" Script Name: indentLine.vim " Author: Yggdroot <archofortune@gmail.com> " " Description: To show the indention levels with thin vertical lines scriptencoding utf-8 if !has("conceal") || exists("g:indentLine_loaded") finish endif let g:indentLine_loaded = 1 let g:indentLine_newVersion = get(g:,'indentLine_newVersion',v:version > 704 || v:version == 704 && has("patch792")) let g:indentLine_char = get(g:, 'indentLine_char', (&encoding ==# "utf-8" && &term isnot# "linux" ? '¦' : '|')) let g:indentLine_char_list = get(g:, 'indentLine_char_list', []) let g:indentLine_first_char = get(g:, 'indentLine_first_char', (&encoding ==# "utf-8" && &term isnot# "linux" ? '¦' : '|')) let g:indentLine_indentLevel = get(g:, 'indentLine_indentLevel', 20) let g:indentLine_enabled = get(g:, 'indentLine_enabled', 1) let g:indentLine_fileType = get(g:, 'indentLine_fileType', []) let g:indentLine_fileTypeExclude = get(g:, 'indentLine_fileTypeExclude', []) let g:indentLine_bufNameExclude = get(g:, 'indentLine_bufNameExclude', []) let g:indentLine_bufTypeExclude = get(g:, 'indentLine_bufTypeExclude', []) let g:indentLine_showFirstIndentLevel = get(g:, 'indentLine_showFirstIndentLevel', 0) let g:indentLine_maxLines = get(g:, 'indentLine_maxLines', 3000) let g:indentLine_setColors = get(g:, 'indentLine_setColors', 1) let g:indentLine_setConceal = get(g:, 'indentLine_setConceal', 1) let g:indentLine_defaultGroup = get(g:, 'indentLine_defaultGroup', "") let g:indentLine_faster = get(g:, 'indentLine_faster', 0) let g:indentLine_leadingSpaceChar = get(g:, 'indentLine_leadingSpaceChar', (&encoding ==# "utf-8" && &term isnot# "linux" ? '˰' : '.')) let g:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled = get(g:, 'indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled', 0) let g:indentLine_mysyntaxfile = fnamemodify(expand("<sfile>"), ":p:h:h")."/syntax/indentLine.vim" "{{{1 function! s:InitColor() function! s:InitColor() if !g:indentLine_setColors return endif let default_term_bg = "NONE" let default_gui_bg = "NONE" if &background ==# "light" let default_term_fg = 249 let default_gui_fg = "Grey70" else let default_term_fg = 239 let default_gui_fg = "Grey30" endif if g:indentLine_defaultGroup != "" let default_id = synIDtrans(hlID(g:indentLine_defaultGroup)) let default_term_fg = synIDattr(default_id, "fg", "cterm") == "" ? default_term_fg : synIDattr(default_id, "fg", "cterm") let default_term_bg = synIDattr(default_id, "bg", "cterm") == "" ? default_term_bg : synIDattr(default_id, "bg", "cterm") let default_gui_fg = synIDattr(default_id, "fg", "gui") == "" ? default_gui_fg : synIDattr(default_id, "fg", "gui") let default_gui_bg = synIDattr(default_id, "bg", "gui") == "" ? default_gui_bg : synIDattr(default_id, "bg", "gui") endif if !exists("g:indentLine_color_term") let term_color = default_term_fg else let term_color = g:indentLine_color_term endif if !exists("g:indentLine_bgcolor_term") let term_bgcolor = default_term_bg else let term_bgcolor = g:indentLine_bgcolor_term endif if !exists("g:indentLine_color_gui") let gui_color = default_gui_fg else let gui_color = g:indentLine_color_gui endif if !exists("g:indentLine_bgcolor_gui") let gui_bgcolor = default_gui_bg else let gui_bgcolor = g:indentLine_bgcolor_gui endif execute "highlight Conceal cterm=NONE ctermfg=" . term_color . " ctermbg=" . term_bgcolor execute "highlight Conceal gui=NONE guifg=" . gui_color . " guibg=" . gui_bgcolor if &term ==# "linux" if &background ==# "light" let tty_color = exists("g:indentLine_color_tty_light") ? g:indentLine_color_tty_light : 4 else let tty_color = exists("g:indentLine_color_tty_dark") ? g:indentLine_color_tty_dark : 2 endif execute "highlight Conceal cterm=bold ctermfg=" . tty_color . " ctermbg=NONE" endif endfunction "{{{1 function! s:SetConcealOption() function! s:SetConcealOption() if !g:indentLine_setConceal return endif if !(exists("b:indentLine_ConcealOptionSet") && b:indentLine_ConcealOptionSet) let b:indentLine_ConcealOptionSet = 1 let b:indentLine_original_concealcursor = &l:concealcursor let b:indentLine_original_conceallevel = &l:conceallevel let &l:concealcursor = exists("g:indentLine_concealcursor") ? g:indentLine_concealcursor : "inc" let &l:conceallevel = exists("g:indentLine_conceallevel") ? g:indentLine_conceallevel : "2" endif endfunction "{{{1 function! s:ResetConcealOption() function! s:ResetConcealOption() if exists("b:indentLine_ConcealOptionSet") && b:indentLine_ConcealOptionSet if exists("b:indentLine_original_concealcursor") let &l:concealcursor = b:indentLine_original_concealcursor endif if exists("b:indentLine_original_conceallevel") let &l:conceallevel = b:indentLine_original_conceallevel endif let b:indentLine_ConcealOptionSet = 0 endif endfunction "{{{1 function! s:DisableOnDiff() function! s:DisableOnDiff() if &diff call s:IndentLinesDisable() call s:LeadingSpaceDisable() endif endfunction "{{{1 function! s:VimEnter() function! s:VimEnter() let init_winnr = winnr() noautocmd windo call s:DisableOnDiff() noautocmd exec init_winnr . "wincmd w" endfunction "{{{1 function! s:ToggleOnDiff() function! s:ToggleOnDiff() if &diff call s:IndentLinesDisable() call s:LeadingSpaceDisable() else call s:Setup() endif endfunction "{{{1 function! s:IndentLinesEnable() function! s:IndentLinesEnable() if g:indentLine_newVersion if exists("b:indentLine_enabled") && b:indentLine_enabled == 0 return endif if !exists("w:indentLine_indentLineId") let w:indentLine_indentLineId = [] endif call s:SetConcealOption() if g:indentLine_showFirstIndentLevel call add(w:indentLine_indentLineId, matchadd('Conceal', '^ ', 0, -1, {'conceal': g:indentLine_first_char})) endif let space = &l:shiftwidth == 0 ? &l:tabstop : &l:shiftwidth let n = len(g:indentLine_char_list) let level = 0 for i in range(space+1, space * g:indentLine_indentLevel + 1, space) if n > 0 let char = g:indentLine_char_list[level % n] let level += 1 else let char = g:indentLine_char endif call add(w:indentLine_indentLineId, matchadd('Conceal', '^\s\+\zs\%'.i.'v ', 0, -1, {'conceal': char})) endfor return endif if exists("b:indentLine_enabled") && b:indentLine_enabled return else let b:indentLine_enabled = 1 endif call s:SetConcealOption() let g:mysyntaxfile = g:indentLine_mysyntaxfile let space = &l:shiftwidth == 0 ? &l:tabstop : &l:shiftwidth if g:indentLine_showFirstIndentLevel execute 'syntax match IndentLine /^ / containedin=ALL conceal cchar=' . g:indentLine_first_char endif if g:indentLine_faster execute 'syntax match IndentLineSpace /^\s\+/ containedin=ALL contains=IndentLine' execute 'syntax match IndentLine / \{'.(space-1).'}\zs / contained conceal cchar=' . g:indentLine_char execute 'syntax match IndentLine /\t\zs / contained conceal cchar=' . g:indentLine_char else let pattern = line('$') < g:indentLine_maxLines ? 'v' : 'c' for i in range(space+1, space * g:indentLine_indentLevel + 1, space) execute 'syntax match IndentLine /\%(^\s\+\)\@<=\%'.i.pattern.' / containedin=ALL conceal cchar=' . g:indentLine_char endfor endif endfunction "{{{1 function! s:IndentLinesDisable() function! s:IndentLinesDisable() if g:indentLine_newVersion if exists("w:indentLine_indentLineId") && ! empty(w:indentLine_indentLineId) for id in w:indentLine_indentLineId try call matchdelete(id) catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E80[23]/ endtry endfor let w:indentLine_indentLineId = [] endif call s:ResetConcealOption() return endif let b:indentLine_enabled = 0 try syntax clear IndentLine syntax clear IndentLineSpace catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E28/ " catch error E28 endtry endfunction "{{{1 function! s:IndentLinesToggle() function! s:IndentLinesToggle() if g:indentLine_newVersion if exists("w:indentLine_indentLineId") && ! empty(w:indentLine_indentLineId) let b:indentLine_enabled = 0 call s:IndentLinesDisable() else let b:indentLine_enabled = 1 call s:IndentLinesEnable() endif return endif if exists("b:indentLine_enabled") && b:indentLine_enabled call s:IndentLinesDisable() else call s:IndentLinesEnable() endif endfunction "{{{1 function! s:ResetWidth(...) function! s:ResetWidth(...) if 0 < a:0 noautocmd let &l:shiftwidth = a:1 endif let b:indentLine_enabled = 1 call s:IndentLinesDisable() call s:IndentLinesEnable() endfunction "{{{1 function! s:AutoResetWidth() function! s:AutoResetWidth() let l:enable = get( \ b:, \ 'indentLine_enabled', \ g:indentLine_enabled ? s:Filter() : 0 \) let g:indentLine_autoResetWidth = get(g:, 'indentLine_autoResetWidth', 1) if l:enable != 1 || g:indentLine_autoResetWidth != 1 return endif let b:indentLine_enabled = l:enable call s:IndentLinesDisable() call s:IndentLinesEnable() endfunction "{{{1 function! s:Filter() function! s:Filter() if index(g:indentLine_fileTypeExclude, &filetype) != -1 return 0 endif if index(g:indentLine_bufTypeExclude, &buftype) != -1 return 0 endif if len(g:indentLine_fileType) != 0 && index(g:indentLine_fileType, &filetype) == -1 return 0 endif for name in g:indentLine_bufNameExclude if matchstr(bufname(''), name) == bufname('') return 0 endif endfor return 1 endfunction "{{{1 function! s:Disable() function! s:Disable() if exists("b:indentLine_enabled") && b:indentLine_enabled return elseif exists("b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled") && b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled return elseif s:Filter() == 0 call s:IndentLinesDisable() call s:LeadingSpaceDisable() endif endfunction "{{{1 function! s:Setup() function! s:Setup() if &filetype ==# "" call s:InitColor() endif if s:Filter() && g:indentLine_enabled || exists("b:indentLine_enabled") && b:indentLine_enabled call s:IndentLinesEnable() endif if s:Filter() && g:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled || exists("b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled") && b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled call s:LeadingSpaceEnable() endif endfunction "{{{1 function! s:LeadingSpaceEnable() function! s:LeadingSpaceEnable() if g:indentLine_newVersion if exists("b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled") && b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled == 0 return endif if !exists("w:indentLine_leadingSpaceId") let w:indentLine_leadingSpaceId = [] endif call s:SetConcealOption() call add(w:indentLine_leadingSpaceId, matchadd('Conceal', '\%(^\s*\)\@<= ', 0, -1, {'conceal': g:indentLine_leadingSpaceChar})) if exists("w:indentLine_indentLineId") && ! empty(w:indentLine_indentLineId) call s:ResetWidth() endif return endif if g:indentLine_faster echoerr 'LeadingSpace can not be shown when g:indentLine_faster == 1' return endif let g:mysyntaxfile = g:indentLine_mysyntaxfile let b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled = 1 call s:SetConcealOption() execute 'syntax match IndentLineLeadingSpace /\%(^\s*\)\@<= / containedin=ALLBUT,IndentLine conceal cchar=' . g:indentLine_leadingSpaceChar endfunction "{{{1 function! s:LeadingSpaceDisable() function! s:LeadingSpaceDisable() if g:indentLine_newVersion if exists("w:indentLine_leadingSpaceId") && ! empty(w:indentLine_leadingSpaceId) for id in w:indentLine_leadingSpaceId try call matchdelete(id) catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E80[23]/ endtry endfor let w:indentLine_leadingSpaceId = [] endif return endif let b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled = 0 try syntax clear IndentLineLeadingSpace catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E28/ " catch error E28 endtry endfunction "{{{1 function! s:LeadingSpaceToggle() function! s:LeadingSpaceToggle() if g:indentLine_newVersion if exists("w:indentLine_leadingSpaceId") && ! empty(w:indentLine_leadingSpaceId) let b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled = 0 call s:LeadingSpaceDisable() else let b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled = 1 call s:LeadingSpaceEnable() endif return endif if exists("b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled") && b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled call s:LeadingSpaceDisable() else call s:LeadingSpaceEnable() endif endfunction "{{{1 augroup indentLine augroup indentLine autocmd! if g:indentLine_newVersion autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile,ColorScheme,Syntax * call s:InitColor() if exists("##WinNew") autocmd WinNew * call s:Setup() endif autocmd BufWinEnter * call s:IndentLinesDisable() | call s:LeadingSpaceDisable() | call s:Setup() autocmd FileType * call s:Disable() if exists("##OptionSet") autocmd OptionSet diff call s:ToggleOnDiff() autocmd OptionSet shiftwidth,tabstop noautocmd call s:AutoResetWidth() endif autocmd VimEnter * call s:VimEnter() else autocmd BufWinEnter * call s:Setup() autocmd User * if exists("b:indentLine_enabled") || exists("b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled") | \ call s:Setup() | endif autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile,ColorScheme,Syntax * call s:InitColor() autocmd BufUnload * let b:indentLine_enabled = 0 | let b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled = 0 autocmd SourcePre $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/nosyntax.vim doautocmd indentLine BufUnload autocmd FileChangedShellPost * doautocmd indentLine BufUnload | call s:Setup() if exists("##OptionSet") autocmd OptionSet diff call s:ToggleOnDiff() autocmd OptionSet shiftwidth,tabstop noautocmd call s:AutoResetWidth() endif autocmd VimEnter * call s:VimEnter() endif augroup END "{{{1 commands command! -nargs=? IndentLinesReset call s:ResetWidth(<f-args>) command! IndentLinesToggle call s:IndentLinesToggle() if g:indentLine_newVersion command! IndentLinesEnable let b:indentLine_enabled = 1 | call s:IndentLinesEnable() command! IndentLinesDisable let b:indentLine_enabled = 0 | call s:IndentLinesDisable() command! LeadingSpaceEnable let b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled = 1 | call s:LeadingSpaceEnable() command! LeadingSpaceDisable let b:indentLine_leadingSpaceEnabled = 0 | call s:LeadingSpaceDisable() else command! IndentLinesEnable call s:IndentLinesEnable() command! IndentLinesDisable call s:IndentLinesDisable() command! LeadingSpaceEnable call s:LeadingSpaceEnable() command! LeadingSpaceDisable call s:LeadingSpaceDisable() endif command! LeadingSpaceToggle call s:LeadingSpaceToggle() " vim:et:ts=4:sw=4:fdm=marker:fmr={{{,}}}