" org.vim - VimOrganizer plugin for Vim " ------------------------------------------------------------- " Version: 0.30 " Maintainer: Herbert Sitz <hesitz@gmail.com> " Last Change: 2011 Nov 02 " " Script: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3342 " Github page: http://github.com/hsitz/VimOrganizer " Copyright: (c) 2010, 2011 by Herbert Sitz " The VIM LICENSE applies to all files in the " VimOrganizer plugin. " (See the Vim copyright except read "VimOrganizer" " in places where that copyright refers to "Vim".) " http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/uganda.html#license " No warranty, express or implied. " *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk *** *** " set indent of text lines beyond heading's left column " 0 -- have text lines flush with their heading's left col if !exists("g:org_indent_from_head") let g:org_indent_from_head = 0 endif if exists("b:did_indent") | finish endif let b:did_indent = 1 setlocal indentexpr=GetOrgIndent() setlocal nolisp setlocal nosmartindent setlocal autoindent "setlocal indentkeys+=},=\\item,=\\bibitem " Only define the function once "if exists("GetOrgIndent") | finish "endif function! GetOrgIndent(...) " Find a non-blank line above the current line. "let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1) let lnum = PrevNonBlank(v:lnum - 1) " At the start of the file use zero indent. if lnum == 0 | return 0 endif let curline = getline(v:lnum) " current line "let lminusone = getline(v:lnum-1) "if b:v.last_lnum > 0) && (curline !~ '^\s*$') " let lnum = b:v.last_lnum " let b:v.last_lnum = 0 " endif let ind = indent(lnum) if b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1 let prevline = getline(lnum) " previous line else let prevline = getline(prevnonblank(v:lnum-1)) endif if (curline =~ '^\s*$') && (b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1) let b:v.suppress_list_indent = 0 let b:v.org_list_offset=0 endif if (curline =~ '^\*\+ ') let ind = 0 " below lines are failsafes, hopefully redundant let b:v.suppress_list_indent=0 let b:v.suppress_indent=0 elseif curline =~ '#+begin_' let b:v.suppress_indent=1 let ind = 0 elseif curline =~ '#+end_' let b:v.suppress_indent=0 let ind = 0 elseif curline =~ '^#+' let ind = 0 "elseif (curline =~ '^\s*$') && (b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1) " \ && (len(synstack(v:lnum-1,1))>0) " \ && (synIDattr(synstack(v:lnum-1,1)[0],'name') == 'orgList') " let b:v.suppress_list_indent = 0 elseif b:v.suppress_indent == 1 return indent(curline) elseif b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1 return len(matchstr(curline,'^\s*')) + b:v.org_list_offset elseif (curline =~ '^\s*\(\d\+[.):]\|[-+] \)') let before_ind = len(matchstr(curline,'^\s*')) "let ind= ind let b:v.org_list_offset = ind - before_ind let b:v.suppress_list_indent = 1 elseif (curline =~'^\s*\d\+[).:]\s\+\S') || (curline =~'^\s*[-+\*]\s\+\S') " if len(curline)>0 let ind = indent(curline) " endif elseif prevline =~ '^\*\+ ' let ind = len(matchstr(prevline,'^\*\+ ')) + g:org_indent_from_head elseif prevline =~ '^\s*\d\+[).\]:]\s\+\S' let ind = ind + len(matchstr(prevline,'^\s*\zs\d\+[).\]:]\s\+\ze\S')) elseif prevline =~ '^\s*[-+\*]\s\+\S' let ind = ind + len(matchstr(prevline,'^\s*\zs[-+\*]\s\+\ze\S')) elseif (len(synstack(v:lnum,1))>0) && (synIDattr(synstack(v:lnum,1)[0],'name') == 'orgList') let ind = len(matchstr(getline(v:lnum-1),'^\s*')) endif return ind endfunction function! PrevNonBlank(line) let line = prevnonblank(a:line) if (len(synstack(line,1))>0) && (synIDattr(synstack(line,1)[0],'name') == 'orgLisp') execute line + 1 let line = search('^#+begin_src','nb')-1 elseif (len(synstack(line-1,1))>0) && (synIDattr(synstack(line-1,1)[0],'name') == 'orgList') execute line - 1 let line = search('^\s*$','nb')-1 endif return prevnonblank(line) endfunction function! GetTestIndent2(lnum) " Find a non-blank line above the current line. "let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1) let lnum = PrevNonBlank(a:lnum - 1) " At the start of the file use zero indent. if lnum == 0 | return 0 endif let curline = getline(a:lnum) " current line "let lminusone = getline(a:lnum-1) "if b:v.last_lnum > 0) && (curline !~ '^\s*$') " let lnum = b:v.last_lnum " let b:v.last_lnum = 0 " endif let ind = indent(lnum) if b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1 let prevline = getline(lnum) " previous line else let prevline = getline(prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)) endif if (curline =~ '^\s*$') && (b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1) let b:v.suppress_list_indent = 0 let b:v.org_list_offset=0 endif if (curline =~ '^\*\+ ') let ind = 0 " below lines are failsafes, hopefully redundant let b:v.suppress_list_indent=0 let b:v.suppress_indent=0 elseif curline =~ '#+begin_' let b:v.suppress_indent=1 let ind = 0 elseif curline =~ '#+end_' let b:v.suppress_indent=0 let ind = 0 "elseif (curline =~ '^\s*$') && (b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1) " \ && (len(synstack(a:lnum-1,1))>0) " \ && (synIDattr(synstack(a:lnum-1,1)[0],'name') == 'orgList') " let b:v.suppress_list_indent = 0 elseif b:v.suppress_indent == 1 return indent(curline) elseif b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1 return len(matchstr(curline,'^\s*')) + b:v.org_list_offset elseif (curline =~ '^\s*\(\d\+[.):]\|[-+] \)') let before_ind = len(matchstr(curline,'^\s*')) "let ind= ind let b:v.org_list_offset = ind - before_ind let b:v.suppress_list_indent = 1 elseif (curline =~'^\s*\d\+[).:]\s\+\S') || (curline =~'^\s*[-+\*]\s\+\S') " if len(curline)>0 let ind = indent(curline) " endif elseif prevline =~ '^\*\+ ' let ind = len(matchstr(prevline,'^\*\+ ')) + g:org_indent_from_head elseif prevline =~ '^\s*\d\+[).\]:]\s\+\S' let ind = ind + len(matchstr(prevline,'^\s*\zs\d\+[).\]:]\s\+\ze\S')) elseif prevline =~ '^\s*[-+\*]\s\+\S' let ind = ind + len(matchstr(prevline,'^\s*\zs[-+\*]\s\+\ze\S')) elseif (len(synstack(a:lnum,1))>0) && (synIDattr(synstack(a:lnum,1)[0],'name') == 'orgList') let ind = len(matchstr(getline(a:lnum-1),'^\s*')) endif return ind endfunction function! GetTestIndent(lnum) " Find a non-blank line above the current line. "let lnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1) let lnum = PrevNonBlank(a:lnum - 1) " At the start of the file use zero indent. if lnum == 0 | return 0 endif let curline = getline(a:lnum) " current line "let lminusone = getline(a:lnum-1) "if b:v.last_lnum > 0) && (curline !~ '^\s*$') " let lnum = b:v.last_lnum " let b:v.last_lnum = 0 " endif let ind = indent(lnum) if b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1 let prevline = getline(lnum) " previous line else let prevline = getline(prevnonblank(v:lnum-1)) endif if (curline =~ '^\s*$') && (b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1) let b:v.suppress_list_indent = 0 let b:v.org_list_offset=0 endif if (curline =~ '^\*\+ ') let ind = 0 " below lines are failsafes, hopefully redundant let b:v.suppress_list_indent=0 let b:v.suppress_indent=0 elseif curline =~ '#+begin_' let b:v.suppress_indent=1 let ind = 0 elseif curline =~ '#+end_' let b:v.suppress_indent=0 let ind = 0 "elseif (curline =~ '^\s*$') && (b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1) " \ && (len(synstack(a:lnum-1,1))>0) " \ && (synIDattr(synstack(a:lnum-1,1)[0],'name') == 'orgList') " let b:v.suppress_list_indent = 0 elseif b:v.suppress_indent == 1 return indent(curline) elseif b:v.suppress_list_indent == 1 return len(matchstr(curline,'^\s*')) + b:v.org_list_offset elseif (curline =~ '^\s*\(\d\+[.):]\|[-+] \)') let before_ind = len(matchstr(curline,'^\s*')) "let ind= ind let b:v.org_list_offset = ind - before_ind let b:v.suppress_list_indent = 1 elseif (curline =~'^\s*\d\+[).:]\s\+\S') || (curline =~'^\s*[-+\*]\s\+\S') " if len(curline)>0 let ind = indent(curline) " endif elseif prevline =~ '^\*\+ ' let ind = len(matchstr(prevline,'^\*\+ ')) + g:org_indent_from_head elseif prevline =~ '^\s*\d\+[).\]:]\s\+\S' let ind = ind + len(matchstr(prevline,'^\s*\zs\d\+[).\]:]\s\+\ze\S')) elseif prevline =~ '^\s*[-+\*]\s\+\S' let ind = ind + len(matchstr(prevline,'^\s*\zs[-+\*]\s\+\ze\S')) endif return ind endfunction