-- Execute as `nvim --headless -c "luafile ./scripts/check-queries.lua"` -- Equivalent to print(), but this will ensure consistent output regardless of -- operating system. local function io_print(text) if not text then text = "" end io.write(text, "\n") end local function extract_captures() local lines = vim.fn.readfile "CONTRIBUTING.md" local captures = {} local current_query for _, line in ipairs(lines) do if vim.startswith(line, "### ") then current_query = vim.fn.tolower(line:sub(5)) elseif vim.startswith(line, "@") and current_query then if not captures[current_query] then captures[current_query] = {} end table.insert(captures[current_query], vim.split(line:sub(2), " ", true)[1]) end end -- Complete captures for injections. local parsers = vim.tbl_keys(require("nvim-treesitter.parsers").list) for _, lang in pairs(parsers) do table.insert(captures["injections"], lang) end return captures end local function list_any(list, predicate) for _, v in pairs(list) do if predicate(v) then return true end end return false end local function do_check() local timings = {} local parsers = require("nvim-treesitter.info").installed_parsers() local queries = require "nvim-treesitter.query" local query_types = queries.built_in_query_groups local captures = extract_captures() local last_error io_print "::group::Check parsers" for _, lang in pairs(parsers) do timings[lang] = {} for _, query_type in pairs(query_types) do local before = vim.loop.hrtime() local ok, query = pcall(queries.get_query, lang, query_type) local after = vim.loop.hrtime() local duration = after - before table.insert(timings, { duration = duration, lang = lang, query_type = query_type }) io_print("Checking " .. lang .. " " .. query_type .. string.format(" (%.02fms)", duration * 1e-6)) if not ok then local err_msg = lang .. " (" .. query_type .. "): " .. query io_print(err_msg) last_error = err_msg else if query then for _, capture in ipairs(query.captures) do local is_valid = ( vim.startswith(capture, "_") -- Helpers. or list_any(captures[query_type], function(documented_capture) return vim.startswith(capture, documented_capture) end) ) if not is_valid then local error = string.format("(x) Invalid capture @%s in %s for %s.", capture, query_type, lang) io_print(error) last_error = error end end end end end end io_print "::endgroup::" if last_error then io_print() io_print "Last error: " error(last_error) end return timings end local ok, result = pcall(do_check) local allowed_to_fail = vim.split(vim.env.ALLOWED_INSTALLATION_FAILURES or "", ",", true) for k, v in pairs(require("nvim-treesitter.parsers").get_parser_configs()) do if not require("nvim-treesitter.parsers").has_parser(k) then -- On CI all parsers that can be installed from C files should be installed if vim.env.CI and not v.install_info.requires_generate_from_grammar and not vim.tbl_contains(allowed_to_fail, k) then io_print("Error: parser for " .. k .. " is not installed") vim.cmd "cq" else io_print("Warning: parser for " .. k .. " is not installed") end end end if ok then io_print "::group::Timings" table.sort(result, function(a, b) return a.duration < b.duration end) for i, val in ipairs(result) do io_print(string.format("%i. %.02fms %s %s", #result - i + 1, val.duration * 1e-6, val.lang, val.query_type)) end io_print "::endgroup::" io_print "Check successful!" vim.cmd "q" else io_print "Check failed:" io_print(result) io_print "\n" vim.cmd "cq" end