--[[ Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Charles Mallah ]] -- Released with MIT License -- -- Originally link: -- https://github.com/charlesmallah/lua-profiler -- -- Hopefully will add some better neovim stuff in the future. -- Shoutout to @clason for finding this. ---------------------------------------| --- Configuration -- ---------------------------------------| local PROFILER_FILENAME = "lua/telescope/profile/lua_profiler.lua" -- Location and name of profiler (to remove itself from reports); -- e.g. if this is in a 'tool' folder, rename this as: "tool/profiler.lua" local EMPTY_TIME = "0.0000" -- Detect empty time, replace with tag below local emptyToThis = "~" local fileWidth = 75 local funcWidth = 22 local lineWidth = 6 local timeWidth = 7 local relaWidth = 6 local callWidth = 4 local reportSaved = " > Report saved to" local formatOutputHeader = "| %-"..fileWidth.."s: %-"..funcWidth.."s: %-"..lineWidth.."s: %-"..timeWidth.."s: %-"..relaWidth.."s: %-"..callWidth.."s|\n" local formatOutputTitle = "%-"..fileWidth.."."..fileWidth.."s: %-"..funcWidth.."."..funcWidth.."s: %-"..lineWidth.."s" -- File / Function / Line count local formatOutput = "| %s: %-"..timeWidth.."s: %-"..relaWidth.."s: %-"..callWidth.."s|\n" -- Time / Relative / Called local formatTotalTime = "TOTAL TIME = %f s\n" local formatFunLine = "%"..(lineWidth - 2).."i" local formatFunTime = "%04.4f" local formatFunRelative = "%03.1f" local formatFunCount = "%"..(callWidth - 1).."i" local formatHeader = string.format(formatOutputHeader, "FILE", "FUNCTION", "LINE", "TIME", "%", "#") ---------------------------------------| --- Locals -- ---------------------------------------| local module = {} local getTime = os.clock local string = string local debug = debug local table = table local TABL_REPORT_CACHE = {} local TABL_REPORTS = {} local reportCount = 0 local startTime = 0 local stopTime = 0 local printFun = nil local verbosePrint = false local function functionReport(information) local src = information.short_src if src == nil then src = "<C>" elseif string.sub(src, #src - 3, #src) == ".lua" then src = string.sub(src, 1, #src - 4) end local name = information.name if name == nil then name = "Anon" elseif string.sub(name, #name - 1, #name) == "_l" then name = string.sub(name, 1, #name - 2) end local title = string.format(formatOutputTitle, src, name, string.format(formatFunLine, information.linedefined or 0)) local funcReport = TABL_REPORT_CACHE[title] if not funcReport then funcReport = { title = string.format(formatOutputTitle, src, name, string.format(formatFunLine, information.linedefined or 0)), count = 0, timer = 0, } TABL_REPORT_CACHE[title] = funcReport reportCount = reportCount + 1 TABL_REPORTS[reportCount] = funcReport end return funcReport end local onDebugHook = function(hookType) local information = debug.getinfo(2, "nS") if hookType == "call" then local funcReport = functionReport(information) funcReport.callTime = getTime() funcReport.count = funcReport.count + 1 elseif hookType == "return" then local funcReport = functionReport(information) if funcReport.callTime and funcReport.count > 0 then funcReport.timer = funcReport.timer + (getTime() - funcReport.callTime) end end end local function charRepetition(n, character) local s = "" character = character or " " for _ = 1, n do s = s..character end return s end local function singleSearchReturn(str, search) for _ in string.gmatch(str, search) do do return true end end return false end local divider = charRepetition(#formatHeader - 1, "-").."\n" ---------------------------------------| --- Functions -- ---------------------------------------| --- Attach a print function to the profiler, to receive a single string parameter -- function module.attachPrintFunction(fn, verbose) printFun = fn if verbose ~= nil then verbosePrint = verbose end end --- -- function module.start() TABL_REPORT_CACHE = {} TABL_REPORTS = {} reportCount = 0 startTime = getTime() stopTime = nil debug.sethook(onDebugHook, "cr", 0) end --- -- function module.stop() stopTime = getTime() debug.sethook() end --- Writes the profile report to file -- function module.report(filename) if stopTime == nil then module.stop() end if reportCount > 0 then filename = filename or "profiler.log" table.sort(TABL_REPORTS, function(a, b) return a.timer > b.timer end) local file = io.open(filename, "w+") if reportCount > 0 then local divide = false local totalTime = stopTime - startTime local totalTimeOutput = " > "..string.format(formatTotalTime, totalTime) file:write(totalTimeOutput) if printFun ~= nil then printFun(totalTimeOutput) end file:write("\n"..divider) file:write(formatHeader) file:write(divider) for i = 1, reportCount do local funcReport = TABL_REPORTS[i] if funcReport.count > 0 and funcReport.timer <= totalTime then local printThis = true if PROFILER_FILENAME ~= "" then if singleSearchReturn(funcReport.title, PROFILER_FILENAME) then printThis = false end end -- Remove line if not needed if printThis == true then if singleSearchReturn(funcReport.title, "[[C]]") then printThis = false end end if printThis == true then local count = string.format(formatFunCount, funcReport.count) local timer = string.format(formatFunTime, funcReport.timer) local relTime = string.format(formatFunRelative, (funcReport.timer / totalTime) * 100) if divide == false and timer == EMPTY_TIME then file:write(divider) divide = true end -- Replace if timer == EMPTY_TIME then timer = emptyToThis relTime = emptyToThis end -- Build final line local outputLine = string.format(formatOutput, funcReport.title, timer, relTime, count) file:write(outputLine) -- This is a verbose print to the printFun, however maybe make this smaller for on screen debug? if printFun ~= nil and verbosePrint == true then printFun(outputLine) end end end end file:write(divider) end file:close() if printFun ~= nil then printFun(reportSaved.."'"..filename.."'") end end end --- End -- return module