runtime! plugin/textobj/*.vim describe 'The plugin' it 'is loaded' Expect exists('g:loaded_textobj_indent') to_be_true end end describe 'Named key mappings' it 'is available in proper modes' for lhs in ['<Plug>(textobj-indent-a)', \ '<Plug>(textobj-indent-i)', \ '<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-a)', \ '<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-i)'] Expect maparg(lhs, 'c') == '' Expect maparg(lhs, 'i') == '' Expect maparg(lhs, 'n') == '' Expect maparg(lhs, 'o') != '' Expect maparg(lhs, 'v') != '' endfor end end describe 'Default key mappings' it 'is available in proper modes' Expect maparg('ai', 'c') ==# '' Expect maparg('ai', 'i') ==# '' Expect maparg('ai', 'n') ==# '' Expect maparg('ai', 'o') ==# '<Plug>(textobj-indent-a)' Expect maparg('ai', 'v') ==# '<Plug>(textobj-indent-a)' Expect maparg('ii', 'c') ==# '' Expect maparg('ii', 'i') ==# '' Expect maparg('ii', 'n') ==# '' Expect maparg('ii', 'o') ==# '<Plug>(textobj-indent-i)' Expect maparg('ii', 'v') ==# '<Plug>(textobj-indent-i)' Expect maparg('aI', 'c') ==# '' Expect maparg('aI', 'i') ==# '' Expect maparg('aI', 'n') ==# '' Expect maparg('aI', 'o') ==# '<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-a)' Expect maparg('aI', 'v') ==# '<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-a)' Expect maparg('iI', 'c') ==# '' Expect maparg('iI', 'i') ==# '' Expect maparg('iI', 'n') ==# '' Expect maparg('iI', 'o') ==# '<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-i)' Expect maparg('iI', 'v') ==# '<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-i)' end end describe '<Plug>(textobj-indent-a)' before tabnew tabonly! silent put =[ \ 'if some_condition_is_satisfied', \ ' if another_condition_is_satisfied', \ ' call s:special_stuff()', \ ' endif', \ ' call s:normal_stuff()', \ '', \ ' ...', \ ' endif', \ 'else', \ ' ...', \ 'endif', \ ] 1 delete _ normal! 4G end it 'selects proper range of text' execute "normal v\<Plug>(textobj-indent-a)\<Esc>" Expect [line("'<"), col("'<")] ==# [2, 1] Expect [line("'>"), col("'>")] ==# [8, 8] end it 'targets proper range of text' execute "silent normal y\<Plug>(textobj-indent-a)" Expect [line("'["), col("'[")] ==# [2, 1] Expect [line("']"), col("']")] ==# [8, 8] end end describe '<Plug>(textobj-indent-i)' before tabnew tabonly! silent put =[ \ 'if some_condition_is_satisfied', \ ' if another_condition_is_satisfied', \ ' call s:special_stuff()', \ ' endif', \ ' call s:normal_stuff()', \ '', \ ' ...', \ ' endif', \ 'else', \ ' ...', \ 'endif', \ ] 1 delete _ normal! 4G end it 'selects proper range of text' execute "normal v\<Plug>(textobj-indent-i)\<Esc>" Expect [line("'<"), col("'<")] ==# [2, 1] Expect [line("'>"), col("'>")] ==# [5, 24] end it 'targets proper range of text' execute "silent normal y\<Plug>(textobj-indent-i)" Expect [line("'["), col("'[")] ==# [2, 1] Expect [line("']"), col("']")] ==# [5, 24] end end describe '<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-a)' before tabnew tabonly! silent put =[ \ 'if some_condition_is_satisfied', \ ' if another_condition_is_satisfied', \ ' call s:special_stuff()', \ ' endif', \ ' call s:normal_stuff()', \ '', \ ' ...', \ ' endif', \ 'else', \ ' ...', \ 'endif', \ ] 1 delete _ normal! 4G end it 'selects proper range of text' execute "normal v\<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-a)\<Esc>" Expect [line("'<"), col("'<")] ==# [4, 1] Expect [line("'>"), col("'>")] ==# [8, 8] end it 'targets proper range of text' execute "silent normal y\<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-a)" Expect [line("'["), col("'[")] ==# [4, 1] Expect [line("']"), col("']")] ==# [8, 8] end end describe '<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-i)' before tabnew tabonly! silent put =[ \ 'if some_condition_is_satisfied', \ ' if another_condition_is_satisfied', \ ' call s:special_stuff()', \ ' endif', \ ' call s:normal_stuff()', \ '', \ ' ...', \ ' endif', \ 'else', \ ' ...', \ 'endif', \ ] 1 delete _ normal! 4G end it 'selects proper range of text' execute "normal v\<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-i)\<Esc>" Expect [line("'<"), col("'<")] ==# [4, 1] Expect [line("'>"), col("'>")] ==# [5, 24] end it 'targets proper range of text' execute "silent normal y\<Plug>(textobj-indent-same-i)" Expect [line("'["), col("'[")] ==# [4, 1] Expect [line("']"), col("']")] ==# [5, 24] end end