"============================================================================= " FILE: cache.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com> " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditionneocomplete#cache# " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim let s:Cache = neocomplete#util#get_vital().import('System.Cache.Deprecated') " Cache loader. function! neocomplete#cache#load_from_cache(cache_dir, filename, ...) abort "{{{ let is_string = get(a:000, 0, 0) try " Note: For neocomplete. let list = [] if is_string lua << EOF do local ret = vim.eval('list') local list = {} for line in io.lines(vim.eval( 'neocomplete#cache#encode_name(a:cache_dir, a:filename)')) do list = (loadstring) and loadstring('return ' .. line)() or load('return ' .. line)() end for i = 1, #list do ret:add(list[i]) end end EOF else let list = eval(get(neocomplete#cache#readfile( \ a:cache_dir, a:filename), 0, '[]')) endif if !empty(list) && is_string && type(list[0]) != type('') " Type check. throw 'Type error' endif return list catch " echomsg string(v:errmsg) " echomsg string(v:exception) " Delete old cache file. let cache_name = \ neocomplete#cache#encode_name(a:cache_dir, a:filename) if filereadable(cache_name) call delete(cache_name) endif return [] endtry endfunction"}}} " New cache loader. function! neocomplete#cache#check_cache(cache_dir, key, async_cache_dictionary, keyword_cache, is_string) abort "{{{ if !has_key(a:async_cache_dictionary, a:key) return endif let cache_list = a:async_cache_dictionary[a:key] if !has_key(a:keyword_cache, a:key) let a:keyword_cache[a:key] = [] endif for cache in filter(copy(cache_list), 'filereadable(v:val.cachename)') let a:keyword_cache[a:key] += neocomplete#cache#load_from_cache( \ a:cache_dir, cache.filename, a:is_string) endfor call filter(cache_list, '!filereadable(v:val.cachename)') if empty(cache_list) " Delete from dictionary. call remove(a:async_cache_dictionary, a:key) return endif endfunction"}}} " For buffer source cache loader. function! neocomplete#cache#get_cache_list(cache_dir, async_cache_list) abort "{{{ let cache_list = a:async_cache_list let loaded_keywords = [] let loaded = 0 for cache in filter(copy(cache_list), 'filereadable(v:val.cachename)') let loaded = 1 let loaded_keywords = neocomplete#cache#load_from_cache( \ a:cache_dir, cache.filename, 1) endfor call filter(cache_list, '!filereadable(v:val.cachename)') return [loaded, loaded_keywords] endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#cache#save_cache(cache_dir, filename, keyword_list) abort "{{{ if neocomplete#util#is_sudo() return endif " Output cache. let string = substitute(substitute(substitute( \ string(a:keyword_list), '^[', '{', ''), \ ']$', '}', ''), '\\', '\\\\', 'g') call neocomplete#cache#writefile( \ a:cache_dir, a:filename, [string]) endfunction"}}} " Cache helper. function! neocomplete#cache#getfilename(cache_dir, filename) abort "{{{ let cache_dir = neocomplete#get_data_directory() . '/' . a:cache_dir return s:Cache.getfilename(cache_dir, a:filename) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#cache#filereadable(cache_dir, filename) abort "{{{ let cache_dir = neocomplete#get_data_directory() . '/' . a:cache_dir return s:Cache.filereadable(cache_dir, a:filename) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#cache#readfile(cache_dir, filename) abort "{{{ let cache_dir = neocomplete#get_data_directory() . '/' . a:cache_dir return s:Cache.readfile(cache_dir, a:filename) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#cache#writefile(cache_dir, filename, list) abort "{{{ if neocomplete#util#is_sudo() return endif let cache_dir = neocomplete#get_data_directory() . '/' . a:cache_dir return s:Cache.writefile(cache_dir, a:filename, a:list) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#cache#encode_name(cache_dir, filename) abort " Check cache directory. let cache_dir = neocomplete#get_data_directory() . '/' . a:cache_dir return s:Cache.getfilename(cache_dir, a:filename) endfunction function! neocomplete#cache#check_old_cache(cache_dir, filename) abort "{{{ let cache_dir = neocomplete#get_data_directory() . '/' . a:cache_dir return s:Cache.check_old_cache(cache_dir, a:filename) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#cache#make_directory(directory) abort "{{{ let directory = \ neocomplete#get_data_directory() .'/'.a:directory if !isdirectory(directory) if neocomplete#util#is_sudo() call neocomplete#print_error(printf( \ 'Cannot create Directory "%s" in sudo session.', directory)) else call mkdir(directory, 'p') endif endif endfunction"}}} let s:sdir = neocomplete#util#substitute_path_separator( \ fnamemodify(expand('<sfile>'), ':p:h')) function! neocomplete#cache#async_load_from_file(cache_dir, filename, pattern, mark) abort "{{{ if !neocomplete#cache#check_old_cache(a:cache_dir, a:filename) \ || neocomplete#util#is_sudo() return neocomplete#cache#encode_name(a:cache_dir, a:filename) endif let pattern_file_name = \ neocomplete#cache#encode_name('keyword_patterns', a:filename) let cache_name = \ neocomplete#cache#encode_name(a:cache_dir, a:filename) " Create pattern file. call neocomplete#cache#writefile( \ 'keyword_patterns', a:filename, [a:pattern]) " args: funcname, outputname, filename pattern mark " minlen maxlen encoding let fileencoding = \ &fileencoding == '' ? &encoding : &fileencoding let argv = [ \ 'load_from_file', cache_name, a:filename, pattern_file_name, a:mark, \ g:neocomplete#min_keyword_length, fileencoding \ ] return s:async_load(argv, a:cache_dir, a:filename) endfunction"}}} function! neocomplete#cache#async_load_from_tags(cache_dir, filename, filetype, pattern, mark) abort "{{{ if !neocomplete#cache#check_old_cache(a:cache_dir, a:filename) \ || neocomplete#util#is_sudo() return neocomplete#cache#encode_name(a:cache_dir, a:filename) endif let cache_name = \ neocomplete#cache#encode_name(a:cache_dir, a:filename) let pattern_file_name = \ neocomplete#cache#encode_name('tags_patterns', a:filename) let tags_file_name = '$dummy$' let filter_pattern = \ get(g:neocomplete#tags_filter_patterns, a:filetype, '') call neocomplete#cache#writefile('tags_patterns', a:filename, \ [a:pattern, tags_file_name, filter_pattern, a:filetype]) " args: funcname, outputname, filename " pattern mark minlen encoding let fileencoding = &fileencoding == '' ? &encoding : &fileencoding let argv = [ \ 'load_from_tags', cache_name, a:filename, pattern_file_name, a:mark, \ g:neocomplete#min_keyword_length, fileencoding \ ] return s:async_load(argv, a:cache_dir, a:filename) endfunction"}}} function! s:async_load(argv, cache_dir, filename) abort "{{{ let vim_path = s:search_vim_path() if vim_path == '' || !executable(vim_path) call neocomplete#async_cache#main(a:argv) else let args = [vim_path, '-u', 'NONE', '-i', 'NONE', '-n', \ '-N', '-S', s:sdir.'/async_cache.vim'] \ + a:argv call vimproc#system_bg(args) " call vimproc#system(args) " call system(join(args)) endif return neocomplete#cache#encode_name(a:cache_dir, a:filename) endfunction"}}} function! s:search_vim_path() abort "{{{ if exists('s:vim_path') return s:vim_path endif if !neocomplete#has_vimproc() return '' endif let paths = vimproc#get_command_name(v:progname, $PATH, -1) if empty(paths) if has('gui_macvim') " MacVim check. if !executable('/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim') call neocomplete#print_error( \ 'You installed MacVim in not default directory!'. \ ' You must add MacVim installed path in $PATH.') let g:neocomplete#use_vimproc = 0 return '' endif let s:vim_path = '/Applications/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim' else call neocomplete#print_error( \ printf('Vim path : "%s" is not found.'. \ ' You must add "%s" installed path in $PATH.', \ v:progname, v:progname)) let g:neocomplete#use_vimproc = 0 return '' endif else let base_path = neocomplete#util#substitute_path_separator( \ fnamemodify(paths[0], ':p:h')) let s:vim_path = base_path . '/vim' if !executable(s:vim_path) && neocomplete#util#is_mac() " Note: Search "Vim" instead of vim. let s:vim_path = base_path. '/Vim' endif endif return s:vim_path endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker