" Vim syntax file " Language: PHP - only with strings and comments for the autocomplete plugin " Maintainer: Dávid Szabó ( complex857 AT gmail DOT com ) " URL: https://github.com/shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim " Thanks: Paul Garvin <paul@paulgarvin.net> " Whose php.vim project where I've got all the code from. if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif syn match phpSpecialChar +\\"+ contained display syn match phpSpecialChar "\\\$" contained display syn match phpStrEsc "\\\\" contained display syn match phpStrEsc "\\'" contained display " Comment syn region phpComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contained extend syn match phpComment "#.\{-}\(?>\|$\)\@=" contained syn match phpComment "//.\{-}\(?>\|$\)\@=" contained syn region phpStringDouble matchgroup=phpStringDelimiter start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=phpSpecialChar,phpStrEsc contained extend keepend syn region phpBacktick matchgroup=phpStringDelimiter start=+`+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+`+ contains=phpSpecialChar,phpStrEsc contained extend keepend syn region phpStringSingle matchgroup=phpStringDelimiter start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ contains=phpStrEsc contained keepend extend " HereDoc syn case match syn region phpHereDoc matchgroup=Delimiter start="\(<<<\)\@<=\z(\I\i*\)$" end="^\z1\(;\=$\)\@=" contained contains=phpSpecialChar,phpStrEsc keepend extend syn region phpHereDoc matchgroup=Delimiter start=+\(<<<\)\@<="\z(\I\i*\)"$+ end="^\z1\(;\=$\)\@=" contained contains=phpSpecialChar,phpStrEsc keepend extend " including HTML,JavaScript,SQL even if not enabled via options syn region phpHereDoc matchgroup=Delimiter start="\(<<<\)\@<=\z(\(\I\i*\)\=\(html\)\c\(\i*\)\)$" end="^\z1\(;\=$\)\@=" contained contains=phpSpecialChar,phpStrEsc keepend extend syn region phpHereDoc matchgroup=Delimiter start="\(<<<\)\@<=\z(\(\I\i*\)\=\(sql\)\c\(\i*\)\)$" end="^\z1\(;\=$\)\@=" contained contains=phpSpecialChar,phpStrEsc keepend extend syn region phpHereDoc matchgroup=Delimiter start="\(<<<\)\@<=\z(\(\I\i*\)\=\(javascript\)\c\(\i*\)\)$" end="^\z1\(;\=$\)\@=" contained contains=phpSpecialChar,phpStrEsc keepend extend syn case ignore " NowDoc syn region phpNowDoc matchgroup=Delimiter start=+\(<<<\)\@<='\z(\I\i*\)'$+ end="^\z1\(;\=$\)\@=" contained keepend extend " Clusters syn cluster phpClConst contains=phpStringSingle,phpStringDouble,phpBacktick syn cluster phpClInside contains=@phpClConst,phpComment,phpDocComment,phpHereDoc,phpNowDoc syn region phpRegion matchgroup=Delimiter start="<?\(php\)\=" end="?>" contains=@phpClInside keepend " Sync if php_sync_method==-1 syn sync match phpRegionSync grouphere phpRegion "^\s*<?\(php\)\=\s*$" syn sync match phpRegionSync grouphere NONE "^\s*?>\s*$" syn sync match phpRegionSync grouphere NONE "^\s*%>\s*$" syn sync match phpRegionSync grouphere phpRegion "function\s.*(.*\$" elseif php_sync_method>0 exec "syn sync minlines=" . php_sync_method else exec "syn sync fromstart" endif " Define the default highlighting. " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet if !exists("did_php_syn_inits") hi def link phpComment Comment hi def link phpDocComment Comment hi def link phpCommentStar Comment hi def link phpStringSingle String hi def link phpStringDouble String hi def link phpBacktick String hi def link phpStringDelimiter String hi def link phpHereDoc String hi def link phpNowDoc String hi def link phpSpecialChar String endif let b:current_syntax = "phpcompletetempbuffer"