local util = require 'lspconfig.util'

local bin_name = 'stree'
local cmd = { bin_name, 'lsp' }

if vim.fn.has 'win32' == 1 then
  cmd = { 'cmd.exe', '/C', bin_name, 'lsp' }

return {
  default_config = {
    cmd = cmd,
    filetypes = { 'ruby' },
    root_dir = function(fname)
      return util.root_pattern '.streerc'(fname) or util.root_pattern('Gemfile', '.git')(fname)
  docs = {
    description = [[

A fast Ruby parser and formatter.

Syntax Tree is a suite of tools built on top of the internal CRuby parser. It
provides the ability to generate a syntax tree from source, as well as the
tools necessary to inspect and manipulate that syntax tree. It can be used to
build formatters, linters, language servers, and more.

gem install syntax_tree
    default_config = {
      root_dir = [[root_pattern(".streerc", "Gemfile", ".git")]],