local flygrep = {} local logger = require('spacevim.logger').derive('flygrep') -- the job functions local jobstart = vim.fn.jobstart local jobsend = vim.fn.jobsend local jobstop = vim.fn.jobstop local timer_start = vim.fn.timer_start local timer_stop = vim.fn.timer_stop local jobid = -1 local grep_cmd = {} -- The available options are: -- - input: string, the default input pattern -- - files: a list of string or `@buffers` -- - cmd: list -- - opt: list -- - ropt: list -- - ignore_case: boolean -- - smart_case: boolean -- - expr_opt: function flygrep.open(opt) end local function flygrep(t) jobid = jobstart(grep_cmd, { on_stdout = flygrep_stdout, }) end function flygrep_stdout(id, data, event) end return flygrep