scriptencoding utf-8 "mapping "全局映射 "也可以通过'za'打开或者关闭折叠 nnoremap @=((foldclosed(line('.')) < 0) ? 'zc' : 'zo') "Super paste it does not work "ino :set pastemui+mv'uV'v=:set nopaste "对于没有权限的文件使用 :w!!来保存 cnoremap w!! %!sudo tee > /dev/null % " cmap W!! w !sudo tee % >/dev/null " I can not understand " Save a file with sudo " " 映射Ctrl+上下左右来切换窗口 nnoremap :wincmd l nnoremap :wincmd h nnoremap :wincmd k nnoremap :wincmd j if has('nvim') exe 'tnoremap :wincmd l' exe 'tnoremap :wincmd h' exe 'tnoremap :wincmd k' exe 'tnoremap :wincmd j' exe 'tnoremap ' endif "for buftabs noremap bp :bprev noremap bn :bnext "Quickly add empty lines nnoremap [ :put! =repeat(nr2char(10), v:count1) nnoremap ] :put =repeat(nr2char(10), v:count1) "Use jk switch to normal model inoremap jk "]e or [e move current line ,count can be useed nnoremap [e :execute 'move -1-'. v:count1 nnoremap ]e :execute 'move +'. v:count1 "] or ] move current line to the end or the begin of current buffer nnoremap ] ddGp`` nnoremap ] ddggP`` vnoremap ] dGp`` vnoremap ] dggP`` "Ctrl+Shift+上下移动当前行 nnoremap :m .+1== nnoremap :m .-2== inoremap :m .+1==gi inoremap :m .-2==gi "上下移动选中的行 vnoremap :m '>+1gv=gv vnoremap :m '<-2gv=gv "background noremap bg :call ToggleBG() "numbers noremap nu :call ToggleNumber() " download gvimfullscreen.dll from github, copy gvimfullscreen.dll to " the directory that has gvim.exe nnoremap :call libcallnr("gvimfullscreen.dll", "ToggleFullScreen", 0) " yark and paste vmap y "+y vmap d "+d nmap p "+p nmap P "+P vmap p "+p vmap P "+P " Start new line inoremap o " Improve scroll, credits: nnoremap zz (winline() == (winheight(0)+1) / 2) ? \ 'zt' : (winline() == 1) ? 'zb' : 'zz' noremap max([winheight(0) - 2, 1]) \ ."\".(line('w$') >= line('$') ? "L" : "H") noremap max([winheight(0) - 2, 1]) \ ."\".(line('w0') <= 1 ? "H" : "L") noremap (line("w$") >= line('$') ? "j" : "3\") noremap (line("w0") <= 1 ? "k" : "3\") " Select blocks after indenting xnoremap < >gv| " Use tab for indenting in visual mode xnoremap >gv| xnoremap >>_ nnoremap < <<_ " smart up and down nnoremap gj nnoremap gk " Select last paste nnoremap gp '`['.strpart(getregtype(), 0, 1).'`]' " Disable Q and gQ nnoremap Q nnoremap gQ " Navigate window nnoremap nnoremap x " Navigation in command line cnoremap cnoremap cnoremap " When pressing cd switch to the directory of the open buffer " map cd :cd %:p:h:pwd "I use RooterChangeToRootDirectory " Fast saving nnoremap w :w vnoremap w :w nnoremap :w vnoremap :w cnoremap w " Toggle editor visuals nmap ts :setlocal spell! nmap tn :setlocal nonumber! norelativenumber! nmap tl :setlocal nolist! nmap th :nohlsearch nmap tw :setlocal wrap! breakindent! " Tabs nnoremap g0 :tabfirst nnoremap g$ :tablast nnoremap gr :tabprevious " Remove spaces at the end of lines nnoremap , :silent! keeppatterns %substitute/\s\+$//e " C-r: Easier search and replace xnoremap :call VSetSearch('/'):%s/\V=@///gc " Location list movement nmap lj :lnext nmap lk :lprev nmap lq :lclose " quickfix list movement nmap qj :cnext nmap qk :cprev nmap qq :cclose " Duplicate lines nnoremap d m`YP`` vnoremap d YPgv fu! s:tobur(num) if index(get(g:settings,'altmoveignoreft',[]), &filetype) == -1 if a:num ==# 'bnext' bnext elseif a:num ==# 'bprev' bprev else let ls = split(execute(':ls'), "\n") let buffers = [] for b in ls let nr = matchstr(b, '\d\+') call add(buffers, nr) endfor if len(buffers) >= a:num exec 'buffer ' . buffers[a:num - 1] endif endif endif endf "irssi like hot key nnoremap :call tobur(1) nnoremap :call tobur(2) nnoremap :call tobur(3) nnoremap :call tobur(4) nnoremap :call tobur(5) nnoremap :call tobur("bnext") nnoremap :call tobur("bprev") "qqmsg hot key nnoremap :call chat#qq#OpenMsgWin() "weixin hot key nnoremap :call chat#weixin#OpenMsgWin() "chatting hot key nnoremap :call chat#chatting#OpenMsgWin() "format current buffer nnoremap g= :call zvim#format() call zvim#util#defineMap('vnoremap', 'S', "y:execute @@:echo 'Sourced selection.'", \ 'Sourced selection.', \ "echo 'Use S to sourced selection.'") call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap','S',"^vg_y:execute @@:echo 'Sourced line.'",'Source line', \ "echo 'Use S to sourced line.'") call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '', ':call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard()', \ 'Copy buffer absolute path to X11 clipboard','call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard()') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '', \ ':call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(1)', \ 'Yank the github link of current file to X11 clipboard', \ 'call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(1)') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '', \ ':call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(2)', \ 'Yank the github link of current line to X11 clipboard', \ 'call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(2)') call zvim#util#defineMap('vnoremap ', '', \ ':call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(3)', \ 'Yank the github link of current selection to X11 clipboard', \ 'call zvim#util#CopyToClipboard(3)') " Window prefix call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap', '[Window]', '' , 'Defind window prefix' ,'normal [Window]') call zvim#util#defineMap('nmap' , 's' , '[Window]', 'Use s as window prefix' ,'normal s') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '', ':wincmd w', 'Switch to another buffer','wincmd w') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '[Window]p', ':vsplit:wincmd w', \'vsplit vertically,switch to next window','vsplit | wincmd w') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '[Window]v', ':split', 'split window','split') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '[Window]g', ':vsplit', 'vsplit window','vsplit') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '[Window]t', ':tabnew', 'Create new tab','tabnew') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '[Window]o', ':only', 'Close other windows','only') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '[Window]x', ':call zvim#util#BufferEmpty()', \'Empty current buffer','call zvim#util#BufferEmpty()') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '[Window]\', ':b#', 'Switch to the last buffer','b#') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', '[Window]q', ':close', 'Close current windows','close') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', 'q', ':call zvim#util#SmartClose()', \ 'Smart close windows', \ 'call zvim#util#SmartClose()') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', 'qr', 'q', 'Toggle recording','') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', 'sv', ':split:wincmd p:e#', \'Open previous buffer in split window' , 'split|wincmd p|e#') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', 'sg', ':vsplit:wincmd p:e#', \'Open previous buffer in vsplit window' , 'vsplit|wincmd p|e#') call zvim#util#defineMap('nnoremap ', 'gf', ':call zvim#gf()', 'Jump to a file under cursor', '')