# Yet Another Remote Plugin Framework for Neovim This is my attempt on writing a remote plugin framework without `:UpdateRemotePlugins`. ## Requirements - `has('python3')` - For Vim 8: - [roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc](https://github.com/roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc) - `g:python3_host_prog` pointed to your python3 executable, or `echo exepath('python3')` is not empty. - [pynvim](https://github.com/neovim/pynvim) (`pip3 install pynvim`) ## Use case - [shougo/deoplete.nvim](https://github.com/shougo/deoplete.nvim) - [ncm2/ncm2](https://github.com/ncm2/ncm2) and most of its plugins ## Usage pythonx/hello.py ```python import vim, time def greet(): time.sleep(3) vim.command('echo "Hello world"') ``` plugin/hello.vim ```vim " Create a python3 process running the hello module. The process is lazy load. let s:hello = yarp#py3('hello') com HelloSync call s:hello.request('greet') com HelloAsync call s:hello.notify('greet') " You could type :Hello greet com -nargs=1 Hello call s:hello.request(<f-args>) ``` ## Debugging Add logging settigns to your vimrc. Log files will be generated with prefix `/tmp/nvim_log`. An alternative is to export environment variables before starting vim/nvim. ```vim let $NVIM_PYTHON_LOG_FILE="/tmp/nvim_log" let $NVIM_PYTHON_LOG_LEVEL="DEBUG" ``` ## Example for existing neovim rplugin porting to Vim 8 More realistic examples could be found at [nvim-typescript#84](https://github.com/mhartington/nvim-typescript/pull/84), [deoplete#553](https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim/pull/553), [callmekohei/quickdebug](https://github.com/callmekohei/quickdebug). Now let's consider the following simple rplugin. After `UpdateRemotePlugins` and restarting neovim, you get `foobar` by `:echo Bar()`. ```python # rplugin/python3/foo.py import pynvim @pynvim.plugin class Foo(object): def __init__(self, vim): self._vim = vim @pynvim.function("Bar", sync=True) def bar(self, args): return 'hello' + str(args) ``` For working on Vim 8, you need to add these two files: ```vim " plugin/foo.vim if has('nvim') finish endif let s:foo = yarp#py3('foo_wrap') func! Bar(v) return s:foo.call('bar',a:v) endfunc ``` ```python # pythonx/foo_wrap.py from foo import Foo as _Foo import vim _obj = _Foo(vim) def bar(*args): return _obj.bar(args) ``` How to use ``` $ vim : echo bar('world') hello('world',) ```