" don't spam the user when Vim is started in Vi compatibility mode let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim function! go#auto#template_autocreate() if !go#config#TemplateAutocreate() || !&modifiable return endif " create new template from scratch call go#template#create() endfunction function! go#auto#complete_done() if &omnifunc isnot 'go#complete#Complete' return endif call s:echo_go_info() call s:ExpandSnippet() endfunction function! s:ExpandSnippet() abort if !exists('v:completed_item') || empty(v:completed_item) || !go#config#GoplsUsePlaceholders() return endif let l:engine = go#config#SnippetEngine() if l:engine is 'ultisnips' if !get(g:, 'did_plugin_ultisnips', 0) return endif " the snippet may have a '{\}' in it. For UltiSnips, that should be spelled " \{}. fmt.Printf is such a snippet that can be used to demonstrate. let l:snippet = substitute(v:completed_item.word, '{\\}', '\{}', 'g') call UltiSnips#Anon(l:snippet, v:completed_item.word, '', 'i') " elseif l:engine is 'neosnippet' " " TODO(bc): make the anonymous expansion for neosnippet work " " if !get(g:, 'loaded_neosnippet') is 1 " return " endif " " " neosnippet#anonymous doesn't need a trigger, so replace the " " completed_item.word with an empty string before calling neosnippet#anonymous " let l:snippet = substitute(v:completed_item.word, '{\\}', '\{\}', 'g') " call setline('.', substitute(getline('.'), substitute(v:completed_item.word, '\', '\\', 'g'), '', '')) " call neosnippet#anonymous(l:snippet) endif endfunction function! s:echo_go_info() if !go#config#EchoGoInfo() return endif if !exists('v:completed_item') || empty(v:completed_item) return endif let item = v:completed_item if !has_key(item, "user_data") return endif if empty(item.user_data) return endif redraws! | echo "vim-go: " | echohl Function | echon item.user_data | echohl None endfunction let s:timer_id = 0 " go#auto#update_autocmd() will be called on BufEnter,CursorHold. This " configures the augroup according to conditions below. " " | # | has_timer | should_enable | do | " |---|-----------|---------------|------------------------------------| " | 1 | false | false | return early | " | 2 | true | true | return early | " | 3 | true | false | clear the group and stop the timer | " | 4 | false | true | configure the group | function! go#auto#update_autocmd() let has_timer = get(b:, 'has_timer') let should_enable = go#config#AutoTypeInfo() || go#config#AutoSameids() if (!has_timer && !should_enable) || (has_timer && should_enable) return endif if has_timer augroup vim-go-buffer-auto autocmd! * <buffer> augroup END let b:has_timer = 0 call s:timer_stop() return endif augroup vim-go-buffer-auto autocmd! * <buffer> autocmd CursorMoved <buffer> call s:timer_restart() autocmd BufLeave <buffer> call s:timer_stop() augroup END let b:has_timer = 1 call s:timer_start() endfunction function! s:timer_restart() if isdirectory(expand('%:p:h')) call s:timer_stop() call s:timer_start() endif endfunction function! s:timer_stop() if s:timer_id call timer_stop(s:timer_id) let s:timer_id = 0 endif endfunction function! s:timer_start() let s:timer_id = timer_start(go#config#Updatetime(), function('s:handler')) endfunction function! s:handler(timer_id) if go#config#AutoTypeInfo() call go#tool#Info(0) endif if go#config#AutoSameids() call go#guru#SameIds(0) endif let s:timer_id = 0 endfunction function! go#auto#fmt_autosave() if !(isdirectory(expand('%:p:h')) && resolve(expand('<afile>:p')) == expand('%:p')) return endif if !(go#config#FmtAutosave() || go#config#ImportsAutosave()) return endif " Order matters when formatting and adjusting imports, because of gopls' " support for gofumpt. Gofumpt formatting will group all imports that look " like a stdlib package (e.g. there's no '.' in the package path) together. " When the local setting is provided, the only way to get the local imports " grouped separately when gofumpt is used to format is to format first and " then organize imports. if go#config#FmtAutosave() && !(go#config#ImportsAutosave() && go#config#ImportsMode() == 'goimports') call go#fmt#Format(0) " return early when the imports mode is goimports, because there's no need " to format again when goimports was run if go#config#FmtCommand() == 'goimports' return endif endif if !go#config#ImportsAutosave() return endif call go#fmt#Format(1) endfunction function! go#auto#metalinter_autosave() if !go#config#MetalinterAutosave() || !isdirectory(expand('%:p:h')) return endif " run gometalinter on save call go#lint#Gometa(!g:go_jump_to_error, 1) endfunction function! go#auto#modfmt_autosave() if !(go#config#ModFmtAutosave() && isdirectory(expand('%:p:h')) && resolve(expand('<afile>:p')) == expand('%:p')) return endif " go.mod code formatting on save call go#mod#Format() endfunction function! go#auto#asmfmt_autosave() if !(go#config#AsmfmtAutosave() && isdirectory(expand('%:p:h')) && resolve(expand('<afile>:p')) == expand('%:p')) return endif " Go asm formatting on save call go#asmfmt#Format() endfunction " restore Vi compatibility settings let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim: sw=2 ts=2 et