"============================================================================= " $Id: path.vim 237 2010-06-01 00:44:35Z luc.hermitte $ " File: autoload/lh/path.vim {{{1 " Author: Luc Hermitte <EMAIL:hermitte {at} free {dot} fr> " <URL:http://code.google.com/p/lh-vim/> " Version: 2.2.1 " Created: 23rd Jan 2007 " Last Update: 11th Feb 2008 "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Description: " Functions related to the handling of pathnames " "------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Installation: " Drop this file into {rtp}/autoload/lh " Requires Vim7+ " History: " v 1.0.0 First Version " (*) Functions moved from searchInRuntimeTime " v 2.0.1 " (*) lh#path#Simplify() becomes like |simplify()| except for trailing " v 2.0.2 " (*) lh#path#SelectOne() " (*) lh#path#ToRelative() " v 2.0.3 " (*) lh#path#GlobAsList() " v 2.0.4 " (*) lh#path#StripStart() " v 2.0.5 " (*) lh#path#StripStart() interprets '.' as getcwd() " v 2.2.0 " (*) new functions: lh#path#common(), lh#path#to_dirname(), " lh#path#depth(), lh#path#relative_to(), lh#path#to_regex(), " lh#path#find() " (*) lh#path#simplify() fixed " (*) lh#path#to_relative() use simplify() " TODO: " (*) Decide what #depth('../../bar') shall return " (*) Fix #simplify('../../bar') " }}}1 "============================================================================= "============================================================================= " Avoid global reinclusion {{{1 let s:cpo_save=&cpo set cpo&vim "============================================================================= " ## Functions {{{1 " # Debug {{{2 let s:verbose = 0 function! lh#path#verbose(...) if a:0 > 0 | let s:verbose = a:1 | endif return s:verbose endfunction function! s:Verbose(expr) if s:verbose echomsg a:expr endif endfunction function! lh#path#debug(expr) return eval(a:expr) endfunction "============================================================================= " # Public {{{2 " Function: lh#path#simplify({pathname}) {{{3 " Like |simplify()|, but also strip the leading './' " It seems unable to simplify '..\' when compiled without +shellslash function! lh#path#simplify(pathname) let pathname = simplify(a:pathname) let pathname = substitute(pathname, '^\%(\.[/\\]\)\+', '', '') let pathname = substitute(pathname, '\([/\\]\)\%(\.[/\\]\)\+', '\1', 'g') let pwd = getcwd().'/' let pathname = substitute(pathname, '^'.lh#path#to_regex(pwd), '', 'g') return pathname endfunction function! lh#path#Simplify(pathname) return lh#path#simplify(a:pathname) endfunction " Function: lh#path#common({pathnames}) {{{3 " Find the common leading path between all pathnames function! lh#path#common(pathnames) " assert(len(pathnames)) > 1 let common = a:pathnames[0] let i = 1 while i < len(a:pathnames) let fcrt = a:pathnames[i] " pathnames should not contain @ let common = matchstr(common.'@@'.fcrt, '^\zs\(.*[/\\]\)\ze.\{-}@@\1.*$') if strlen(common) == 0 " No need to further checks break endif let i += 1 endwhile return common endfunction " Function: lh#path#strip_common({pathnames}) {{{3 " Find the common leading path between all pathnames, and strip it function! lh#path#strip_common(pathnames) " assert(len(pathnames)) > 1 let common = lh#path#common(a:pathnames) let l = strlen(common) if l == 0 return a:pathnames else let pathnames = a:pathnames call map(pathnames, 'strpart(v:val, '.l.')' ) return pathnames endif endfunction function! lh#path#StripCommon(pathnames) return lh#path#strip_common(a:pathnames) endfunction " Function: lh#path#is_absolute_path({path}) {{{3 function! lh#path#is_absolute_path(path) return a:path =~ '^/' \ . '\|^[a-zA-Z]:[/\\]' \ . '\|^[/\\]\{2}' " Unix absolute path " or Windows absolute path " or UNC path endfunction function! lh#path#IsAbsolutePath(path) return lh#path#is_absolute_path(a:path) endfunction " Function: lh#path#is_url({path}) {{{3 function! lh#path#is_url(path) " todo: support UNC paths and other urls return a:path =~ '^\%(https\=\|s\=ftp\|dav\|fetch\|file\|rcp\|rsynch\|scp\)://' endfunction function! lh#path#IsURL(path) return lh#path#is_url(a:path) endfunction " Function: lh#path#select_one({pathnames},{prompt}) {{{3 function! lh#path#select_one(pathnames, prompt) if len(a:pathnames) > 1 let simpl_pathnames = deepcopy(a:pathnames) let simpl_pathnames = lh#path#strip_common(simpl_pathnames) let simpl_pathnames = [ '&Cancel' ] + simpl_pathnames " Consider guioptions+=c is case of difficulties with the gui let selection = confirm(a:prompt, join(simpl_pathnames,"\n"), 1, 'Question') let file = (selection == 1) ? '' : a:pathnames[selection-2] return file elseif len(a:pathnames) == 0 return '' else return a:pathnames[0] endif endfunction function! lh#path#SelectOne(pathnames, prompt) return lh#path#select_one(a:pathnames, a:prompt) endfunction " Function: lh#path#to_relative({pathname}) {{{3 function! lh#path#to_relative(pathname) let newpath = fnamemodify(a:pathname, ':p:.') let newpath = simplify(newpath) return newpath endfunction function! lh#path#ToRelative(pathname) return lh#path#to_relative(a:pathname) endfunction " Function: lh#path#to_dirname({dirname}) {{{3 " todo: use &shellslash function! lh#path#to_dirname(dirname) let dirname = a:dirname . (a:dirname[-1:] =~ '[/\\]' ? '' : '/') return dirname endfunction " Function: lh#path#depth({dirname}) {{{3 " todo: make a choice about "negative" paths like "../../foo" function! lh#path#depth(dirname) if empty(a:dirname) | return 0 | endif let dirname = lh#path#to_dirname(a:dirname) let dirname = lh#path#simplify(dirname) if lh#path#is_absolute_path(dirname) let dirname = matchstr(dirname, '.\{-}[/\\]\zs.*') endif let depth = len(substitute(dirname, '[^/\\]\+[/\\]', '�', 'g')) return depth endfunction " Function: lh#path#relative_to({from}, {to}) {{{3 " @param two directories " @return a directories delta that ends with a '/' (may depends on " &shellslash) function! lh#path#relative_to(from, to) " let from = fnamemodify(a:from, ':p') " let to = fnamemodify(a:to , ':p') let from = lh#path#to_dirname(a:from) let to = lh#path#to_dirname(a:to ) let [from, to] = lh#path#strip_common([from, to]) let nb_up = lh#path#depth(from) return repeat('../', nb_up).to " cannot rely on :cd (as it alters things, and doesn't work with " non-existant paths) let pwd = getcwd() exe 'cd '.a:to let res = lh#path#to_relative(a:from) exe 'cd '.pwd return res endfunction " Function: lh#path#glob_as_list({pathslist}, {expr}) {{{3 function! s:GlobAsList(pathslist, expr) let sResult = globpath(a:pathslist, a:expr) let lResult = split(sResult, '\n') " workaround a non feature of wildignore: it does not ignore directories for ignored_pattern in split(&wildignore,',') if stridx(ignored_pattern,'/') != -1 call filter(lResult, 'v:val !~ '.string(ignored_pattern)) endif endfor return lResult endfunction function! lh#path#glob_as_list(pathslist, expr) if type(a:expr) == type('string') return s:GlobAsList(a:pathslist, a:expr) elseif type(a:expr) == type([]) let res = [] for expr in a:expr call extend(res, s:GlobAsList(a:pathslist, expr)) endfor return res else throw "Unexpected type for a:expression" endif endfunction function! lh#path#GlobAsList(pathslist, expr) return lh#path#glob_as_list(a:pathslist, a:expr) endfunction " Function: lh#path#strip_start({pathname}, {pathslist}) {{{3 " Strip occurrence of paths from {pathslist} in {pathname} " @param[in] {pathname} name to simplify " @param[in] {pathslist} list of pathname (can be a |string| of pathnames " separated by ",", of a |List|). function! lh#path#strip_start(pathname, pathslist) if type(a:pathslist) == type('string') " let strip_re = escape(a:pathslist, '\\.') " let strip_re = '^' . substitute(strip_re, ',', '\\|^', 'g') let pathslist = split(a:pathslist, ',') elseif type(a:pathslist) == type([]) let pathslist = deepcopy(a:pathslist) else throw "Unexpected type for a:pathname" endif " apply a realpath like operation let nb_paths = len(pathslist) " set before the loop let i = 0 while i != nb_paths if pathslist[i] =~ '^\.\%(/\|$\)' let path2 = getcwd().pathslist[i][1:] call add(pathslist, path2) endif let i += 1 endwhile " replace path separators by a regex that can match them call map(pathslist, 'substitute(v:val, "[\\\\/]", "[\\\\/]", "g")') " echomsg string(pathslist) " escape . call map(pathslist, '"^".escape(v:val, ".")') " build the strip regex let strip_re = join(pathslist, '\|') " echomsg strip_re let res = substitute(a:pathname, '\%('.strip_re.'\)[/\\]\=', '', '') return res endfunction function! lh#path#StripStart(pathname, pathslist) return lh#path#strip_start(a:pathname, a:pathslist) endfunction " Function: lh#path#to_regex({pathname}) {{{3 function! lh#path#to_regex(path) let regex = substitute(a:path, '[/\\]', '[/\\\\]', 'g') return regex endfunction " Function: lh#path#find({pathname}, {regex}) {{{3 function! lh#path#find(paths, regex) let paths = (type(a:paths) == type([])) \ ? (a:paths) \ : split(a:paths,',') for path in paths if match(path ,a:regex) != -1 return path endif endfor return '' endfunction "============================================================================= let &cpo=s:cpo_save "============================================================================= " vim600: set fdm=marker: