<?php function extract_class_signatures($files, $extensions) { $class_signatures = array(); $interface_signatures = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $doc = new DOMDocument; $doc->loadHTMLFile($file); $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); list($classname, $is_interface) = extract_class_name($xpath, $file); if (empty($classname)) { // no usual class synopsis found inside the file, just skip this class continue; } $fields = extract_class_fields($xpath, $classname, $file); $methods = extract_class_methods($xpath, $classname, $file); $extension_name = get_extension_name($file, $extensions); if ($extension_name === null){ continue; } if (!isset($class_signatures[$extension_name][$classname])) { if ($is_interface) { if (!isset($interface_signatures[$extension_name])) { $interface_signatures[$extension_name] = array(); } $interface_signatures[$extension_name][$classname] = array( 'constants' => $fields['constants'], 'properties' => $fields['properties'], 'static_properties' => $fields['static_properties'], 'methods' => $methods['methods'], 'static_methods' => $methods['static_methods'], ); } else { if (!isset($class_signatures[$extension_name])) { $class_signatures[$extension_name] = array(); } $class_signatures[$extension_name][$classname] = array( 'constants' => $fields['constants'], 'properties' => $fields['properties'], 'static_properties' => $fields['static_properties'], 'methods' => $methods['methods'], 'static_methods' => $methods['static_methods'], ); } } else { // there are some duplicate class names in extensions, use only the first one } } return array($class_signatures, $interface_signatures); } function extract_class_fields($xpath, $classname, $file) { $re = array( 'constants' => array(), 'properties' => array(), 'static_properties' => array(), ); $field_nodes = $xpath->query('//div[@class="classsynopsis"]//div[contains(@class, "fieldsynopsis")]'); foreach ($field_nodes as $field_node) { // fields look like: <var class="varname"><a href="">$<var class="varname">y</var></a></var> $property_node = $xpath->query('var[@class="varname"]//var[@class="varname"]/..', $field_node); if ($property_node->length) { $property_info = handle_class_property($xpath, $field_node, $file); if (in_array('static', $property_info['modifiers'])) { $re['static_properties'][$property_info['name']] = $property_info; } else { $re['properties'][$property_info['name']] = $property_info; } continue; } // constants look like: <var class="fieldsynopsis_varname"><a href="#"><var class="varname">W3C</var></a></var> $constant_node = $xpath->query('*[@class="modifier" and text() = "const"]/..', $field_node); if ($constant_node->length) { $constant_info = handle_class_const($xpath, $field_node, $file); $re['constants'][$constant_info['name']] = $constant_info; continue; } } array_map('ksort', $re); return $re; } function extract_class_methods($xpath, $classname, $file) { $re = array( 'methods' => array(), 'static_methods' => array(), ); $method_nodes = $xpath->query('//div[@class="classsynopsis"]//div[contains(@class, "constructorsynopsis") or contains(@class, "methodsynopsis")]'); foreach ($method_nodes as $method_node) { $method_info = handle_method_def($xpath, $classname, $method_node, $file); if ($method_info === null) { continue; } if (in_array('static', $method_info['modifiers'])) { $re['static_methods'][$method_info['name']] = $method_info; } else { $re['methods'][$method_info['name']] = $method_info; } } array_map('ksort', $re); return $re; } function handle_method_def($xpath, $classname, $node, $file) { $re = array( 'name' => '', 'return_type' => '', 'modifiers' => array(), 'params' => array(), ); $type = $xpath->query('*[@class="type"]', $node); $methodparams = $xpath->query('*[@class="methodparam"]', $node); $name = $xpath->query('*[@class="methodname"]/*[@class="methodname"]', $node); if ($name->length === 0) { // methods that don't have manual pages will look like <span class="methodname"><strong> ... </strong></span> $name = $xpath->query('*[@class="methodname"]/strong', $node); // if even that failed, just give up if ($name->length === 0) { var_dump($node->textContent); fwrite(STDERR, "\nextraction error, can't find method name in $file\n"); exit; } } // chop of class name from the inherited method names $name = preg_replace('/^[\w\\\\]+::/', '', trim($name->item(0)->textContent)); $re['name'] = $name; // constructors and destructors dont have return types if ($type->length === 0 && !($name == '__construct' || $name == '__destruct' || $name == '__wakeup' || $name == $classname)) { // var_dump($name); // var_dump($xpath->document->saveHTML($node)); fwrite(STDERR, "WARNING: extraction error, can't find return type in $file\n"); return null; } $re['return_type'] = $type->length ? trim($type->item(0)->textContent) : null; $modifiers = $xpath->query('*[@class="modifier"]', $node); foreach ($modifiers as $modifier) { $re['modifiers'][] = trim($modifier->textContent); } $params = array(); $optional = false; foreach ($methodparams as $param_node) { if (!$optional && $param_node->previousSibling->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE && strpos($param_node->previousSibling->textContent, '[') !== false) { $optional = true; } $paramtype = $xpath->query('*[@class="type"]', $param_node); $paramname = $xpath->query('*[contains(@class, "parameter")]', $param_node); $paramdefault = $xpath->query('*[@class="initializer"]', $param_node); if ($paramname->length) { // regular parameter $param = array( 'type' => trim($paramtype->item(0)->textContent), 'name' => trim($paramname->item(0)->textContent), 'optional' => $optional, ); if ($paramdefault->length) { $param['default'] = trim($paramdefault->item(0)->textContent, "=\n\r "); $param['optional'] = $optional; } $params[] = $param; } } $re['params'] = $params; return $re; } function extract_class_name($xpath) { $is_interface = false; $class = $xpath->query('//div[@class="classsynopsis"]/div[@class="classsynopsisinfo"]/*[@class="ooclass"]/*[@class="classname"]')->item(0); if (!$class) { return array(false, $is_interface); } $classname = trim($class->textContent); $title = $xpath->query('//div[@class="classsynopsis"]/preceding-sibling::h2[@class="title"]')->item(0); if ($title && stripos(trim($title->textContent), 'interface') === 0) { $is_interface = true; } $title2 = $xpath->query('//div[@class="reference"]/h1[@class="title"]')->item(0); if ($title2 && preg_match('/interface$/i', trim($title2->textContent))) { $is_interface = true; } return array($classname, $is_interface); } function handle_class_property($xpath, $node, $file) { $re = array( 'name' => '', 'modifiers' => array(), 'initializer' => '', 'type' => '', ); $type = $xpath->query('*[@class="type"]', $node)->item(0); if ($type) { $re['type'] = trim($type->textContent); } $initializer = $xpath->query('*[@class="initializer"]', $node)->item(0); if ($initializer) { $re['initializer'] = trim($initializer->textContent, "= "); } $modifiers = $xpath->query('*[@class="modifier"]', $node); foreach ($modifiers as $modifier) { $re['modifiers'][] = trim($modifier->textContent); } $name = $xpath->query('var[@class="varname"]', $node)->item(0); if (!$name) { print $xpath->document->saveHTML($node); fwrite(STDERR, "\nextraction error, can't find field name in $file\n"); exit; } if (in_array('static', $re['modifiers'])) { $re['name'] = trim($name->textContent); } else { $re['name'] = trim($name->textContent, '$ '); } return $re; } function handle_class_const($xpath, $node, $file) { $re = array( 'name' => '', 'initializer' => '', ); $name = $xpath->query('var//var[@class="varname"]', $node)->item(0); if (!$name) { print $xpath->document->saveHTML($node); fwrite(STDERR, "\nextraction error, can't find const name in $file\n"); exit; } $re['name'] = trim($name->textContent); $initializer = $xpath->query('*[@class="initializer"]', $node)->item(0); if ($initializer) { $re['initializer'] = trim($initializer->textContent, "= "); } return $re; } function write_class_signatures_to_vim_hash($signatures, $outpath, $keyname, $enabled_extensions = null, $prettyprint = true) { $fd = fopen($outpath, 'a'); if (!empty($enabled_extensions)) { $enabled_extensions = array_flip($enabled_extensions); } foreach ($signatures as $extension_name => $classes) { if (empty($classes)) { continue; } if ($enabled_extensions && !isset($enabled_extensions[filenameize($extension_name)])) { continue; } if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "let g:phpcomplete_builtin['".$keyname."']['".filenameize($extension_name)."'] = {\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "let g:phpcomplete_builtin['".$keyname."']['".filenameize($extension_name)."']={"); } foreach ($classes as $classname => $class_info) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\'".strtolower($classname)."': {\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'".strtolower($classname)."':{"); } if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ 'name': '".vimstring_escape($classname)."',\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'name':'".vimstring_escape($classname)."',"); } if (!empty($class_info['constants'])) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ 'constants': {\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'constants':{"); } foreach ($class_info['constants'] as $constant => $constant_info) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ '{$constant}': '".vimstring_escape($constant_info['initializer'])."',\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'{$constant}':'".vimstring_escape($constant_info['initializer'])."',"); } } // closing constants if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ },\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "},"); } } if (!empty($class_info['properties'])) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ 'properties': {\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'properties': {"); } foreach ($class_info['properties'] as $property => $property_info) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ '{$property}': { 'initializer': '".vimstring_escape($property_info['initializer'])."', 'type': '".vimstring_escape($property_info['type'])."'},\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'{$property}':{'initializer':'".vimstring_escape($property_info['initializer'])."','type':'".vimstring_escape($property_info['type'])."'},"); } } // closing properties if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ },\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "},"); } } if (!empty($class_info['static_properties'])) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ 'static_properties': {\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'static_properties':{"); } foreach ($class_info['static_properties'] as $property => $property_info) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ '{$property}': { 'initializer': '".vimstring_escape($property_info['initializer'])."', 'type': '".vimstring_escape($property_info['type'])."'},\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'{$property}':{ 'initializer':'".vimstring_escape($property_info['initializer'])."','type':'".vimstring_escape($property_info['type'])."'},"); } } // closing static_properties if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ },\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "},"); } } if (!empty($class_info['methods'])) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ 'methods': {\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'methods':{"); } foreach ($class_info['methods'] as $methodname => $method_info) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ '{$methodname}': { 'signature': '".format_method_signature($method_info)."', 'return_type': '".vimstring_escape($method_info['return_type'])."'},\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'{$methodname}':{'signature':'".format_method_signature($method_info)."','return_type':'".vimstring_escape($method_info['return_type'])."'},"); } } // closing methods if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ },\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "},"); } } if (!empty($class_info['static_methods'])) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ 'static_methods': {\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'static_methods':{"); } foreach ($class_info['static_methods'] as $methodname => $method_info) { if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ '{$methodname}': { 'signature': '".format_method_signature($method_info)."', 'return_type': '".vimstring_escape($method_info['return_type'])."'},\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "'{$methodname}':{'signature':'".format_method_signature($method_info)."','return_type':'".vimstring_escape($method_info['return_type'])."'},"); } } // closing static_methods if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\ },\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "},"); } } // closing the class if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\},\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "},"); } } // closing the extension if ($prettyprint) { fwrite($fd, "\\}\n"); } else { fwrite($fd, "}\n"); } } fclose($fd); }