" ___vital___ " NOTE: lines between '" ___vital___' is generated by :Vitalize. " Do not mofidify the code nor insert new lines before '" ___vital___' if v:version > 703 || v:version == 703 && has('patch1170') function! vital#_unite#Data#String#import() abort return map({'starts_with': '', 'split3': '', 'replace_first': '', 'chop': '', 'unescape': '', 'split_posix_text': '', 'replace': '', 'scan': '', 'strwidthpart': '', 'common_head': '', 'reverse': '', 'escape_pattern': '', 'trim_end': '', '_vital_depends': '', 'wrap': '', 'join_posix_lines': '', 'contains_multibyte': '', 'truncate_skipping': '', 'split_leftright': '', 'ends_with': '', 'nsplit': '', 'strwidthpart_reverse': '', 'unescape_pattern': '', 'levenshtein_distance': '', 'trim_start': '', 'justify_equal_spacing': '', 'nr2hex': '', 'iconv': '', 'pad_left': '', 'nr2enc_char': '', 'lines': '', 'repair_posix_text': '', 'nr2byte': '', 'trim': '', 'diffidx': '', 'truncate': '', 'split_by_displaywidth': '', '_vital_created': '', 'padding_by_displaywidth': '', 'hash': '', 'chomp': '', 'pad_between_letters': '', 'dstring': '', 'pad_both_sides': '', 'substitute_last': '', 'pad_right': '', 'remove_ansi_sequences': '', '_vital_loaded': ''}, 'function("s:" . v:key)') endfunction else function! s:_SID() abort return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze__SID$') endfunction execute join(['function! vital#_unite#Data#String#import() abort', printf("return map({'starts_with': '', 'split3': '', 'replace_first': '', 'chop': '', 'unescape': '', 'split_posix_text': '', 'replace': '', 'scan': '', 'strwidthpart': '', 'common_head': '', 'reverse': '', 'escape_pattern': '', 'trim_end': '', '_vital_depends': '', 'wrap': '', 'join_posix_lines': '', 'contains_multibyte': '', 'truncate_skipping': '', 'split_leftright': '', 'ends_with': '', 'nsplit': '', 'strwidthpart_reverse': '', 'unescape_pattern': '', 'levenshtein_distance': '', 'trim_start': '', 'justify_equal_spacing': '', 'nr2hex': '', 'iconv': '', 'pad_left': '', 'nr2enc_char': '', 'lines': '', 'repair_posix_text': '', 'nr2byte': '', 'trim': '', 'diffidx': '', 'truncate': '', 'split_by_displaywidth': '', '_vital_created': '', 'padding_by_displaywidth': '', 'hash': '', 'chomp': '', 'pad_between_letters': '', 'dstring': '', 'pad_both_sides': '', 'substitute_last': '', 'pad_right': '', 'remove_ansi_sequences': '', '_vital_loaded': ''}, \"function('<SNR>%s_' . v:key)\")", s:_SID()), 'endfunction'], "\n") delfunction s:_SID endif " ___vital___ " Utilities for string. let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! s:_vital_loaded(V) abort let s:V = a:V let s:L = s:V.import('Data.List') endfunction function! s:_vital_depends() abort return ['Data.List'] endfunction function! s:_vital_created(module) abort " Expose script-local funcref if exists('s:strchars') let a:module.strchars = s:strchars endif if exists('s:wcswidth') let a:module.wcswidth = s:wcswidth endif endfunction " Substitute a:from => a:to by string. " To substitute by pattern, use substitute() instead. function! s:replace(str, from, to) abort return s:_replace(a:str, a:from, a:to, 'g') endfunction " Substitute a:from => a:to only once. " cf. s:replace() function! s:replace_first(str, from, to) abort return s:_replace(a:str, a:from, a:to, '') endfunction " implement of replace() and replace_first() function! s:_replace(str, from, to, flags) abort return substitute(a:str, '\V'.escape(a:from, '\'), escape(a:to, '\'), a:flags) endfunction function! s:scan(str, pattern) abort let list = [] call substitute(a:str, a:pattern, '\=add(list, submatch(0)) == [] ? "" : ""', 'g') return list endfunction function! s:reverse(str) abort return join(reverse(split(a:str, '.\zs')), '') endfunction function! s:starts_with(str, prefix) abort return stridx(a:str, a:prefix) == 0 endfunction function! s:ends_with(str, suffix) abort let idx = strridx(a:str, a:suffix) return 0 <= idx && idx + len(a:suffix) == len(a:str) endfunction function! s:common_head(strs) abort if empty(a:strs) return '' endif let len = len(a:strs) if len == 1 return a:strs[0] endif let strs = len == 2 ? a:strs : sort(copy(a:strs)) let pat = substitute(strs[0], '.', '\="[" . escape(submatch(0), "^\\") . "]"', 'g') return pat ==# '' ? '' : matchstr(strs[-1], '\C^\%[' . pat . ']') endfunction " Split to two elements of List. ([left, right]) " e.g.: s:split3('neocomplcache', 'compl') returns ['neo', 'compl', 'cache'] function! s:split_leftright(expr, pattern) abort let [left, _, right] = s:split3(a:expr, a:pattern) return [left, right] endfunction function! s:split3(expr, pattern) abort let ERROR = ['', '', ''] if a:expr ==# '' || a:pattern ==# '' return ERROR endif let begin = match(a:expr, a:pattern) if begin is -1 return ERROR endif let end = matchend(a:expr, a:pattern) let left = begin <=# 0 ? '' : a:expr[: begin - 1] let right = a:expr[end :] return [left, a:expr[begin : end-1], right] endfunction " Slices into strings determines the number of substrings. " e.g.: s:nsplit("neo compl cache", 2, '\s') returns ['neo', 'compl cache'] function! s:nsplit(expr, n, ...) abort let pattern = get(a:000, 0, '\s') let keepempty = get(a:000, 1, 1) let ret = [] let expr = a:expr if a:n <= 1 return [expr] endif while 1 let pos = match(expr, pattern) if pos == -1 if expr !~ pattern || keepempty call add(ret, expr) endif break elseif pos >= 0 let left = pos > 0 ? expr[:pos-1] : '' if pos > 0 || keepempty call add(ret, left) endif let ml = len(matchstr(expr, pattern)) if pos == 0 && ml == 0 let pos = 1 endif let expr = expr[pos+ml :] endif if len(expr) == 0 break endif if len(ret) == a:n - 1 call add(ret, expr) break endif endwhile return ret endfunction " Returns the number of character in a:str. " NOTE: This returns proper value " even if a:str contains multibyte character(s). " s:strchars(str) {{{ if exists('*strchars') let s:strchars = function('strchars') else function! s:strchars(str) abort return strlen(substitute(copy(a:str), '.', 'x', 'g')) endfunction endif "}}} " Returns the bool of contains any multibyte character in s:str function! s:contains_multibyte(str) abort "{{{ return strlen(a:str) != s:strchars(a:str) endfunction "}}} " Remove last character from a:str. " NOTE: This returns proper value " even if a:str contains multibyte character(s). function! s:chop(str) abort "{{{ return substitute(a:str, '.$', '', '') endfunction "}}} " Remove last \r,\n,\r\n from a:str. function! s:chomp(str) abort "{{{ return substitute(a:str, '\%(\r\n\|[\r\n]\)$', '', '') endfunction "}}} " wrap() and its internal functions " * _split_by_wcswidth_once() " * _split_by_wcswidth() " * _concat() " * wrap() " " NOTE _concat() is just a copy of Data.List.concat(). " FIXME don't repeat yourself function! s:_split_by_wcswidth_once(body, x) abort let fst = s:strwidthpart(a:body, a:x) let snd = s:strwidthpart_reverse(a:body, s:wcswidth(a:body) - s:wcswidth(fst)) return [fst, snd] endfunction function! s:_split_by_wcswidth(body, x) abort let memo = [] let body = a:body while s:wcswidth(body) > a:x let [tmp, body] = s:_split_by_wcswidth_once(body, a:x) call add(memo, tmp) endwhile call add(memo, body) return memo endfunction function! s:trim(str) abort return matchstr(a:str,'^\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*$') endfunction function! s:trim_start(str) abort return matchstr(a:str,'^\s*\zs.\{-}$') endfunction function! s:trim_end(str) abort return matchstr(a:str,'^.\{-}\ze\s*$') endfunction function! s:wrap(str,...) abort let _columns = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : &columns return s:L.concat( \ map(split(a:str, '\r\n\|[\r\n]'), 's:_split_by_wcswidth(v:val, _columns - 1)')) endfunction function! s:nr2byte(nr) abort if a:nr < 0x80 return nr2char(a:nr) elseif a:nr < 0x800 return nr2char(a:nr/64+192).nr2char(a:nr%64+128) else return nr2char(a:nr/4096%16+224).nr2char(a:nr/64%64+128).nr2char(a:nr%64+128) endif endfunction function! s:nr2enc_char(charcode) abort if &encoding ==# 'utf-8' return nr2char(a:charcode) endif let char = s:nr2byte(a:charcode) if strlen(char) > 1 let char = strtrans(iconv(char, 'utf-8', &encoding)) endif return char endfunction function! s:nr2hex(nr) abort let n = a:nr let r = '' while n let r = '0123456789ABCDEF'[n % 16] . r let n = n / 16 endwhile return r endfunction " If a ==# b, returns -1. " If a !=# b, returns first index of different character. function! s:diffidx(a, b) abort return a:a ==# a:b ? -1 : strlen(s:common_head([a:a, a:b])) endfunction function! s:substitute_last(expr, pat, sub) abort return substitute(a:expr, printf('.*\zs%s', a:pat), a:sub, '') endfunction function! s:dstring(expr) abort let x = substitute(string(a:expr), "^'\\|'$", '', 'g') let x = substitute(x, "''", "'", 'g') return printf('"%s"', escape(x, '"')) endfunction function! s:lines(str) abort return split(a:str, '\r\?\n') endfunction function! s:_pad_with_char(str, left, right, char) abort return repeat(a:char, a:left). a:str. repeat(a:char, a:right) endfunction function! s:pad_left(str, width, ...) abort let char = get(a:, 1, ' ') if strdisplaywidth(char) != 1 throw "vital: Data.String: Can't use non-half-width characters for padding." endif let left = max([0, a:width - strdisplaywidth(a:str)]) return s:_pad_with_char(a:str, left, 0, char) endfunction function! s:pad_right(str, width, ...) abort let char = get(a:, 1, ' ') if strdisplaywidth(char) != 1 throw "vital: Data.String: Can't use non-half-width characters for padding." endif let right = max([0, a:width - strdisplaywidth(a:str)]) return s:_pad_with_char(a:str, 0, right, char) endfunction function! s:pad_both_sides(str, width, ...) abort let char = get(a:, 1, ' ') if strdisplaywidth(char) != 1 throw "vital: Data.String: Can't use non-half-width characters for padding." endif let space = max([0, a:width - strdisplaywidth(a:str)]) let left = space / 2 let right = space - left return s:_pad_with_char(a:str, left, right, char) endfunction function! s:pad_between_letters(str, width, ...) abort let char = get(a:, 1, ' ') if strdisplaywidth(char) != 1 throw "vital: Data.String: Can't use non-half-width characters for padding." endif let letters = split(a:str, '\zs') let each_width = a:width / len(letters) let str = join(map(letters, 's:pad_both_sides(v:val, each_width, char)'), '') if a:width - strdisplaywidth(str) > 0 return char. s:pad_both_sides(str, a:width - 1, char) endif return str endfunction function! s:justify_equal_spacing(str, width, ...) abort let char = get(a:, 1, ' ') if strdisplaywidth(char) != 1 throw "vital: Data.String: Can't use non-half-width characters for padding." endif let letters = split(a:str, '\zs') let first_letter = letters[0] " {width w/o the first letter} / {length w/o the first letter} let each_width = (a:width - strdisplaywidth(first_letter)) / (len(letters) - 1) let remainder = (a:width - strdisplaywidth(first_letter)) % (len(letters) - 1) return first_letter. join(s:L.concat([ \ map(letters[1:remainder], 's:pad_left(v:val, each_width + 1, char)'), \ map(letters[remainder + 1:], 's:pad_left(v:val, each_width, char)') \ ]), '') endfunction function! s:levenshtein_distance(str1, str2) abort let letters1 = split(a:str1, '\zs') let letters2 = split(a:str2, '\zs') let length1 = len(letters1) let length2 = len(letters2) let distances = map(range(1, length1 + 1), 'map(range(1, length2 + 1), ''0'')') for i1 in range(0, length1) let distances[i1][0] = i1 endfor for i2 in range(0, length2) let distances[0][i2] = i2 endfor for i1 in range(1, length1) for i2 in range(1, length2) let cost = (letters1[i1 - 1] ==# letters2[i2 - 1]) ? 0 : 1 let distances[i1][i2] = min([ \ distances[i1 - 1][i2 ] + 1, \ distances[i1 ][i2 - 1] + 1, \ distances[i1 - 1][i2 - 1] + cost, \]) endfor endfor return distances[length1][length2] endfunction function! s:padding_by_displaywidth(expr, width, float) abort let padding_char = ' ' let n = a:width - strdisplaywidth(a:expr) if n <= 0 let n = 0 endif if a:float < 0 return a:expr . repeat(padding_char, n) elseif 0 < a:float return repeat(padding_char, n) . a:expr else if n % 2 is 0 return repeat(padding_char, n / 2) . a:expr . repeat(padding_char, n / 2) else return repeat(padding_char, (n - 1) / 2) . a:expr . repeat(padding_char, (n - 1) / 2) . padding_char endif endif endfunction function! s:split_by_displaywidth(expr, width, float, is_wrap) abort if a:width is 0 return [''] endif let lines = [] let cs = split(a:expr, '\zs') let cs_index = 0 let text = '' while cs_index < len(cs) if cs[cs_index] is# "\n" let text = s:padding_by_displaywidth(text, a:width, a:float) let lines += [text] let text = '' else let w = strdisplaywidth(text . cs[cs_index]) if w < a:width let text .= cs[cs_index] elseif a:width < w let text = s:padding_by_displaywidth(text, a:width, a:float) else let text .= cs[cs_index] endif if a:width <= w let lines += [text] let text = '' if a:is_wrap if a:width < w if a:width < strdisplaywidth(cs[cs_index]) while get(cs, cs_index, "\n") isnot# "\n" let cs_index += 1 endwhile continue else let text = cs[cs_index] endif endif else while get(cs, cs_index, "\n") isnot# "\n" let cs_index += 1 endwhile continue endif endif endif let cs_index += 1 endwhile if !empty(text) let lines += [ s:padding_by_displaywidth(text, a:width, a:float) ] endif return lines endfunction function! s:hash(str) abort if exists('*sha256') return sha256(a:str) else " This gives up sha256ing but just adds up char with index. let sum = 0 for i in range(len(a:str)) let sum += char2nr(a:str[i]) * (i + 1) endfor return printf('%x', sum) endif endfunction function! s:truncate(str, width) abort " Original function is from mattn. " http://github.com/mattn/googlereader-vim/tree/master if a:str =~# '^[\x00-\x7f]*$' return len(a:str) < a:width \ ? printf('%-' . a:width . 's', a:str) \ : strpart(a:str, 0, a:width) endif let ret = a:str let width = s:wcswidth(a:str) if width > a:width let ret = s:strwidthpart(ret, a:width) let width = s:wcswidth(ret) endif if width < a:width let ret .= repeat(' ', a:width - width) endif return ret endfunction function! s:truncate_skipping(str, max, footer_width, separator) abort let width = s:wcswidth(a:str) if width <= a:max let ret = a:str else let header_width = a:max - s:wcswidth(a:separator) - a:footer_width let ret = s:strwidthpart(a:str, header_width) . a:separator \ . s:strwidthpart_reverse(a:str, a:footer_width) endif return s:truncate(ret, a:max) endfunction function! s:strwidthpart(str, width) abort let str = tr(a:str, "\t", ' ') let vcol = a:width + 2 return matchstr(str, '.*\%<' . (vcol < 0 ? 0 : vcol) . 'v') endfunction function! s:strwidthpart_reverse(str, width) abort let str = tr(a:str, "\t", ' ') let vcol = s:wcswidth(str) - a:width return matchstr(str, '\%>' . (vcol < 0 ? 0 : vcol) . 'v.*') endfunction if v:version >= 703 " Use builtin function. let s:wcswidth = function('strwidth') else function! s:wcswidth(str) abort if a:str =~# '^[\x00-\x7f]*$' return strlen(a:str) endif let mx_first = '^\(.\)' let str = a:str let width = 0 while 1 let ucs = char2nr(substitute(str, mx_first, '\1', '')) if ucs == 0 break endif let width += s:_wcwidth(ucs) let str = substitute(str, mx_first, '', '') endwhile return width endfunction " UTF-8 only. function! s:_wcwidth(ucs) abort let ucs = a:ucs if (ucs >= 0x1100 \ && (ucs <= 0x115f \ || ucs == 0x2329 \ || ucs == 0x232a \ || (ucs >= 0x2e80 && ucs <= 0xa4cf \ && ucs != 0x303f) \ || (ucs >= 0xac00 && ucs <= 0xd7a3) \ || (ucs >= 0xf900 && ucs <= 0xfaff) \ || (ucs >= 0xfe30 && ucs <= 0xfe6f) \ || (ucs >= 0xff00 && ucs <= 0xff60) \ || (ucs >= 0xffe0 && ucs <= 0xffe6) \ || (ucs >= 0x20000 && ucs <= 0x2fffd) \ || (ucs >= 0x30000 && ucs <= 0x3fffd) \ )) return 2 endif return 1 endfunction endif function! s:remove_ansi_sequences(text) abort return substitute(a:text, '\e\[\%(\%(\d\+;\)*\d\+\)\?[mK]', '', 'g') endfunction function! s:escape_pattern(str) abort " escape characters for no-magic return escape(a:str, '^$~.*[]\') endfunction function! s:unescape_pattern(str) abort " unescape characters for no-magic return s:unescape(a:str, '^$~.*[]\') endfunction function! s:unescape(str, chars) abort let chars = map(split(a:chars, '\zs'), 'escape(v:val, ''^$~.*[]\'')') return substitute(a:str, '\\\(' . join(chars, '\|') . '\)', '\1', 'g') endfunction function! s:iconv(expr, from, to) abort if a:from ==# '' || a:to ==# '' || a:from ==? a:to return a:expr endif let result = iconv(a:expr, a:from, a:to) return empty(result) ? a:expr : result endfunction " NOTE: " A definition of a TEXT file is "A file that contains characters organized " into one or more lines." " A definition of a LINE is "A sequence of zero or more non- <newline>s " plus a terminating <newline>" " That's why {stdin} always ends with <newline> ideally. However, there are " some programs which does not follow the POSIX rule and a Vim's way to join " List into TEXT; join({text}, "\n"); does not add <newline> to the end of " the last line. " That's why add a trailing <newline> if it does not exist. " REF: " http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap03.html#tag_03_392 " http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap03.html#tag_03_205 " :help split() " NOTE: " it does nothing if the text is a correct POSIX text function! s:repair_posix_text(text, ...) abort let newline = get(a:000, 0, "\n") return a:text =~# '\n$' ? a:text : a:text . newline endfunction " NOTE: " A definition of a TEXT file is "A file that contains characters organized " into one or more lines." " A definition of a LINE is "A sequence of zero or more non- <newline>s " plus a terminating <newline>" " REF: " http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap03.html#tag_03_392 " http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap03.html#tag_03_205 function! s:join_posix_lines(lines, ...) abort let newline = get(a:000, 0, "\n") return join(a:lines, newline) . newline endfunction " NOTE: " A definition of a TEXT file is "A file that contains characters organized " into one or more lines." " A definition of a LINE is "A sequence of zero or more non- <newline>s " plus a terminating <newline>" " TEXT into List; split({text}, '\r\?\n', 1); add an extra empty line at the " end of List because the end of TEXT ends with <newline> and keepempty=1 is " specified. (btw. keepempty=0 cannot be used because it will remove " emptylines in the head and the tail). " That's why removing a trailing <newline> before proceeding to 'split' is required " REF: " http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap03.html#tag_03_392 " http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/basedefs/xbd_chap03.html#tag_03_205 function! s:split_posix_text(text, ...) abort let newline = get(a:000, 0, '\r\?\n') let text = substitute(a:text, newline . '$', '', '') return split(text, newline, 1) endfunction let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim:set et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 tw=0: