--============================================================================= -- loader.lua -- Copyright 2025 Eric Wong -- Author: Eric Wong < wsdjeg@outlook.com > -- License: GPLv3 --============================================================================= local M = {} local config = require('plug.config') local add_raw_rtp = false local loaded_plugins = {} --- @class PluginSpec --- @field rtp string --- @field events table --- @field cmds table --- @field name string --- @field branch string --- @field tag string --- @field url string --- @field path string --- @field build string|table --- @field is_local boolean true for local plugin --- @field when boolean|string|function --- @field frozen boolean --- @field type string "git", "raw" or "none" --- @field script_type string "git", "raw" or "none" --- @field config function function called after update rtp --- @field config_before function function called after update rtp --- @field config_after function function called after update rtp --- @field hook_install_done? function --- @field autoload? boolean --- @field fetch? boolean If set to true, nvim-plug doesn't add the path to user runtimepath, and doesn't load the bundle --- @param plugSpec PluginSpec --- @return boolean local function is_local_plugin(plugSpec) if plugSpec.is_local or vim.fn.isdirectory(plugSpec[1]) == 1 then plugSpec.is_local = true return true else return false end end --- @param plugSpec PluginSpec --- @return string local function check_name(plugSpec) if not plugSpec[1] and not plugSpec.url then return '' end local s = vim.split(plugSpec[1] or plugSpec.url, '/') return s[#s] end function M.parser(plugSpec) if type(plugSpec.enabled) == 'nil' then plugSpec.enabled = true elseif type(plugSpec.enabled) == 'function' then plugSpec.enabled = plugSpec.enabled() elseif type(plugSpec.enabled) ~= 'boolean' or plugSpec.enabled == false then plugSpec.enabled = false return plugSpec end plugSpec.name = check_name(plugSpec) if #plugSpec.name == 0 then plugSpec.enabled = false return plugSpec end if is_local_plugin(plugSpec) then plugSpec.rtp = plugSpec[1] plugSpec.path = plugSpec[1] plugSpec.url = nil elseif plugSpec.type == 'raw' then if not plugSpec.script_type or plugSpec.script_type == 'none' then plugSpec.enabled = false return plugSpec else plugSpec.path = config.raw_plugin_dir .. '/' .. plugSpec.script_type .. '/' .. plugSpec.name if not add_raw_rtp then vim.opt.runtimepath:append(config.raw_plugin_dir) add_raw_rtp = true end end elseif not plugSpec.script_type or plugSpec.script_type == 'none' then plugSpec.rtp = config.bundle_dir .. '/' .. plugSpec[1] plugSpec.path = config.bundle_dir .. '/' .. plugSpec[1] plugSpec.url = config.base_url .. '/' .. plugSpec[1] elseif plugSpec.script_type == 'color' then plugSpec.rtp = config.bundle_dir .. '/' .. plugSpec[1] plugSpec.path = config.bundle_dir .. '/' .. plugSpec[1] .. '/color' plugSpec.repo = config.base_url .. '/' .. plugSpec[1] elseif plugSpec.script_type == 'plugin' then plugSpec.rtp = config.bundle_dir .. '/' .. plugSpec[1] plugSpec.path = config.bundle_dir .. '/' .. plugSpec[1] .. '/plugin' plugSpec.url = config.base_url .. '/' .. plugSpec[1] end if type(plugSpec.autoload) == 'nil' and plugSpec.type ~= 'raw' and not plugSpec.fetch then plugSpec.autoload = true end if type(plugSpec.config_before) == 'function' then plugSpec.config_before() end return plugSpec end function M.load(plugSpec) if plugSpec.rtp and vim.fn.isdirectory(plugSpec.rtp) == 1 and not loaded_plugins[plugSpec.name] and not plugSpec.fetch then vim.opt.runtimepath:append(plugSpec.rtp) loaded_plugins[plugSpec.name] = true if type(plugSpec.config) == 'function' then plugSpec.config() end if vim.fn.has('vim_starting') ~= 1 then local plugin_directory_files = vim.fn.globpath(plugSpec.rtp, 'plugin/*.{lua,vim}', 0, 1) for _, f in ipairs(plugin_directory_files) do vim.cmd.source(f) end if type(plugSpec.config_after) == 'function' then plugSpec.config_after() end end end end return M