'a']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 6, 'a']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l-1, 9, 'a']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 6, 'a']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 10, 'a']) End End Context Multibyte characters Before new call AddLine('ビムかわいいよzビムx') call AddLine('foo bar baz') call clever_f#reset() normal! gg End After close! End It should be supported normal! gg0 let l = line('.') normal fz Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 11, 'z']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l+1, 22, 'z']) normal! h normal fx Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l+1, 29, 'x']) End End Describe g:clever_f_ignore_case Before new let g:clever_f_ignore_case = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge Guga hiyo Go;yo;') End After let g:clever_f_ignore_case = 0 close! End It should make f case insensitive normal! gg0 let l = line('.') normal fg Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 3, 'g']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 6, 'G']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 8, 'g']) normal F Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [l, 6, 'G']) End It should make no effect on searching signs normal! 0 normal f; Assert Equals(col('.'), 18) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 21) let pos = getpos('.') normal f Assert Equals(pos, getpos('.')) End End Describe clever_f#compat#strchars It should return different value from strlen() when multibyte character strings given for str in ['あいうえお', 'aiueoあ', '123ABC45'] Assert NotEquals(clever_f#compat#strchars(str), strlen(str)) endfor End It should return the same value as strlen() when given string contains no multibyte character for str in ['aiueo', 'this_is_a_pen', "!#$%&'()'", ''] Assert Equals(clever_f#compat#strchars(str), strlen(str)) endfor End End Describe clever_f#find_with() It should raise an error when invalid map is given Throws /^clever-f: Invalid mapping/ clever_f#find_with('x') End End Describe migemo support Before new let g:clever_f_use_migemo = 1 let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 1 call AddLine('はー,ビムかわいいよビム') call clever_f#reset() normal! gg0 End After close! let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 let g:clever_f_use_migemo = 0 End It should make f and F mapping match multibyte characters normal fb Assert Equals(col('.'), 10) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 31) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 10) normal $ normal Fb Assert Equals(col('.'), 31) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 10) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 31) End It should make t and T mapping match multibyte characters normal tb Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 28) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 13) normal $ normal Tb Assert Equals(col('.'), 34) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 13) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 28) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 13) End It doesn't degrade issue #24 let save = g:clever_f_across_no_line let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 call AddLine(' sOS') call AddLine(' sOS') call AddLine(' sOS') normal! gg^ normal fS Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [1, 17, 'S']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [2, 17, 'S']) normal f Assert Equals(CursorPos(), [3, 17, 'S']) let g:clever_f_across_no_line = save End End Describe g:clever_f_fix_key_direction Before new let g:clever_f_fix_key_direction = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') normal! gg0 End After close! let g:clever_f_fix_key_direction = 0 End It should fix the direction of search for f and F normal fofff Assert Equals(col('.'), 19) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 17) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 14) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 2) normal $ normal Fo Assert Equals(col('.'), 17) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 14) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 2) End It should fix the direction of search for t and T normal tottt Assert Equals(col('.'), 18) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 15) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 3) normal $ normal To Assert Equals(col('.'), 18) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 15) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 3) End End Describe Special characters Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') normal! gg0 End After close! End It should not break clever-f.vim let pos = getpos('.') execute 'normal' "f\<F1>" execute 'normal' "f\<Left>" execute 'normal' "f\<BS>" Assert Equals(pos, getpos('.')) End End Describe <Esc> Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine("poge huga \<Esc> poyo") normal! gg0 End After close! End It should reset the state on f let pos = getpos('.') execute 'normal' "f\<Esc>" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), pos) " Check that the state is reset normal fe Assert Equals(col('.'), 4) End It should reset the state on T normal! $ let pos = getpos('.') execute 'normal' "T\<Esc>" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), pos) " Check that the state is reset normal Th Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) End Context with g:clever_f_mark_direct Before let g:clever_f_mark_direct = 1 highlight link CleverFDirect CleverFDefaultLabel End After let g:clever_f_mark_direct = 0 End It should remove target highlights normal! gg0 execute 'normal' "f\<Esc>" Assert Equals(len(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFDirect"')), 0) End It does nothing on empty line (#55) call AddLine('') normal! G0 Assert Equals(getline('.'), '') Assert Equals(col('.'), 1) normal fa Assert Equals(col('.'), 1) End End End Describe g:clever_f_smart_case Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poHe huga Hiyo hoyo: poyo();') normal! gg0 let g:clever_f_smart_case = 1 End After close! let g:clever_f_smart_case = 0 End It should make f smart case normal fh Assert Equals(col('.'), 3) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 6) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 16) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal 0 normal fH Assert Equals(col('.'), 3) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), 3) End It should make t smart case normal! $ normal Th Assert Equals(col('.'), 17) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 12) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 4) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 5) normal! $ normal TH Assert Equals(col('.'), 12) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 4) normal T Assert Equals(col('.'), 10) End It should not affect searching signs normal! 0 normal f; Assert Equals(col('.'), 28) normal! 0 let pos = getpos('.') normal f Assert Equals(pos, getpos('.')) End End Describe g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs Before new call AddLine(' !"#$%&''()=~|\-^\@`[]{};:+*<>,.?_/') let g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs = ';' normal! gg0 End After close! let g:clever_f_chars_match_any_signs = '' End It should specify characters which match to any signs normal f; Assert Equals(col('.'), 2) for i in range(3, 34) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), i) endfor let pos = getpos('.') normal f Assert Equals(pos, getpos('.')) for i in reverse(range(2, 33)) normal F Assert Equals(col('.'), i) endfor let pos = getpos('.') normal F Assert Equals(pos, getpos('.')) End End Describe Cursor mark on user input Before new let g:clever_f_mark_cursor = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After close! End It 'ensures to remove highlight of cursor properly' normal fh Assert Equals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFCursor"'), []) normal fq Assert Equals(filter(getmatches(), '"CleverFCursor"'), []) End End Describe Hiding cursor on command line Before new let g:clever_f_mark_cursor = 1 let g:clever_f_hide_cursor_on_cmdline = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') End After close! End it should ensure to restore highlight properly let guicursor = &guicursor let t_ve = &t_ve normal fh Assert Equals(guicursor, &guicursor) Assert Equals(t_ve, &t_ve) normal fq Assert Equals(guicursor, &guicursor) Assert Equals(t_ve, &t_ve) End End Describe g:clever_f_timeout_ms Before new let g:clever_f_timeout_ms = 100 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') normal! gg0 End After close! let g:clever_f_timeout_ms = 0 End It should reset the state if timed out normal fhf Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) sleep 150m normal fo Assert Equals(col('.'), 14) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 17) sleep 150m normal Fo Assert Equals(col('.'), 14) End End Describe g:clever_f_mark_char Before new let saved_mark_char = g:clever_f_mark_char let g:clever_f_mark_char = 1 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') let old_across_no_line = g:clever_f_across_no_line let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 End After close! let g:clever_f_across_no_line = old_across_no_line let g:clever_f_mark_char = saved_mark_char End It should highlight the target characters automatically normal! gg0 normal fh Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) normal f Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) End It should update the highlight when the cursor moves to another line call AddLine('oh huh') normal! gg0 let l = line('.') normal fhff Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) Assert NotEquals(stridx(getmatches()[0].pattern, l), -1) Assert Equals(len(getmatches()), 1) normal f Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) Assert NotEquals(stridx(getmatches()[0].pattern, l+1), -1) Assert Equals(len(getmatches()), 1) normal f Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) Assert NotEquals(stridx(getmatches()[0].pattern, l+1), -1) Assert Equals(len(getmatches()), 1) End It should remove highlights when moving cursor to another place call AddLine('oh huh') call AddLine('oh huh') normal! gg0 normal fhff normal! j " XXX: Hack! While running test, CursorMoved is not fired " automatically. To test the event, we need to cause it manually. doautocmd CursorMoved Assert Equals(Highlights(), []) End It should remove highlights when entering insert mode call AddLine('oh huh') call AddLine('oh huh') normal! gg0 normal fhff " XXX: Hack! While running test, InsertEnter is not fired " automatically. To test the event, we need to cause it manually. doautocmd InsertEnter Assert Equals(Highlights(), []) End It should not highlight target character when set to 0 let g:clever_f_mark_char = 0 normal! gg0 normal fh Assert Equals(Highlights(), []) normal f Assert Equals(Highlights(), []) End End Describe g:clever_f_repeat_last_char_inputs Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('hoge huga hiyo hoyo') normal! gg0 End After close! End It should repeat previous input again normal fhl Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) execute 'normal' "f\<CR>" Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal lfyl Assert Equals(col('.'), 14) execute 'normal' "f\<CR>" Assert Equals(col('.'), 18) normal! $ execute 'normal' "F\<CR>" Assert Equals(col('.'), 18) End It should do nothing when the specified characters are input at first call clever_f#_reset_all() let p = getpos('.') execute 'normal' "f\<CR>" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), p) execute 'normal' "F\<CR>" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), p) execute 'normal' "t\<CR>" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), p) execute 'normal' "T\<CR>" Assert Equals(getpos('.'), p) End End Describe Backslash Before new call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('poge\huga\hiyo\poyo') normal! gg0 End After close! End It should not cause any search errors (#35) normal f\ Assert Equals(col('.'), 5) normal! $ normal F\ Assert Equals(col('.'), 15) normal! gg0 normal t\ Assert Equals(col('.'), 4) normal! $ normal T\ Assert Equals(col('.'), 16) End End Describe selection=exclusive Before new call AddLine('poge huga hiyo poyo') let s:selection = &selection set selection=exclusive call clever_f#reset() normal! gg0 End After close! let &selection = s:selection End It should not change `f` behavior when not in visual mode normal fh Assert Equals(col('.'), 6) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal! 0 normal th Assert Equals(col('.'), 5) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 10) End It should change selection of `f` or `t` in visual mode normal vfh Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 12) execute 'normal!' "\<Esc>0" normal vth Assert Equals(col('.'), 6) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) End It should not change `T` and `F` behavior normal! $ normal vFh Assert Equals(col('.'), 11) normal f Assert Equals(col('.'), 6) execute 'normal!' "\<Esc>$" normal vTh Assert Equals(col('.'), 12) normal t Assert Equals(col('.'), 7) End End Describe clever_f#_mark_direct() function! GetHighlightedPositions() let cols = sort(map(getmatches(), 'v:val.pos1[1]'), 'n') let chars = [] for c in range(1, 19) if len(cols) > 0 && cols[0] == c let ch = '_' call remove(cols, 0) else let ch = ' ' endif call add(chars, ch) endfor return join(chars, '') endfunction Before new call clever_f#reset() highlight link CleverFDirect CleverFDefaultLabel call AddLine('ビムかわいいよzビムx') call AddLine('pOge huga Hiyo pOyo') let old_across_no_line = g:clever_f_across_no_line let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 End After close! let g:clever_f_mark_direct = 0 let g:clever_f_across_no_line = old_across_no_line End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved directly normal! gg0 " #: cursor position, _: highlighted char " " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' ______ _ ____ _ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight backward characters normal! gg$ " pOge huga Hiyo pOy# let s = ' _ ____ __ _____ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(0, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved by one hop normal! gg0 " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' _ _ ___' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 2) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should not highlight multibyte characters normal! 2gg0 " #ムかわいいよzビムx " _ _ call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 1) let cols = [22, 29] Assert Equals(sort(map(getmatches(), 'v:val.pos1[1]'), 'n'), cols) End Context with g:clever_f_smart_case Before let g:clever_f_smart_case = 1 End After let g:clever_f_smart_case = 0 End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved directly normal! gg0 " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' ______ _ ___ _ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight backward characters normal! gg$ " pOge huga Hiyo pOy# let s = ' _ ___ __ ____ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(0, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved by one hop normal! gg0 " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' _ __ _ __ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 2) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End End Context with g:clever_f_ignore_case Before let g:clever_f_ignore_case = 1 End After let g:clever_f_ignore_case = 0 End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved directly normal! gg0 " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' ______ _ __ _ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight backward characters normal! gg$ " pOge huga Hiyo pOy# let s = ' _ ___ __ ____ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(0, 1) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End It should highlight characters to which the cursor can be moved by one hop normal! gg0 " #Oge huga Hiyo pOyo let s = ' _ __ _ _ ' call clever_f#_mark_direct(1, 2) Assert Equals(GetHighlightedPositions(), s) End End End Describe g:clever_f_mark_direct Before new let g:clever_f_mark_direct = 1 call clever_f#reset() highlight link CleverFDirect CleverFDefaultLabel call AddLine('pOge huga Hiyo poyo') let old_across_no_line = g:clever_f_across_no_line let g:clever_f_across_no_line = 0 End After close! let g:clever_f_mark_direct = 0 let g:clever_f_across_no_line = old_across_no_line End It should remove target highlights normal! gg0 normal fh Assert Equals(len(filter(getmatches(), ' ==# "CleverFDirect"')), 0) End It should finish with no error normal! gg$ normal fp Assert Equals(len(filter(getmatches(), ' ==# "CleverFDirect"')), 0) End End Describe g:clever_f_highlight_timeout_ms Before new let g:clever_f_mark_char = 1 let g:clever_f_highlight_timeout_ms = 100 call clever_f#reset() call AddLine('pOge huga Hiyo poyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo') normal! gg0 End After close! let g:clever_f_highlight_timeout_ms = 0 End It should remove highlights after specified timeout let start = reltime() normal fo Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) sleep 10m Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) Assert WaitUntil(100, { -> Highlights() == [] }) let duration = reltimefloat(reltime(start)) Assert Truthy(duration > 0.1, string(duration) . ' should be greater than 0.1') End It should not remove highlights while repeating search let start = reltime() normal fo " After 500ms highlights are not removed since 'f' resets timer for _ in range(10) sleep 50m Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) normal f endfor " Spending 100ms without 'f' expires the timer Assert WaitUntil(120, { -> Highlights() == [] }) End It should restore highlights after timeout removed it normal fo Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) " Wait until highlights are removed due to timeout Assert WaitUntil(200, { -> Highlights() == [] }) " repeat f normal f " Highlights are restored Assert NotEquals(Highlights(), []) " Finally highlights are removed again Assert WaitUntil(200, { -> Highlights() == [] }) End End Describe . Before each new call AddLine('hoge fuge piye poye') normal! gg0 End After each close! End It should repeat 'f' mapping normal dfe Assert Equals(getline('.'), ' fuge piye poye') normal! . Assert Equals(getline('.'), ' piye poye') normal! . Assert Equals(getline('.'), ' poye') normal! . Assert Equals(getline('.'), '') End It should repeat 't' mapping normal dte Assert Equals(getline('.'), 'e fuge piye poye') normal! . Assert Equals(getline('.'), 'e piye poye') normal! . Assert Equals(getline('.'), 'e poye') normal! . Assert Equals(getline('.'), 'e') End It should repeat 'F' mapping normal! $ normal dFe Assert Equals(getline('.'), 'hoge fuge piye') normal . Assert Equals(getline('.'), 'hoge fuge') normal . Assert Equals(getline('.'), 'hoge') End It should repeat 'T' mapping normal! $ normal dTe Assert Equals(getline('.'), 'hoge fuge piyee') normal . Assert Equals(getline('.'), 'hoge fugee') normal . Assert Equals(getline('.'), 'hogee') End End " vim: set ft=vim foldmethod=marker: