local api = vim.api local ts = require "nvim-treesitter.compat" local tsrange = require "nvim-treesitter.tsrange" local utils = require "nvim-treesitter.utils" local parsers = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers" local caching = require "nvim-treesitter.caching" local M = {} local EMPTY_ITER = function() end M.built_in_query_groups = { "highlights", "locals", "folds", "indents", "injections" } -- Creates a function that checks whether a given query exists -- for a specific language. ---@param query string ---@return fun(string): boolean local function get_query_guard(query) return function(lang) return M.has_query_files(lang, query) end end for _, query in ipairs(M.built_in_query_groups) do M["has_" .. query] = get_query_guard(query) end ---@return string[] function M.available_query_groups() local query_files = api.nvim_get_runtime_file("queries/*/*.scm", true) local groups = {} for _, f in ipairs(query_files) do groups[vim.fn.fnamemodify(f, ":t:r")] = true end local list = {} for k, _ in pairs(groups) do table.insert(list, k) end return list end do local query_cache = caching.create_buffer_cache() local function update_cached_matches(bufnr, changed_tick, query_group) query_cache.set(query_group, bufnr, { tick = changed_tick, cache = M.collect_group_results(bufnr, query_group) or {}, }) end ---@param bufnr integer ---@param query_group string ---@return any function M.get_matches(bufnr, query_group) bufnr = bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf() local cached_local = query_cache.get(query_group, bufnr) if not cached_local or api.nvim_buf_get_changedtick(bufnr) > cached_local.tick then update_cached_matches(bufnr, api.nvim_buf_get_changedtick(bufnr), query_group) end return query_cache.get(query_group, bufnr).cache end end ---@param lang string ---@param query_name string ---@return string[] local function runtime_queries(lang, query_name) return api.nvim_get_runtime_file(string.format("queries/%s/%s.scm", lang, query_name), true) or {} end ---@type table> local query_files_cache = {} ---@param lang string ---@param query_name string ---@return boolean function M.has_query_files(lang, query_name) if not query_files_cache[lang] then query_files_cache[lang] = {} end if query_files_cache[lang][query_name] == nil then local files = runtime_queries(lang, query_name) query_files_cache[lang][query_name] = files and #files > 0 end return query_files_cache[lang][query_name] end do local mt = {} mt.__index = function(tbl, key) if rawget(tbl, key) == nil then rawset(tbl, key, {}) end return rawget(tbl, key) end -- cache will auto set the table for each lang if it is nil ---@type table> local cache = setmetatable({}, mt) -- Same as `vim.treesitter.query` except will return cached values ---@param lang string ---@param query_name string function M.get_query(lang, query_name) if cache[lang][query_name] == nil then cache[lang][query_name] = ts.get_query(lang, query_name) end return cache[lang][query_name] end -- Invalidates the query file cache. -- -- If lang and query_name is both present, will reload for only the lang and query_name. -- If only lang is present, will reload all query_names for that lang -- If none are present, will reload everything ---@param lang? string ---@param query_name? string function M.invalidate_query_cache(lang, query_name) if lang and query_name then cache[lang][query_name] = nil if query_files_cache[lang] then query_files_cache[lang][query_name] = nil end elseif lang and not query_name then query_files_cache[lang] = nil for query_name0, _ in pairs(cache[lang]) do M.invalidate_query_cache(lang, query_name0) end elseif not lang and not query_name then query_files_cache = {} for lang0, _ in pairs(cache) do for query_name0, _ in pairs(cache[lang0]) do M.invalidate_query_cache(lang0, query_name0) end end else error "Cannot have query_name by itself!" end end end -- This function is meant for an autocommand and not to be used. Only use if file is a query file. ---@param fname string function M.invalidate_query_file(fname) local fnamemodify = vim.fn.fnamemodify M.invalidate_query_cache(fnamemodify(fname, ":p:h:t"), fnamemodify(fname, ":t:r")) end ---@class QueryInfo ---@field root TSNode ---@field source integer ---@field start integer ---@field stop integer ---@param bufnr integer ---@param query_name string ---@param root TSNode ---@param root_lang string|nil ---@return Query|nil, QueryInfo|nil local function prepare_query(bufnr, query_name, root, root_lang) local buf_lang = parsers.get_buf_lang(bufnr) if not buf_lang then return end local parser = parsers.get_parser(bufnr, buf_lang) if not parser then return end if not root then local first_tree = parser:trees()[1] if first_tree then root = first_tree:root() end end if not root then return end local range = { root:range() } if not root_lang then local lang_tree = parser:language_for_range(range) if lang_tree then root_lang = lang_tree:lang() end end if not root_lang then return end local query = M.get_query(root_lang, query_name) if not query then return end return query, { root = root, source = bufnr, start = range[1], -- The end row is exclusive so we need to add 1 to it. stop = range[3] + 1, } end -- Given a path (i.e. a List(String)) this functions inserts value at path ---@param object any ---@param path string[] ---@param value any function M.insert_to_path(object, path, value) local curr_obj = object for index = 1, (#path - 1) do if curr_obj[path[index]] == nil then curr_obj[path[index]] = {} end curr_obj = curr_obj[path[index]] end curr_obj[path[#path]] = value end ---@param query Query ---@param bufnr integer ---@param start_row integer ---@param end_row integer function M.iter_prepared_matches(query, qnode, bufnr, start_row, end_row) -- A function that splits a string on '.' ---@param to_split string ---@return string[] local function split(to_split) local t = {} for str in string.gmatch(to_split, "([^.]+)") do table.insert(t, str) end return t end local matches = query:iter_matches(qnode, bufnr, start_row, end_row) local function iterator() local pattern, match, metadata = matches() if pattern ~= nil then local prepared_match = {} -- Extract capture names from each match for id, node in pairs(match) do local name = query.captures[id] -- name of the capture in the query if name ~= nil then local path = split(name .. ".node") M.insert_to_path(prepared_match, path, node) local metadata_path = split(name .. ".metadata") M.insert_to_path(prepared_match, metadata_path, metadata[id]) end end -- Add some predicates for testing ---@type string[][] ( TODO: make pred type so this can be pred[]) local preds = query.info.patterns[pattern] if preds then for _, pred in pairs(preds) do -- functions if pred[1] == "set!" and type(pred[2]) == "string" then M.insert_to_path(prepared_match, split(pred[2]), pred[3]) end if pred[1] == "make-range!" and type(pred[2]) == "string" and #pred == 4 then M.insert_to_path( prepared_match, split(pred[2] .. ".node"), tsrange.TSRange.from_nodes(bufnr, match[pred[3]], match[pred[4]]) ) end end end return prepared_match end end return iterator end -- Return all nodes corresponding to a specific capture path (like @definition.var, @reference.type) -- Works like M.get_references or M.get_scopes except you can choose the capture -- Can also be a nested capture like @definition.function to get all nodes defining a function. -- ---@param bufnr integer the buffer ---@param captures string|string[] ---@param query_group string the name of query group (highlights or injections for example) ---@param root TSNode|nil node from where to start the search ---@param lang string|nil the language from where to get the captures. --- Root nodes can have several languages. ---@return table|nil function M.get_capture_matches(bufnr, captures, query_group, root, lang) if type(captures) == "string" then captures = { captures } end local strip_captures = {} ---@type string[] for i, capture in ipairs(captures) do if capture:sub(1, 1) ~= "@" then error 'Captures must start with "@"' return end -- Remove leading "@". strip_captures[i] = capture:sub(2) end local matches = {} for match in M.iter_group_results(bufnr, query_group, root, lang) do for _, capture in ipairs(strip_captures) do local insert = utils.get_at_path(match, capture) if insert then table.insert(matches, insert) end end end return matches end function M.iter_captures(bufnr, query_name, root, lang) local query, params = prepare_query(bufnr, query_name, root, lang) if not query then return EMPTY_ITER end assert(params) local iter = query:iter_captures(params.root, params.source, params.start, params.stop) local function wrapped_iter() local id, node, metadata = iter() if not id then return end local name = query.captures[id] if string.sub(name, 1, 1) == "_" then return wrapped_iter() end return name, node, metadata end return wrapped_iter end ---@param bufnr integer ---@param capture_string string ---@param query_group string ---@param filter_predicate fun(match: table): boolean ---@param scoring_function fun(match: table): number ---@param root TSNode ---@return table|unknown function M.find_best_match(bufnr, capture_string, query_group, filter_predicate, scoring_function, root) if string.sub(capture_string, 1, 1) == "@" then --remove leading "@" capture_string = string.sub(capture_string, 2) end local best ---@type table|nil local best_score ---@type number for maybe_match in M.iter_group_results(bufnr, query_group, root) do local match = utils.get_at_path(maybe_match, capture_string) if match and filter_predicate(match) then local current_score = scoring_function(match) if not best then best = match best_score = current_score end if current_score > best_score then best = match best_score = current_score end end end return best end ---Iterates matches from a query file. ---@param bufnr integer the buffer ---@param query_group string the query file to use ---@param root TSNode the root node ---@param root_lang? string the root node lang, if known function M.iter_group_results(bufnr, query_group, root, root_lang) local query, params = prepare_query(bufnr, query_group, root, root_lang) if not query then return EMPTY_ITER end assert(params) return M.iter_prepared_matches(query, params.root, params.source, params.start, params.stop) end function M.collect_group_results(bufnr, query_group, root, lang) local matches = {} for prepared_match in M.iter_group_results(bufnr, query_group, root, lang) do table.insert(matches, prepared_match) end return matches end ---@alias CaptureResFn function(string, LanguageTree, LanguageTree): string, string -- Same as get_capture_matches except this will recursively get matches for every language in the tree. ---@param bufnr integer The buffer ---@param capture_or_fn string|CaptureResFn The capture to get. If a function is provided then that --- function will be used to resolve both the capture and query argument. --- The function can return `nil` to ignore that tree. ---@param query_type string? The query to get the capture from. This is ignored if a function is provided --- for the capture argument. ---@return table[] function M.get_capture_matches_recursively(bufnr, capture_or_fn, query_type) ---@type CaptureResFn local type_fn if type(capture_or_fn) == "function" then type_fn = capture_or_fn else type_fn = function(_, _, _) return capture_or_fn, query_type end end local parser = parsers.get_parser(bufnr) local matches = {} if parser then parser:for_each_tree(function(tree, lang_tree) local lang = lang_tree:lang() local capture, type_ = type_fn(lang, tree, lang_tree) if capture then vim.list_extend(matches, M.get_capture_matches(bufnr, capture, type_, tree:root(), lang) or {}) end end) end return matches end return M