If you wish to contribute to enhancing **vim-one**, please feel free to do so. Open a pull request and I'll be happy to review it. ## Adding support for a new language * Crack open `colors/one.vim` * Create a new "section" for your language, the languages are alphabetically sorted **Sample section** ``` " C/C++ highlighting ------------------------------------------------------{{{ " }}} ``` * Start hacking There is one function you should call: ``` call <sid>X('cInclude', s:hue_3, '', '') ``` The arguments are: * The highlight * Foreground color * Background color * Decoration (bold, italic, underline or any combination), for example 'bold,italic' ## Highlights Highlights are defined in vim syntax files, there is no real standard, but some of them are really "mainstream", for instance **elixir-lang/vim-elixir** for *Elixir*. I have these two following mapping in my `vimrc` ``` " Display highlight information nnoremap <leader>ii :echo synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')<CR> " Display highlighting groups nnoremap <leader>hi :so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim<cr> ``` The first one `<leader>ii` displays the name of the hightlight the cursor is on. The second one `<leader>hi` lists all the highlights that are defined, bear in mind that syntaxes are loaded dynamically by Vim. Happy colorscheming...