local has = nil local fn = nil local vim_options = nil if vim.o ~= nil then vim_options = vim.o else vim_options = require('spacevim').vim_options end if vim.api == nil then has = require('spacevim').has else if vim.fn ~= nil then has = vim.fn.has else has = require('spacevim').has end end if vim.fn == nil then fn = require('spacevim').fn else fn = vim.fn end local M = {} if has('win16') == 1 or has('win32') == 1 or has('win64') == 1 then M.isWindows = 1 else M.isWindows = 0 end if has('unix') == 1 and has('macunix') == 0 and has('win32unix') == 0 then M.isLinux = 1 else M.isLinux = 0 end M.isOSX = has('macunix') function M.name() if M.isLinux == 1 then return 'linux' elseif M.isWindows == 1 then if has('win32unix') == 1 then return 'cygwin' else return 'windows' end else return 'mac' end end local is_darwin = nil function M.isDarwin() if is_darwin ~= nil then return is_darwin end if has('macunix') == 1 then is_darwin = 1 return is_darwin end if has('unix') ~= 1 then is_darwin = 0 return is_darwin end if fn.system('uname -s') == "Darwin\n" then is_darwin = 1 else is_darwin = 0 end return is_darwin end function M.fileformat() local fileformat = '' if vim_options.fileformat == 'dos' then fileformat = '' elseif vim_options.fileformat == 'unix' then if M.isDarwin() == 1 then fileformat = '' else fileformat = '' end elseif vim_options.fileformat == 'mac' then fileformat = '' end return fileformat end return M