*choosewin.txt* Land on window you choose like tmux's 'display-pane'. Version: 1.8 Author : t9md <taqumd@gmail.com> GitHub : https://github.com/t9md/vim-choosewin ============================================================================== CONTENTS *choosewin* *choosewin-contents* Introduction |choosewin-introduction| Mappings |choosewin-mappings| Commands |choosewin-commands| Variables |choosewin-variables| Functions |choosewin-functions| Configuration Example |choosewin-example| Integrations |choosewin-integrations| Bug |choosewin-bug| Todo |choosewin-todo| Changelog |choosewin-changelog| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *choosewin-introduction* Navigate to the window you choose This plugin aims to mimic tmux's `display-pane` feature, which enables you to choose a window interactively. This plugin should be especially useful when working on high resolution displays since with wide displays you are likely to open multiple window and moving around window is a little bit tiresome. This plugin simplifies window navigation with the following functionality: 1. Displays window label on statusline or middle of each window (overlay). 2. Accepts window selection from user. 3. Navigates to the specified window. ============================================================================== MAPPINGS *choosewin-mappings* <Plug>(choosewin) ============================================================================== COMMANDS *choosewin-commands* *:ChooseWin* Choose window interactively *:ChooseWinSwap* Swap current window with the window you have chosen *:ChooseWinSwapStay* Swap current window with the window you have chosen. Your window remains unchanged. ============================================================================== VARIABLES *choosewin-variables* [NOTE] All config options in this section are set in 'autoload/choosewin/config.vim'. *g:choosewin_statusline_replace* Default: 1 Type: |Number| Control whether the window label is shown in the |&statusline|. *g:choosewin_color_label* Default: See 'autoload/choosewin/config.vim' Type: |Dictionary| Set colors by using the following format: { 'gui': [{guibg}, {guifg}, {gui}], 'cterm': [{ctermbg}, {ctermfg}, {cterm}] } You can omit unused colors. So, if you never use Vim in a GUI, you don't need to configure the 'gui' field. If you only want to set a specific color field, use an empty string for the other fields: > let g:choosewin_color_label = { 'gui': ['', 'white'] } < Example~ > let g:choosewin_color_label = { \ 'gui': ['ForestGreen', 'white', 'bold'], \ 'cterm': [9, 16] \ } let g:choosewin_color_other = { \ 'gui': ['gray20', 'black'], \ 'cterm': [240, 0] \ } < *g:choosewin_color_overlay* Color of the overlay window label *g:choosewin_color_overlay_current* Color of the overlay window label for the current window *g:choosewin_color_shade* Color of the shading *g:choosewin_color_label_current* Color of the label for the current window/tab. Used in |&statusline| and |&tabline| *g:choosewin_color_other* Color of the label padding for window/tab *g:choosewin_color_land* Used to blink the cursor word when navigating to a window *g:choosewin_blink_on_land* Default: 1 Type: |Number| 0 or 1 Enable/disable blinking the cursor word when navigating to a window. Set to 0 to disable blinking. *g:choosewin_label* Default: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTUVWYZ' Type: |String| [NOTE] 'S' and 'X' are intentionally omitted from this list since it's used as keymap. [CAUTION] Be careful to avoid conflicts with |g:choosewin_tablabel| or you won't be able to choose the label you want. [NOTE] choosewin ignores character case when matching your label. This allows for capitalizing the label and choosing a label with minimal key stroke. *g:choosewin_tablabel* Default: '123456789' Type: |String| [CAUTION] Be careful to avoid conflicts with |g:choosewin_tablabel| or you won't be able to choose the label you want. *g:choosewin_keymap* Default: {} Type: |Dictionary| Used to customize keymap while selecting a window. Default keymap is below. | Key | Action | Description | | ---- | ---------- | ----------------------------- | | 0 | tab_first | Select FIRST tab | | [ | tab_prev | Select PREVIOUS tab | | ] | tab_next | Select NEXT tab | | $ | tab_last | Select LAST tab | | x | tab_close | Close current tab | | ; | win_land | Navigate to current window | | - | previous | Naviage to previous window | | s | swap | Swap windows #1 | | S | swap_stay | Swap windows but stay #1 | | <CR> | win_land | Navigate to current window | | | <NOP> | Disable predefined keymap | [NOTE] #1 If you select 'swap' again, you will swap with the previous window's buffer ex) using the default keymap, typing double 's'(ss) swaps with the previous window. How do you define a keymap?~ Below is a sample of the keymap configuration. > let s:keymap = { \ '0': 'tab_first', \ '[': 'tab_prev', \ ']': 'tab_next', \ '$': 'tab_last', \ 'x': 'tab_close', \ ';': 'win_land', \ '-': 'previous', \ 's': 'swap', \ 'S': 'swap_stay', \ "\<CR>": 'win_land', \ } < Disabling the default keymap~ To disable the default keymap, you can use the special action '<NOP>'. The key set to '<NOP>' will be deleted (unmapped) from the keytable. Customization example~ > let g:choosewin_keymap = {} " initialize as Dictionary let g:choosewin_keymap.m = 'win_land' " Navigate with 'm' let g:choosewin_keymap.0 = '<NOP>' " Disable default 0 keybind < *g:choosewin_label_align* Default: 'center' Type: |String| Value: 'right', 'center', 'left' *g:choosewin_label_padding* Default: 3 Type: |Number| Control the padding surrounding the window label. *g:choosewin_label_fill* Default: 0 Type: |Number| Set to 1 to fill the statusline *g:choosewin_return_on_single_win* Default: 0 Type: |Number| Set to 1 to return immediately when the number of windows is 1. *g:choosewin_overlay_enable* Default: 0 Type: |Number| Enable the overlay window caption. Trade-off~ Pro: Easy to spot window label than it on |&statusline|. Con: Too aggressive for merely showing the caption and it's slow. What does 'too aggressive' means: - Changes buffer temporarily 1. Substitutes tabs with space 2. Append space to rendering area 3. Replaces multibyte chars. 4. Appends an empty line to the EOF. - Then it highlights the caption font with matchadd() - When done, it reverts all changes. *g:choosewin_overlay_font_size* Default: 'auto' Type: |String| Value: 'auto', 'small', 'large' 'auto' determines the appropriate font size from the window height. *g:choosewin_overlay_shade* Default: 0 Type: |Number| Enable shading when the overlay window caption is rendered. *g:choosewin_overlay_clear_multibyte* Default: 1 Type: |Number| When the label rendering area includes multiple chars, clear that line since multibyte character break the formatting of the font. *g:choosewin_overlay_shade_priority* Default: 100 Type: |Number| Highlight the priority value. This value is passed to matchadd() on overlay. *g:choosewin_overlay_label_priority* Default: 101 Type: |Number| Highlight the priority value. This is value passed to matchadd() on overlay. *g:choosewin_hook_enable* [PLAN_TO_DELETE] Default: 0 Type: |Number| Value: 0 or 1 Set to 1 if you want to use hooks. *g:choosewin_hook_bypass* [PLAN_TO_DELETE] Default: [] Type: |List| Value: |List| of {hook_point} See |choosewin-hook_point| for {hook_point} *g:choosewin_hook* [PLAN_TO_DELETE] Default: {} Type: |Dictionary| Values: { '{hookpoint}': {funcref}, ... } Used to create a hook at a specific point. *choosewin-hook_point* Available Hook Point~ 'filter_window' Args: {winnums} Type: |List| Return: {winnums} {winnums}: |List| of window numbers from which the user can choose. [Example]: show the label for a specific window > let s:ignore_filtype = ["unite", "vimfiler", "vimshell", "nerdtree"] let g:choosewin_hook = {} function! g:choosewin_hook.filter_window(winnums) return filter(a:winnums, \ 'index(s:ignore_filtype, \ getwinvar(v:val, "&filetype")) == -1' ) endfunction < ============================================================================== FUNCTIONS *choosewin-functions* *choosewin#start()* choosewin#start({winnum-list}, [{config}] ) Return: |List| Value: chose: [tabpagenr(), winnr()] canceled: [] {winnum-list}: Required |List| of window number. {config}: Optional Type: |Dictionary| Pass configuration options in the format: { "key": value }. The config you passed is merged into default_config, See |choosewin#config#get()|. API-only parameters~ The followin config parameters are not provided as global configuration variables, so we need to mention them here: auto_choose: Type: |Number| Value: 0 or 1 Set to 1 to automatically choose a window when there is only one candidate window. noop: Type: |Number| Value: 0 or 1 Set to 1 to not execute window change, but instead return the last status of the user's choice. [Example]: show the label for a specific window > " win3 => d, win4 => e, char 'f' is silently ignored. call choosewin#start([3,4], { 'label': 'def' }) < [Example]: automatically choose a window when there is only one candidate window. > function! s:is_ignore_window(winnr) let ignore_filtype = ["unite", "vimfiler", "vimshell", "nerdtree"] return index(ignore_filtype, getbufvar(winbufnr(a:winnr), "&filetype")) != -1 endfunction let wins = range(1,winnr('$')) call choosewin#start( \ filter(wins, '!s:is_ignore_window(v:val)'), \ { 'auto_choose': 1, 'hook_enable': 0 } \ ) < [Example]: noop usage let choice = choosewin#start(winnums, { 'noop': 1, 'auto_choose': 1 }) if !empty(choice) let [tab, win] = choice execute 'tabnext' tab execute win 'wincmd w' endif *choosewin#config#get()* choosewin#config#get() Return: |Dictionary| Get the initial configuration values used by choosewin. Initial means the configuration when choosewin starts, not 'default'. It respects your global variable customizations. ============================================================================== CONFIGURATION EXAMPLE *choosewin-example* > " invoke with '-' nmap - <Plug>(choosewin) " use overlay feature let g:choosewin_overlay_enable = 1 " workaround for the overlay font being broken on mutibyte buffer. let g:choosewin_overlay_clear_multibyte = 1 " tmux-like overlay color let g:choosewin_color_overlay = { \ 'gui': ['DodgerBlue3', 'DodgerBlue3'], \ 'cterm': [25, 25] \ } let g:choosewin_color_overlay_current = { \ 'gui': ['firebrick1', 'firebrick1'], \ 'cterm': [124, 124] \ } let g:choosewin_blink_on_land = 0 " don't blink at land let g:choosewin_statusline_replace = 0 " don't replace statusline let g:choosewin_tabline_replace = 0 " don't replace tabline < ============================================================================== INTEGRATIONS *choosewin-integrations* If have NERDTree (http://github.com/scrooloose/nerdtree) installed and want to use it in combination with Choosewin when open files, you can install the NERDTree Choosewin plugin (https://github.com/weilbith/nerdtree_choosewin-plugin). It adds this feature to NERDTree by default if Choosewin gets detected. ============================================================================== BUG *choosewin-bug* ============================================================================== TODO *choosewin-todo* [x] recover poslist properly in overlay mode [x] disable &lcs-trail adviced by manga-osyo [x] FIX API-specification [x] Distinguish original tab so that user never lost while traveling tab. [x] consider offset for overlay when first colmun is not 1. ============================================================================== CHANGELOG *choosewin-changelog* 2015-03-02: - [fix] Didn't work properly when number of label are shorter than number of windows. - [default_change] 'g:choosewin_overlay_clear_multibyte' is now default enabled. - [improve] Overlay font rendering performance improve. Prepare template variables only for used column and line. - [improve] Rewrite, cleanup overall program. - [enhance] add tab_close action with default keymap 'x'. 2015-01-25: - [enhance] now swap don't stay same window, original swap is now swap_stay. 2015-01-20: v1.5 - verup again because of document mistake. 2015-01-20: v1.4 - verup 2015-01-08: - [new] land on previous window suggested by @collinpeters - [enhance] remove swap virtual keymap, now its incorporate into keymap within choosewin. - [new] create 'ChooseWinSwap' command, you don't necessarily need this command since you can choose 'swap' within standard 'Choosewin' command, simply sintax sugar. - [improve] now overlay consider offset of |windowcol()|. 2014-09-05: - [new] introduce <Plug>(choosewin-swap-again) feature. 2014-09-02: - [new] introduce <Plug>(choosewin-swap) feature. 2014-01-15: - [new] add 'noop' option for api-only call - [new] add hook feature for filter_window before label_show() - [new] g:choosewin_active auto set variable intended within &statuline plugin(such as disabling trailing space warning). 2014-01-12: - [improve] disable cursorline while overlay - [new-feature] now support 'small' font for overlay and configurable size you prefer. By default 'auto' mode determine font size based on winheight(0). 2014-01-11: v1.3 - [verup] v1.3 - [improve] provide '<NOP>" special action to disable default keymap. - [improve] greatly improve overlay rendering with new pattern compilation x2 faster now. 2014-01-10: - [improve] disable trailing white space highlight internally. - [improve] performance and effectiveness improve by avoiding unnecessary append blankline. - [improve] treat first_path() case as consistent manner. - [improve] eliminate invalid window at initial phrase 2014-01-09: v1.2 - verup 2014-01-09: v1.1 - [improve] now undo history cleared when undolist is empty. - [improve] recover poslist properly in overlay mode - [bugfix] for buffer buftype=nowrite,nofile, buffer was not recovered since &modified flag is ignored. 2014-01-08: v1.0 - [improve] Add multibyte workaround. - [improve] now overlay not break since &conceallevel = 0 temporarily - [bugfix] validate valid winnum and number of label - [improve] disable fold, wrap, list advised by manga-osyo. - [improve] separate keymap variable - [bugfix] properly clear label on tabswitch - [refactor] and stabilize 2014-01-06: - [bugfix] Number of tab exceed length of |g:choosewin_tablabel| cause error. - [bugfix] Experimental overlay caption break redo history. now, keep undolist with |:rundo|, |:rundo|. 2014-01-03: - [improve] cleanup highlight management. - [new] add experimental overlay window caption. 2013-12-31: - [bugfixed] Number of tab exceed length of |g:choosewin_tablabel| cause error. - [new-feature] last four char for |g:choosewin_tablabel|is used for special tab excursion. - [bugfix] choosing tab and <Esc> don't revert original tab. 2013-12-29: - now blinking cursor word at land so that easy to spot cursor. - [api-change] add auto-choose optional args for choosewin#start() suggested by hrsh7th 2013-12-28: v0.8 - now can choose tab inspired number of advice by manga-osyo 2013-12-28: v0.6 - cleanup - now independent from &statusline plugin( such as ezbar ) 2013-12-21: v0.1 - initial release ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: